Kendo UI Remote DataSource - kendo-ui

This is with reference to a question posted on the Kendo UI DataSource forum by a colleague of mine. I'm cross posting it here to try to get a solution.
We are trying out this simple Kendo Dojo using a remote URL to populate the datasource (open console to see the ouput). While modifying this to use one of our data URLs (and using json as the datatype), it doesn't work. Its an internal URL, so its not accessible from SO but I'll post the request/response headers, and the data seen using Chrome's Developer tools. The data source is making the request to the URL and getting a response, but nothing happens after that.
Response data
[{"tradeVolume": "33454327",
"numberOfTrades": "130498",
"tradeSizeStdDev": 13048.15096724034,
"quoteSizeStdDev": 1306.394869511115,
"medianTrade": 100.0,
"eightiethTradeSize": 200.0,
"ninetiethTradeSize": 334.2000000000029,
"ninetyFifthTradeSize": 334.2000000000029,
"ninetyEighthTradeSize": 1100.0,
"ninetyNinthTradeSize": 2000.0,
"medianQuoteSize": 1000.0,
"eightiethQuoteSize": 1550.0,
"ninetiethQuoteSize": 2050.0,
"ninetyFifthQuoteSize": 2050.0,
"ninetyEighthQuoteSize": 4300.0,
"ninetyNinthQuoteSize": 5600.0,
"ninetyNinthFiveQuoteSize": 7850.0
Request/Response Headers
Can't figure out why the datasource doesn't like the response. If we use the same response as a local datasource, it works, so I don't think there is an issue with the format of the JSON.
Also, any pointers on best ways to debug such issues would be very helpful to us.
UPDATE: This is an updated Dojo example that shows the code we have been trying. We have removed the URL since its an internal once, but the request/response headers are the ones seen above.


Swagger does not show real error message

We are on .NET WebAPI framework and we are using swagger on top of web api for annotations and out of the box UI experience. So far, it just has been working great. However, when I return an error from WebAPI(Http 400) as following code:
return BadRequest("Some error");
However, when I do that, it seems like Swagger is not able to parse the error properly. It basically, show response 0. Which is wrong for sure because when I go to Chrome DevTools, I see that my request had a response of HTTP 400 as I expected.
How can I configure Swagger so that it is able to show the errors correctly? Or should I be throwing my errors a little bit differently to be able to see it in swagger?
You can annotate your actions like this
[ProducesResponseType(typeof(ResponseObjectTypeHere), 200)]
[ProducesResponseType(typeof(ErrorResponseObjectTypeHere), 400)]
You can also add something like this in the xml documentation if you enable swagger to read and use xml documentation
/// <response code="200">Description</response>
/// <response code="400">Description of error</response>
I used those in the .net core web api project with swagger, should be the same for regular .net web api project as well.
You can simply send the exception details to the client by enabling one of ABP's configurations (SendAllExceptionsToClients) in ***.Web.Core Module, like this:
public override void PreInitialize()
if (_env.EnvironmentName.ToLower() == "development")
Configuration.Modules.AbpWebCommon().SendAllExceptionsToClients = true;
Then you get the exception details on the client. Recommended only during development.

Fine Uploader Basic To S3

Does anyone know if Fine Uploader supports it's uploaderType: 'basic' mode in conjunction with an S3 endpoint?
Their documentation is a box of christmas lights and I can't make heads or tails about which options work with which versions of the uploader.
Using this code, and not including the #qq-template they provide, I get the error below:
var uploader = new qq.s3.FineUploader({
uploaderType: 'basic',
element: document.getElementById("fineUploader"),
request: {
endpoint: "",
signature: {
endpoint: "/s3/signtureHandler"
uploadSuccess: {
endpoint: "success.html"
Error: Cannot find template script at ID 'qq-template'!
However, according to their docs (Fine Uploader Getting Started) it seems as though this is the correct way to get rid of the UI and handle that myself. Except it doesn't work.
Thanks for any help.
You are confusing the jQuery plug-in workflow with the no-dependency workflow. Just like the traditional endpoint handler, you simply need to make use of the FineUploaderBasic constructor. As the documentation illustrates, all S3 endpoint handler modules are appropriately namespaced:
var uploader = new qq.s3.FineUploaderBasic({...
Fine Uploader supports a wide variety of workflow, endpoints, and features. It's tough to fit that all into the documentation in a way that is intuitive for 100% of our users. However, for the most part, the current setup has been well received. If you have a specific suggestion for improvement, please open up an issue in the GitHub project's issue tracker. We will soon make it easier for users to edit the documentation as well.

