Unable to create a vector and shuffle it - random

I'm trying to create a vector with the numbers 48 to 57 and then randomly shuffle it. I'm running into the following errors
error: the type of this value must be known in this context
let &mut slice = secret_num.as_mut_slice();
error: no method named `shuffle` found for type `rand::ThreadRng` in the current scope
rng.shuffle(&mut slice);
Here's the code:
extern crate rand;
fn main() {
//Main game loop
let mut secret_num = (48..58).collect();
let &mut slice = secret_num.as_mut_slice();
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
rng.shuffle(&mut slice);
println!("{:?}", secret_num);
println!("Hello, world!");

collect needs to know what type you wish to collect into. From the looks of it, you want a Vec:
let mut secret_num: Vec<_> = (48..58).collect();
You don't want to use &mut in the declaration of this variable because that would make slice an unsized type, which isn't valid to have. In fact, this line is redundant.
let &mut slice = secret_num.as_mut_slice();
Traits must be brought into scope. The error message you are already getting should already be telling you this. Rust has pretty good error messages most of the time. You should read them:
help: items from traits can only be used if the trait is in scope;
the following trait is implemented but not in scope,
perhaps add a `use` for it:
help: candidate #1: `use rand::Rng`
There's no need for a loop at all; remove it. Produce an MCVE when asking a question to help you understand the source of the problem and others to answer it. In your real program, you should get the random number generator once before the loop to avoid overhead.
Since you originally asked the question, rand has reorganized their code. shuffle is now part of the SliceRandom trait.
use rand::seq::SliceRandom; // 0.6.5
fn main() {
let mut secret_num: Vec<_> = (48..58).collect();
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
secret_num.shuffle(&mut rng);
println!("{:?}", secret_num);


Is reading register-sized data in `byteorder` efficient?

The crate in the title is byteorder.
Here is how we can read binary data from std::io::BufReader. BufReader implements the std::io::Read trait. There is an implementation of byteorder::ReadBytesExt for any type implementing Read. ReadBytesExt contains read_u16 and other methods that read binary data. This implementation:
fn read_u16<T: ByteOrder>(&mut self) -> Result<u16> {
let mut buf = [0; 2];
self.read_exact(&mut buf)?;
It passes a reference to buf to BufReader; I suppose it passes the address of buf in the stack. Hence the resulting u16 is transferred from the internal buffer of BufReader (memory) to buf above (memory), probably, using memcpy or something. Wouldn't it be more efficient if BufReader implemented ReadBytesExt by reading data from its internal buffer directly? Or the compiler optimizes buf away?
TL;DR: It's all up to the Optimization Gods, but it should be efficient.
The key optimization here is inlining, as usual, and the probabilities are on our side, but who knows...
As long as the call to read_exact is inlined, it should just work.
Firstly, it can be inlined. In Rust, "inner" calls are always statically dispatched -- there's no inheritance -- and therefore the type of the receiver (self) in self.read_exact is known at compile-time. As a result, the exact read_exact function being called is known at compile-time.
Of course, there's no telling whether it'll be inlined. The implementation is fairly short, so chances are good, but that's out of our hands.
Secondly, what happens if it's inlined? Magic!
You can see the implementation here:
fn read_exact(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<()> {
if self.buffer().len() >= buf.len() {
return Ok(());
crate::io::default_read_exact(self, buf)
Once inlined, we therefore have:
fn read_u16<T: ByteOrder>(&mut self) -> Result<u16> {
let mut buf = [0; 2];
// self.read_exact(&mut buf)?;
if self.buffer().len() >= buf.len() {
} else {
crate::io::default_read_exact(self, buf)
Needless to say, all those buf.len() calls should be replaced by 2.
fn read_u16<T: ByteOrder>(&mut self) -> Result<u16> {
let mut buf = [0; 2];
// self.read_exact(&mut buf)?;
if self.buffer().len() >= 2 {
} else {
crate::io::default_read_exact(self, buf)
So we're left with copy_from_slice, a memcpy invoked with a constant size (2).
The trick is that memcpy is so special that it's a builtin in most compilers, and it certainly is in LLVM. And it's a builtin specifically so that in special cases -- such as a constant size being specified which happen to be a register size -- its codegen can be specialized to... a mov instruction in the case of x86/x64.
So, as long as read_exact is inlined, then buf should live in a register from beginning to end... in the happy case.
In the cold path, when default_read_exact is called, then the compiler will need to use the stack and pass a slice. That's fine. It should not happen often.
If you find yourself repeatedly doing sequences of u16 reads, however... you may find yourself better served by reading larger arrays, to avoid the repeated if self.buffer().len() >= 2 checks.

