Position Buttons inside UIStackView - swift2

This sounds like a really simple issue but somehow I do not know how to easily solve it. Inside one row (UIStackView horizontal), I am trying to place two buttons (Cancel and OK) so that Cancel button will be at 1/4 (of the whole length) from left and Ok will be at the 3/4 (of the whole length) from left. I would like the buttons to be fixed length and not stretching to occupy the whole row.
Is there a way to solve it with just one UIStackView with 2 buttons? I am sure there a lots of alternatives (programing a view / use 3 UIStackViews).

hope you can find an easy way using equalWidthconstraints instead for UIStackView.
1. You should place both buttons in a sam line.and make sure both button's width are same .
2.then you select both buttons and put EqualWidthConstraint.
3.After that pin the left button with top,left and right .
4.pin the right button with right,top spaces,
5.then you double click on the equalwidthconstraints and give Multiplier as you needed ; like 1:4,3:4 something like that. Thank you


ZedGraph scrolling left truncates data

I am using a ZedGraphControl in a WindowsForms project in C#. The ZedGraphControl is V5.1.5.
The data in the control is static and I add it all before the form is shown. The X axis of the data consists of numbers indicating seconds offset from the beginning. in other words from 0 to some number of seconds.
I want to initially show the last 5 seconds, but provide a horizontal scrollbar so the user can scroll back and forth. I set the "graphPane.XAxis.Scale.Max = maxX;" where maxX is the largest X value in my data. I set the "graphPane.XAxis.Scale.Min = maxX - 5;".
The data starts off displaying the way I want it, but when the user scrolls the horizontal bar, bizzar behavior occurs.
As you drag the thumb of the scrollbar to the left, the beginning of the data shown in the grid moves to the lower values as expected, and the thumb of the scrollbar moves to the left, but the right edge of the thumb stays at the right of the scrollbar and you cannot move back to the right. It is as if the data to the right of the viewing range gets truncated as you scroll left.
I cannot find any reason for this nor any way to control it. Does anyone have any ideas about this behavior?
Ok, found it myself.
I found a fine article that describes scrolling:
Add a ScrollBar
In it the author specifically says "the scrolling will be wacky because the scrollable range has not been set".
I used the sample "Manually Setting the Scroll Range" and the part that I was missing is setting the zedGraphControl1.ScrollMinX and zedGraphControl1.ScrollMaxX properties. Once I defined these values everything started working as expected. I also found that in my case, the value of zedGraphControl1.IsAutoScrollRange had no effect, but I left it set to false to be consistent with the example. This would probably have an effect if the dataset is dynamic.

Windows Phone: find the VerticalOffset of a button

In Windows phone, how do I find the VerticalOffset of a button? I have a ScrollView with a bunch of content. I want to use ScrollViewer.ScrollToVerticalOffset to get to a specific point (a button), but don't know how to get the position of that point.
if you have both items, you should be able to use TransformToVisual to get the location of one control relative to another, then use that to scroll
see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.media.visual.transformtovisual.aspx
This is how I get the x and y coordinates of two buttons in my app and move them. Maybe you can do something similar:
Canvas.SetLeft(imUp, Canvas.GetLeft(imUp) + offsetX);
Canvas.SetLeft(imDown, Canvas.GetLeft(imDown) + offsetX);

is there a trick to working with multiple visual studio panel objects at design time

Is there some sort of shortcut key that I am missing here for swapping panels around in the form editor of vs2010?
I have numerous panels which are swapped at runtime according to an enum "toggle" value and the only way I seem to be able to move them back and forth is to make one panel smaller than another and right click it. Half the time I end up selecting some other object in the action of trying to right my panels.
I figured there must be something i'm missing here.
there are icons on the layout toolbar for this task. I pick the panel in properties and move it around with those. Way easier than right clicking and hoping for the best.
edit: although sometimes the buttons are not enabled when you need them to be. Still right clicking a resize handle adorner dot will pop up the context menu where you can then choose to move back/forward.
I still wish there was some key combo I could press. Hitting the 4px of display area that the adorner dot occupies on my screen is sort of a dexterity test of sorts and slows me down.

Idioms for a three-state toggle?

