Project Tango: What is the Constructor export wavefront file format specification? - google-project-tango

After having a look at an exported .obj file from the Constructor App, I noticed something. While the official documentation only states vertices to have 3 values plus an option weight:
v x y z w
the vertices in that exported file had three additional values:
v -0.09218131 1.425 -0.015000017 0.4627451 0.5372549 0.5686275 1.0
v -0.07500002 1.4277055 -0.015000017 0.56078434 0.6627451 0.7529412 1.0
v -0.045000017 1.429608 -0.015000017 0.81960785 0.627451 0.54509807 1.0
I found they are all between 0 and 1. I suppose that those three additional values representing rgb values as in
v x y z r g b w
Is that correct?
Related to that: I also noticed that the faces in the file consist of only two indices as in
f i/j
I suppose, since there never are any texture vertices (vt), or possibly they are "replaced" by the rgb values, the second slash that the official documentation requires is just omitted? Is that also correct?

I was pointed to an answer to another question, mentioning an informal extended format, that indeed uses rgb values.
It seems like the absence of a second slash is formally not 100% correct, but acceptable as major rendering software handles it without it just as well.


NUKE keyframes animation curve

I'm parsing the NUKE software keyframe animation format. It's description is here:
It uses these numbers to define the curve. ("x" x-value) y-value ("s" l-slope) ("t" r-slope) ("u" l-angle) ("v" r-angle)
x,y,slope are fine, but I'm confused by the "angle". I'm assuming l and r refer to left and right side of the anchor point. The l-angle and r-angle seem more like a function of the length of the handle to me. It also seems like the maximum value is 3
Below are some examples with image (note, the grid in the images doesn't show units "correctly", but the slope values mean what you'd think they mean, they say how much increase in y per x value)
x40 399.5495605 s21.10000038 u3 v0.9411216378
Here's another example, note l-angle is still 3 (the maximum, but I had to decrease the slope)
x40 399.5495605 s5.900000095 u3 v0.9411216378
Another one:
x40 399.5495605 s6 u0.2508043051 v0.9411216378
And an example where l-slope and r-slope is different, neither u,v are provided, so per docs default to 1 (whatever that means)
x1 355 x40 399.5495605 s6 t-6.953211784
Anyone have ideas about what the "angle" values mean in this context? I'm trying to convert this format into the more normal bezier curve definition.
(I also posted this question in a NUKE forum:
EDIT: (about the grids not showing "correct units")

