Web Application Manager for Spring Boot MVC jar - display all jars - spring

I am quite new to Spring boot and I have just created a small spring boot mvc web application as a jar.
Is there some kind of Web Application Manager like with Tomcat, where one can stop or undeploy/delete?
Or do I have to manually upload the jar to my server and manually type in the console java -jar myFile.jar?
How do I stop/restart my jar web application?
How do I display/list all my active running jar web applications?
Any help is appreciated!

Is there some kind of Web Application Manager like with Tomcat, where one can stop or undeploy/delete?
Nope. There isn't and you actually don't need one. As mentioned in comment by Shankar do read this question.
Or do I have to manually upload the jar to my server and manually type in the console java -jar myFile.jar?
You don't upload you myFile.jar application to tomcat, spring-boot has embedded Tomcat server. When you run java -jar myFile.jar sringboot apliication starts this embedded tomcat server and runs your application in it.
How do I stop/restart my jar web application?
You can simply kill the java -jar myFile.jar process by pressing Ctlr + C.
How do I display/list all my active running jar web applications?
Each Springboot application has its own embedded tomcat server, so this is N/A.
Now if you want to deploy your spring boot application in standalone Tomcat server where you can see the GUI, app manager, start/stop etc. create a WAR file instead of JAR.
Read this Guide on converting jar-to-war.
In short, creating a WAR file answers all your questions.


Does every spring boot application create a tomcat container to be able to run?

For example,
I understand adding specific dependencies like spring-boot-starter-web that contains tomcat as transitive dependency triggers the spring framework to initialize tomcat container but I want to know if we say a spring-boot application is running, does it imply always that tomcat is also running?
I want to know if we say a spring-boot application is running, does it imply always that tomcat is also running?
No, it doesn't.
Spring boot can be used for both web applications and non-web applications.
For web applications you can use tomcat/jetty/undertow/netty for example, its up to you to chose what works for you the best.
If you don't want to run an embedded version of the web server you can opt for creating a WAR file and place it into the web server prepared in-advance.
If you don't want to run web application at all (something that is built around "Request - Response" way of work in the most broad sense) - you can create a "CommandLineRunner" - in this case you don't need to depend on neither web-mvc nor webflux. For more information about Command Line Runners read here for example
You can have an embedded server in your JAR that is able to be run on its own. By default it is Tomcat but you can change this to others, like Jetty. Additional details:
If you don't want to have an embedded server and you want to deploy your application you can also create WAR files instead of JAR files. Additional details:

How to convert a java/weblogic/ANT application into a spring boot/maven application?

We have a a java/jsp servlet application running on weblogic today.
I would like to convert this application to a spring-boot application?
The app uses ANT for build and i would like to also figure out all jar dependecies and convert this app to a maven application.
I also have standalone java applications running on commandline triggered by a cron job that i would like to do the same .
Please advise on how I ca do this.

Can I configure SpringBoot app to run on a tomcat that is added to eclipse IDE in its servers tab?

I am trying to create a spring boot web app. But i dont want to create a jar out of it.
I want to run the web app directly from eclipse on to the tomcat that is added to eclipse via servers tab.
Is it possible? How to achieve it?

The gradle can build runnable jar made by spring boot to war file?

I made my application using spring boot. It use embedded servlet container using tomcat library and run as application. Because I use spring boot annotation in main class for running. I used it in the local, But I have to make this application buidld war file to send the remote server where tomcat instance is listening.
First, I want to ask this gradle plugin I found can to it to generate the war file even if it have a main class and doesn't follow original webapp style
Second, Is there any other gradle plugin to send the war to the remote server and make tomcat redeploy the war file I sent?
Thanks in advance.
It seems to me that you have the answer to your first question in the documentation. Spring Boot war is nothing different from traditional war so I am not sure I understand what you mean. Perhaps Converting a Spring Boot JAR Application to a WAR would help?
For your second question gradle remote deploy war on Google gave me this

How to configure wily with spring boot application

I have created an application as spring boot application,Now i want to integrate this application with wily,where i ll passed wily parameter in application to configure application.
The fact that it's a Spring Boot application shouldn't make any difference. If you're using an executable jar file, you'll need to configure the agent when you launch the jar, for example:
java -jar my-app.jar -javaagent:<Agent_Home>/Agent.jar -Dcom.wily.introscope.agentProfile=<Path_To_Agent_Profile>
If you're deploying your Spring Boot application as a war file to a servlet container or application server, you'll need to be make the equivalent configuration changes. The documentation describes how to configure Tomcat.
