How to set up two memcached server hosts in Joomla cache setting? - joomla

I have set up two instances of memcached running on two servers. How do I set up the hosts in Joomla cache setting?

You have to edit the configuration.php file at the site root folder and add the server details. Find the cache varibles $caching, $cache_handler, $memcache_server_host, $memcache_server_port.
Set them as follows
public $caching = '2';
public $cache_handler = 'memcache';
public $memcache_server_host = 'localhost';//Give your memcache server address
public $memcache_server_port = '11111'; //Memcache server port
In the libraries/joomla/cache/storage/memcache.php file I found this lines
* This will be an array of loveliness
***#todo: multiple servers***
* $servers = (isset($params['servers'])) ? $params['servers'] : array();
As you wanted to add two different memcache servers, you can see that it is still under development. But there is a way ---By hacking core files.
Though it is dangerous to play with core files but you can do at your own risk by following the method that I will suggest now. take backup first.
Take a backup of the files(configuration.php and libraries/joomla/cache/storage/memcache.php and libraries\vendor\joomla\session\Joomla\Session\Storage\Memcache.php). In the memcache file search for this code in the file
$server['host'] = $config->get('memcache_server_host', 'localhost');
$server['port'] = $config->get('memcache_server_port', 11211);
// Create the memcache connection
self::$_db = new Memcache;
self::$_db->addServer($server['host'], $server['port'], $this->_persistent);
$memcachetest = #self::$_db->connect($server['host'], $server['port']);
if ($memcachetest == false)
throw new RuntimeException('Could not connect to memcache server', 404);
Add this code below
//Give second server details like this
$server['host2'] = $config->get('memcache_server_host2', 'localhost');
$server['port2'] = $config->get('memcache_server_port2', 11211);
// Create the memcache connection
self::$_db = new Memcache;
self::$_db->addServer($server['host2'], $server['port2'], $this->_persistent);
$memcachetest = #self::$_db->connect($server['host2'], $server['port2']);
if ($memcachetest == false)
throw new RuntimeException('Could not connect to memcache server', 404);
In the configuration.php file add this lines
public $memcache_server_host2 = 'localhost';//Give your second memcache server address
public $memcache_server_port2 = '11111'; //Memcache second server port
Now for storing sessions you have to edit files that stores session cache
In the file libraries\vendor\joomla\session\Joomla\Session\Storage\Memcache.php you will find these line
$this->_servers = array(
'host' => isset($options['memcache_server_host']) ? $options['memcache_server_host'] : 'localhost',
'port' => isset($options['memcache_server_port']) ? $options['memcache_server_port'] : 11211
Change this to
$this->_servers = array(
'host' => isset($options['memcache_server_host']) ? $options['memcache_server_host'] : 'localhost',
'port' => isset($options['memcache_server_port']) ? $options['memcache_server_port'] : 11211
'host2' => isset($options['memcache_server_host2']) ? $options['memcache_server_host2'] : 'localhost',
'port2' => isset($options['memcache_server_port2']) ? $options['memcache_server_port2'] : 11211


How to Fix Client Error: file_get_contents(): in Cpanel with Laravel Project inside

i have problem when do seed in my laravel project in cpanel.
this is the errors
Client Error: file_get_contents(): https:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0
at vendor/kavist/rajaongkir/src/HttpClients/BasicClient.php:74
71▕ private function executeRequest(string $url): array
72▕ {
73▕ set_error_handler(function ($severity, $message) {
➜ 74▕ throw new BasicHttpClientException('Client Error: '.$message, $severity);
75▕ });
77▕ $rawResponse = file_get_contents($url, false, $this->context);
Please Someone help me
this is my LocationsTableSeeder.php
public function run()
$daftarProvinsi = RajaOngkir::provinsi()->all();
foreach ($daftarProvinsi as $provinceRow) {
'province_id' => $provinceRow['province_id'],
'nama' => $provinceRow['province'],
$daftarKota = RajaOngkir::kota()->dariProvinsi($provinceRow['province_id'])->get();
foreach ($daftarKota as $cityRow) {
'province_id' => $provinceRow['province_id'],
'city_id' => $cityRow['city_id'],
'nama' => $cityRow['city_name'],
'type' => $cityRow['type'],
'postal_code' => $cityRow['postal_code'],
It's a good practice to disable file_get_contents ability to open remote URLs (like the ones starting HTTP) on shared servers (that frequently use Cpanel) to avoid the download/injection of malicious scripts in your server.
Go to Cpanel PHP options and enable allow_url_fopen, as pointed by apokryfos, usually it's at Switch To PHP Options menu. Some providers will not allow this change via Cpanel and you might need to open a support ticket.
Usually, this option cannot be changed by ini_set or via the PHP script itself in any other way.

