I am looking for scope of DBUnit TestCase. Can Spring DAO Layer methods be tested using using DBUnit? My perception is that JUnit should be used for Spring DAO Layer test cases. DBUnit test cases scope would be to verify Database Table Structure and Master Table Data. Can anything else be covered in DBUnit Framework Test cases?
Can Spring DAO Layer methods be tested using using DBUnit?
My perception is that JUnit should be used for Spring DAO Layer test cases. DBUnit test cases scope would be to verify Database Table Structure and Master Table Data.
dbUnit is a JUnit test extension. Not sure why you think of dbUnit this way.
It can verify tables contain data but that's to verify a CRUD operation.
Can anything else be covered in DBUnit Framework Test cases?
Yes, lots. Use dbUnit to test all DAO CRUD operations:
C: dbUnit verifies correct table contents from the insert(s) (having correct field contents) and cleans table(s) afterwards
R: dbUnit seeds the data for the query test and cleans table(s) afterwards
U: dbUnit seeds the data for the update test, verifies correct table contents for the update(s) (having correct updated field values), and cleans table(s) afterwards
D: dbUnit seeds the data for the delete test, verifies correct table contents from the delete(s) (rows no longer exist), and cleans table(s) afterwards
I need to truncate all database tables after each test. Is there a way to do so or at least a database agnostic way to get all table names so that they can be truncated.
Any other alternatives are welcome. But keep in mind #Transactional and #Rollback will not help as I'm dealing with integration tests which fire http request on the server.
I think you're going to struggle to truncate tables in a simple, database-agnostic way. For example, what do you do about foreign key constraints? Some DBs will let you just truncate the tables in the correct order, leaving you with the problem of how to define that order. But if I recall correctly, some won't let you truncate tables with foreign key constraints at all, even if empty. Then you need to use some DB-specific DDL to disable the constraints, or worse, drop and recreate them.
You are also ruling out parallelising your integration tests if you take this approach.
I've always found a better approach is to make each test clear up just the data that it created. For example, for your create API, you may be able to register a listener that records the IDs of all created entities in your test code, then on teardown you can just reverse iterate this list of IDs, calling your delete API. The downside of this approach is that you may need to implement APIs that your application doesn't actually need, just to support the tests. However these can then be disabled by a flag on deployment to production.
I read this property from a text file and add the 2 hibernate properties in the if statement which rebuilds the database every time I execute my project, perhaps this can help you?
if (environment.getProperty("dbReset").compareTo("ON") == 0)
properties.put("hbm2ddl.auto", "create");
properties.put("hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto", "create");
I am using a Spring Data Repository interface to retrieve data from DB2 (z/OS). I have a couple of methods that rely on the method signatues and one that relies on an explicit #Query.
How do I make the SQL generated have the "WITH UR" clause?
I added #Transactional(isolation=Isolation.READ_UNCOMMITTED) on the line above the #Query annotation and also above the two methods but it doesn't seem to append the clause to the generated SQL.
I have the following problem: I am working on a spring-boot application which offers REST services and use a relational (SQL) database using spring-data-jpa.
I have two REST services:
- a entity-creation service, which create the child-entity, the parent-entity and associate them in a same transaction. When this service ends, the data are committed into the database.
- an entity consultation service, which get back the parent-entity with its children
These two services are annotated with the #Transactional annotation. It production case, it works well: I can create an parent-entity with its children in one transaction (which is commited/ended), and get it in another transaction latter.
The problem is when I want to create integration-tests. My idea was to annotate each test with the #Transactional annotation, and do a rollback after each test. This way I keep my database clean between each test, and I don't have a generate the schema again or clean all the records in the database.
