Combining active record relations - rails-activerecord

Given these two active record relation objects
cars = Vehicle.where(type: 'car') # ActiveRecord::Relation
motorbikes = Vehicle.where(type: 'motorbike') # ActiveRecord::Relation
In what way am I able to combine these two objects into a single object containing both cars and motorbikes that I can use active record methods on? Is it possible?
This varies from past questions of a similar nature because I am asking specifically within the context of rails 5.

In Rails, you could do:
cars_and_bikes = Vehicle.where(type: ['car', 'motorbike'])
OR using the new Rails 5 AR#or you could do:
cars_and_bikes = Vehicle.where(type: 'car').or(Vehicle.where(type: 'motorbike'))


If I eager load associated child records, then that means future WHERE retrievals won't dig through database again?

Just trying to understand... if at the start of some method I eager load a record and its associated children like this:
#object = Object.include(:children).where(email:"").first
Then does that mean that if later I have to look through that object's children this will not generate more database queries?
#found_child = #object.children.where(type_of_child:"this type").first
Unfortunately not - using ActiveRecord::Relation methods such as where will query the database again.
You could however filter the data without any further queries, using the standard Array / Enumerable methods:
#object.children.detect {|child| child.type_of_child == "this type"}
It will generate another database query in your case.
Eager loading is used to avoid N+1 queries. This is done by loading all associated objects. But this doesn't work when you want to filter that list with where later on, Rails will than build a new query and run that one.
That said: In your example the include makes your code actually slower, because it loads associated object, but cannot use them.
I would change your example to:
#object = Object.find_by(email: "")
#found_child = #object.children.find_by(type_of_child: "this type")

How to find a document in Mongoid by ID without the model?

Is there a way to use Mongoid to find a document by id, without knowing which model it is?
Seeing as how Mongoid is an ODM (Object-Document-Mapper) framework for MongoDB in Ruby, I do not believe this is possible. Knowing the model is a crucial component of Mongoid so that it can appropriately translate between your objects in code and the document representation of the data within MongoDB.
Please let me know if you have any questions!
A possible workaround is to iterate over all the collections, and execute the find method for all of them.
(It can have an impact on performance depending on the number and size of the collections.)
This code assumes, that the naming of the collections follows the convention: the name of the model with lower case in plural form.
def self.find_with_id_in_all_collections(id)
all_collections = Mongoid.default_session.collections
all_models = all_collections.collect{|col|}
all_models.each {|model|
found_with_id = eval(model + ".find(id)")
return found_with_id
rescue Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound
#nothing to do: keep on searching in the other collections
# if no such ID has been found in any of the collections:
raise "No document with the ID #{id} found in any of the following collections: #{all_collections}} resp. models: #{all_models}"

DataMapper use only certain columns

I have a code section like the following:
users = User.all(:fname => "Paul")
This of course results in getting all users called "Paul". Now I only need some of the columns available for each user which leads to replacing the above line by something like this:
users = User.all(:name => "Paul", :fields => [:id, :fname, :lname, :email])
Until now everything works as expected. Unfortunately now I want to work with users but as soon as I use something like users.to_json, also the other columns available will be lazy-loaded even due the fact, that I don't need those. What's the correct or at least a good way to end up with users only containing the attributes for each user that I need?
An intermediate object like suggested in How to stop DataMapper from double query when limiting columns/fields? is not a very good option as I have a lot of places where would need to define at least twice which fields I need and also I would loose the speed improvement gained by loading only the needed data from the DB. In addition such an intermediate object also seems to be quite ugly to build when having multiple rows of the DB selected (=> multiple objects in a collection) instead of just one.
If you usually works with the collection using json I suggest overriding the as_json method in your model:
def as_json(options = nil)
# this example ignores the user's options
super({:only => [:fname]}.merge(options || {}))
You are able to find more detailed explanation here

Active Record class

I am working on a migration project. Wanna migrate a rails 2.x app to 3.x. I have a problem with active record.
In Rails 2.x:
arr=StorageUnit.find(:all, :conditions =>"type='Drawer'")
The above code will get me all records with type Drawer.
=> Array
In Rails 3.x:
Here the above function is deprecated. So i had to use
The above code will get me all records with type Drawer.
I guess this is because of the change in Active Record.
My problem is i have some code based on this class.
For ex:
if arr.class== Array
do something
do something
So as off now i have changed it to
if arr.class== ActiveRecord::Relation
do something
do something
Just curious to know whether there is any better solution or any alternative way to solve it. I have a lot of place where they have used such stuff.
will provide the class as Array. My objective is to know when the code without suffix can provide you the required records than what is the use of all in the end.? Is it just to change class? Can anyone ecxplain?
StorageUnit.where simply returns the ActiveRecord relation. Tacking on .all will execute the sql and create instances of StorageUnit.
arr = StorageUnit.where(:type => 'Drawer').all
There are many interesting side effects of it being returned as a relation. Amongst other things, you can combine scopes before executing:
StorageUnit.where(:type => 'Drawer').where(:color => 'black')
you can view the resultant sql for debugging:
StorageUnit.where(:type => 'Drawer').to_sql
Imagine this:
class StorageUnit < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :with_drawer, where(:type => 'Drawer')
scope :with_color, lambda { |c| where(:color => c) }
StorageUnit.with_drawer.with_color('black').first_or_create # return the first storage unit with a black drawer
StorageUnit.with_drawer.with_color('black').all # return all storage units with black drawers
The relation allows for underlying query to be built up even saved for later use. all and other modifiers like it have special meaning to the relation and trigger the database execution and building of model instances.

How to get the collection based upon the wildchar redis key using redis-rb gem?

The redis objects created using the redis-rb gem.
$redis =
$redis.sadd("work:the-first-task", 1)
$redis.sadd("work:another-task", 2)
$redis.sadd("work:yet-another-task", 3)
Is there any method to get the collection that has "work:*" keys?
Actually, if you just want to build a collection on Redis, you only need one key.
The example you provided builds 3 distinct collections, each of them with a single item. This is probably not that you wanted to do. The example could be rewritten as:
$redis =
$redis.sadd("work", "another-task|2")
$redis.sadd("work", "yet-another-task|3")
To retrieve all the items of this collection, use the following code:
x = $redis.smembers("work")
If you need to keep track of the order of the items in your collection, it would be better to use a list instead of a set.
In any case, usage of the KEYS command should be restricted to tooling/debug code only. It is not meant to be used in a real application because of its linear complexity.
If you really need to build several collections, and retrieve items from all these collections, the best way is probably to introduce a new "catalog" collection to keep track of the keys corresponding to these collections.
For instance:
$redis =
$redis.sadd("catalog:work", "work:the-first-task" )
$redis.sadd("catalog:work", "work:another-task" )
$redis.sadd("work:the-first-task", 1)
$redis.sadd("work:the-first-task", 2)
$redis.sadd("work:another-task", 3)
$redis.sadd("work:another-task", 4)
To efficiently retrieve all the items:
keys = $redis.smembers("catalog:work")
res = $redis.pipelined do
keys.each do |x|
The idea is to perform a first query to get the content of catalog:work, and then iterate on the result using pipelining to fetch all the data. I'm not a Ruby user, so there is probably a more idiomatic way to implement it.
Another simpler option can be used if the number of collections you want to retrieve is limited, and if you do not care about the ownership of the items (in which set is stored each item)
keys = $redis.smembers("catalog:work")
res = $redis.sunion(*keys)
Here the SUNION command is used to build a set resulting of the union of all the sets you are interested in. It also filters out the duplicates in the result (this was not done in the previous example).
Well, I could get it by $redis.keys("work:*").
