I want to restrict number of simultaneously map tasks running at one slave node.
In my case, when I submit my job, Hadoop generate 8 map tasks, when I looked at Job history UI at port 19888, I always saw that 8 map tasks started at the same time at same slave node.
Even I tried to set this attribute mapreduce.tasktracker.map.tasks.maximum equal to 4 (from how to restrict the concurrent running map tasks?). It still didn't work for me.
Does anyone have a experiment to deal with this issue?
for hadoop 2.6 it should be newer API - see this mapred-default.xml
set mapreduce.tasktracker.map.tasks.maximum to 4
The maximum number of map tasks that will be run simultaneously by a task tracker.
In a Mesos ecosystem(master + scheduler + slave), with the master executing tasks on the slaves, is there a configuration that allows modifying number of tasks executed on each slave?
Say for example, currently a mesos master runs 4 tasks on one of the slaves(each task is using 1 cpu). Now, we have 4 slaves(4 cores each) and except for this one slave the other three are not being used.
So, instead of this execution scenario, I'd rather prefer the master running 1 task on each of the 4 slaves.
I found this stackoverflow question and these configurations relevant to this case, but still not clear on how to use the --isolation=VALUE or --resources=VALUE configuration here.
Thanks for the help!
Was able to reduce number of tasks being executed on a single host at a time by adding the following properties to startup script for mesos agent.
--resources="cpus:<<value>>" and --cgroups_enable_cfs=true.
This however does not take care of the concurrent scheduling issue where the requirement is to have each agent executing a task at the same time. For that need to look into the scheduler code as also suggested above.
If I am using Oozie to run MapReduce job, is there a specific number about how many mappers will be started?
Is it:
one for Oozie and one for map-reduce job or
one for Oozie and one mapper for every 64MB block(default block size)
The above answers focus on how many maps and reduces a mapreduce job needs. However as you specifically ask about oozie, I will share my experience on mapreduce (in pig) via Oozie.
When you kick off an oozie workflow, you need 1 yarn application for this. I am not sure what the logic is, but it appears that these applications usually require 1 map, and occasionally 2.
Besides the above, you still need the same amount of mappers and reducers to do the actual work as if you did not use oozie. (If you see a different number than you expected, this may be because you passed specific parameters on map or reduce properties when calling the script).
The above means, that if you were to have 100 available containers, and kickoff 100 workflows (for example by starting a daily job with a startdate of 100 days in the past), it is likely that the workflows take up all available containers, and the actual work is suspended indefinitely.
Short answer : Oozie launches mapreduce job by submitting one maponly job to the cluster called Oozie launcher. Agree with #Dennis Jaheruddin.
Detail answer after my research : Oozie's execution model
Oozie’s execution model is different from
the default approach users take to run Hadoop jobs. When a user
invokes the Hadoop, Hive, or Pig CLI tool from a Hadoop edge node, the
corresponding client executable runs on that node which is configured
to contact and submit jobs to the Hadoop cluster. When the same jobs
are defined and submitted via an Oozie workflow action, things work
Let’s say you are submitting a workflow job using the Oozie CLI on the
edge node. The Oozie client actually submits the workflow to the Oozie
server, which typically runs on a different node. Regardless of where
it runs, it’s the Oozie server’s responsibility to submit and run the
underlying MapReduce jobs on the Hadoop cluster. Oozie doesn’t do so
by using the standard client tools installed locally on the Oozie
server node. Instead, it first submits a MapReduce job called the
“launcher job,” which in turn runs the Hadoop, Hive, or Pig job using
the appropriate client APIs.
Imp Note : The Oozie launcher is basically a map-only job running a single mapper
on the Hadoop cluster. This map job knows what to do for the specific
action it’s supposed to run and does the appropriate thing by using
the libraries for Hadoop, Pig, etc. This will result in other
MapReduce jobs being spun up as required. These Oozie jobs are called
“asynchronous actions” in Oozie parlance. Oozie doesn’t run these
actions in its own server, but kicks them off on the Hadoop cluster
using a launcher job. The reason Oozie server “outsources” the
launcher to the Hadoop cluster is to protect itself from unexpected
workloads and also to isolate user code from its own services. After
all, Oozie has access to an awesome distributed system in the form of
a Hadoop cluster.
