User status detection in chat application - windows

I am developing one chat application,How its possible to detect user interaction with PC to display status like away or online as we can see in application like skype? If this is specific to only browser tab then we can easily done it with
jquery mouse listener but how its possible at windows level?


Sending notification to custom teams application

I am working on a custom app that will load data in the personal tab from an external system. Everything works fine when I am on the app.
If the user is on the Calls or Chat tab and the external system is having something new for the user we want to notify the user in the chat or activity feed so that the user can revisit the custom app and review the data.
Please suggest how to achieve it.

How to move messenger thread control to Page Inbox in one click

A chatbot (Bot Framework v4, NodeJS) is connected to an app tied to a Facebook page (as primary receiver). Users starting a chat on the facebookpage are chatting with a chatbot. Works fine.
Sometimes the admin of the Facebook page needs to chat directly to the user. He can use the Page Inbox app for that. To be able to do that, he needs Thread Control
Currently the steps he needs to perform to get Thread Control for a certain conversation are:
Find the conversation he wants to join (get Thread Control over)
Move that conversation to 'Done' via the checkmark
Find the conversation again by adding the 'done'-filter to the view
Click the Move to Main button (the envelop in the top right corner)
Remove the 'done' filter to find the conversation again
Chat with the user (without the chatbot in the conversation)
After moving the conversation to Done again, the chatbot owns the conversation again.
Is there a more efficient way to get thread control

Browser focus on PWA apps after sending SMS via SMS url

I'm developing a PWA that exchanges public keys between friends using SMS.
The process begins with one person clicking a link to a partially populated
SMS url and opening a window - the portion of the url which is populated is
the body, which points to a dynamic url generated by the app.
For example:
What remains is the selecting of a contact from your phone book to send the link to.
The problem I am facing is the browser loses focus to the SMS app and there is no
way to programmatically bring the browser back to the foreground if the SMS is sent
or even canceled - This causes confusion for non-tech users as they think
the app has been closed.
Is there a way to return to the browser after the user sends the SMS?

Web-based Outlook add-in to read and process message contents

I want to create a web based Outlook Add-in which does not run in the context of a message or appointment. I simply thought about a new group with one button on the home tab. On click, a new window should be shown.
In platform-dependent concepts (like vsto) this was possible. But it seems that this scenario isnĀ“t supported by the new web concepts. At least not in outlook.
The program should run more like a service and observe the outbox and read (extract and transform) and prepare specific messages (maybe archive their contents locally - which is another problem because of the sandbox mechanism).
I want to deploy to windows and mac desktop clients.
Is that even possible?
Is a module extension an alternative? (Is it supported on mac?)
Task Panes and contextual Custom Panes are designed to interact with the selected/open message. You can define add-in commands (custom Ribbon buttons: that run a JavaScript function in your defined .html page. These functions can do whatever you want and don't necessarily have to interact with the message or Mailbox whatsoever.
However there is no feature that allows you to run a background application - your custom code always has to be executed by the user. The alternative is to use the Graph API (or Exchange Web Services) in a web server or client application context.
A module extension is similar to add-in commands, but by default doesn't run in the context of any message. Module extensions are essentially just a canvas for displaying web pages, but you have access to the Mailbox API.

Windows phone SMS plugin with extra functions

I'm using the code from this article, with phonegap app.
The plugin works all fine, but when the SMS is sent, I want to return to my app automatically. Is this possible? If its possible to send an SMS without go to the default integrated sender, it could be even better.
I'm a newbie to C# and windows phone apps - please help me ;)
there is no way to avoid the integrated SMS sender due to security reasons. User will return to your app after hitting the Back button on the SMS conversation page (that is esured automatically because of the stack-controlled nature of paging in WP7, but will not return after hitting the home button (again, this behavior cannot be prevented in any way) and your app will be suspended (possible to return to it by holding the back button and choosing it).
