Optimizely Sticky Session - optimizely

I have just tried Optimizely. The problem is it will show different variations to a user. Sometimes we don't expect this behaviour. For example if I change color to red from blue, Optimizely will randomly select between the orginal (blue) and the variation (red) for the same user which is inconsistent. How can I make Optimizely to always show the same variation to a user?

Place the following code in your Experiment JavaScript:
setCookie = function (c_name,value,exdays) {
var exdate=new Date();
exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate() + exdays);
var expires = exdate.toUTCString();
var isIE8 = (document.documentMode !== undefined);
if (exdays == 0) {
expires = (isIE8 == true) ? "" : "0";
var c_value=escape(value) + ((exdays==null) ? "" : "; expires="+expires);
document.cookie=c_name + "=" + c_value;
Within each variant (e.g. Blue Variant, Red Variant, etc.), call setCookie and check whether the cookie exists for a user in that particular variant. If the cookie does exist, then run whatever code you want that particular variant to run. Below is an example of setting a cookie called tester that will expire after 30 days.

Hi there I am an engineer at Optimizely,
You could alternatively try the Fullstack product, which is more developer-oriented. With this you get an SDK that you install with your bundle and you implement your testing logic using code.
npm install optimizely-client-sdk
const optimizely = require('optimizely-client-sdk');
const optimizelyClient = optimizely.createInstance({
datafile: {} // this is your experiment config which you get from the Optimizely UI
const variation = optimizelyClient.activate('color_experiment', 'user_1');
if (variation === 'blue') {
// do something for blue
} else if (variation === 'red') {
// do something for red
} else {
// default case
And as long as you pass in the exact same user_id as the second argument to activate, you are guaranteed to always get the same variation for that user.
For more information or details on getting started please take a look at: https://developers.optimizely.com/x/solutions/sdks/getting-started/index.html?language=javascript

Also keep in mind that Optimizely gets blocked by adblockers, it can happen if a user turns their adblocker on after they've been on the page and served up an experiment to see - they would get the original version.


Showing more than one line of the notification description in the notification tray using an extension

I am currently designing an extension to make the notifications in the notification section of the calendar expendable. The goal is to make the noficiation expand like the initial notification on the desktop does. I have changed the type of notification added to the noficiation tray to class NotificationBanner from class NotificationMessage. I am currently using a work-around to make this work, this is what my expand function looks like:
expand(animate) {
this.expanded = true;
this._actionBin.visible = this._actionBin.get_n_children() > 0;
if (this._bodyStack.get_n_children() < 2) {
this._expandedLabel = new MessageList.URLHighlighter(this._bodyText,
true, this._useBodyMarkup);
if (animate) {
if (!this.clickedByButton && !this.forceExpansion) {
// This is the usual way notifications are expanded, using the layout manager
this._bodyStack.ease_property('#layout.expansion', 1, {
progress_mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD,
duration: MessageTray.ANIMATION_TIME,
else if (this.forceExpansion || this.clickedByButton) {
// When auto expanding or clicked by button, change height of body
oldHeight = this.bodyLabel.get_height();
const lines = Math.ceil(this._bodyText.length / 54);
this.bodyLabel.set_height(lines * this.bodyLabel.get_height());
this._actionBin.scale_y = 0;
scale_y: 1,
duration: MessageTray.ANIMATION_TIME,
mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD,
} else {
this._bodyStack.layout_manager.expansion = 1;
this._actionBin.scale_y = 1;
As you can see, I have 2 options for this extension: Force expand all notifications or make the user use a button to expand. The current solution is not elegant, it simply changes the height of the notification label which manages the body. Furhermore, the notification body still shows the three dots, implying that the body is still not expanded. I believe this to be an issue with the layout manager, since the proper way to expand is to set message._bodyStack.layout_manager.expansion to 1. That does not work in the case of expanding a message in the notification tray. Is anyone familiar with the layout manager or can help me find a different solution? Here is an image of what my current solution looks like:
Image of an automatically expanded notification in the notification tray due to the extension (note the three dots at the end of the first line being still there)
Okay I have found a solution, it is not related to the layout manager. The value of the message message.bodyLabel.clutter_text.ellipsize is set to 3, which is the main cause of the dots appearing on the notification. Setting this value to 0 solves this problem. I would have still loved to find a more elegant approach to displaying the body, but this will do.

nativescript - change variable on exitEvent

I need to be able to change some variable's value, when app is closed.
I'm using exitEvent described here:
Also, i'm using local-storage plugin that works similar to javasctip's localstorage.
My simple code looks like this:
var Observable = require("data/observable").Observable;
var LS = require("nativescript-localstorage");
const application = require("tns-core-modules/application");
var page = require("ui/page");
exports.load = function (args) {
var page = args.object;
var model = new Observable();
var frame = require('ui/frame');
var ff = frame.getFrameById("dashboard");
var topmost = frame.topmost();
// This is exit event
application.on(application.exitEvent, (args) => {
// What i will exit app, and run app again this will newer become 111,
it's null all the time
So, my question is - is possible to set any flag on app exit - it do not have to be localstorage (i've tested global variables to), to detect if exit was made, and based on this i can make a decisions that will help me ?
One of scenarios may be - i'm holding some flag in Localstorage that is TURE is user tapped "rememebr me" on the login screen.
So on exit i can check if he want's to be rememebered, if not i want to send user to login page and not dashboard when app is lauching....
Thank you.
I've tried applications-settings too, it will not work.
application.on(application.exitEvent, (args) => {
applicationSettings.setString("Name", "John Doe");
console.log(applicationSettings.getString("Name")); // not working
I suspect it's the issue with the nativescript-localstorage plugin. It writes the changes to file after a 250ms delay. At exit event you will give you very limited amount of time before your app is completely killed by system.
May be the Author had a reason for setting up this delay but I think its too much of time at least in this particular scenario so the changes are never written to file. You may raise a issue at the plugin's Github repo.
If you are looking for an immediate workaround, copy localstorage.js to your app and export internalSaveData from the file, so you could directly call it right after you finish setting your values.