Coming to Mapreduce actions you can set number of maptasks but there is no guarantee, it will depend as described below.
The number of maps is usually driven by the total size of the inputs,
that is, the total number of blocks of the input files.
setting number of maps - Suggestion (actually based on inputsplits)
setting number of reducer - Demand
Number of Maps
The number of maps is usually driven by the number of DFS blocks in the input files. Although that causes people to adjust their DFS block size to adjust the number of maps. The right level of parallelism for maps seems to be around 10-100 maps/node, although we have taken it up to 300 or so for very cpu-light map tasks. Task setup takes awhile, so it is best if the maps take at least a minute to execute
Number of mapper depend on number of logical input splits it do not depends on number of blocks. You can control number of input splits by your programme.
Refer this https://hadoopi.wordpress.com/2013/05/27/understand-recordreader-inputsplit/ for more information about how input splits effects number of mapper and how to create input splits.
How can Apache Spark or Hadoop Mapreduce request a fixed number of containers?
In Spark yarn-client mode, it can be requested by setting the configuration spark.executor.instances, which is directly related to the number of YARN containers it gets. How does Spark transform this into a Yarn parameter that is understood by Yarn?
I know by default, it can depend upon number of splits and configuration values yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb, yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-vcores. But Spark has ability to exactly request fixed number of containers. How can any AM do that?
In Hadoop Map reduce, Number of containers for map task is decided based on number of input splits. It is based on the size of source file. for every Input split, one map container will be requested.
By default number of Reducer per job is one. It can be customized by passing arguments to mapreduce.reduce.tasks. Pig & Hive has different logic to decide number of reducers. ( this also can be customized).
One container (Reduce container, usually bigger than map container) will be requested per reducers.
Total number of mappers & reducers will be clearly defined in job config file during job submission.
I think it's by using AM api that yarn provides. AM provider can use rsrcRequest.setNumContainers(numContainers); http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r2.5.2/hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-site/WritingYarnApplications.html#Writing_a_simple_Client
Here I had similar discussion on other questionl. Yarn container understanding and tuning
I'm running a hive query against a hadoop cluster of 3 nodes. And I am getting an error which says "Too many fetch failures". My hive query is:
insert overwrite table tablename1 partition(namep)
select id,name,substring(name,5,2) as namep from tablename2;
that's the query im trying to run. All i want to do is transfer data from tablename2 to tablename1. Any help is appreciated.
This can be caused by various hadoop configuration issues. Here a couple to look for in particular:
DNS issue : examine your /etc/hosts
Not enough http threads on the mapper side for the reducer
Some suggested fixes (from Cloudera troubleshooting)
set mapred.reduce.slowstart.completed.maps = 0.80
tasktracker.http.threads = 80
mapred.reduce.parallel.copies = sqrt (node count) but in any case >= 10
Here is link to troubleshooting for more details
Update for 2020 Things have changed a lot and AWS mostly rules the roost. Here is some troubleshooting for it
Too many fetch-failures
The presence of "Too many fetch-failures" or "Error reading task output" error messages in step or task attempt logs indicates the running task is dependent on the output of another task. This often occurs when a reduce task is queued to execute and requires the output of one or more map tasks and the output is not yet available.
There are several reasons the output may not be available:
The prerequisite task is still processing. This is often a map task.
The data may be unavailable due to poor network connectivity if the data is located on a different instance.
If HDFS is used to retrieve the output, there may be an issue with HDFS.
The most common cause of this error is that the previous task is still processing. This is especially likely if the errors are occurring when the reduce tasks are first trying to run. You can check whether this is the case by reviewing the syslog log for the cluster step that is returning the error. If the syslog shows both map and reduce tasks making progress, this indicates that the reduce phase has started while there are map tasks that have not yet completed.