Laravel issue Credentials are required to create a Client

I need to test send SMS to mobile I get Credentials are required to create a Client error for My Code Here
'twilio' => [
$accountSid = env('TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID');
$authToken = env('TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN');
$twilioNumber = env('TWILIO_NUMBER');
$client = new Client($accountSid, $authToken);
try {
"body" => 'test',
"from" => $twilioNumber
// On US phone numbers, you could send an image as well!
// 'mediaUrl' => $imageUrl
Log::info('Message sent to ' . $twilioNumber);
} catch (TwilioException $e) {
'Could not send SMS notification.' .
' Twilio replied with: ' . $e
Twilio developer evangelist here.
A quick read over the environment config for Laravel suggests to me that you can use the env method within your config files, as you are doing, but it's not necessarily available in application code. Since you are committing your environment variables to the config object, I think you need to use the config method instead.
$accountSid = config('TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID');
$authToken = config('TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN');
$twilioNumber = config('TWILIO_NUMBER');
Let me know if that helps at all.

CakePHP 3.x ORM doesn't use cache data when key exists

CakePHP 3.5.13 with Redis configured as the cache engine:
// config/app.php
'Cache' => [
'default' => [
'className' => 'Redis',
'duration' => '+1 hours',
'prefix' => 'cake_redis_',
'host' => '',
'port' => 6379,
I have a table with ~260,000 rows in it and a corresponding Table class called SubstancesTable.php. I'm attempting to get the first 5000 rows and then cache the results, so that on subsequent queries, the cached results are used rather than executing the same query:
// Controller method
public function test()
$this->autoRender = false;
$Substances = TableRegistry::get('Substances');
// Get 5000 rows from table
$query = $Substances->find('list')->limit(5000);
// Write to cache
// Output the results
When I login to Redis (running redis-cli through ssh on my webserver), I can see a key has been generated with the name "test_cache_key":> KEYS *
1) "cake_redis_test_cache_key"
I can also see the serialized data in there using GET cake_redis_test_cache_key.
When I execute the above in a browser, there is virtually no difference in the time taken between the cache not existing, and after the cache has been created. I have deleted the cached key in Redis using DEL cake_redis_test_cache_key and confirmed it has gone by listing the keys in Redis (KEYS *)
Clearly Cake isn't reading from the cache in this situation, even though it's writing to it without problems. Why is this happening?
The documentation ( is not clear. Do I need to do something else to get it to read the results from the cache? I've also read CakePHP 3: find() with cache but can't see what's being done differently to what I'm doing above.

Error uploading from Laravel 5.4 to S3 bucket

[I run the script from localhost]
I'm trying to upload files using Laravel 5.4 to AWS S3 bucket but I get this error:
Error executing "PutObject" on ""; AWS HTTP error: cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate (see
In filesystems.php:
's3' => [
'driver' => 's3',
'key' => 'KRY_HERE',
'secret' => 'SECRET_HERE',
'region' => 'us-east-1',
'bucket' => 'bucket_name', //has global access to read files
In the controller:
Storage::disk('s3')->put($imageName, file_get_contents(public_path('galleries/').$imageName));
How to solve this? If I upload the app to EC2 instance does it require SSL installed to upload files to S3 bucket? Thanks in advance.
Uploading from server worked fine no need to install SSL it just doesn't work from localhost.
it just doesn't work from localhost,if you want to do working it on localhost you have to do some changes in vendor directory.(For your local use only)
Near around line no 350.Comment this two line and add new two line,otherwise replace this two line.(as you wish)
if ($options['verify'] === false) {
} else {
$conf[\CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER] = true;*/ //Comment this two line
Now it's work fine.

after installing magento cannot login admin

After installing Magento admin panel cannot log in. I have installed magento on my localhost. After all the setup when I used the admin page to login I can't able to login in chrome browser even with my right username and password
I found this solution : Go to app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Session/Abstract/Varien.php file within your magento directory and comment out these 3 lines of code :
Also the comma must be removed from the file .Save it and try to login to your magento admin panel.
// 'domain' => $cookie->getConfigDomain(),
// 'secure' => $cookie->isSecure(),
// 'httponly' => $cookie->getHttponly()
first check your local server (like wamp, xammp etc) is working correct
second chack your appache configaration port is 80 .... and
third goto magento directory and see if manifast.flag file in that directory delete it ...
Try it in Firefox , I have faced the same issue but when i tried in Firefox i logged in successfully.
it happens to me after installing everytime,
find this file:
And commenting out the following (it's lines 85 to 102)
// session cookie params
$cookieParams = array(
'lifetime' => $cookie->getLifetime(),
'path' => $cookie->getPath()//,
//'domain' => $cookie->getConfigDomain(),
//'secure' => $cookie->isSecure(),
//'httponly' => $cookie->getHttponly()
//if (!$cookieParams['httponly']) {
// unset($cookieParams['httponly']);
// if (!$cookieParams['secure']) {
// unset($cookieParams['secure']);
// if (!$cookieParams['domain']) {
// unset($cookieParams['domain']);
// }
// }
