Regenerating iOS certificate for a free account - xcode

I know that, you can now run your iOS app on any device with the advent of Xcode 7 and above, without having a Paid Developer Membership account. Unfortunately my free account's certificate got revoked and hence while running any application on my device I get this error -
A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found.
This is quite obvious as any provisioning profile containing my free certificate will now be invalid.
My question is how do i solve this issue and still run my app on a device without buying a Paid membership?
P.S - As it is a free account, I am not able to see Certificates, Provisioning Profile button on my apple developer homepage. (I guess you already know that)


Certificate and profile for a mac app for installation on tester PCs

Things have been changing in the Mac Appstore.
As at 10.15.5, all apps, regardless of distribution via AppStore
or outside the AppStore, will need to be notarised. I dont
believe that's true of apps that are shared with your testers
via a profile that specifically lists their device.
I'm struggling to get the right combination of cert type and profile to
be able to distribute my app to my testers to run on their machines.
I have a company and that company has an apple account "Acme Widgets" and
the account holder is "".
I have a personal apple dev account too, and I've added myself into the company as an admin.
So when I login to as myself, I can switch between my
person account "Paul XYZ" and my company account "Acme Widgets".
I have an app developed using Xamarin (visual studio) with a Mac and iOS versions.
I can create a Debug and release versions of my iOS app, no problem. Upload it to the App Store and testers can get it with TestFlight.
Its the mac side that is causing problems...
I can create a Debug version of the mac app, and leave it unsigned.
Or I can sign it with a company developer ID and a profile that includes my Mac.
These run on my mac fine.
But release is causing problems. I want to create a release build that I can
share with my small set of testers. Therefore I think I need to use
the company "developer ID certificate", and a "MacOS development profile" that includes
their devices. But that wont run - I just get code signing errors.
I'm missing something obvious.
Can someone point me towards the type of cert (personal, personal in team or
team/company), and the type of profile I need to share a release version
with my testers?
Many thanks.

Generate .ipa file without Apple developer account

I'm trying to compile my ionic 3 app to ipa. I use I don't have any Apple Developer account; I just have an AppleID and an iPhone 7 (if that helps).
Now while using XCode in MacInCloud, I clicked Product > Archive but then it displays Build Error. Turns out I need an iOS Provisioning Profile. As of now, I couldn't find a way to generate an iOS Provisioning Profile without having a paid Apple Developer account. I read here, the answer mentions A free developer account will allow you to build an app that will run for 7 days on a pre-defined set of devices (you would need to register any devices on which you want the code to run). but I couldn't find where to do this.
So can I actually generate an ipa file without a paid ios developer account? If no, is it possible for me to have someone generate a provisioning profile using their ios developer account for me?
The methods described in the link in the comments requires me to connect my device. But I'm using, so there's no way for me to get Xcode to connect to my device.. at least I don't know how.

iOS device won't allow to open the app with distribution certificate not expired nor revoked

Our enterprise app was distributed through Fabric Crashlytics Beta but after a year the app won't open from the device. When you tap the icon it will just close. It can't be download also.
The distribution certificate was not expired nor revoked.
And releasing a build with a new generated certificate fixed the issue but the cause is still unknown.
The certificate is valid for 3 years, but the provisioning profile you used to build the app with is valid for 1 year at most. You can push a new provisioning profile to the devices without having to re-build the app, but without a non-expired provisioning profile that is valid for the app's bundle ID and the certificate used to sign it, the app will refuse to run.
Long story short, if you are doing enterprise distributions, you will need to push out a provisioning profile (either through mobile device management [MDM] or by building the app again with a new provisioning profile [the profile is bundled with the ipa when you package the app]) at least once a year. Then once every 3 years, you will need to get a new certificate, generate a new profile for that certificate, and build and deploy a new binary that has been signed with the new cert.

How to make build from iOS app when Team account missing?

I have installed new inHouse provisioning profiles, however when I archive my build in Xcode, I am presented with a message saying the iOS development team is missing. I have xcode 6.4.
I know that you are able to build and sign an app if you don't have a developer team membership in Xcode.
Anyone know what is wrong?
Also another strange thing when I go into keychain to check if profiles and keys are there, they are not stored under the "Login" section like other profiles, but in "System". Is this ok?
In order to archive your build (either for the App Store or Adhoc) it must be codesigned by Xcode. This requires a signing identity. Signing identities are only obtainable through the developer console at and requires being a member of the apple developer program to access.
Sorry to break the news but without a developer membership you won't be able to archive your app for a device, but run it in the simulator only.

Test application on iPod with Xcode?

How can I put my incomplete application on my iPod before I publish it on the appstore? So I want to test it on my iPod.
This requires a provisioning profile and developer identity. These things are available via the provisioning portal and requires a paid developer program membership.
You must generate an identity (by means of a certificate, and signing request) with keychain, and use the provisioning portal to upload the CSR and get a signed certificate matched to the identity. With this identity downloaded and installed, you'll use it to sign your binaries.
Applications have a unique bundle identifier. Using the provisioning portal, you must create a development provisioning profile associated with your device ID(s). Download and install the provisioning portal, and you should be set to build and run on your device.
The provisioning portal has concise steps to walk you through this process..
You have to have a provisioning profile and if you do you have to do some things in the account which you then put in xcode and transport it to the iPhone
