Akamai - CDN Cache and no browser cache - caching

For some files we want akamai to cache the files and but prevent browser form caching the resources, so as per their post I added following header:
<add name="Edge-control" value="!no-store,max-age=365d,downstream-ttl=0" />
It is working but now the local proxy has started caching the resources which defeats the purpose.
Adding private to the downstream header should most probably fix the issue, but I couldn't find the syntax for same. Something like:
<add name="Edge-control" value="!no-store,max-age=365d,downstream-ttl=0,private" />

you needed not add these in code. This can be configured in akamai property manager where you can specify which files shouldn't be cached in downstream and make it private too.


enabling caching of js/css files with nodejs/iis7 reverse proxy

I have a nodejs backend, site served through iis7 via reverse proxy as per this website: https://alex.domenici.net/archive/deploying-a-node-js-application-on-windows-iis-using-a-reverse-proxy. In the node app i have a middleware layer to all get requests to cache content, like so
res.set('Cache-control', public, max-age=${period})
When running on my local machine i'm checking the headers via google developer tools and it does look like caching is working properly. When I move it to production, i can't seem get it to work. On IIS i've configured the HTTP Response Headers to expire after 10 days. My web.config looks like so (again per the link above)
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*" />
<clientCache cacheControlMode="UseMaxAge" cacheControlMaxAge="10.00:00:00"/>
</system.webServer> </configuration>
Tried various things without success. The only possible lead i have at this point is from this thread
but i have no idea how to make the suggested change in the web.config file. A couple of notes, im currently just running my node app in the command prompt like so: node app.js, not as node bin/www as suggested in the link (having some odd issues). Also, the site is still very much in development so on ssl. Read that chrome might have some issues with it, but the problem is present in all browser tested (chrome, firefox, etc...)

Routing rules in web service

I have a configuration file. It contains RouteRules and in this element, you add Rules within the Rules tag using the add. Within the add element, it has a From parameter with a certificate line similar to the following:
<add .... From="CN=*.domain.com, O=myorg, etc." />
This is the line I think I can update to include https only, but I am not sure.
From="CN=*.domain.com, O=myorg, etc."
Can I configure this rule to only allow https? I have seen posts that say in IIS you make it accept only https, but this does not seem to be what the customer wants. They believe I can update the config file and enable only https traffic.

What is the proper way to add rewrite rules in an Azure App Service

I want to add re-write rules to my Azure app service, but if I even try create a web.config with a simple rewrite as shown below, the site returns an HTTP 500.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rule name="Test" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="test" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="/index.html" />
What I did is create the web.config from scratch and FTP it into the wwwroot folder for the app service which is where I Ftp'd the rest of my web site files.
I have seen an old conversation about web.config files in Azure, but I'm not even sure if this is in regards to Azure app service - and things change so quickly in Azure that I thought I should ask separately anyways.
I have also seen this link about using web.config transforms. Maybe this is required?
This other link seems to indicate that updating web.config is possible, but their example results in an HTTP 500 for me as well.
I've looked through configuration options in the Azure portal for my app service and nothing seems to jump out at me.
>>”This other link seems to indicate that updating web.config is possible”
Yes, we could update the configuration of Web App by updating Web.config file directly. You could upload a new version of configuration file to wwwroot folder by FTP/WebDeply or any other ways provided by Kudu. Another easy way to edit files in wwwroot folder is using the App Service Editor, you could use it to edit the configuration file.
I can’t reproduce your problem on my side. Following are what I done.
Create a Web App using a Web App Plan with “Shared” SKU.
Create 2 file, a index.html file and a Web.config file. The content in Web.config is same as yours.
Upload these files to wwwroot folder of my web app using FTP.
Open a web browser and input a URL like this “http: // xxx.azurewebsites.net/test”. The web server will return the content of index.html. It proves that the rewrite is working fine.
>>”but their example results in an HTTP 500 for me as well.”
Firstly, please mark sure whether the rewrite is working fine or not. I suggest you view the index.html page directly and check whether the error code(500) comes from index.html page.
Sometimes we provide the wrong syntax for rewrite rule, it will return 500 (URL Rewrite Module Error). Have you enabled Detailed Error Logging and Web Server Logging for your web app. If yes, you could view the detail error message to get more useful information. For how to enable and view diagnostics logging, link below is for your reference.
Enable diagnostics logging for web apps in Azure App Service

"Submit"s don't work after setting up <httpRuntime maxRequestLength />

I needed to upload rather big file(s) to the server, so I added
<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="51200" />
to Web.Config file. After that I managed to upload needed file. But the problem is that after I added <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="51200" /> all other Submits began to result in sending empty http requests to the servers. At least it looks like that (Opera dragonfly showed empty http request, but debugger didn't react to the breakpoint placed inside the controller, which must've happened; and no errors were displayed by opera).
I've got two forms on the same page, so this is why it didn't work. After I removed one, everything started to work.

How to set cache expiry date

Trying to cache a large js file on the client browser. When I check firefox's cache information, it shows the js to expire on 12/31/1969. I'm using IIS6 and have tried adding the following code to the web.config:
<clientCache cacheControlMode="UseMaxAge" cacheControlMaxAge="30.00:00:00" />
Still the same. How can I get the browser to cache this file?
In IIS, right click on your Site node and click Properties. Go to the HTTP Headers tab, tick Enable content expiration and set an expiry time.
You may have to configure that in IIS, I'm not sure that IIS6 honors that web.config setting like IIS7 does.
