Magento - Authentication Credentials Invalid - magento

I am having an error trying to make a request:
Then when I submit I have the next error:
The 1003887036428 error report file:
Recently the system worked like a charm but it has to migrate to another host and this error started to appear in the actual hosting. I dont know why.


getting error on server(aws) SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<', "<!DOCTYPE "... is not valid JSON, but works fine on local - Laravel Application

I have deployed my laravel application on AWS server(ubuntu). Application works fine. But when I upload images using custom modal popup, then i got the syntax error from vendors.js.
Here is the error getting from modal popup while uploading images:
Can anyone tell about that, how i can resolve that?
I am just stuck from last two days.
I have tried run on server
npm i body-parser
And also re-add the file of vendors.js
But same result.

_PS_MODE_DEV_ not working in Prestashop

I'm trying to install/configure a theme in a new/clean Prestashop installation. I was able to install/enable the theme, but when I try to view the page it comes back with a 500 error message.
I changed _PS_MODE_DEV_ to true in /config/ but still I only get:
The x.x.x.x page isn’t working
x.x.x.x is currently unable to handle this request.
It's not showing the error debug information so that I can troubleshoot.
Anywhere else where I need to enable this?
You are not able to view the error even after enabling error debugging because the error is being generated before the error debugging is set to enabled. In order to debug your issues, you can check the error log on your server.
In case of Apache you can check following file:

Can't login to Magento Connect Manager - 1.6

I've been struggling with this issue for 2 days. I triyed everything I found on Google but still can't access. I get this message
ERROR 500 - Internal Server Error
The following error occurred
The requested URL caused an internal server error
I changed folders and files permissions but it won't go away and I find nothing in the log files.
Any help would be highly appreciated

Deploying laravel app on Fortrabbit - 403 internal server serror

I followed the setup to deploy laravel app on fortrabbit but now I am stuck with this error:
Error 403
Internal server error
Overload: More requests than the App can handle.
A script stops with an error. Are your config files up to date? Maybe turn on debugging to trace the error.
There is an error in the .htaccess file.
Something else. Please check the fortrabbit status.
I have checked the configurations but I keep find a cause for that or even a solution for this issue.
That's not really a good question to post her on StackOverflow. It's too specific - probably App- or even service-related. For such cases: please try customer support.

magento-shipworks: the remote server returned an error (405) method not allowed

I am trying to connect Magento with Shipworks, for that i have downloaded shipworks3.php file which is required for the integration,
and i have put the file in the c://wamp/www/magento/shipworks3.php, that time Shipworks giving me message that it requires SSL required, to resolve that i made my apache SSL enable using IIS7, so it will use the https:// url ,
error resolved that time but got new error, about
the remote server returned an error (405) method not allowed
I have searched a lot but found nothing, can anyone sort it out,
Thanks in advance.