How to tilt compensate my magnetometer ? Tried a lot

I try to tilt compensate a magnetometer (BMX055) reading and tried various approaches I have found online, not a single one works.
I atually tried almost any result I found on Google.
I run this on an AVR, it would be extra awesome to find something that works without complex functions (trigonometry etc) for angles up to 50 degree.
I have a fused gravity vector (int16 signed in a float) from gyro+acc (1g gravity=16k).
attitude.vect_mag.x/y/z is a float but contains a 16bit integer ranging from around -250 to +250 per axis.
Currently I try this code:
float rollRadians = attitude.roll * DEG_TO_RAD / 10;
float pitchRadians = attitude.pitch * DEG_TO_RAD / 10;
float cosRoll = cos(rollRadians);
float sinRoll = sin(rollRadians);
float cosPitch = cos(pitchRadians);
float sinPitch = sin(pitchRadians);
float Xh = attitude.vect_mag.x * cosPitch + attitude.vect_mag.z * sinPitch;
float Yh = attitude.vect_mag.x * sinRoll * sinPitch + attitude.vect_mag.y * cosRoll - attitude.vect_mag.z *sinRoll * cosPitch;
float heading = atan2(Yh, Xh);
attitude.yaw = heading*RAD_TO_DEG;
The result is meaningless, but the values without tilt compensation are correct.
The uncompensated formula:
works fine (when not tilted)
I am sort of clueless what is going wrong, the normal atan2 returns a good result (when balanced) but using the wide spread formulas for tilt compensation completely fails.
Do I have to keep the mag vector values within a specific range for the trigonometry to work ?
Any way to do the compensation without trig functions ?
I'd be glad for some help.
I found that the BMX055 magnetometer has X and Y inverted as well as Y axis is *-1
The sin/cos functions now seem to lead to a better result.
I am trying to implement the suggested vector algorithms, struggling so far :)
Let us see.
(First, forgive me a bit of style nagging. The keyword volatile means that the variable may change even if we do not change it ourselves in our code. This may happen with a memory position that is written by another process (interrupt request in AVR context). For the compiler volatile means that the variable has to be always loaded and stored into memory when used. See:
So, most likely you do not want to have any attributes to your floats.)
Your input:
three 12-bit (11 bits + sign) integers representing accelerometer data
three approximately 9-bit (8 bits + sign) integers representing the magnetic field
Good news (well...) is that your resolution is not that big, so you can use integer arithmetics, which is much faster. Bad news is that there is no simple magical one-liner which would solve your problem.
First of all, what would you like to have as the compass bearing when the device is tilted? Should the device act as if it was not tilted, or should it actually show the correct projection of the magnetic field lines on the screen? The latter is how an ordinary compass acts (if the needle moves at all when tilted). In that case you should not compensate for anything, and the device can show the fancy vertical tilt of the magnetic lines when rolled sideways.
In any case, try to avoid trigonometry, it takes a lot of code space and time. Vector arithmetics is much simpler, and most of the time you can make do with multiplys and adds.
Let us try to define your problem in vector terms. Actually you have two space vectors to start with, m pointing to the direction of the magnetic field, g to the direction of gravity. If I have understood your intention correctly, you need to have vector d which points along some fixed direction in the device. (If I think of a mobile phone, d would be a vector parallel to the screen left or right edges.)
With vector mathematics this looks rather simple:
g is a normal to a horizontal (truly horizontal) plane
the projection of m on this plane defines the direction a horizontal compass would show
the projection of d on the plane defines the "north" on the compass face
the angle between m and d gives the compass bearing
Now that we are not interested in the magnitude of the magnetic field, we can scale everything as we want. This reduces the need to use unity vectors which are expensive to calculate.
So, the maths will be something along these lines:
# projection of m on g (. represents dot product)
mp := m - g (m.g) / (g.g)
# projection of d on g
dp := d - g (d.g) / (g.g)
# angle between mp and dp
cos2 := (mp.dp)^2 / ( * dp.dp)
sgn1 := sign(mp.dp)
# create a vector 90 rotated from d on the plane defined by g (x is cross product)
drot := dp x g
sin2 := (mp.drot)^2 / ( * drot.drot)
sgn2 := sign(mp.drot)
After this you will have a sin^2 and cos^2 of the compass directions. You need to create a resolving function for one quadrant and then determine the correct quadrant by using the signs. The resolving function may sound difficult, but actually you just need to create a table lookup function for sin2/cos2 or cos2/sin2 (whichever is smaller). It is relatively fast, and only a few points are required in the lookup (with bilinear approximation even fewer).
So, as you can see, there are no trig functions around, and even no square roots around. Vector dots and crosses are just multiplys. The only slightly challenging trick is to scale the fixed point arithmetics to the correct scale in each calculation.
You might notice that there is a lot of room for optimization, as the same values are used several times. The first step is to get the algorithm run on a PC with floating point with the correct results. The optimizations come later.
(Sorry, I am not going to write the actual code here, but if there is something that needs clarifying, I'll be glad to help.)

How to detect boundaries of a pattern [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Detecting thin lines in blurry image
So as the title says, I am trying to detect boundaries of patterns. In the images attached, you can basically see three different patterns.
Close stripe lines
One thick L shaped line
The area between 1 & 2
I am trying to separate these three, in say 3 separate images. Depend on where the answers go, I will upload more images if needed. Both idea or code will be helpful.
You can solve (for some values of "solve") this problem using morphology. First, to make the image more uniform, remove irrelevant minima. One way to do this is using the h-dome transform for regional minima, which suppresses minima of height < h. Now, we want to join the thin lines. That is accomplished by a morphological opening with a horizontal line of length l. If the lines were merged, then the regional minima of the current image is the background. So we can fill holes to obtain the relevant components. The following code summarizes these tasks:
f = rgb2gray(imread(''));
hm = imhmin(f, h);
o = imopen(hm, strel('line', l, 0));
result = imfill(~imregionalmin(o), 'holes');
Now, you need to determine h and l. The parameter h is expected to be easier since it is not related to the scale of the input, and in your example, values in the range [10, 30] work fine. To determine l maybe a granulometry analysis could help. Another way is to check if the result contains two significant connected components, corresponding to the bigger L shape and the region of the thin lines. There is no need to increase l one by one, you could perform something that resembles a binary search.
Here are the hm, o and result images with h = 30 and l = 15 (l in [13, 19] works equally good here). This approach gives flexibility on parameter choosing, making it easier to pick/find good values.
To calculate the area in the space between the two largest components, we could merge them and simply count the black pixels inside the new connected component.
You can pass a window (10x10 pixels?) and collect features for that window. The features could be something as simple as the cumulative gradients (edges) within that window. This would distinguish the various areas as long as the window is big enough.
Then using each window as a data point, you can do some clustering, or if the patterns don't vary that much you can do some simple thresholds to determine which data points belong to which patterns (the larger gradient sums belong to the small lines: more edges, while the smallest gradient sums belong to the thickest lines: only one edge, and those in between belong to the other "in-between" pattern .
Once you have this classification, you can create separate images if need be.
Just throwing out ideas. You can binarize the image and do connected component labelling. Then perform some analysis on the connected components such as width to discriminate between the regions.