Rust adding .sort_by generates error: expected struct `Vec`, found `()`

Given the following code which compiles,
let alerts : Vec<Alert> = serde_json::from_value::<Vec<Alert>>(json)
How come adding a .sort_by_key results in an error
expected struct `Vec`, found `()`
Code that generated the error is,
let alerts : Vec<Alert> = serde_json::from_value::<Vec<Alert>>(json)
.sort_by_key( |e| e.pub_millis );
From the documentation for Vec:
pub fn sort_by_key<K, F>(&mut self, f: F) where
F: FnMut(&T) -> K,
K: Ord
This function doesn't have a return value, and will instead sort the slice in-place. It therefore can't be used as a chained function, and must be given a mutable value. If you'd like the alerts variable to be immutable, you can use the Temporary mutability idiom to make it mutable only long enough to sort it. https://rust-unofficial.github.io/patterns/idioms/temporary-mutability.html

Is there a way to make an immutable reference mutable?

I want to solve a leetcode question in Rust (Remove Nth Node From End of List). My solution uses two pointers to find the Node to remove:
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub struct ListNode {
pub val: i32,
pub next: Option<Box<ListNode>>,
impl ListNode {
fn new(val: i32) -> Self {
ListNode { next: None, val }
// two-pointer sliding window
impl Solution {
pub fn remove_nth_from_end(head: Option<Box<ListNode>>, n: i32) -> Option<Box<ListNode>> {
let mut dummy_head = Some(Box::new(ListNode { val: 0, next: head }));
let mut start = dummy_head.as_ref();
let mut end = dummy_head.as_ref();
for _ in 0..n {
end = end.unwrap().next.as_ref();
while end.as_ref().unwrap().next.is_some() {
end = end.unwrap().next.as_ref();
start = start.unwrap().next.as_ref();
// TODO: fix the borrow problem
// start.unwrap().next = start.unwrap().next.unwrap().next.take();
I borrow two immutable references of the linked-list. After I find the target node to remove, I want to drop one and make the other mutable. Each of the following code examples leads to a compiler error:
let next = start.as_mut().unwrap.next.take();
let mut node = *start.unwrap()
I don't know if this solution is possible to be written in Rust. If I can make an immutable reference mutable, how do I do it? If not, is there anyway to implement the same logic while making the borrow checker happy?
The correct answer is that you should not be doing this. This is undefined behavior, and breaks many assumptions made by the compiler when compiling your program.
However, it is possible to do this. Other people have also mentioned why this is not a good idea, but they haven't actually shown what the code to do something like this would look like. Even though you should not do this, this is what it would look like:
unsafe fn very_bad_function<T>(reference: &T) -> &mut T {
let const_ptr = reference as *const T;
let mut_ptr = const_ptr as *mut T;
&mut *mut_ptr
Essentially, you convert a constant pointer into a mutable one, and then make the mutable pointer into a reference.
Here's one example why this is very unsafe and unpredictable:
fn main() {
static THIS_IS_IMMUTABLE: i32 = 0;
unsafe {
let mut bad_reference = very_bad_function(&THIS_IS_IMMUTABLE);
*bad_reference = 5;
If you run this... you get a segfault. What happened? Essentially, you invalidated memory rules by trying to write to an area of memory that had been marked as immutable. Essentially, when you use a function like this, you break the trust the compiler has made with you to not mess with constant memory.
Which is why you should never use this, especially in a public API, because if someone passes an innocent immutable reference to your function, and your function mutates it, and the reference is to an area of memory not meant to be written to, you'll get a segfault.
In short: don't try to cheat the borrow checker. It's there for a reason.
EDIT: In addition to the reasons I just mentioned on why this is undefined behavior, another reason is breaking reference aliasing rules. That is, since you can have both a mutable and immutable reference to a variable at the same time with this, it causes loads of problems when you pass them in separately to the same function, which assumes the immutable and mutable references are unique. Read this page from the Rust docs for more information about this.
Is there a way to make an immutable reference mutable?
You could write unsafe Rust code to force the types to line up, but the code would actually be unsafe and lead to undefined behavior. You do not want this.
For your specific problem, see:
How to remove the Nth node from the end of a linked list?
How to use two pointers to iterate a linked list in Rust?

