Elasticsearch term aggregation document count issue - elasticsearch

This the request I'm sending to ElasticSearch:
I'm asking for buckets on field metainfos.string1 and ordering them by _count. This is the response:
"s1", <<<<<<<<<<<<<--------------
"s2" <<<<<<<<<<<<<--------------
"s1", <<<<<<<<<<<<<--------------
"s2" <<<<<<<<<<<<<--------------
"s2" <<<<<<<<<<<<<--------------
"doc_count":2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<--------------
"doc_count":3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<--------------
As you can see, there are two buckets: s1 and s2. However, s1 is present only in two documents but ES is telling me that doc_count = 3!!! Moreover, s2 is present in three documents, but ES is telling me that doc_count = 2!!!!
I'm performing it using only one node.
Any ideas?


Elasticsearch: When doing an "inner_hit" on nested documents, return all fields of matched offset in the hierarchy

Mapping for document:
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"client_classes": {
"type": "nested",
"properties": {
"members": {
"type": "nested",
"properties": {
"phone_nos": {
"type": "nested"
Data in Document:
I query for "number" with value "99119XXXX"
Result from inner hits:
I get the desired matched result hierarchy of all the nested objects, in the inner hit, but I only receive the "offset" value and "field" from these objects. I need the full object of the corresponding offset.
Something like this:
I understand that with inner_hit I also get the complete root document, from where I can use the offset values from the innerhit object. But fetching the entire root document could be expensive for our memory, so I only need the result I have shared above.
Is there any such possibility as of now?
I am using elasticsearch 7.7
UPDATE: Added Mapping, result and a slight fix in document
Yes, just add "_source": false at the top-level and you'll only get the nested inner hits
"_source": false, <--- add this

Nested query on ElasticSearch for Long type (ES 5.0.4)

This is my first question on Stack overflow , please excuse me for the mistakes. I will improve on them in the future.
I am new to Elastic Search too. Okay so I am trying to do a exact match in elastic search (5.0.4). Instead of doing an exact match, the request returns all the documents present.
Not sure of this behavior.
Here is the mapping
This is my request.
"query": {
"nested": {
"path": "debug_urls",
"query": {
"match": {
"debug_urls.url_id": 1
The response received,
If you only want to see the nested documents that match the criteria, you can leverage nested inner_hits:
"_source":["scan_id"], <--- add this line
"query": {
"nested": {
"path": "debug_urls",
"query": {
"match": {
"debug_urls.url_id": 1
"inner_hits": {} <--- add this line

ElasticSearch source filtering array of objects

Here is a document
"Id": "1",
"Name": "Thing",
"Prices": [
{"CompanyId": "1", "Price": "11.11"},
{"CompanyId": "2", "Price": "12.12"},
{"CompanyId": "3", "Price": "13.13"}
And here is the associated ElasticSearch schema:
"Prices" : {
"type" : "nested",
"properties" : {
"CompanyId": {
"type" : "integer"
"Price" : {
"type" : "scaled_float",
"scaling_factor" : 100
If a user is buying for CompantId = 3 then the supplier doesn't want them to be able to see the preferential pricing for CompanyId = 1, say.
Therefore I need to use a source filter to remove all prices for which the CompanyId is not 3.
I have found that this works.
"excludes": ["Prices.companyId.CompanyId"]
But I don't understand how or why.
It can't possibly work because the required CompanyId is not mentioned anywhere in the whole ElasticSearch search JSON.
Adding a full search JSON:
I believe the way you have put your mapping with the "nested" type has created the reference you are questioning.
Also - I would suggest framing the query as looking for 3 only rather than "excluding" everything except 3

Can i filter subarray in Elasticsearch?

I have orders and order products attached for each order as subarray in Elastic Search. When i'm aggregating Prices i need possibility to filter my order products in my documents of orders.
Example of my document in Elastic:
How im filter right now:
What i'm expecting
What i'm really getting:
All document.
That is possible? To filter subarray data?
Yes this is my schema mappings:
All right, after some experiments i discovered that that aggregation can be done like this:
And the answer to main question can we filter subarray of elastic is yes. With the inner_hits only i did this.

settings the "index" property of an elasticsearch object

say I have a mapping of objects as such the mapping is:
I do not know what sub fields the "some_json_object" will have, but i DO know that I only want to store this object, but not index any of it's sub-fields.
Can I do:
and affect all of the resulting sub-fields?
No, you can't specify the entire "object" as not indexed. However you can use dynamic_templates (http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/mapping/root-object-type/) to do this:
This tells the mapper to map all properties for "some_json_object" as stored strings.
Removed type from mapping in order to match all property types (match_path => path_match).
Update 2
If you then create an index:
and index an object:
it will then get the following mapping:
