Why are map values not addressable? - go

While playing with Go code, I found out that map values are not addressable. For example,
package main
import "fmt"
func main(){
var mymap map[int]string = make(map[int]string)
mymap[1] = "One"
var myptr *string = &mymap[1]
Generates error
mapaddressable.go:7: cannot take the address of mymap[1]
Whereas, the code,
package main
import "fmt"
func main(){
var mymap map[int]string = make(map[int]string)
mymap[1] = "One"
mystring := mymap[1]
var myptr *string = &mystring
works perfectly fine.
Why is this so? Why have the Go developers chosen to make certain values not addressable? Is this a drawback or a feature of the language?
Being from a C++ background, I am not used to this not addressable trend that seems to be prevalent in Go. For example, the following code works just fine:
using namespace std;
int main(){
map<int,string> mymap;
mymap[1] = "one";
string *myptr = &mymap[1];
It would be nice if somebody could point out why the same addressability cannot be achieved (or intentionally wasn't achieved) in Go.

Well I do not know about the internal Go implementation of maps but most likely it is a kind of hash table. So if you take and save the address of one of its entries and afterwards put another bunch of entries into it, your saved address may be invalid. This is due to internal reorganizations of hash tables when the load factor exceeds a certain threshold and the hash table needs to grow.
Therefore I guess it is not allowed to take the address of one of its entries in order to avoid such errors.

Being from a C++ background.
Why are [Go] map values not addressable?
If all other languages were like C++ there would be no point in having other languages.
C++ is a complex, hard-to-read language.
Remember the Vasa! - Bjarne Stroustrup
Go, by design, is a simple, readable language.
dotGo 2015 - Rob Pike - Simplicity is Complicated
A Go map is a hash map. A deterministic hash function is applied to a map key. The hash value is used to determine the primary map bucket for the entry (key-value pair). A bucket stores one or more map entries. A primary bucket may overflow to secondary buckets. Buckets are implemented as an array. As the number of map entries increases by insertion, the hash function adapts to provide more buckets. The map entries are copied incrementally to a new, larger bucket array. If the number of map entries decreases by deletion, space may be reclaimed.
In summary, a Go map is a dynamic, self-organizing data structure. The memory address of an entry (key-value pair) is not fixed. Therefore, map values are not addressable.
GopherCon 2016 Keith Randall - Inside the Map Implementation
In Go, map value addressability is not necessary.


Best way to marshal map to struct fields in GO

I want to know which is the best way to create instances of a certain struct based on a map[string]string
My app should process huge files in CSV format and should create an instance of a struct for each row of the file.
I'm already using the encoding/csv/Reader from golang to read the CSV file and create an instance of map[string]string for each row in the file.
So given this file:
columnA, columnB, columnC
a, b, c
My own reader implementation will return this map (each row values with the header):
myMap := map[string]string{
"columnA": "a",
"columnB": "b",
"columnC": "c",
(this is just an example in real life the file contains a lot of columns and rows)
so.. at this point I need to create an instance of the struct that is related with the row contents, let say:
type MyStruct struct {
AColumn string
BColumn string
CColumn string
My question is what could be the best way to create the instance of the struct using the given map, I have already implemented a version that just copy each value from the map to the struct but the code ended up being very long and tedious:
s := &MyStruct{}
s.AColumn := m["columnA"]
s.AColumn := m["columnB"]
s.AColumn := m["columnC"]
I also consider using this library https://github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure but I don't know if using reflection could be the best approach considering that the file is huge and will be using reflection for each row.
Maybe there is no other option but I'm asking just in case someone knows a better approach.
Thanks in advance.
I would say that the idiomatic Go way would be just populating the struct's fields from your map. Go favors explicitness this approach is the more direct and the easiest to read. In other words, your approach is correct.
You could make it slightly nicer by initializing the struct directly:
s := &MyStruct{
AColumn: m["columnA"],
BColumn: m["columnB"],
CColumn: m["columnC"],
Now, if your structure has 100s of fields (which is an odd design choice), you may want to leverage some code generation. Otherwise, just go with the straightforward code - it's the best approach in the long term.
I already posted a library that I made for some stuff I have needed sometimes, I've made a MapToStruct fews months ago, I pushed that today to share with you the full library. The library is based in the usage of reflect, I still testing and implementing stuff, you will find some odd comments and these kind of things.
I Hope it is useful

Laying out structure to bytes

I can't find a way to layout structure to a byte array programming by GO.
I'm programming extension for GoBGP service. I want to set community for the route via GoBGP API. More about BGP and communities.
My situation:
I'm trying to send the 32bit number. First, 16bits are interpreted as AS number, other 16bits- communities. API has an interface for uint32 to set all this data. I want to have a simple structure like:
type routeCommunity struct {
AS uint16
Community uint16
I'm struggling to pass this structure data to a uint32 variable. I would like to layout it to a byte array and then I could just make uint32 from it.
In C++ I would have a pointer of structure pointing to a char array and continued to work with that structure and in the end, I would send char array.
How to make it happen in Golang??
You can pass your structure to a uint32 variable using "unsafe" package:
func (rc *routeCommunity) bits() uint32 {
return *(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(rc))
Keep in mind the bits position depends on an order of the structure fields.
Low two bytes of the variable contain the first field value and high two bytes contain the second one.

