Can Visual Studio Code on a Mac connect to a TFS2015 server? - visual-studio

I have a folder structure that is full of markdown files and images that I would like to maintain in TFS2015 (possibly using a GIT repo).
I would like this folder structure to be accessible both from some Mac computers running Visual Studio Code, and from some Windows development machines (ideally from existing installations of Visual Studio 2013, if possible, else with new installations of VSCode for Windows)
When anyone checks in anything, I want to deploy the latest and greatest content (both markdown files and images) to a web folder.
Can all the above be done?
As a note, I have all this implemented today as a VS2013 web project which connects to TFS2015 and uses a custom build to deploy on the web server. This is working, but unfortunately it cannot be accessed from OS X machines using VSCode, hence the question.

Yes the above can be achieved. VS Code on OS X or any tool on any OS is agnostic to the host system for the remote Git repo.
The git client being used by VS Code only cares about is the path (URL in case of TFS 2015) and the authentication/authorization mechanism to the remote git repo.


Why is latest Xamarin needed on local TFS server for CI?

The requirements on the following page state that you need to install Visual Studio with Xamarin on your local TFS server to setup Xamarin CI builds:
topography of the CI
This is a real pain. We have lots of developers that rely on our local TFS server, most of whom don't do any Xamarin development. As such, any changes are heavily scrutinized. This often leads to us not installing the latest VS/Xamarin releases, as it's considered too risky for this vital bit of infrastructure.
We could have a Windows build machine with VS and Xamarin installed, that is connected to a Mac build machine. We'd be free to update the Windows and Mac build machines regularly, without the fear of compromising the TFS server. Is this possible? If not, why not?
Thanks in advance.
That diagram can't be right. There is no reason why you'd need VS or Xamarin installed on your TFS app tier.
I think it's showing a simplified configuration where the Windows build agent is installed alongside the app tier. That is a supported setup but is never, ever recommended by anyone, for exactly the reasons why you don't want to do it.
The diagram is simplified. You don't need to install anything on your TFS server. What you do instead is to install a Build Agent on a separate machine or virtual machine.
The installation details for the TFS 2017 / VSTS build agent v2 can be found in the official visual studio documentation.
The procedure is similar for both TFS and VSTS, where you generate an access token in TFS/VSTS, then simply enter the url for the TFS/VSTS instance when running the build agent install script, along with the access token.
There are build agents for Windows, Linux and macOS, so it is up to you how you configure how iOS builds are made.

Run VS-project on OSX

I want to join as a team member doing web design work in an ASP.NET/C# project.
The project is setup in Windows environment using TFS for source control.
However, I work on OSX and would love to be able to work in the project without having to setup a developing environment using Parallels or so.
Visual Studio Code seemed promising and I installed a TFS plug-in, but I have no idea how to connect to the project and run it on a http://localhost.
Is there a good way to do this?
(I am more of a designer than a tech person so please bear with me and my stupid questions :))
Visual Studio Code is certainly one way to view code in C#, but you can't really run it unless you're in .NET Core. I think you may be able to debug with Mono, so that might be worth a look first to see if your application is supported through that route. I've heard that Visual Studio will be available cross-platform sometime in the future (which will be amazing), but for now, the IDE is only available for Windows.
You can try using MonoDevelop which looks like a C# IDE for Mac ( and there's also Xamarin Studio ( See this StackOverflow thread.
As for TFS, if you're using Git, you can easily connect to TFS using the server as a remote for your local repo (or clone the TFS instance onto your local machine), or you can use the command-line for Team Explorer Everywhere.

Androdi Studio: dev environments on different machines use different sdk path

Due to my current situation, I am using dropbox to house all of my Android Studio projects. I'm a solo developer, therefor multiple people writing one file isn't an issue. I can't afford a private GitHub repo atm, and don't want to 'release' the code I work on at the moment.
However, I use my desktop (windows 7) and my laptop (ubuntu 16.04) for dev. For these reasons, I used dropbox.
When I last open a project in one dev environment, and then open it again in the other, the sdk path changes (obviously). On windows it is /users/ME/etc, and on ubuntu it's something different. When I open the project, Android Studio automatically detects the correct sdk path, and says it will modify the local resource.
If I was using GitHub I could just add ./idea to my ignore file, and pushing and pulling would be a breeze.
Is there a way I can solve this minor annoyance using my current setup?
Solution 1: Use Bitbucket instead Github. Bitbucket allows you to have private Git repositories for free.
Solution 2: Put your Android SDK on a NAS (Network Attached Disk) and provide in "Settings" that unique network SDK path to both Android Studio's enviroments (Ubuntu and Windows).
Solution 3: Put your Android SDK on a USB stick or USB disk and plug and provide in "Settings" that unique SDK path to both Android Studio's enviroments (Ubuntu and Windows).

VS Code Mac OSX with TFS

I have installed VS Code to Mac OSX. I would like to connect to my companies TFS server , so I could work on the project from mac as well .
The company is not using Visual Studio Team Services (was VS Online), still using TFS on company servers.
I see that there are ways to connect to Team Services with git settings, but how can I cannot to TFS from Mac VS Code ?
VS Code currently only supports Git, so your company's TFS must be hosting a Git Repostory for that to work. You can access TFVC using Team Explorer Everywhere and/or the cross platform commandline tools. If you want something close to integration with VS Code, consider git-tf(s), which will create a local git repository which you can push to TFS.

I want to keep my source protected on my development machine, how would I deploy ASP.NET MVC to the server?

I'm not exactly sure what to do, normally I do a commit to SVN and Cruise Control does all this stuff on the server to pull from the repo and deploy everything.
However I am just playing around for fun with my personal VPS and want to know how I can from Visual Studio 2010 (web express) on my local machine just make some kind of installer or DLL or whatever and how to deploy it to my VPS of Windows Server 2008.
Do I upload via FTP and run something or place some files in a certain location and configure through IIS? Or is there some way Visual Studio can just interface with my server and impregnate it with my beautiful code?
From the description given, I'd recommend 2 options:
check whether your server installation currently supports one-click publishing. It's likely an IIS configuration task(s) and/or ensuring your server supports MSDeploy/WebDeploy. See "One-Click Publishing - What's New". Publish Use Visual Studio 2010's Publish command to perform a Web Deploy of your solution.
setup an FTP server on your server. Use Visual Studio 2010's Publish command with the FTP option to push your built solution.
Would this MSDN article help?
The thing is there's capabilities in Visual studio that can publish a web application on a web server.
But you can always do an xcopy deployment as well. And since you've obviously never deployed a web application yet maybe it would be good to learn something and actually deploy it manually.