Wrapping RefCell and Rc in a struct type

I would like to have a struct which has a writable field, but explicitly borrowable:
struct App<W: Clone<BorrowMut<Write>>> {
stdout: W,
... so it can internally use it:
impl<W: Clone<BorrowMut<Write>>> App<W> {
fn hello(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
I tried to pass it a cursor and then use it:
let mut cursor = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Cursor::new(vec![0])));
let mut app = App { stdout: cursor };
app.hello().expect("failed to write");
let mut line = String::new();
Rc::clone(&cursor).borrow_mut().read_line(&mut line).unwrap();
Rust barks:
error[E0107]: wrong number of type arguments: expected 0, found 1
--> src/bin/play.rs:6:21
6 | struct App<W: Clone<BorrowMut<Write>>> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ unexpected type argument
My end goal: pass stdin, stdout and stderr to an App struct. In fn main, these would be real stdin/stdout/stderr. In tests, these could be cursors. Since I need to access these outside of App (e.g. in tests), I need multiple owners (thus Rc) and runtime mutable borrow (thus RefCount).
How can I implement this?
This isn't how you apply multiple constraints to a type parameter. Instead you use the + operator, like this: <W: Clone + Write + BorrowMut>
But, if you want BorrowMut to be an abstraction for RefCell, it won't work. The borrow_mut method of RefCell is not part of any trait so you will need to depend on RefCell directly in your data structure:
struct App<W: Clone + Write> {
stdout: Rc<RefCell<W>>,
Having said that, it's considered best practice not to put unneeded constraints on a struct. You can actually leave them off here, and just mention them on the impl later.
struct App<W> {
stdout: Rc<RefCell<W>>,
In order to access the contents of a Rc, you need to dereference with *. This can be a bit tricky in your case because there is a blanket impl of BorrowMut, which means that Rc has a different borrow_mut, which you definitely don't want.
impl<W: Clone + Write> App<W> {
fn hello(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
Again, when you use this, you'll need to dereference the Rc:
let cursor = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Cursor::new(vec![0])));
let mut app = App { stdout: cursor.clone() };
app.hello().expect("failed to write");
let mut line = String::new();
let mut cursor = (&*cursor).borrow_mut();
// move to the beginning or else there's nothing to read
cursor.read_line(&mut line).unwrap();
println!("result = {:?}", line);
Also, notice that the Rc was cloned into the cursor. Otherwise it would be moved and you couldn't use it again later.

Rust: How to specify lifetimes in closure arguments?

