I am getting an error which I shouldn't get according to this and this.
My library does exist though (here is the proof):
How do I fix the error?
I refactored the code to get rid of the circular dependency and it's now compiling fine on all 3 platforms.
Its still weird though that only OSX Xcode didn't compile the code.
it doesn't seem like anyone has had this issue before but I'm using Xcode 7.3.1 and started adding some UI Test Cases with swift. When I use swift there are no compile errors or warnings that show up. So when I do something wrong it just says "Build Failed" but doesn't say why. Nothing shows up anywhere.
Yet when I make the tests in objective C it works just fine with the compile errors and warnings and NSLocalizedString works too...
Does anyone know how to make Xcode show the compile errors and warnings on tests that use swift?
I was facing the same issue. What fixed the problem on my side was to make sure that my Schema included "Analize" or "Test" for the UI Test Target. Like so:
Only then warnings and errors messages started popping up in my UI test classes:
I have this problem with po in the console where trying to output a function works in itself, but outputting a variable or constant doesn't.
As you can see here, although you'd think the var/let holds the content of bar.boy(), Swift somehow can't find it...
So it turns out there was probably a bug in the past that when you were adding a Swift file it would add/ask a Bridging header, but it wouldn't add that line to your project
which means you'd stay in this state
resulting in error: <EXPR>:1:1: error: use of unresolved identifier!
I could only find that out because I moved around files in my project and when I added ObjC files to the project, it asked me about a Bridging header (although I had one already!) and luckily added that SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL. One could consider this is a bug to consider the default value is fastest, but then again I guess this was only a bug in the past and got fixed now.
Still, I fixed now it might be a bug the other way around, if it add none in the release build. I can't test this right now because for testing this I only had a Debug build. I'll leave that as an exercise :) for Apple's Engineers.
I set Swift Complier to "-O"
and set it back to "-Onone".
Then it works.
Fixed after setting:
Optimization Level = None[-Onone] under Swift Compiler - Code Generation
Note that setting Optimization Level under Apple LLVM 8.0 - Code Generation has no effect
I bet that bug is due to the fact that foo has been optimized out during compilation and it's symbol does not exist anymore in the compiled code (even if it shouldn't have in debug and it's still an LLDB bug)
Probably if you add some usage of foo in the next lines (even a println) its symbol will hopefully be kept in the IR and you'll be able to po foo
(I agree that that's still a bug but at least if it works you'll have a workaround and some sense of explanation)
I encountered a similar issue but I already had the correct configuration, all optimisations set to None. However I still didn't get any values.
After some further digging I found out that the issue originated from Xcode being unable to the resolve the types:
(lldb) frame variable self
<could not resolve type>
That led me to this question: xcode 8 Debugger 'Could not resolve type' where the issue is described and the bridging header seems to cause issues.
With my project not having any bridging headers I studied the build settings once more and found this setting
This was initally set to YES. After changing the it to NO symbols are working again.
If your project is using Swift, there are two separate "Optimization Level" settings in the project/target configuration. Its not only "SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL". Check this link: https://stackoverflow.com/a/32984193/2060180
I'll leave it here in case it's useful to someone.
For those who are using Swift framework in an Objective-c project, and wanna debug the Swift source files in that project: (In my case, I have a mixed-language module which managed by Cocoapods, I need to debug the swift module in my Objective-c Example project)
It works for me after I added an Empty Swift file in my Objective-c project.
Otherwise, those swift compiler options won't show up in the Build Settings.
An attempt to print object (po command) in xcode 6 beta 6 OSX Swift project results in this error message:
(lldb) po managedObject
error: Error in auto-import:
failed to get module '__ObjC' from AST context
In this case the object in question is an instance of NSManagedObject.
Any advice on how to help auto-import in getting __ObjC module into LLVM Abstract Syntax Tree context?
As of Xcode 6.1 if you attempt the po command twice it will work on the second attempt. The first po command will always fail for each new debugging session but subsequent calls work.
Have same issue in xcode 7.3.1:
error: Error in auto-import:
failed to get module 'Touch' from AST context:
<module-includes>:1:9: note: in file included from <module-includes>:1:
#import "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS.sdk/usr/include/libxml2/libxml/tree.h"
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS.sdk/usr/include/libxml2/libxml/tree.h:17:10: error: 'libxml/xmlversion.h' file not found
#include <libxml/xmlversion.h>
could not build Objective-C module 'LibXML2'
But you can use fr v managedObject instead of po managedObject.
