Can't see the sidebar in geany 1.27 on mac - macos

I can't see the sidebar in geany 1.27 on Mac OS. Because of this I have no way of seeing the symbol list or document list
Is there a configuration option or else I missed ?

Close Geany, then in .config/geany/geany.conf inside your home dir, set
and restart Geany.
When sidebar is collapsed, you can't restore it from the GUI

Per default it should be visible. Check .config/geany/geany.conf inside your home with e.g. vim for this options I could imaging of maybe causing the issue
(these values are actually taken from my working OS X configuration of Geany. I'm referring to config file as its much fast the double check than go there click here)


How do I prevent an application from being used as a default opener for ANY file?

MacOS is continually using Xcode to open various files in my OS. I already know how to set a default app opener for all files with a particular extension (.txt, .py, etc...), but I can't use this feature with "extensionless" files like .bash_profile. Is there a workaround for this other than changing the default app for each file?
My preferred solution would be if I could tell MacOS to never use Xcode as a default app opener. I'm assuming there is some config file buried away that might help me achieve this but I haven't been able to find anything to help me with this.
Looking for the same I found this answer stop-xcode-from-hijacking-my-file-associations on apple.stackexchange.
It seems that XCode is pretty persistent but using this 3rd party app you can achieve it!
Step 1: After installing the app, go to System preferences > SwiftDefaultApps
Step 2: Go to the Uniform Type Identifiers tab and look for public data.
Step 3: Assign, under the Editor section, the desired editor.
Step 4: Apply (the app is a little bit clumsy and sometimes it doesn't show the confirmation popup, if this is the case, just close the preference window, open it again and check that everything is ok!)
Since asking this question, I stumbled upon this MacOS system file:
I've found that you can add your own dict entries into the LSHandlers array. For instance, I added the following entry to bind all file types to my Sublime application:
Right click on a file where you want to change the default editor
Choose Get Info (Or simply select the file and press CMD+I)
Select the editor in the Open with section
Click Change All..
Now all files of this type will be opened with the editor you selected.

Clear Recent items in Preview Application of Mac OS X..?

Hello all,
Can anyone tell me how to clear the 'Recent items' list in Preview application of Mac OS X through code? Is there a terminal command that can do this?
Or is there any way to click on 'Clear Menu' in 'Open Recent' of the 'File' menu in Preview?
Alternatively, does someone know where Preview stores this information and how do to remove it?
Check out this image to see what I mean.
Ok, so none of the described methods on the websites I could find actually succeeded in getting rid of all the 'recent document' lists in all of my apps.
I feel the most common sense approach would be (for OSX 10.12 / Sierra):
First go to system settings > general and choose "none" in the recent file dropdown menu (my OSX is in another language so the exact terms might be different, but you should be able to see what I mean). / This will get rid of most, but not all recent-items in different apps.
Get familiar with Apple's 'defaults' command in terminal. Now, hunt for any lists you might still want to get rid off, e.g. none of the options mentioned in the answers already listed here helped to get rid of the recent-items list in Finders "GO" menu. I played around with the defaults command and found that: "write "FXRecentFolders" '({})' && killall Finder" does the trick for me. Playing around I found similar solutions for many of the other apps that where still able to maintain a list of recent items.
Create a shell script containing the commands you found during step 2.
Schedule the script to be run automatically on a preset interval or action (e.g. log out). AND/OR create an alias in your shell's profile (or directly apply the script as a function inside it) so you can call it with a single command from your terminal. (for instance: I have created an alias to it, so when I now type "killrecent" in terminal, it empties all the recent-items lists I've been able to find.
Hope this will be of some help to others. Good luck!
open Preview ->- go to File ->- Open Recent ->- Clear Menu
You may try the approach outlined here, which is to run
defaults delete RecentDocuments
in the Terminal (manually or through your app). However I tried this and it didn't work for me (OSX 10.11), since the Preview defaults file doesn't contain this entry.
You can use
defaults write NSRecentDocumentsLimit 0
which will hide all recently used items, but as soon as you set that number to anything greater than 0, they will show up again.
I also checked the ScriptingBridge Interface for Preview, but couldn't find anything useful. So unfortunately it looks like this is not possible.
with 10.11, there are at
~/Library/Application\ Support/

