make math operation from multiple files with shell scripting - bash

I have multiple files, let's say
fname1 contains:
fname2 contains:
fname3 contains:
I want to write script that read from these files, sum the numbers for each colour,
and redirect the sums into new file.
New file contains:

[ awk ] is your friend :
awk 'BEGIN{FS="=";}
for(var in color)
printf "%s=%s\n",var,color[var]
}' fname1 fname2 fname3 >result
should do it.
Demystifying above stuff
Anything that is include inside '' is the awk program.
Stuff inside BEGIN will be executed only once, ie in the beginning
FS is an awk built-in variable which stands for field separator.
Setting FS to = means awk will use = to delimit the fields/columns.
By default awk considers each line as a record.
In that case you have two fields denoted by $1 and $2 in each record having = as the delimiter.
{color[$1]+=$2} creates(if not already exist) an associative array with color name as the key and += adds the value of the field2 to this array element. Remember, associative arrays at the time of creation are initilized to zero.
This is repeated for the three files fname1, fname2, fname3 fed into awk
Anything inside END{} will be executed only at last, ie just before exit.
for(var in color) is a the style of forloop used to parse an associative array.
Here var will be a key and color[key] points to value.
printf "%s=%s\n",var,color[var] is self explained.
If all the filenames start with fname you can even put fname* instead of fname1 fname2 fname3
This assumes that there are no blank lines in any file

Because your source files are valid shell code. You can just source them (if they are from a trusted source) and accumulate them using Shell Arithmetic.
for file in "$#";do
. ${file}
let sum_red+=red
let sum_green+=green
let sum_yellow+=yellow
echo "red=$sum_red


In bash extract select properties from a standard property file to a single delimited line?

In bash:
1) For a given groupname of interest, and
2) a list of keys of interest, for which we want a table of values, for this groupname,
3) read in a set of files, like those in /usr/share/applications (see simplified example below),
4) and produce a delimited table, with one line per file, and one field for each given key.
We want only the values of the Name and Exec keys, from only [Desktop Entry] groups, and from one or more files, like these:
[Desktop Entry]
[Desktop Entry]
Two lines, one per input file, each in a delimited <Name>,<Exec> format, ready for import into a database:
Each input file is:
One or more blocks of lines delimited by a [some-groupname].
Below each [.*] is one or more standard, unsorted key=value pairs.
Not every block contains the same set of keys.
[Forgive me if I am asking for a solution to an old problem, but I can't seem to find a good, quick bash way, to do this. Yes, I could code it up with some while and read loops, etc... but surely it's been done before.]
Similar to this Q but more general answer wanted.
If awk is your option, would you please try the following:
awk -v RS="[" -v FS="\n" '{ # split the file into records on "["
# and split the record into fields on "\n"
name = ""; exec = "" # reset variables
if ($1 == "Desktop Entry]") {
# if the groupname matches
for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) { # loop over the fields (lines) of "key=value" pairs
if (sub(/^Name=/, "", $i)) name = $i
# the field (line) starts with "Name="
else if (sub(/^Exec=/, "", $i)) exec = $i
# the field (line) starts with "Exec="
print name "," exec
}' file
You can feed multiple files as file1 file2 file3, dir/file* or whatever.