The integration test consists in creating a parent and its children and then reading it, everything in one transaction (as the test is annotated with #Transaction). When reading the entity previously created in the same transaction, I can get the parent entity, but the children are not fetched (null value). I am not sure to understand very well the transaction mechanism: I was thinking that using the #Transactional on the test method, the services (annotated with "#Transactional") invoked by this test should detect and use the same transaction opened by the test method (the propagation is configured to "REQUIRED"). Hence as the transaction uses the same EntityManager, this one should be able to return the relation between the parent entity and its children created previously in the same transaction, even if the data has not been committed to the database. The strange thing is that it retrieve the parent entity (which has not been yet committed into the database), but not its children. Is my understanding of the transaction concept correct? If not, could someone explains me what am I missing?
Also, if someone did something similar, could he explain me how he did it please?
My code is quite complex. I first want to know if I understand well how are transaction managed and if someone already did something similar. If really it is required, I can send more information about my implementation (how the transaction-manager and the entity-manager are initialized, the JPA entities, the services etc...)
Binding the Entity-manager in my test and calling its flush method from my test,between the creation and the reading, the reading operation works well: I get the parent entity with its children. But the data are written into the database during the creation to read it latter during the read operation. And I don't want the transaction to be committed as I need my test to work on an empty database. My misunderstanding is not so much about the Transaction mechanism, but more about the entity-manager: it does not keep as a cache the entities created and theirs relations...
This post help me.
Issue with #Transactional annotations in Spring JPA
As a final word, I am thinking about calling an SQL script before each test to empty my database.
Given that we're using eclipselink on oracle database:
1. we have some data from table A cached in JPA cache
2. we're calling a stored procedure, which modifies data in table A
Will be the JPA cache informed (through database event) that the data in table A changed (will it be invalidated)?
No, JPA is unaware of any changes made to the database outside of JPA queries, or through other persistence contexts, or even the same contexts on different JVMs. There are many ways to deal with this though, such as invalidating and managing the cache yourself:
Or registering EclipseLink with the database to listen for change events:
You might be better of though just making the changes through JPA where ever possible.
SQL Developer supports unit testing of DML but I've not found a way to create unit tests for DDL. What would be a good approach to this problem? The schema I'm starting with is small, less than a dozen tables with larger projects on the horizon. Google isn't returning much to the application of unit tests to DDL. Any ideas on an approach to testing DDL or other tools that exist for unit testing DDL?
What do you want to test about DDL? Either the table is created as defined or it is not.
What you could do is write a series of tests that queries the Data Dictionary to ensure the tables are present, have the columns with the sizes and datatype you want etc. This would be more of a schema verification script than unit tests however, and I am not sure how valuable it would be.
If you maintain a schema build script (or a series of migrations to add new objects to add objects to your schema), then if it applies without errors you know the schema has been created as it was defined.
Then if you have stored procedures, some of them will fail to compile if the schema is not 100% correct. Getting the procedures in cleanly would be another verification step for the schema.
Finally, the unit tests that you write to test the DML and stored procedures will verify that the correct data goes into the correct tables.
You might want some tests to ensure that a table can only accept certain values or columns can be unique etc (ie test the constraints are correct) but that would be down to standard unit tests too.
I am a big believer in writing unit tests for DB code, but I don't like SQL Developers GUI approach of doing it. Right now I am writing tests for an application, but I am coding the tests in Ruby and it seems to be working well. It will also be easily built into our build and automated test process.
Another alternative is UT_PLSQL which I have used before, however simply due to the nature of PLSQL is makes the tests very verbose, which is why I decided to use Ruby for my current project.
I know this is an older question, but I've recently been working to solve the same problem. I think it's useful to define tests for DDL prior to creating objects and then creating those objects to pass those tests.
I've done some of this using an assert "pattern" -- i.e., tdd.ddlunit.assert_tableexists(p_schema_name, p_table_name) which raises an exception if the table doesn't exist, and silently runs when it does.
Other assertions I've created are for things like making sure all varchar2 columns use character semantics instead of byte length semantics, and making sure all tables and columns are commented.
These get checked in to the code repository and can be run via continuous integration frameworks to make sure we have a valid database per what we expect.