I'm writing a parser generator as a project to learn rust, and I'm running into something I can't figure out with lifetimes and closures. Here's my simplified case (sorry it's as complex as it is, but I need to have the custom iterator in the real version and it seems to make a difference in the compiler's behavior):
Playpen link: http://is.gd/rRm2aa
struct MyIter<'stat, T:Iterator<&'stat str>>{
source: T
impl<'stat, T:Iterator<&'stat str>> Iterator<&'stat str> for MyIter<'stat, T>{
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'stat str>{
struct Scanner<'stat,T:Iterator<&'stat str>>{
input: T
impl<'main> Scanner<'main, MyIter<'main,::std::str::Graphemes<'main>>>{
fn scan_literal(&'main mut self) -> Option<String>{
let mut token = String::from_str("");
fn get_chunk<'scan_literal,'main>(result:&'scan_literal mut String,
input: &'main mut MyIter<'main,::std::str::Graphemes<'main>>)
-> Option<&'scan_literal mut String>{
Some(input.take_while(|&chr| chr != "\"")
.fold(result, |&mut acc, chr|{
&mut acc
get_chunk(&mut token,&mut self.input);
println!("token is {}", token);
fn main(){
let mut scanner = Scanner{input:MyIter{source:"\"foo\"".graphemes(true)}};
There are two problems I know of here. First, I have to shadow the 'main lifetime in the get_chunk function (I tried using the one in the impl, but the compiler complains that 'main is undefined inside get_chunk). I think it will still work out because the call to get_chunk later will match the 'main from the impl with the 'main from get_chunk, but I'm not sure that's right.
The second problem is that the &mut acc inside the closure needs to have a lifetime of 'scan_literal in order to work like I want it to (accumulating characters until the first " is encountered for this example). I can't add an explicit lifetime to &mut acc though, and the compiler says its lifetime is limited to the closure itself, and thus I can't return the reference to use in the next iteration of fold. I've gotten the function to compile and run in various other ways, but I don't understand what the problem is here.
My main question is: Is there any way to explicitly specify the lifetime of an argument to a closure? If not, is there a better way to accumulate the string using fold without doing multiple copies?
First, about lifetimes. Functions defined inside other functions are static, they are not connected with their outside code in any way. Consequently, their lifetime parameters are completely independent. You don't want to use 'main as a lifetime parameter for get_chunk() because it will shadow the outer 'main lifetime and give nothing but confusion.
Next, about closures. This expression:
|&mut acc, chr| ...
very likely does not what you really think it does. Closure/function arguments allow irrefutable patterns in them, and & have special meaning in patterns. Namely, it dereferences the value it is matched against, and assigns its identifier to this dereferenced value:
let x: int = 10i;
let p: &int = &x;
match p {
&y => println!("{}", y) // prints 10
You can think of & in a pattern as an opposite to & in an expression: in an expression it means "take a reference", in a pattern it means "remove the reference".
mut, however, does not belong to & in patterns; it belongs to the identifier and means that the variable with this identifier is mutable, i.e. you should write not
|&mut acc, chr| ...
|& mut acc, chr| ...
You may be interested in this RFC which is exactly about this quirk in the language syntax.
It looks like that you want to do a very strange thing, I'm not sure I understand where you're getting at. It is very likely that you are confusing different string kinds. First of all, you should read the official guide which explains ownership and borrowing and when to use them (you may also want to read the unfinished ownership guide; it will soon get into the main documentation tree), and then you should read strings guide.
Anyway, your problem can be solved in much simpler and generic way:
struct MyIter<'s, T: Iterator<&'s str>> {
source: T
impl<'s, T: Iterator<&'s str>> Iterator<&'s str> for MyIter<'s, T>{
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'s str>{ // '
struct Scanner<'s, T: Iterator<&'s str>> {
input: T
impl<'m, T: Iterator<&'m str>> Scanner<'m, T> { // '
fn scan_literal(&mut self) -> Option<String>{
fn get_chunk<'a, T: Iterator<&'a str>>(input: T) -> Option<String> {
input.take_while(|&chr| chr != "\"")
.fold(String::new(), |mut acc, chr| {
let token = get_chunk(self.input.by_ref());
println!("token is {}", token);
fn main(){
let mut scanner = Scanner{
input: MyIter {
source: "\"foo\"".graphemes(true)
You don't need to pass external references into the closure; you can generate a String directly in fold() operation. I also generified your code and made it more idiomatic.
Note that now impl for Scanner also works with arbitrary iterators returning &str. It is very likely that you want to write this instead of specializing Scanner to work only with MyIter with Graphemes inside it. by_ref() operation turns &mut I where I is an Iterator<T> into J, where J is an Iterator<T>. It allows further chaining of iterators even if you only have a mutable reference to the original iterator.
By the way, your code is also incomplete; it will only return Some("") because the take_while() will stop at the first quote and won't scan further. You should rewrite it to take initial quote into account.
