GCM response results is not having "Not Registered IDS" list - ruby

I am using curl to send push notifications using GCM. Here it is as follows:
curl --header 'Authorization: key=myAPiKey' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' https://android.googleapis.com/gcm/send -d '{"registration_ids":["registration_ids"], "collapse_key": "Turn", "data": { "title": "fdsfdsfsdfd","body": "fdsf dsf sd fsd fds fds fds", "badge": "1" , "content_available": 1 ,"url": "#/app/home"} }'
In reposnse I am getting as :
I am not getting registration_ids that are not registered. How Can I do this. I want this in curl only as i am using ruby 1.8.6 application.
Please help me on this


Send data to API containing special characters

I am trying to send JSON data containing a mac address to an api using this command:
$value={ "pcModel": "KAT12", "displayType": "DELL U2311H", "graphicsType": "Microsoft Remote Display Adapter", "displayServiceTag": "HV8XP08Q079L", "ipAddress": "", "recDate": "2022-10-06 16:57:55", "serviceTag": "18LQ9X1;Diskwear:(4.91TBW ; 15393 Hours)", "wolMode": "lanwithpxeboot;CC:101010-0118ZH;os:Ubuntu", "sleepState": "disable", "macAddress": "90:B1:1C:8E:D5:11", "hostName": "CI-KR95-05", "diskMode": "raid", "diskType": "Samsung SSD 850 PRO 512GB;TBW+Hrs:(4.91TB;15393 HrH) ;Clock:3.4GHz;Max Clock:3.67GHz(108%);RAM:32GB" }
curl -X "PUT" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Token 62d85330rf562c4cd6c1fb1a64d1" -d "$value" --url "https://my_api.org/api/inventory/84:2b:2b:a0:0s2:18
but I get the following answer:
user#ubuntu:~$ curl -X "PUT" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Token 62d85df90210cd1a827bc1518c4cd6c1fb1a64d1" -d "$value" --url "https:/my_api/api/inventory/84:2b:2b:a0:0s2:18"
curl: (3) URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL
I tried to escape the ":" colon characters with \ like this
curl -X "PUT" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Token 62d85330rf562c4cd6c1fb1a64d1" -d "$value" --url "https://my_api.org/api/inventory/84\:2b\:2b\:a0\:0s\:18"
but I get no output and it sends nothing.
any Idea how to send this data without having the bad format error?
Thanks a lot
I removed the "?" from $value and added single quotes.
Try this:
value='{ "pcModel": "KAT12", "displayType": "DELL U2311H", "graphicsType": "Microsoft Remote Display Adapter", "displayServiceTag": "HV8XP08Q079L", "ipAddress": "", "recDate": "2022-10-06 16:57:55", "serviceTag": "18LQ9X1;Diskwear:(4.91TBW ; 15393 Hours)", "wolMode": "lanwithpxeboot;CC:101010-0118ZH;os:Ubuntu", "sleepState": "disable", "macAddress": "90:B1:1C:8E:D5:11", "hostName": "CI-KR95-05", "diskMode": "raid", "diskType": "Samsung SSD 850 PRO 512GB;TBW+Hrs:(4.91TB;15393 HrH) ;Clock:3.4GHz;Max Clock:3.67GHz(108%);RAM:32GB" }'
curl -X "PUT" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Token 62d85330rf562c4cd6c1fb1a64d1" -d "$value" --url "https://my_api.org/api/inventory/84:2b:2b:a0:0s2:18"
Didn't your mother teach you how to format?
"pcModel": "KAT12",
"displayType": "DELL U2311H",
"graphicsType": "Microsoft Remote Display Adapter",
"displayServiceTag": "HV8XP08Q079L",
"ipAddress": "",
"recDate": "2022-10-06 16:57:55",
"serviceTag": "18LQ9X1;Diskwear:(4.91TBW ; 15393 Hours)",
"wolMode": "lanwithpxeboot;CC:101010-0118ZH;os:Ubuntu",
"sleepState": "disable",
"macAddress": "90:B1:1C:8E:D5:11",
"hostName": "CI-KR95-05",
"diskMode": "raid",
"diskType": "Samsung SSD 850 PRO 512GB;TBW+Hrs:(4.91TB;15393 HrH) ;Clock:3.4GHz;Max Clock:3.67GHz(108%);RAM:32GB"
$value is not a legal variable name in bash for declaration, only when you want to look it up. use value=
Also, you are missing a " after the URL.
$ curl "http:/cake.com/nom-nom
> "
curl: (3) URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL
The protocol schema is followed by colon-slash-slash ://. so you need one more:
Maybe you want to read the URL rfc:
2.1.2 Improper use of "//" following ":"
Contrary to some examples set in past years, the use of double
slashes as the first component of the of a URL
is not simply an artistic indicator that what follows is a URL:
Double slashes are used ONLY when the syntax of the URL's contains a hierarchical structure as described in RFC
2396. In URLs from such schemes, the use of double slashes indicates that what follows is the top hierarchical element for a
naming authority. (See section 3 of RFC 2396 for more details.)
URL schemes which do not contain a conformant hierarchical
structure in their should not use double
slashes following the ":" string.
Thanks for your answers.
I found the reasons why my code was not updating the API
1 - I needed to specify the "Content-Type: "application/json" parameter to tell the API that the data sent hat JSON format otherwise I saw in verbose mode that the data has a "x-www-form-urlencoded" format that the API can't understand.
2 - The data sent with curl must accept a value with the format like this
"pcModel": "KAT12",
"displayType": "DELL U2311H",
"diskType": "Samsung SSD .."
3 - The curl request must be sent with double quotes around the url and the data ""
So the end request looks like this:
curl -k -X "PUT" -H "Content-Type: application/json"\
-H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Token 62d85df902101828g84kc4cd6c1fb1a64d1" \
--url "https://my_api.org/api/inventory/84:2b:2b:a0:0s2:18" \
-d "$value"