Golang assignment of []map[string]struct error

As you could probably tell from the below code I am working on a project which creates csv reports from data in mongoDB. After getting the data I need in, I need to structure the data into something more sensible then how it exists in the db, which is fairly horrendous (not my doing) and near impossible to print the way I need it. The structure that makes the most sense to me is a slice (for each document of data) of maps of the name of the data to a structure holding the data for that name. Then I would simply have to loop through the document and stuff values into the structs where they belong.
My implementation of this is
type mongo_essential_data_t struct {
caution string
citation string
caution_note string
mongo_rows_struct := make([]map[string]mongo_essential_data_t, len(mongodata_rows))
//setting the values goes like this
mongo_rows_struct[i][data_name].caution_note = fmt.Sprint(k)
//"i" being the document, "k" being the data I want to store
This doesn't work however. When doing "go run" it returns ./answerstest.go:140: cannot assign to mongo_rows_struct[i][data_name].caution_note. I am new to Go and not sure why I am not allowed to do this. I'm sure this is an invalid way to reference that particular data location, if it is even possible to reference it in Go. What is another way to accomplish this setting line? If it is too much work to accomplish this the way I want, I am willing to use a different type of data structure and am open to suggestions.
This is a known issue of Golang, known as issue 3117. You can use a temporary variable to get around it:
var tmp = mongo_rows_struct[i][data_name]
tmp.caution_note = fmt.Sprint(k)
mongo_rows_struct[i][data_name] = tmp
as per my understanding, when you write:
compiler will generate code, which will return copy of mongo_essential_data_t struct(since struct in go is value type, not reference type), and
mongo_rows_struct[i][data_name].caution_note = fmt.Sprint(k)
will write new value to that copy. And after that copy will be discarded. Obviously, its not what you expect. So Go compiler generate error to prevent this misunderstanding.
In order to solve this problem you can:
1. Change definition of your data type to
2. Explicitly create copy of your struct, make changes in that copy and write it back to the map
data := mongo_rows_struct[i][data_name]
data.caution_note = fmt.Sprint(k)
mongo_rows_struct[i][data_name] = data
Of course, first solution is preferable because you will avoid unnecessary copying of data

Hashing table design in C

I have a design issue regarding HASH function.
In my program I am using a hash table of size 2^13, where the slot is calculated based on the value of the node(the hash key) which I want to insert.
Now, say my each node has two value |A|B| however I am inserting value into hash table using A.
Later on, I want to search a particular node which B not A.
Is it possible to that way? Is yes, could you highlight some design approaches?
The constraint is that I have to use A as the hash key.
Sorry, I can't share the code. Small example:
Value[] = {Part1, Part2, Part3};
value.part1 to be used to calculate the index of the slot.
Once slot is found then insert the "value"
Later on,
check_for_index("But here I need the value.part1 to check for slot index")
So, how can I relate the part1, part2 & part3 such that I later on I can find the slot by either part2 or part3
If the problem statement is vague kindly let me know.
Unless you intend to do a search element-by-element (in which case you don't need a hash, just a plain list), then what you basically ask is - can I have a hash such that hash(X) == hash(Y), but X!=Y, so that you could map to a location using part1 and then map to the same one using part2 or 3. That completely goes against what hashing stands for.
What you should do is (as viraptor also suggested), create 3 structures, each hashed using a different part of the value, and push the full value to all 3. Then when you need to search use the proper hash by the part you want to search by.
for e.g.:
value[] = {part1, part2, part3};
hash1.insert(part1, value)
hash2.insert(part2, value)
hash3.insert(part3, value)
The above 2 should produce the exact same values.
Also make sure that all data manipulations (removing values, changing them), is done on all 3 structures simultaneously. For e.g. -
value = hash2.search_in_hash(part2)
hash2.remove(part2) // you can assert that part2 == value.part2

Accessing struct fields inside a map value (without copying)

Assuming the following
type User struct {
name string
users := make(map[int]User)
users[5] = User{"Steve"}
Why isn't it possible to access the struct instance now stored in the map?
users[5].name = "Mark"
Can anyone shed some light into how to access the map-stored struct, or the logic behind why it's not possible?
I know that you can achieve this by making a copy of the struct, changing the copy, and copying back into the map -- but that's a costly copy operation.
I also know this can be done by storing struct pointers in my map, but I don't want to do that either.
The fundamental problem is that you can't take the address of an item within a map. You might think the compiler would re-arrange users[5].name = "Mark" into this
(&users[5]).name = "Mark"
But that doesn't compile, giving this error
cannot take the address of users[5]
This gives the maps the freedom to re-order things at will to use memory efficiently.
The only way to change something explicitly in a map is to assign value to it, i.e.
t := users[5]
t.name = "Mark"
users[5] = t
So I think you either have to live with the copy above or live with storing pointers in your map. Storing pointers have the disadvantage of using more memory and more memory allocations, which may outweigh the copying way above - only you and your application can tell that.
A third alternative is to use a slice - your original syntax works perfectly if you change users := make(map[int]User) to users := make([]User, 10)
Maps are typically sparsely filled hash tables which are reallocated when they exceed the threshold. Re-allocation would create issues when someone is holding the pointers to the values
If you are keen on not creating the copy of the object, you can store the pointer to the object itself as the value
When we are referring the map, the value returned is returned "returned by value", if i may borrow the terminology used in function parameters, editing the returned structure does not have any impact on the contents of the map