Google Places Photos .GetUrl is adding width and height to url

I'm trying to get images from google places. All is working for details: reviews, address... but when I try to get photos, I get a 404.
if(place.photos != null){
for(var i = 0; i < place.photos.length; i++){
var str = place.photos[i].getUrl({"maxWidth": 100, "maxHeight": 100});
var res = str.replace("w100-h100-p", "p");
id : res
}else {
console.log("no photo");
This will return the list ok but the URL is formatted wrong. it comes out like this.
" https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/w100-h100-p/AF1QipN3xzffYDPCyEIWnvAQGd3RwNs2C14sVlSqrrAh=k "
What I gather it wants is this.
" https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipN3xzffYDPCyEIWnvAQGd3RwNs2C14sVlSqrrAh=k "
The only difference is the "w100-h100-"
*** There is a great work-around here from "Sulyman". I know it's not a long term solution as I'm sure google will fix their results (as discussed here Place API - getting place photo as marker icon )
For now I've adjusted the code above to reflect Sulymans suggestion. ***
it seems like every API Key generates different path
for example you got w100-h100-p and i got w200-p
and the good news that this section whatever it is...is fixed so you can replace it with another string which is p
var str = place.photos[0].getUrl();
var res = str.replace(""w100-h100-p", "p");
or you can delete the w100-h100-

Code is not executing after window.load (Javascript)

(sorry for my bad english)
I have a big problem with which I've been beating me for several days but to which I do not find any solution, even while going to excavate very far in subjects on known forums (and less known).
I develop a small application in Javascript which must recover an array of links. I open these links one by one in the same page, and I click on a button (which posts a name), then I check after a small lapse of time that the name is well posted and corresponds to that present on the page (in a fixed div). At this time, I turn over on the basic page, then I start the script again with the second link contained in the array.
The problem is that the code is not carried out anymore after the window.load() function.
I test the code on Google Chrome (in the Javascript console) and it turns over me an error: “Uncaught ReferenceError: init is not defined … onload ".
I hope that you will be able to help me to find how to once carry out the code with the launching of the page it is launched since each bond opens a page in the relationship page.
Before, I had tested in a popup with the function window.open () (without “_parent”) and I wanted to close it thanks to window.close () function, but the code did not include/understand where to act since the remainder of the code was to now deal with the popup and not of the page on which the code was carried out at the beginning.
Here's the code :
//Here i get the links in an array
function recupHref(){
var lesHref = new Array();
var lesLiens = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
for(var i = 0; i < lesLiens.length; i ++)
if(lesLiens[i].parentNode.getAttribute("class") == "pubrhead-text-right")
return lesHref;
var resultat = recupHref(); //I store them in a variable
//The main function which open the links one by one
//The while loop allows us to know if were subscribed or not
var o = function openLinks(){
for(var leIndex = 0; leIndex < resultat.length; leIndex ++){
window.open(resultat[leIndex], "_parent");
//Do i use window.load instead of DOMContentLoaded ?
addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
var pseudo = document.getElementById("nameho").innerHTML;
var pseudok = document.getElementsByClassName("pname")[0].textContent;
while (pseudo === pseudok) {
!(window.open("http://page-with-links.html", "_parent"));
I thank you in advance, and I hope that you will include/understand my problem.
Here is a little draw to explain better than words :
In other words, just what i need is that : store links (done) --> Open the link --> Click on the button (done) --> Check if the 2 names are the same --> Came back to the first page/close popup/ (or go directly to the seconde link in the array) --> do this for the 2nd link, etc, etc.
Good day/evening.

How do I store and retrieve a variable from an array using the Firefox Add-on SDK?

I am attempting to develop a Firefox extension.
I have a simple need. At this time in testing, I simply wish to define an array. When the button is pushed, the Current Window goes to the first URL in the array. When the button is pushed again, it goes to the next URL in the array.
I am of the impression that I need to store the present sequence in the array using simple-storage (ss.storage) yet I cannot make it work. I thought perhaps I could store the sequence information using a Cookie but the Add-on SDK appears to be very stringent. Perhaps there is a far simpler method but I cannot seem to identify what that would be.
Current Status - when the button is pushed, the code opens three separate windows for each URL in the array. If you could please help me to modify this code so that opens one URL from the array each time the button is pushed - as described above.
id: "view-source-widget",
label: "View Source",
contentURL: "http://www.mozilla.org/favicon.ico",
onClick: function() {
var arr = new Array("one.com","two.com","three.com");
for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
var value = arr[i];
var ss = require("simple-storage");
ss.storage.myURL= value;
var windows = require("windows").browserWindows;
If I understand correctly what you are trying to do - you don't need persistent storage, a normal global variable will do. The global variable indicates the array index at which you are right now. Something like this:
var urls = ["one.com","two.com","three.com"];
var urlIndex = 0;
onClick: function() {
var windows = require("windows").browserWindows;
// Increase index for the next click
if (urlIndex >= urls.length)
urlIndex = 0;