I'd recommend double-checking that you have the
flag set under 'Other Swift Flags' for the scheme that you're using to debug. I experienced similar issues when I'd accidentally deleted it.
A clean of my project and deleting DerivedData worked for me.
I discussed a similar error message with an Apple engineer at WWDC2017. It seems like this issue can have many causes, and I am aware that mine is slightly different than the one described above.
My team spent weeks trying to figure this out, and it ended up being a bug on Apple's compiler, which we could never have figured out by ourselves. Also, it has a VERY easy workaround.
So, this is just me posting the fix here, in order to maximize the probability that someone else does a search for this confusing error message, and finds this answer.
So, here it is. In our case, we had an Objective-C project using a mix of Swift and Objective-C frameworks. This fix might apply in slightly different contexts, just try it.
There happens to be a bug with the way the compiling flags get aggregated from the frameworks and the project, and the "pure Objective-C" project "activates" it.
Solution: add one single, empty Swift file ("Whatever.swift", or whatever) in your Objective-C project, making it not-pure-objective-c any more (new->file->Swift file, don't create the bridging header. The file will only contain the import of Foundation).
I have this in a .h file:
class Ogre::ManualObject;
I don't know how it got there but it's always compiled under multiple compilers - until suddenly XCode5.1 raises it as an error.
Have Apple changed the C++ compiler again?
As John suggested, change class Ogre::ManualObject; to namespace Ogre{ class ManualObject;}. I had exactly the same problem (but with different declarations), also with Ogre and Xcode 5.1. Changed 3 lines, everything worked.
Possibly that never was legal. It would depend on the code around it (hard to say just based on that one line without knowing the referencing points). See this SO thread.
Apparently, you are not the only one experiencing this issue after an XCode 5.1 update. See this thread regarding Scaleform (autodesk.com). I however couldn't find anything related in the XCode or LLVM/clang release notes.
I've been struggling to get Auto Talent from Oli Larkin to compile for some time now. I'm pretty new to Xcode and that may be the issue, but either way I figured I'd see if anyone could help me. I'm trying to compile this in order to make a 64 bit version.
Starting from the top:
I've traced down a few things that I thought were the issues.
Noticed that wdl sdk was missing. Downloaded it from https://github.com/olilarkin/wdl-ol. Added the wdl folder outside of the src folder.
Got some warnings when starting up Xcode 5.0.2. Let Xcode fix them.
Realized that the /Developer/Examples folder doesn't exist in Mavericks. Found https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/samplecode/CoreAudioUtilityClasses/Introduction/Intro.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS40012328-Intro-DontLinkElementID_2, downloaded the sample code, linked to AUBase as I realized this path needed updating in the AU Build Settings (see screenshot).
iPlug.xcodeproj is in red. Not sure what to do about this. Any ideas? I'm assuming it's important.
Update: Based on the recent comments, I'm now getting somewhere. But, at the moment I'm getting the following errors. This has to do with not having a Lice SDK or something. Is this absolutely needed? If so, do you have the time to elaborate on this and where to get it? Thanks again for all of the help.
It looks like I'm getting another issue as well related to clang. Maybe related to Xcode - Command /Developer/usr/bin/clang failed with exit code 1, not sure.
Note: Before finally getting to the errors above, I had to...
Link CoreMIDI.framework "Frameworks and Libraries" -> "Linked Frameworks" -> App to /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreMIDI.framework.
Set compiler in the build settings to default compiler. Otherwise it said unsupported compiler and threw some warnings. Hopefully this didn't mess anything up.
Rename aeffect.h and aeffectx.h to aeffect.h and aeffectx.h from the VST3 SDK. You can find these files in public.sdk -> source -> vst2.x. Apparently 2.x isn't really supported anymore. After renaming them, I moved them to the VST_SDK folder in WDL as the readme instructed.
the source you have will not compile straight off with recent versions of WDL-OL, since lots has changed. The way to upgrade it is to strip out the pertinent source code (i.e. autotalent.h/cpp and the mayer fft stuff) and re-duplicate one of the template projects in WDL-OL and bring it in to the new folder.
I've done it for you:
you can clone this repository into the IPlugExamples folder of WDL-OL, and provided you've put all the SDK files in place it should compile straight off.