Read range of numbers into a for loop - bash

So, I am building a bash script which iterates through folders named by numbers from 1 to 9. The script depends on getting the folder names by user input. My intention is to use a for loop using read input to get a folder name or a range of folder names and then do some stuff.
Let's assume I want to make a backup with rsync -a of a certain range of folders. Usually I would do:
for p in {1..7}; do
rsync -a $p/* backup.$p
The above would recursively backup all content in the directories 1 2 3 4 5 6 and 7 and put them into folders named as 'backup.{index-number}'. It wouldn't catch folders/files with a leading . but that is not important right now.
Now I have a similar loop in an interactive bash script. I am using select and case statements for this task. One of the options in case is this loop and it shall somehow get a range of numbers from user input. This now becomes a problem.
If I use read to get the range then it fails when using {1..7} as input. The input is taken literally and the output is just:
I really would like to know why this happens. Let me use a more descriptive example with a simple echo command.
var={1..7} # fails and just outputs {1..7}
for p in $var; do echo $p;done
read var # Same result as above. Just outputs {1..7}
for p in $var; do echo $p;done
for p in {1..7}; do echo $p;done # works fine and outputs the numbers 1-7 seperated with a newline.
I've found a workaround by storing the numbers in an array. The user can then input folder names seperated by a space character like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
read -a var # In this case the output is similar to the 3rd loop above
for p in ${var[#]}; do echo $p; done
This could be a way to go but when backing up 40 folders ranging from 1-40 then adding all the numbers one-by-one completely makes my script redundant. One could find a solution to one of the millennium problems in the same time.
Is there any way to read a range of numbers like {1..9} or could there be another way to get input from terminal into the script so I can iterate through the range within a for-loop?
This sounds like a question for google but I am obviously using the wrong patterns to get a useful answer. Most of similar looking issues on SO refer to brace and parameter expansion issues but this is not exactly the problem I have. However, to me it feels like the answer to this problem is going in a similar direction. I fail to understand why when a for-loop for assigning {1..7} to a variable works but doing the same like var={1..7} doesn't. Plz help -.-
EDIT: My bash version:
EDIT2: The versatility of a brace expansion is very important to me. A possible solution should include the ability to define as many ranges as possible. Like I would like to be able to choose between backing up just 1 folder or a fixed range between f.ex 4-22 and even multiple options like folders 1,2,5,6-7

Brace expansion is not performed on the right-hand side of a variable, or on parameter expansion. Use a C-style for loop, with the user inputing the upper end of the range if necessary.
read upper
for ((i=1; i<=$upper; i++)); do
To input both a lower and upper bound separated by whitespace
read lower upper
for (i=$lower; i <= $upper; i++)); do
For an arbitrary set of values, just push the burden to the user to generate the appropriate list; don't try to implement your own parser to process something like 1,2,20-22:
while read p; do
rsync -a $p/* backup.$p
The input is one value per line, such as
Even if the user is using the shell, they can call your script with something like
printf '%s\n' 1 2 20..22 |
It's easier for the user to generate the list than it is for you to safely parse a string describing the list.

The evil eval
$ var={1..7}
$ for i in $(eval echo $var); do echo $i; done
this also works,
$ var="1 2 {5..9}"
$ for i in $(eval echo $var); do echo $i; done
evil eval was a joke, that is, as long as you know what you're evaluating.
Or, with awk
$ echo "1 2 5-9 22-25" |
awk -v RS=' ' '/-/{split($0,a,"-"); while(a[1]<=a[2]) print a[1]++; next}1'


Trying to create a bash script that adds positive integers taken from input on a single line with spaces

Im trying to take input from the terminal one line with spaces in between for example input would be something like this.
-1 -1 1
then im trying to take that input and add them together.
the catch is im only supposed to add positive integers so i need to remove the dashes.
I have
read Str
str=( $Str );
echo "$((${arr[#]/%/+}0))"
it seems like its only removing one instance of the dash and not the rest. Not sure which direction to take. Im sure there are multiple solutions.
Any help would be appreciated. I was also thinking maybe an If statement that could remove dashes before adding but not sure how exactly to even begin that.
If you just want to accumulate the words one at a time into a sum, removing any optional leading - characters, you can do that with something like:
read line
((sum = 0))
for num in ${line} ; do
((sum += absnum))
echo "Sum is" ${sum}
Your method of removing leading negative sign is sound, but you don't really need to create an array to do the work. You can just iterate over the words as shown.
Keep in mind a real program should be a little more robust, handling non-numerics and such without falling in a screaming heap. You could do something like this immediately after the assignment to absnum:
[[ ! "${absnum}" =~ ^[1-9][0-9]*|0$ ]] && echo Bad number ${num} && exit 1
This would ensure it was a valid non-negative integer. A sample run follows so you can adjust to whatever test data you'd like to use:
pax> echo '3 0 --1 -2 4 40' | bash myscript.bash
Sum is 50

Variable disappear after quitting the while loop

I know this question has been answered so many times. However, I still have some points need to be clarified. First let me paste my code snippet:
1 #!/bin/bash
2 declare -a test
3 declare -i counter
5 while read x;
6 do
7 test[counter]=$x
9 ((counter++))
10 done < reg.txt
11 echo "---------------------"
12 echo ${test[0]}
13 echo ${test[1]}
And the data in reg.txt is
I know that to put data in array test properly, I have to use '<' to turn file "reg.txt" into input data. However, how am I supposed to pick out ip address contains "1.1".
At line 10, I tried different things such as:
done < reg.txt|grep "1.1" #Using this way makes the 'test' array empty.
Or this:
done < <(reg.txt | grep "1.1")
The grammar is incorrect. (A lot of people suggest this and I don't know why).
In summary, I mean, is there a way to re-construct file before being read by while loop?
Using this syntax:
done < reg.txt|grep "1.1"
doesn't do what you want it to do; instead, it applies the grep command to the output of the while loop.
The test array is does get populated with 5 values, but those values aren't remembered after the while loop completes - as explained in the answers to this question: Modifying a variable inside while loop is not remembered
What you're looking for is this:
done < <(cat reg.txt | grep "1\.1")
Note that the part within the parenthesis is a pipeline, and it needs to be a valid bash command. (You were missing the "cat" command.) You can test that part separately and verify that it selects the input data that you want.