Alpha Compositing Algorithm (Blend Modes)

I'm trying to implement blend modes from the PDF specification, for my own pleasure, in SASS.
PDF Specification:
Page 322 is the alpha compositing section.
The input values are in RGBA format, but now I'm trying to implement blending of the alpha component. How do I excatly go about doing it? From what I gather my values should be between 0.0 and 1.0, that's done. However from the specs it seems that you should blend for each color channel? Do I just average it out to get back to RGBA form for my alpha component?
Any help is appriciated, I don't mind reading blog, books etc. to get my answer, as this is purely an intellectual exercise.
Thanks in advance,
The SVG spec has a lot of good equations for various blending modes. And yes, you do have to calculate both the new alpha and the new colour -- for each channel. For standard blending modes, the alpha is calculated this way:
alpha_final = alpha_bg + alpha_fg - alpha_bg * alpha_fg
Note: I see you're considering alpha to be between 0 and 1, which is good. Alpha values in CSS are always defined as float values from 0 to 1; it's good to stick with this convention, because it makes the calculations immensely easier.
It helps to 'premultiply' each colour channel by its alpha; these are more helpful for interpreting and using the usual formulae:
colour_bg_a = colour_bg * alpha_bg
In other words:
red_bg_a = red_bg * alpha_bg
green_bg_a = green_bg * alpha_bg
blue_bg_a = blue_bg * alpha_bg
Then, for plain-jane alpha compositing (like overlaying sheets of tracing paper, also known as src-over in Porter and Duff's original paper and the SVG alpha compositing spec), you take each channel and calculate it thus:
colour_final_a = colour_fg_a + colour_bg_a * (1 - alpha_fg)
The last step is to 'un-multiply' each final colour channel value by the final alpha:
colour_final = colour_final_a / alpha_final
and put it into your mixin somehow:
rgba(red_final, green_final, blue_final, alpha_final)
The other blending modes (multiply, difference, screen, etc) are slightly more complicated formulas, but the concept for every single mode is the same:
Separate the R, G, B, and A values of both the foreground and background colours
Calculate the alpha of the new, final colour with the above formula
Pre-multiply all the R, G, and B values by their alpha value
Calculate the new, final R, G, and B values (insert blending mode formula here)
Un-multiply the final R, G, and B values by the final alpha
Clip the final R, G, and B values so that they are between 0 and 255 (necessary for some modes, but not all)
Put the colour back together again!
If you're still interested in this, I've been doing the very thing in Stylus. You can see my progress here: You might be able to use it as a starting point for your own Sass mixin.
The first thing I do is convert all the R, G, and B values from 0 - 255 values to 0 - 1 float values for the purposes of the calculations. I don't know if that's necessary, and it does require converting them back to 0 - 255 values. It felt right to me, and Porter and Duff worked in 0 - 1 float values in their original paper.
(I'm encountering trouble with some of the compositing modes, which produce wildly different results from the expected results that the SVG spec pictures. I suspect that the spec gives the wrong equations. If anyone knows about Porter/Duff blending modes, I'd be very grateful for their help!)

Passing fewer components via glVertexAttribPointer than shader expects

In OpenGL (specifically ES 2.0 in this case), what happens if I pass 2 components per vertex, like so:
glVertexAttribPointer( 0, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof( MyVertexStruct ), pPos );
...but the shader expects three?
It seems to default the third (Z, in this case) component to 0, which is what I want, but I'm hesitant to rely on the behavior. Is this defined somewhere in the OpenGL, ES, or GLSL standards?
(My search-fu is failing me: can't find anything in the red book, purple book, or in the reference pages, but I may have just overlooked it.)
Although I haven't looked it up in the OpenGL specification, I'm pretty sure it is defined behaviour, that every attribute gets extended to (0,0,0,1) if it has fewer components, as it is also done this way when using the single attribute functions, like glVertexAttrib2f (which is indeed specified by the standard).
EDIT: I looked it up in the OpenGL ES 2.0 specification and it says:
When an array element i is transferred to the GL by the DrawArrays or
DrawElements commands, each generic attribute is expanded to four
components. If size is one then the x component of the attribute is
specified by the array; the y, z, and w components are implicitly set
to zero, zero, and one, respectively. If size is two then the x and y
components of the attribute are specified by the array; the z, and w
components are implicitly set to zero, and one, respectively. If size
is three then x, y, and z are specified, and w is implicitly set to
one. If size is four then all components are specified.
So it is indeed like you and I assumed.
