Swift/Firebase sorting - sorting

I am currently experiencing some issues regarding table view sorting from firebase. What I am trying to achieve is to list 5 different price tiers in a table view, all named (tier1, tier5, tier12, tier24, tierPermanent) - each containing a value (the price).
However, while fetching these values from the database, I find it rather difficult to show these in a table view - both containing text (the time) and the price tiers. What I am doing now, is that I am using observeEventType to display all the values, and then store each value in a dictionary. After that I append it to an array of dictionaries of type [[String:String]].
What I am struggling with, is to display this in a descending order in a table view. Please take note that all of these 5 values are optional, and therefore they might not contain any value - so instead of showing a value on the very first row, and a blank cell at the second, and then a new value on the third row - I want it to display descending compared to the values. (The permanent value will always be on top if it contains a value, or else tier24 will be on top, or else tier12.). For each cell.
I know I would access the unique value with cell.nameLabel.text = cell[indexPath.row]["tier.."] as? String - but the problem is that I need to have some sort of ordering, and make sure the data isn't displayed twice. (order with both key and value - to display both key and value in the same cell.).
Any ideas on how I would approach this?
Thanks in advance.

There's really not enough data to fully address the question but how about this:
A Firebase structure:
tier_type: tier_24
time: 20160705130100
sort_order: 1
tier_type: tier_05
time: 20160705130300
sort_order: 3
tier_type: tier_permanent
time: 20160705130500
sort_order: 0
tiers have a sort order to keep them in the correct order.
tier_permanent = 0
tier_24 = 1
tier_12 = 2
tier_05 = 3
tier_01 = 4
and some code to read them in and keep the sorted, descending:
var myArray = [[String:String]]()
let tiersRef = self.myRootRef.child("tiers")
tiersRef.observeSingleEventOfType(.Value, withBlock: { snapshot in
for child in snapshot.children {
var dict = [String: String]()
dict["fbKey"] = child.key as String
dict["tier_type"] = child.value["tier_type"] as? String
dict["timestam"] = child.value["time"] as? String
dict["sort_order"] = child.value["sort_order"] as? String
myArray.sortInPlace( {$0["sort_order"] < $1["sort_order"]} )
for dict in myArray { //meh, print them so show they are sorted
This addresses: keeping them sorted, descending, and if the tires are not present in the database, they will obviously not be read in.
The issue is though, it's unclear from he question the correlation between the tier names and the value (time?). I'll update once more information has been presented.


I need to find a faster solution to iterate rows in Google App Script

I'm trying to save some rows values for multiple columns on multiple tabs in GAS, but it's taking a lot of time and I'd like to find a faster way of doing this, if there's any.
A project e.g:'Project1' -as a key- has a value associated with it which corresponds to the column where it's stored, the tabs are 600+ iterations long.
this script opens up a tab called 'person1' at first and goes through all the rows for the column that corresponds to that project in 'projects' dictionary (it's the same format for every tab, but more projects will be added in the future)
right now i'm iterating through the 'members' dictionary (length=m), then through the projects dictionary (length=p) and finally through the length of the rows (length='r'), in the meantime it access the other spreadsheet where I want to save all those rows.
This means that the current time complexity of my algorithm is O(mpr) and it's WAY too slow.
for 15 people and 6 projects each, the amount of iterations would be 156600+ = 54,000 iterations at least (more people and more projects and more rows will be added).
is there any way to make my algorithm faster?
const members = {'Person1':'P1', 'Person2':'P2'};
const projects = {'Project1':'L','Project2':'R'}
function saveRowValue() {
let sourceSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
let targetSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById('-SPREADSHEET-');
let targetSheet = targetSpreadsheet.getSheetByName('Tracking time');
let rowsToWrite = [];
rowsToWrite.push(['Project', 'Initials', 'Date', 'Tracking time'])
var rowsToSave = 1;
for(m in members){
Logger.log(m +' initials:'+ members[m]);
let sourceSheet = sourceSpreadsheet.getSheetByName(m);
for(p in projects){
let values = sourceSheet.getRange(projects[p]+"1:"+projects[p]).getValues();
let list = [null, 0,''];
for(var i=0; i<values.length; i++){
date = sourceSheet.getRange('B'+i).getValue();
let val = sourceSheet.getRange(projects[p]+i)
val = Utilities.formatDate(val.getValue(), "GMT", val.getNumberFormat())
if(!(list.includes(val)) && date instanceof Date){
targetSheet.getRange(rowsToSave,1,1,4).setValues([[p, members[m], date, val]]);
[Here you can see how much time it takes to iterate 600 rows for a single project and a single member after changing what Yuri Khristich told me to change][1]
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/CnRZY.png
First step is to try to get rid of getValue() and setValue() in loops. All data should be captured at once as 2D arrays in one step and put on the sheet in one step as well. No single cell or single row operations.
Next trick depends on your workflow. Say, it's unlikely that every time all 54000+ cells need to be checked. Probably there are ranges that have no changes. You can figure out some way to indicate the changes. And process only the changed ranges. Probably, the indication could be performed with onChange() trigger. For example you can add * to the name of the sheets and columns where changes have occurred and remove these * whenever you run your script.
Use batch operations