Convert a bash array into an awk array

I have an array in bash and want to use this array in an awk script. How can I pass the array from bash to awk?
The keys of the awk array should be the indices of the bash array. For simplicity, we can assume that the bash array is dense, that is, the array is not sparse like a=([3]=x [5]=y).
The elements inside the array can have any value. Besides strange unicode symbols and ascii control characters they may contain spaces or even newlines. Also, there might be empty ("") entries which should be retained. As an example consider the following array:
a=(AB " C D " $'E\nF\tG' "¼ẞ🍕" "")
Extending approach #1 provided by Socowi, it is possible to address the shortcoming that he identified using the awk split function. Note that this solution does not use the stdin - it uses command line options - allowing awk to process stdin, files, etc.
The solution will convert the 'a' bash array into the 'a' awk, using intermediate awk file AVG (process substituion). This is a workaround to the bash limit that prevent NUL from being stored in a string.
a=(AB " C D " $'E\nF\tG' "¼ẞ🍕" "")
awk -v AVF=<(printf '%s\0' "${a[#]}") '
# Temporary RS to allow reading the array with a single read.
getline AV < AVF
rs = saveRS
na=split(AV, a, "\\0")
# Remove trailing empty element (printf add trailing separator).
delete a[na]
na-- ; for (i=1 ; i<=na ; i++ ) print "AV#", i, "=" a[i]
# Use a[x]
1 AB
2 C D
3 E
4 ¼ẞ🍕
Previous solution: For practical reason, Using the '\001' character as separator. make the script much easier (can use any other character sequence that is known not to appear in the info array). Bash command substitution does not allow NUL character. Hopefully, not a major issue, as this control character is not used for normal files, etc. I believe possible to solve this, but I'm not how.
The solution will convert the 'a' bash array into the 'a' awk, using intermediate awk variable 'AV'.
a=(AB " C D " $'E\nF\tG' "¼ẞ🍕" "")
awk -v AV="$(printf '%s\1' "${a[#]}")" '
na=split(AV, a, "\\1") }
# Remove trailing empty element (printf add trailing separator).
delete a[na]
for (i=1 ; i<=na ; i++ ) print "AV#", i, "=" a[i]
# Use a[x]
Approach 1: Reading in awk
Since the array elements can contain any character but the null byte (\0) we have to delimit them by \0. This is done with printf. For simplicity we assume that the array has at least one entry.
Due to the \0 we can no longer pass the string to awk as an argument but have to use (or emulate) a file instead. We then read that file in awk using \0 as the record separator RS (may require GNU awk).
awk 'BEGIN {RS="\0"} {a[n++]=$0; next}' <(printf %s\\0 "${a[#]}")
This reliably constructs the awk array a from the bash array a. The length of a is stored in n.
This approach is ugly when you actually want to use it. There is no simple step-by-step instruction on how to incorporate this approach into your existing awk script. Normally, your awk script would read another file afterwards, therefore you have to change the record separator RS after the array file was read. This can be done with NR>FNR. However, if your awk script already reads multiple files and relies on something like NR==FNR things get complicated.
Approach 2: Generating awk Code with bash
Instead of parsing the array in awk we hard-code the array by generating awk code. This code will be injected at the beginning of an existing awk script and initialize the array. This approach also supports sparse arrays and associative arrays and should work with all awk versions, not only GNU.
For the code generation we have to correctly quote all strings. For example, the code generator echo "a[0]=${a[0]}" would fail if ${a[0]} was " resulting in the code a[1]=""". POSIX awk supports octal escape sequences (\012) which can encode all bytes. We simply encoding everything. That way we cannot forget any special symbols (even though the generated code is a bit inefficient).
octString() {
printf %s "$*" | od -bvAn | tr ' ' '\\' | tr -d '\n'
arrayToAwk() {
printf 'BEGIN{'
for key in "${!a[#]}"; do
printf 'a["%s"]="%s";' "$(octString "$key")" "$(octString "${a[$key]}")"
echo "n=$n}"
The function arrayToAwk converts the bash array a (can be sparse or associative) into a BEGIN block. After inserting the generated code block at the begging of your existing awk program you can use the awk array a anywhere inside awk without having to adapt anything (assuming that the variable names a and n were unused before). n is the size of the awk array a.
For awk commands of the form awk ... 'program' ... use
awk ... "$(arrayToAwk)"'program' ...
For big arrays this might result in the error Argument list too long. You can circumvent this problem using a program file:
awk ... -f <(arrayToAwk; echo 'program') ...
For awk commands of the form awk ... -f progfile ... use
awk ... -f <(arrayToAwk; cat progfile) ...
I'd like to point out that this can be extremely simple if you do not mind using ARGV and deleting all the non-file arguments. One way:
#!/bin/awk -f
while(ARGV[i] != "--" && i < ARGC) {
print ARGV[i]
delete ARGV[i]
if(i < ARGC)
delete ARGV[i]
} {
print "File 1 contains at 1",$1
Then run it with:
>./ "${a[#]}" -- file1
File 1 contains at 1 a
Obviously I'm missing some symbols.
Note while I like this method it assumes -- is not in the array, as pointed out by Oguz Ismail. They give a great alternate solution of having the first argument the length of your list.
This can be a one liner to where you have
awk 'BEGIN{... get and delete first arguments ...}{process files}END{if wanted} "${a[#]}" file1 file2...
but will become unreadable very quickly.

Find Replace using Values in another File

I have a directory of files, myFiles/, and a text file values.txt in which one column is a set of values to find, and the second column is the corresponding replace value.
The goal is to replace all instances of find values (first column of values.txt) with the corresponding replace values (second column of values.txt) in all of the files located in myFiles/.
For example...
Hello Goodbye
Happy Sad
Running the command would replace all instances of "Hello" with "Goodbye" in every file in myFiles/, as well as replace every instance of "Happy" with "Sad" in every file in myFiles/.
I've taken as many attempts at using awk/sed and so on as I can think logical, but have failed to produce a command that performs the action desired.
Any guidance is appreciated. Thank you!
Read each line from values.txt
Split that line in 2 words
Use sed for each line to replace 1st word with 2st word in all files in myFiles/ directory
Note: I've used bash parameter expansion to split the line (${line% *} etc) , assuming values.txt is space separated 2 columnar file. If it's not the case, you may use awk or cut to split the line.
while read -r line;do
sed -i "s/${line#* }/${line% *}/g" myFiles/* # '-i' edits files in place and 'g' replaces all occurrences of patterns
done < values.txt
You can do what you want with awk.
#! /usr/bin/awk -f
# snarf in first file, values.txt
FNR == NR {
subs[$1] = $2
# apply replacements to subsequent files
for( old in subs ) {
while( index(old, $0) ) {
start = index(old, $0)
len = length(old)
$0 = substr($0, start, len) subs[old] substr($0, start + len)
When you invoke it, put values.txt as the first file to be processed.
Option One:
create a python script
with open('filename', 'r') as infile, etc., read in the values.txt file into a python dict with 'from' as key, and 'to' as value. close the infile.
use shutil to read in directory wanted, iterate over files, for each, do popen 'sed 's/from/to/g'" or read in each file interating over all the lines, each line you find/replace.
Option Two:
bash script
read in a from/to pair
perl -p -i -e 's/from/to/g' dirname/*.txt
second is probably easier to write but less exception handling.
It's called 'Perl PIE' and it's a relatively famous hack for doing find/replace in lots of files at once.