Change icon of running firefox profile

I'm using Win7 but looking for a cross os solution, but this isnt even working in my Win7. I'm trying to change the icon of just the current profile. So what i did was:
I created shortcut of firefox.exe and moved it to my documents
right click on this shortcut and then changed icon
but in firefox the taskbar shows normal firefox icon and so does the top left icon (see attached image plz)
How can I change this icon?
Here's another topic i made on ask.m.o trying to ask the same thing:
As of Firefox 57, this is not possible from an extension.
WebExtensions do not permit the window icon to be changed from an extension.
Prior to Firefox 57 (or non-release versions w/ legacy add-ons)
The combination of the title of your question and the text of your question make it unclear what you desire to accomplish.
If your goal is to dynamically change the window icon of a currently running Firefox process then you will need to follow something along the lines of the second or third method listed in nmaier's answer.
If you goal is to always have a different, static icon used for the primary Firefox windows for a specific profile, that is quite easy.
You will need icon files of the appropriate format for each architecture for which you desire this to work.
The following assumes Windows, it is easily expanded to other architectures by including an icon file with the same name, but appropriate file extension and format.
Create a simple overlay, extracted extension. You will need a minimum of 2 files:
Example, fully functional, install.rdf:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<RDF xmlns=""
<Description about="urn:mozilla:install-manifest">
<em:name>Window icon change</em:name>
<em:description>Change the Firefox main window icon.</em:description>
NOTE: The "<extension-dir>\chrome\icons\default\" directory is different than the one in the response by nmaier. In that answer the "icons" and "default" directories reversed and will be non-functional.
You will probably want an additional file:
The chrome.manifest file is not required. However, not having it may result in a single line being printed to the error/browser console (if you even have that open). If the chrome.manifest file exists, even if zero length, there will be no complaint in the console that the file could not be read.
Install the extension. The easy way to do this is to create a zip file with those three files; then change the file extension to .xpi; then drag and drop it onto a Firefox window running the profile in which you desire it to be installed.
You can expand this to include icons for whatever sub-windows you desire. You will need to determine the ID for each sub-window. The icon file name is just the window ID with the appropriate extension for an icon in the architectures you desire. "main-window" is just the ID for the main Firefox browser window.
Creating an extension to test this took less than 5 minutes. You should find it reasonably easy to accomplish.
This assumes that there is not a custom main-window icon located at (Windows, default install location):
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\browser\chrome\icons\default
as that directory is for all profiles and is searched first.
This will not work if the extension is either restartless or extractionless.
You can find a brief amount of information about window icons on MDN. nmaier mentions the docs talking about bundles. When talking about Mozilla add-ons, a bundle is your add-on package.
The icon file(s) will be at (Windows):
<profile dir>\extensions\<extension-dir>\chrome\icons\default*
Once the extension is installed, you can change it/them manually without re-installing, if desired.
Add-ons created to solve this
Based on the discussion in the comments, I created a Firefox Add-on to allow setting the window icons for the profile. It is much expanded upon the 5 minute add-on mentioned in the comments. The addition is entirely in a UI for the options dialog for selecting the icon to use and assigning it to the various different windows Firefox opens. You can get it from Mozilla Add-ons under Change Profile's Window Icons. Unfortunately, it's not possible for that add-on to function as of Firefox 48 which requires add-ons to be signed. To dynamically change the icon requires changing files which must be signed. Thus it's not possible to dynamically change the icon with add-on signing required.
Instead I created a few add-ons which statically change the window icon. You can find them on AMO.
Well, there are some ways that spring to mind, but all with their own issues:
Using Window Icons provided by an add-on you install into the profile (the docs talk about bundles, but add-on can also use this technique). The add-on must be em:unpack and have the icon(s) in chrome/default/icons exactly. It is possible that the Firefox in question has an own set of icons bundled in the $appdir/chrome/default/icons, in particular on *nix and since they are checked first, they will be used instead of the add-on provided add-ons. So while this approach works for custom add-on windows, it might not for built-in ones.
Copy and patch Firefox itself, aka. the sledgehammer approach. Different for each platform (e.g. under Windows you'd have to swap out the icon resource of the firefox.exe).
Create a tool that will switch out the icons of a running window. There is no code to do so in Firefox that would be accessible from javascript, so you need to go binary and platform-specific, e.g. WM_SETICON on Windows.
Edit 1:
Actually, thinking more about it, I'd install an add-on with some platform-specific js-ctypes code that would then switch out the icons, e.g. the already mentioned WM_SETICON on Windows.
Usually you'll need a window handle for the platform APIs, which Firefox refuses to provide to JS. But as a workaround for that:
Store the window title.
Set the window title to a new uuid.
Call a platform API to find the new uuid titled window handle (FindWindow on Windows). mintrayr uses this scheme for Windows/Gnome(GTK/GDK), also not in js-ctypes.
Restore the window title.
Load/transform the icon file to something the platform supports (HICON on windows). I once had a patch somewhere on bugzilla that enabled loading of arbitrary images as window icons FWIW, but let it slide. Should be still somewhere and could give pointers.
Switch the icon using the obtained handle. E.g. Sending two WM_SETICON for small/big icon on Windows.
Edit 2
Turns out nsIBaseWindow exposes a nativeHandle these days, as I learned from your other question. so the window-title–hack isn't needed any longer. However, nativeHandle might be an 64-bit pointer, which isn't really supported in JS land without some trickery... Better not parseInt it... Also js numbers are floats.
ctypes.voidptr_t(ctypes.UInt64(nativeHandle)) should work, though.
On Mac OS X, this Firefox plugin will do just that: Also on GitHub: Thanks to Noitidart for pointing out this very useful plugin.
Tested on Yosemite 10.10.5 and it works perfectly!

Is it possible to run terminal/command prompt inside Rubymine?