One thing to look for in the logs is a map progress percentage that goes to 100% and then drops back to a lower value. When the map percentage is at 100%, this does not mean that all map tasks are completed. It simply means that Hadoop is executing all the map tasks. If this value drops back below 100%, it means that a map task has failed and, depending on the configuration, Hadoop may try to reschedule the task. If the map percentage stays at 100% in the logs, look at the CloudWatch metrics, specifically RunningMapTasks, to check whether the map task is still processing. You can also find this information using the Hadoop web interface on the master node.
If you are seeing this issue, there are several things you can try:
Instruct the reduce phase to wait longer before starting. You can do this by altering the Hadoop configuration setting mapred.reduce.slowstart.completed.maps to a longer time. For more information, see Create Bootstrap Actions to Install Additional Software.
Match the reducer count to the total reducer capability of the cluster. You do this by adjusting the Hadoop configuration setting mapred.reduce.tasks for the job.
Use a combiner class code to minimize the amount of outputs that need to be fetched.
Check that there are no issues with the Amazon EC2 service that are affecting the network performance of the cluster. You can do this using the Service Health Dashboard.
Review the CPU and memory resources of the instances in your cluster to make sure that your data processing is not overwhelming the resources of your nodes. For more information, see Configure Cluster Hardware and Networking.
Check the version of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) used in your Amazon EMR cluster. If the version is 2.3.0 through 2.4.4 inclusive, update to a later version. AMI versions in the specified range use a version of Jetty that may fail to deliver output from the map phase. The fetch error occurs when the reducers cannot obtain output from the map phase.
Jetty is an open-source HTTP server that is used for machine to machine communications within a Hadoop cluster
I have configured map capacity with 4000 maps, and configure each job with 500 maps, based on my understanding of FIFO mode and the link
Running jobs parallely in hadoop
if I submit 8 jobs, these 8 jobs should run in parallel, right? However, I still see that the 8 jobs I submitted run in sequential, which is something make me feel strange.
Another way is to try fair scheduler, but I have some other running bugs...
How to make this run in parallel?
I am the only user now.
Question: what does the job tracker web UI show for total running jobs?
Actually I have submitted like 80 jobs, so all jobs are submitted successfully since I can see 80 of them
under "Running Jobs" section, but they just run sequentially
Question: how many input files are you currently processing? what does this relate to with regards to the number of mappers for the job?
Since for each job I configure 500 maps through mapred-site.xml setting map.task.num=500.
below is the information
Kind % Complete Num Tasks Pending Running Complete Killed Failed/Killed Task Attempts
map 1.40% 500 402 91 7 0 0 / 0
reduce 0.00% 1 1 0 0 0 0 / 0
Question: You can configure your Input format to only run 500 maps, but there are occasions where Hadoop ignores this value: if you have more then 500 input files, for example.
I am sure this will not happen, since I customized the inputformat, so that the number of mappers to run is exactly the number of mappers I configure in mapred-site.xml
Question: When you start your job, how many files are you running over, what's the Input Format you are using, and what if any file compression are you using on the input files
Ok, I actually run only one file, but this file will be fully loaded to all maptasks, so I actually use the distrbutecache mechanism to let each maptask load this file fully. I did not use compression currently
Question: What does the job tracker show for the total number of configured mapper and reducer slots? Does this match up with your expected value of 5000?
Below is the information
Maps Reduces TotalSubmissions Nodes Map Task Capacity Reduce Task Capacity Avg. Tasks/Node Blacklisted Nodes
83 0 80 8 4000 80 510.00 0
Whether you run the FairScheduler or the CapacityScheduler, you should still be able to run jobs in parallel, but there are some reasons that you may see that your jobs run sequentially:
Are you the only person using the cluster, if not, how many other people are using it:
Question: what does the job tracker web UI show for total running jobs?
If you are indeed the only job(s) running on the cluster at a particular point in time, then check the Job Tracker web UI for your currently running job - how many input files are you currently processing? what does this relate to with regards to the number of mappers for the job?
You can configure your Input format to only run 500 maps, but there are occasions where Hadoop ignores this value: if you have more then 500 input files, for example.
Question: When you start your job, how many files are you running over, what's the Input Format you are using, and what if any file compression are you using on the input files
Question: What does the job tracker show for the total number of configured mapper and reducer slots? Does this match up with your expected value of 5000?