Reading Column and Find Median (Bash)

I want to find the median for each column, however it doesn't work like what I want.
1 2 3
3 2 1
2 1 5
I'm expecting for
2 2 3
for the result, however turns out it just give sum error and some "sum" of the column. Below is a snippet of the code for "median in column"
while read -r line; do
read -a array <<< "$line"
for i in "${!array[#]}"
result=${column[*]} | sort -n
done < file
for i in ${!column[#]}
#some median calculation.....
Notes: I want to practice bash, that's why I hard-coded using bash.
I really appreciate if someone could help me, especially in BASH. Thank you.
Bash is really not suitable for low-level text processing like this: the read command does a system call for each character that it reads, which means that it's slow, and it's a CPU hog. It's ok for processing interactive input, but using it for general text processing is madness. It would be much better to use awk (Python, Perl, etc) for this.
As an exercise in learning about Bash I guess it's ok, but please try to avoid using read for bulk text processing in real programs. For further information, please see Why is using a shell loop to process text considered bad practice? on the Unix & Linux Stack Exchange site, especially the answer written by
Stéphane Chazelas (the discoverer of the Shellshock Bash bug).
Anyway, to get back to your question... :)
Most of your code is ok, but
result=${column[*]} | sort -n
doesn't do what you want it to.
Here's one way to get the column medians in pure Bash:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Find medians of columns of numeric data
# See
# Written by PM 2Ring 2015.10.13
echo "input data:"
cat "$fname"
#Read rows, saving into columns
while read -r -a array; do
for i in "${!array[#]}"; do
#Separate column items with a newline
done < "$fname"
#Calculate line number of middle value; which must be 1-based to use as `head`
#argument, and must compensate for extra newline added by 'here' string, `<<<`
echo "midrow: $midrow"
#Get median of each column
for i in "${!column[#]}"; do
median=$(sort -n <<<"${column[i]}" | head -n "$midrow" | tail -n 1)
result+="$median "
echo "result: $result"
input data:
1 2 3
3 2 1
2 1 5
midrow: 3
result: 2 2 3

for loops with variables in range won't work

So I was writing a for loop and getting some errors, to get an understanding of the errors I wrote this
#! /bin/bash
b=${1:- 10}
echo $b
for i in {0..$b}
echo "$i"
so if I run ./ 10
I get
why doesn't the range work when I have a variable as the second argument?
Bash doesn't expand the range. Use this instead.
for (( i=0; i<=$b; i++))
The part of bash that expands things like {1..10} into 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 runs before any parameters like $b are replaced by their values. Since {1..$b} doesn't look like a numeric range, it doesn't get expanded. By the time parameter expansion turns it into {1..10}, it's too late; nothing is going to come along and evaluate the curly-brace expression.
Change the script to use the following (
for i in $(eval echo {0..$b})

Output of command in Bash script to Drop-down box?

First off, I appreciate any and all help in answering this question.
I have a command in a bash script that will output the following:
255 254 253 252 ... 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
It is a specific list of numbers, beginning with the largest (which is what I would like), then going to the smallest. The dataset is space-delimited. The output above (except including all numbers), is what you would see if you ran this command in the terminal on a linux machine, or through a bash script.
I have configured my apache2 server to allow for cgi/bash through the cgi-bin directory. When I run this command in a bash file from the web, I get the expected output.
What I'm looking for is for a way to be able to put these numbers each as a separate entry in a drop-down box for selection, meaning the user can select one point of data (254, for example) from the drop down menu.
I'm not sure what I'm doing with this, so any help would be appreciated. I'm not sure if I need to convert the data into an array, or what. The drop down menu can be on the same page of the bash script, but wherever it is, it has to update it's list of numbers from the command every time it is run.
Thank you for your help.
I've always found this site useful when fiddling with shell scripts:
you'll have to get your output into an array using some sort of string manipulation using the spaces as delimiters, then loop over that to build some html output - so the return value will basically just output your select box on the page where you execute your cgi/bash script.
Repeating the answer (since the original question was marked as duplicate):
you can write a bash for loop to do everything. This just prints out the elements:
for i in `seq 1 "${#x[*]}"`; do
echo "|${x[i]} |"
To get the alignment correct, you need to figure out the max length (one loop) and then print out the terms:
# w will be the length
for i in `seq 1 "${#x[*]}"`; do
if [ $w -lt ${#x[$i]} ]; then w=${#x[$i]}; fi
for i in `seq 1 $((w+2))`; do printf "%s" "-"; done
printf "\n"
for i in `seq 1 "${#x[*]}"`; do
printf "|%-$ws |\n" ${#x[$i]}
for i in `seq 1 $((w+2))`; do printf "%s" "-"; done
printf "\n"