Google Apps Script: Activate and sort rows when cells in given column are not blank

I'm extremely new to Apps Script and trying to make my first thing. It's a shopping list.
I want to create a function that will activate and then sort (by Column 1, 'Aisle #') all rows where there are values in a given other column (Column 3, 'Qty'). The idea is to sort the items on the list for that week (i.e., with a value filled in for Qty) by aisle to give me the order I should be looking for things. I do not want to sort items which are in the spreadsheet but without
a value for Qty.
Here is what I've got so far:
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet()
var range = sheet.getDataRange();
var rangeVals = range.getValues()
function orderList2(){
if(rangeVals[3] != ""){
sheet.activate().sort(1, ascending=true);
I'm trying to use "if" to define which rows to activate before doing the sort (as I don't want to sort the entire sheet—I only want to sort the items I will be buying that week, i.e., the items with a value in Column 3). The script runs but ends up sorting the entire sheet.
The closest thing I could find was an iteration, but when I did it, it ended up only activating the top-left cell.
Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated!
Use Range.sort() instead of Sheet.sort() if you don't want to sort the entire sheet.
You want to sort the data according to the value in column A (Aisle #), if the corresponding value in C (Qty) is not empty.
If my assumption is correct, the rows where Qty is empty should go below the rest of data, and they should not be sorted according to their Aisle #.
In this case, I'd suggest the following:
Sort the full range of data (headers excluded) according to Qty, so that the rows without a Qty are placed at the bottom, using Range.sort() (if you don't need to exclude the headers, you can use Sheet.sort() instead).
Use SpreadsheetApp.flush() to apply the sort to the spreadsheet.
Use getValues(), filter() and length to know how many rows in the initial range have their column C populated (variable QtyElements in the sample below).
Using QtyElements, retrieve the range of rows with a non-empty column C, and sort it according to column 1, using Range.sort().
Code sample:
function orderList2() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var firstRow = 2; // Range starts at row 2, header row excluded
var fullRange = sheet.getRange(firstRow, 1, sheet.getLastRow() - firstRow + 1, sheet.getLastColumn());
fullRange.sort(3); // Sort full range according to Qty
SpreadsheetApp.flush(); // Refresh spreadsheet
var QtyElements = fullRange.getValues().filter(row => row[2] !== "").length;
sheet.getRange(firstRow, 1, QtyElements, sheet.getLastColumn())
.sort(1); // If not specified, default ascending: true
//.sort({column: 1, ascending: false}); // Uncomment if you want descending sort

How to get dynamic field count in dc.js numberDisplay?