I would work much faster if I could have some kind of command line running inside rubymine, is this possible? When testing I repeatedly have to switch to my terminal window and it gets quite annoying.
I can run rails console and also the sandboxed version side rubymine aswell as my rails server and spork server.
It would be nice to have a command prompt inside rubymine also would speed things up. Infact that would make rubymine 100% perfect for my rails development as it does everything else require.
There is no such feature in IDEA platform based products. You need to run terminal externally. Note that you can create an External Tool to run terminal window in the current file or module directory for convenience.
UPDATE: Terminal (SSH console) was added in PhpStorm/WebStorm 7.0, IDEA 13, RubyMine 6, PyCharm 2.7.3.
I have used CrazyCoder's instructions to do this. Here are the instructions for Windows:
File, Settings
bottom half of menu is titled IDE Settings, look in this list to find External Tools
Click in the only available button (for most), [+]
give your custom thing a name ("terminal"? "command prompt"?)
most of this stuff you just leave blank
click the [...] button next to Program, then simply navigate to Windows/system32/cmd.exe
Lastly, unless you want to have your starting command line (terminal) path as C:\Windows\system32 (CHANGE YOUR PATH), simply click on the [...] next to the "Working Directory" just below, and change your path to Desktop or whatever it is you prefer.
Click OK.
You're done! It's that easy. Now to access this (no restart required), click on Tools, and then under 'XML actions' (for me anyway) you should find your "terminal" or "cmd" or whatever it is you called it. You can test it out with an 'ipconfig' command. You can always go back to the the settings/external-tools place you went to in the first place to edit your settings (like your default path), or to make another custom tool, because this (RubyMine External Tools creator) is obviously a very powerful tool.
If someone is searching this for rubymine in version 7.
Press Alt+f12 for the terminal.
Source :

Trackpad gesture to switch to header/source

I used to be able to use three finger scroll-up to switch between source/header. Since upgrading to Lion, I it just does a regular scroll. Is there any way to get that feature back?
Aka, it doesn't jump to counterpart when I scroll up / down like it used to.
Apple fixed the issue in Xcode 4.2. So, upgrade your versions.
This is the correct and best answer. It works. It is posted by "#Buyin" above. Another individual commented that it doesn't work. He is wrong. It works, I've confirmed it. It restores the three finger vertical swipe to switch between interface and implementation files (.h and .m) in xCode in Lion.
From your terminal:
Change to appropriate directory (note, if your Library dir is hidden, in the terminal just type the following: chflags nohidden ~/Library )
1. cd /Users/YOURUSERNAME/Library/Preferences/ByHost
List files so you can see the .GlobalPreferences.XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX.plist
2. ls -lah
Open that plist file in xcode
3. open -a /Applications/ ".GlobalPreferences.XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX.plist"
Set value to 1 for the key ""
Save the plist file
Log out and back into machine
Given apple took this away (hopefully just for now) the only way I can think of to get this working again would be to install BetterTouchTool[1] and bind the keyboard control - control-cmd-up, ctrl-cmd-down - to the three finger motion. You'd also have to switch the default three finger motion in sys prefs to use four fingers for mission control.
As found in internet:
defaults -currentHost write -g "" -int 1
Logout and Login again
If you're using an Apple magic trackpad, you'll also need to edit
which can be found in the
directory. Open it and change the threeFingerVertSwipeGesture key to a 1.
Save the *.plist
I also changed both my App Expose and Mission Control swipes to be 4 finder swipes instead of Lion's default 3 finger swipe.
Restart your computer
Hope that helps!
The answer from icnivad was so very close to working for me. With one additional step.
From your terminal:
Change to appropriate directory (note, if your Library dir is hidden, in the terminal just type the following: chflags nohidden ~/Library )
1. cd /Users/YOURUSERNAME/Library/Preferences/ByHost
List files so you can see the .GlobalPreferences.XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX.plist
2. ls -lah
Open that plist file in xcode
3. open -a /Developer/Applications/ ".GlobalPreferences.XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX.plist"
Set value to 1 for the key ""
Save the plist file
Restart machine
Make sure the "Three finger drag" System Preference is disabled. This seems to take precedence and stop the Xcode gesture from working.
Looks like you can now switch using a left and right two finger swipe. Seems pretty buggy though, given that this also scrolls the screen. It also switches the butler from automatic to manual mode.
I'm starting to hate the combination of Lion and Xcode.
Apple fixed the issue in Xcode 4.2. So, upgrade your versions.
Have fun coding and mind the occasional crash.
This stopped working for me in MacOS Big Sur and the plist changes recommended here didn't fix it for me.
What finally fixed it for me was to go to
System Preferences > Trackpad > More Gestures
and change the setting for "Swipe between pages" to "Swipe with two or three fingers". I suspect setting it to "Swipe with three fingers" would also work.
This worked for me in Mountain Lion, XCode 4.6:
a busy cat
I think the reason Apple removed the h/m 3-finger swipe is because they expect you to use the "Assistant" editor, which displays the h and m files together, side by side.
This works, sort of, on a wide screen, although it is an inefficient use of space. But when you're on the road with a MacBookAir, it's a major handicap.
Xcode4 feels like a straitjacket.