I have a table column where each row has one of three states, and the purpose of the row is to offer manipulation AND display of this property with three states.
My current development view is to have three tightly packed radio buttons with labels at the head of the columns (and every 50 rows or so) and onClick they send an AJAX request and thar she blows.
This is fugly.
Is there a standard idiom for a control like this? I'm currently mocking up something similar to the iPhone on/off toggle, but with a "middle" state.
Any input would be welcome.
A bit more clarification: I have a tool for confirming events. Each event is either "proposed", "cancelled", or "confirmed". They all default to "proposed" until someone explicitly confirms or cancels them. This is a thin front-end for a SQL table.
I've seen this handled with image buttons that remain "depressed" when you click while popping the other two out. They act like radio buttons except that the label and the state are merged. If your names are too lengthy to fit in a button, you can abbreviate them and provide a key. I'd also give each one a distinct color. For implementation just pop the value in a hidden form field on click.
These are called "Toggle Buttons" in some other UI's:
The standard mechanization for things like this in military avionics, where screen space is always at a premium,and so are buttons, is a "rotary". Each time you click it, it steps to the next value in sequence, wrapping around.
As an example, a device with a cryogenic cooler might have three states: OFF, WARM, and COOL. Initially, the device is OFF: no power applied. Click it, and it switches to WARM, meaning power is applied, but no cooling. Click it again, and it starts the cooler. (Since cooling in this kind of thing is usually supplied by a gas bottle with a strictly limited capacity, you don't want to cool the device until you are getting ready to party.) Click it again, and it shuts the device OFF.
You could also do this with buttons or hyperlinks. In a big table, hyperlinks will probably look best.
In the Proposed state, your cell could look something like this (with underlined links, but the editor won't let me):
Proposed Confirm Cancel
In the Confirmed state:
Confirmed Undo
In the Cancelled state:
Cancelled Undo
This will take two clicks to get from Confirmed to Cancelled and vice versa, but I assume that this operation is rarer than switching between Proposed and one of the other two.
Perhaps display arrows on either side to change the state:
(Cancelled) <| Proposed |> (Confirmed)
These may or may not 'wrap' depending on how well that suits the values and how important it is to saving a click when transitioning from value 1 to value 3 (or vice-versa).
As an alternative to you radio buttons, you could consider a drop-down list with three options. The disadvantage is, of course, that two clicks are needed to change the value.
Maybe use a slider with three states? (It really depends on the exact situation!)
Consider a fixed-position slider with three positions, such as offered by jQueryUI: http://jqueryui.com/demos/slider/#steps
I am reminded of the permissions button in SQL - it has multiple states; green check, red x, no setting, and clicking on them cycles through the three states. Its ok but annoying if you want to change a bunch to the state reached second, and if you click too many times you have to go through it all again. Left click - cycle forward; right click - cycle backward might work but certainly has no basis in UI expectations.
Idiomatically, I would say a Stop Light (red/yellow/green). They could behave like radio buttons; darker toned for 'off' and lighter tones for 'on', and since the color gives a cue you can move the description to a mouseover label. Of course, it isn't RG Colorblind kosher, so depending on your application that may be a deal breaker. (also, it may be confusing on Mac where the minimize/close etc buttons are the same color scheme).
Why not use three boxes that look like the "Questions", "Tags", "Users", ... boxes on this page (could be implemented as links, buttons or whatever)?

Command buttons order, Windows CRUD UI

I've found many answers, here or inside MS' UI guidelines, regarding button positioning, but none about how to position (in which order) buttons when you have three actions to do, New, Edit and Delete.
I have a simple UI, in the upper part I placed a grid listing some data. Beneath, these three buttons. Following what I see around, I have to place them in this order:
New - Edit - Delete
But it seems to me that the delete button is more prevalent and easier to reach and click than the others (it falls on the lower-right corner of my window).
Any suggestion?
I think the order you cite (New - Edit - Delete) is most common because you would logically tab order from left to right when using the keyboard. New would arguably be the most used button (possibly edit depending on the application, but rarely delete) and therefore you wold want the fewest tabs to get to the New button.
Column layouts are always good for these kind of buttons, as one has to move the cursor into the button area, which is horizontally slight and therefore less likely to be accidentally clicked.
Also it provides a perceived division from the main GUI widgets, instead of spanning their length, which tends to create less of a perceived division in the user's mind.
But if you do not wish to change the overall layout, I would say that your current layout is good. Maybe add a delete confirmation box if one is not already present.