Adding file information to an AWK comparison

I'm using awk to perform a file comparison against a file listing in found.txt
while read line; do
awk 'FNR==NR{a[$1]++;next}$1 in a' $line compare.txt >> $CHECKFILE
done < found.txt
found.txt contains full path information to a number of files that may contain the data. While I am able to determine that data exists in both files and output that data to $CHECKFILE, I wanted to be able to put the line from found.txt (the filename) where the line was found.
In other words I end up with something like:
File " /xxxx/yyy/zzz/data.txt "contains the following lines in found.txt $line
just not sure how to get the /xxxx/yyy/zzz/data.txt information into the stream.
Appended for clarification:
The file found.txt contains the full path information to several files on the system
each of the files has a list of parameters that need to be checked for existence before appending additional information to them later in the script.
so for example, file.txt contains the following fields
parameter1 = true
parameter2 = false
parameter35 = true
the compare.txt file contains a number of parameters as well.
So if parameter35 (or any other parameter) shows up in one of the three files I get it's output dropped to the Checkfile.
Both of the scripts (yours and the one I posted) will give me that output but I would also like to echo in the line that is being read at that point in the loop. Sounds like I would just be able to somehow pipe it in, but my awk expertise is limited.
It's not really clear what you want but try this (no shell loop required):
awk '
ARGIND==1 { ARGV[ARGC] = $0; ARGC++; next }
ARGIND==2 { keys[$1]; next }
$1 in keys { print FILENAME, $1 }
' found.txt compare.txt > "$CHECKFILE"
ARGIND is gawk-specific, if you don't have it add FNR==1{ARGIND++}.
Pass the name into awk inside a variable like this:
awk -v file="$line" '{... print "File: " file }'

How to interate based on words in text? (Shell Scripting)

I have a file currently in the form
location1 attr attr ... attr
location2 attr attr ... attr
locationn attr atrr ... attr
What I want to do is go through each line, grab the location (first field) then iterate through the attributes. So far I know how to grab the first field, but not iterate through the attributes. There are also a different number of attributes for each line.
while read LINE
x=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $1}'`
echo $x
Can someone tell me how to iterate through the attributes?
I want to get the effect like
while read LINE
location=`echo $LINES |awk '{print $1}'`
for attribute in attributes
do something involving the $location for the line and each individual $attribute
I am currently working in ksh shell, but any other unix shell is fine, I will find out how to translate. I am really grateful if someone could help as it would save me alot of time.
Thank you.
Similar to DreadPirateShawn's solution, but a bit simpler:
while read -r location all_attrs; do
read -ra attrs <<< "$all_attrs"
for attr in "${attrs[#]}"; do
: # do something with $location and $attr
done < inputfile
The second read line makes use of bash's herestring feature.
This might work in other shells too, but here's an approach that works in Bash:
while read LINE
# Split line into array using space as delimiter.
IFS=' ' read -a array <<< $LINE
# Use first element of array as location.
echo "First param: $location"
# Remove first element from array.
unset array[0]
# Loop through remaining array elements.
for i in "${array[#]}"
echo " Value: $i"
done < $TEMP_LIST
As you're already using awk in your posted code, why not learn how to use awk, as it is designed for this sort of problem.
while read LINE
location=`echo $LINES |awk '{print $1}'`
for attribute in attributes
do something involving the $location for the line and each individual $attribute
is written in awk as
awk '{ # implied while loop for input records by default
print "location=" location # location as a "header"
for (i=2;i<NF;i++) {
printf("attr%d=%s\t", i, $i) # print each attr with its number
printf("\n") # add new-line char to end of each line of attributes
}' ${tempList}
If you want to save your output, use awk '{.....}' ${tempList}> ${tempList}.new
Awk has numerous vars that it sets as it reads your files. NF mean NumberOfFields for the current line. So the for loop, starts at field 2, and prints all remaining fields on that line in the format provided (change to suit your needs). The i<=NF drives the ability to print all elems on a line.
Sometimes you'll want the 3rd to last elem on line, so you can perform math on the value stored in NF, like thirdFromLast=$(NF-3). For all variables that are numbers, you can "dereference" it as a value, and ask awk to print the value stored of the $N(th) field. i.e. try
print "thirdFromLast="(NF-3)
print "thirdFromLast="$(NF-3)
... to see the difference that the $ makes on a variable that holds a number.
(For large amounts of data, 1 awk process will be considerably more efficient that using subprocesses to gather parts of files.)
Also work your way through this tutorial grymoire's awk tutorial