Bash script - cURL with variables

I'm trying to get a cURL script to input my variables in a --data section. I'm fairly new to this, but it's just inserting the variables names.
The background is this script is called to hit an API in our ticketing system to create a new job. I am finding the ticket that is created has the subject "${DESCRIPTION}" and not "problem description".
# This will log a ticket in Ticketing System
DESCRIPTION='Problem Description'
SUBJECT='Problem Subject'
curl --location --request POST 'https://XXXXX.domain.com/helpdesk/tickets.json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' \
--data '{
"description": "${DESCRIPTION}",
"subject": "${SUBJECT}",
"email": "email#domain.com",
"priority": 1,
"status": 2
"cc_emails": ""
As per always, got this working just after I posted....
The solution was to wrap the variable in "'".
# This will log a ticket in Ticketing System
DESCRIPTION='Problem Description'
SUBJECT='Problem Subject'
curl --location --request POST 'https://XXXXX.domain.com/helpdesk/tickets.json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' \
--data '{
"description": "'"$DESCRIPTION"'",
"subject": "'"$SUBJECT"'",
"email": "email#domain.com",
"priority": 1,
"status": 2
"cc_emails": ""

curl: 400 Bad Request. The browser (or proxy) sent a request that this server could not understand

I'm getting "400 Bad Request. The browser (or proxy) sent a request that this server could not understand." for the curl command. Curl command is as below, can someone please help?
curl -X POST https://dnsname/api/scan \
-H "authorization: Bearer $token" \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{"projVer": "dev", "language": "java",
"payloadFile":"$payload_file", "emailList": "myemail#mail.com"}'
Looks like quotes problem. Look at Using curl POST with variables defined in bash script functions
curl -X POST https://dnsname/api/scan \
-H "authorization: Bearer $token" \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{"projVer": "dev", "language": "java",
"payloadFile":"'"$payload_file"'", "emailList": "myemail#mail.com"}'

Checkout.com returns error invalid payment currency

I'm working on the Checkout.com API integration for golang.
I chose checkout.com for several alternative providers like Sofort and iDEAL. There are a good documentation for both of them:
but code from the example returns the same error
curl https://sandbox.checkout.com/api2/v2/tokens/payment \
-H "Authorization: sk_test_..." \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"email" : "test#email.com",
"value": 1000,
"currency": "EUR",
"chargeMode": "3",
"successUrl": "http://mycustomerurl.com/order?result=pass",
"failUrl": "http://mycustomerurl.com/order?result=fail"
after this payment token is used for
curl https://sandbox.checkout.com/api2/v2/charges/localpayment \
-H "Authorization: sk_test_..." \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"email" : "test#email.com",
"localPayment" : {
"lppId" : "lpp_14",
"userData" : {}
"paymentToken" : "pay_tok_7A0B43FF-C418-4C54-811D-704279BB5AAA"
and here we are
{"errorCode":"81001","message":"Invalid payment currency","eventId":"11e5a092-425e-4db9-910e-f26024a0e007"}
To be able to test alternative payment methods these methods would need to be enabled on your Checkout.com Sandbox account. Only card payments are enabled by default.
To do so you need to get in touch with Checkout.com's support team and they will do the required configuration on your account.

Can I define an object as a variable in a shell script?

I know how to store a string as a variable, for example: API="http://localhost:4741"
However, for the sake of a CURL request I would like to be able to store on object as a variable that I can access values on, something like OBJ="{name : Joe}". Is this possible?
Right now my CURL request looks like this:
curl --include --request POST localhost:3000/scrape \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"url": "http://www.oddsshark.com/stats/gamelog/basketball/nba/20736",
"team": "LA Clippers"
I would like to be able to do something like this, using a dictionary or an object:
TEAM=( ["Clippers"]="http://www.oddsshark.com/stats/gamelog/basketball/nba/20736" )
curl --include --request POST localhost:3000/scrape \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"url": "http://www.oddsshark.com/stats/gamelog/basketball/nba/20736",
"team": "${TEAM[Clippers]}"