I'm currently trying to figure out how to get a count of unique records to display using DJ.js and D3.js
The data set looks like this:
6DCZcSspjsKoFjzjrWoCd,God's Plan,Drake,Hip-Hop/Rap,0.754,0.449,7,-9.211,1,0.109,0.0332,8.29E-05,0.552,0.357,77.169,198973,4
There are 100 records in the data set, and I would expect the count to display 70 for the count of unique artists.
var ndx = crossfilter(spotifyData);
function totalArtists(ndx) {
// Select the artists
var totalArtistsND = dc.numberDisplay("#unique-artists");
// Count them
var dim = ndx.dimension(dc.pluck("artists"));
var uniqueArtist = dim.groupAll();
totalArtistsND.group(uniqueArtist).valueAccessor(x => x);
I am only getting 100 as a result when I should be getting 70.
Thanks a million, any help would be appreciated
You are on the right track - a groupAll object is usually the right kind of object to use with dc.numberDisplay.
However, dimension.groupAll doesn't use the dimension's key function. Like any groupAll, it looks at all the records and returns one value; the only difference between dimension.groupAll() and crossfilter.groupAll() is that the former does not observe the dimension's filters while the latter observes all filters.
If you were going to use dimension.groupAll, you'd have to write reduce functions that watch the rows as they are added and removed, and keeps a count of how many unique artists it has seen. Sounds kind of tedious and possibly buggy.
Instead, we can write a "fake groupAll", an object whose .value() method returns a value dynamically computed according to the current filters.
The ordinary group object already has a unique count: the number of bins. So we can create a fake groupAll which wraps an ordinary group and returns the length of the array returned by group.all():
function unique_count_groupall(group) {
return {
value: function() {
return group.all().filter(kv => kv.value).length;
Note that we also have to filter out any bins of value zero before counting.
Use the fake groupAll like this:
var uniqueArtist = unique_count_groupall(dim.group());
Demo fiddle.
I just added this to the FAQ.

Errors when grouping by list in Power Query

I have a set of unique items (Index) to each of which are associated various elements of another set of items (in this case, dates).
In real life, if a date is associated with an index, an item associated with that index appeared in a file generated on that date. For combination of dates that actually occurs, I want to know which accounts were present.
Source = Table.FromRecords({
[Idx = 0, Dates = {#date(2016,1,1), #date(2016,1,2), #date(2016,1,3)}],
[Idx = 1, Dates = {#date(2016,2,1), #date(2016,2,2), #date(2016,2,3)}],
[Idx = 2, Dates = {#date(2016,1,1), #date(2016,1,2), #date(2016,1,3)}]},
type table [Idx = number, Dates = {date}]),
// Group by
Grouped = Table.Group(Source, {"Dates"}, {{"Idx", each List.Combine({[Idx]}), type {number}}}),
// Clicking on the item in the top left corner generates this code:
Navigation = Grouped{[Dates={...}]}[Dates],
// Which returns this error: "Expression.Error: Value was not specified"
// My own code to reference the same value returns {0,2} as expected.
CorrectValue = Grouped{0}[Idx],
// If I re-make the table as below the above error does not occur.
ReMakeTable = Table.FromColumns(Table.ToColumns(Grouped), Table.ColumnNames(Grouped))
in ReMakeTable
It seems that I can use the results of this in my later work even without the Re-make (I just can't preview cells correctly), but I'd like to know if what's going on that causes the error and the odd code at the Navigation step, and why it disappears after the ReMakeTable step.
This happens because when you double click an item, the auto-generated code uses value filter instead of row index that you are using to get the single row from the table. And since you have a list as a value, it should be used instead of {...}. Probably UI isn't capable to work with lists in such a situation, and it inserts {...}, and this is indeed an incorrect value.
Thus, this line of code should look like:
Navigate = Grouped{[Dates = {#date(2016,1,1), #date(2016,1,2), #date(2016,1,3)}]}[Idx],
Then it will use value filter.
This is a bug in the UI. The index the UI calculates is incorrect: it should be 0 instead of [Dates={...}]. ... is a placeholder value, and it generates the "Value was not specified" exception if it is not replaced.

Linq comparing DataTable with List<String>

I have a string list (List) that contains delimited fields. An example would be:
List[0] = "7/1/2013,ABC,123456"
List[1] = "7/2/2013,DEF,234567"
I also have a DataTable where a record either will or will not contain the the values from the 2nd and 3rd column in the String List:
Row[0][0]="ABC" <-----String
Row[0][1]=123456 <-----Int32
What I want to do is find any records (via Linq) in the DataTable that DO NOT have corresponding values in the String List.
I've been googling for a while, and can't quite find the right way to do this with Linq...can anyone help?
This code snippet should give you an enumeration of the indices that do not have the appropriate DataTable values:
var correspondingRecords =
from index in Enumerable.Range(0, List.Count)
let items = List[index].Split(',')
where !(item[1] == Row[index][0] && item[2] == Row[index][1])
select index;
The basic idea is to iterate over the indices in order to make sure that you're comparing the appropriate rows and list items to one another. Once you do that, it's simple enough to parse the list item and make the appropriate comparisons.