Is there any way to manually initiate an AJAX upload with the Kendo Upload control

I am doing an upload via CORS to Amazon S3 with the Kendo Upload control. I'm having an issue with the fact that I need to grab a signature from my server, then add it to the 'data' for the event object of 'upload' handler I created. The problem is, of course, that in the handler I fire off an async request to get the signature, and the upload handler continues on it's merry way without the signature data i need. The published API has no 'upload()' or something command that I could call when my async request returns.
I saw an ASP-Kendo-S3 example somewhere, but it's not exactly clear from that code, how that signature is being obtained, and of course, I'm not using ASP.
Kendo Upload has an onUpload event. In Kendo's example there really isn't anything specific to that framework that wouldn't port to anything else.
They populate the page initially with the profile (base64 encoded JSON).
To get a signature for that base64 encoded json profile they use this method (C#):
private static string Sign(string text, string key)
var signer = new HMACSHA1(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key));
return Convert.ToBase64String(signer.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text)));
It looks pretty self explanatory to the point where you could port it to another language.

Submit Flash AS2 form via AJAX

I have a client who makes Flash AS2 based language learning software.
They wanted to add a bug report email to the apps.
It is dead simple if you don't mind the swf's post opening a new tab:
on (release, releaseOutside) {
var my_Var:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
my_Var.brsub = subject.text;
my_Var.brmsg = message.text;
my_Var.send("bug_report.php", "_blank", "POST");
I am looking for docs or an example in AS2 of making this post via AJAX and not opening the new tab.
Anyone know where I can read up on it. I know it must be out there but my Googling has come up empty.
You don't need to make an AJAX Request in Flash to process that request:
you can use the loadVariables method to send data via POST, without leaving your Flash movie:
Adobe Help Reference

Debugging: IE6 + SSL + AJAX + post form = 404 error

The Setting:
The program in question tries to post form data via an AJAX call to a target procedure contained in the same package as the caller. This is done for a site that uses a secure connection (HTTPS). The technology used here is PLSQL and the DOJO JavaScript library. The development tool is basically a text editor.
Code Snippet:
> function testPost() {
>> dojo.xhrPost( {
url: ''dr_tm_w_0120.test_post'',
form: ''orgForm'',
load: testPostXHRCallback,
error: testPostXHRError
> function testPostXHRCallback(data,ioArgs) {
>> alert(''post callback'');
dojo.byId("messageDiv").innerHTML = data;
if( == "TypeError")
alert("A type error occurred.");
return data;
function testPostXHRError(data, ioArgs) {
>> alert(data);
alert(''Error when retrieving data from the server!'');
return data;
The Problem:
When using IE6 (which the entire user-base uses), the response sent back from the server is a 404 error.
The program works fine in Firefox.
The calling procedure cannot target any procedures within the same package.
The calling procedure can target outside sites (both http, https).
The other AJAX calls in the package that are not posts of form data work fine.
I've searched the internets and consulted with senior-skilled team members and haven't discovered anything that satisfactorily addresses the issue.
*Tried Q&A over at Dojo support forums.
The Questions:
What troubleshooting techniques do you recommend?
What troubleshooting tools do you recommend for HTTPS analyzing?
Any hypotheses on what the issue might be?
Any ideas for workarounds that aren't total (bad) hacks?
Ed. The Solution
lomaxx, thx for the fiddler tip. you have no idea how awesome it was to get that and use it as a debugging tool. after starting it up this is what i found and how i fixed it (at least in the short term):
After seeing that message from the server, I kicked around Fiddler a bit more to see what else I could learn from it. Found that there's a WebForms tab that shows the values in the web form. Wouldn't you know it, the "xxx_DISPLAYED_" fields above were in it.
I don't really understand yet why these fields exist, because I didn't create them explicitly in the web PLSQL code. But I do understand now that the target procedure has to include them as parameters to work correctly. Again, this is only in the case of IE6 for me, as Firefox worked fine.
Well, that the short term answer and hack to fix it. Hopefully, a little more work in this area will lead to a better understanding of the fundamentals going on here.
First port of call would be to fire up Fiddler and analyze the data going to and from the browser.
Take a look at the headers, the url actually being called and the params (if any) being passed to the AJAX method and see if it all looks good before getting to the server.
If that all looks ok, is there any way you can verify it's actually hitting the server via logging, or tracing in the AJAX method?
ed: another thing I would try is rig up a test page to call the AJAX method on the server using a non-ajax based call and analyze the traffic in fiddler and compare the two.
