File History first backup never succeeds. Nothing happens - windows

I have an Windows box, which originally had Windows 7 installed and was later on upgraded to Windows 10.
On Windows 10 I added a 3TB hard disk for backups. I set up the new hard disc as backup target and started the first backup. This now is some days ago, but whenever I check the status I get following message: File History is saving copies of your files for the first time.
On the backup disc nothing happens. There is created a folder M:\FileHistory\username\boxname\Data, but there are no files in it.
There is just a link (for whatever reason not a button) below, to stop the backup. When I restart it, I get the same message but nothing happens.
Anybody any idea, what could be the reason or what to do?
Thanks in advance...

Finally found the solution. Keep in mind, I use a german version of windows. Hence, the menu point names may not be accurately translated.
In the control center > system and security > file history > extended settings
There is a link to the event viewer related to backup events.
It had some messages telling it could not save a file in a given folder. Deleting the folder, and also the BACKUP-DRIVE:\FileHistory folder on the backup drive solved the issues.


"Browse", "Open file", "Select files" dialog not working

All of the sudden the method by apps open the "select a file" dialog stopped working. For instance if I go to, clicking on it does nothing, but the drag and drop works.
This is happening for apps as well, for example I just needed to resync my Google Drive and change the folder location, clicking in "browse" to select a folder does nothing. However, going to Notepad and file > open file works.
I've been searching for a while for the method, .dll, or something that is responsible for this without success. Anyone with a similar issue or more knowledge than what I have can point me in the right direction?
I'm not a naive English speaker so I am not sure if I'm not finding anything because I am not using the right names to search for it.
I have exactly the same issue. It started somewhere between Friday and today. (Computer was shutdown for two weeks until friday night and before shutting down the problem did not exist.) I suspect some update. In addition to the mentioned issue I have trouble downloading files through Chrome. Edge and IE are downloading fine. Firefox will be installed to test this. It is consistent which apps are (not) allowed to spawn new windows. Apps in 'Program Files' seem OK while those in 'Program Files(x86)' differ. Of those in the (x86) folder OpenOffice is allowed to open a browse window, Adobe Reader is not. KeePass is allowed to open files, EventGhost is not. (changing install folder does not make a difference).
Since it is not clear how long this issue has been around I am hesitant to do a system restore. Also I believe that is a bandaid, not a solution. I am on the Fast Ring of updates.

DongFangInput keeps installing

have an application that keeps reinstalling itself even after uninstall. It's an app that helps you type in chinese characters. As you can see from the format of this message that it messes with my typing.
Can anyone please help?
PS:Idont even know how to at least turn it off because everything is in chinese.
I have the same problem since last Saturday (26/4).
I used unlocker as recommended by another website to remove the application. But my alt+shift and Window+space hot keys are both not working anymore. So I restored window back to a previous restore point for restoring the hot keys.
However, after a while the application reinstalled back.
I tried unhackme but the application reinstall after a few reboot. For the passed 1 week I've been fighting with this application.
On the 30/4, I was thinking whether to refresh my windows, suddenly I realised that I had copy an excel file from my client on 25/4. His computer same having the same problem. So I tried to delete the said excel file but it can't be deleted. So I use unlocker to delete the folder storing the excel file. than I use unhackme to remove all file/program related to Dongfanginput, use unlocker to delete the folder at program folder, restore window to a previous restore point. My computer is running smoothly for pass 2 days and hoping that the problem wouldn't come back again. (sorry for my poor English)

greyed-out folders on OSX with wrong date

Had a backup fail due to power hit. Was running on OSX10.9 to a Win server (XenData LTO). Widows can see folder fine, though the date is 1984. Mac sees folder greyed-out, "get info" says folder created also in 1984. Microsoft TechNet forum sees same issue (Finder issue), but offers no solution. Is the folder hidden? how do I unhide it so I can delete it, so I can re-run this backup?
If windows can see the folder - can you access it and use it? I would say pull out the contents using windows, make a new folder / new copy of the contents and resave it.

Opening a CHM file produces: "navigation to the webpage was canceled"

I am trying to open a .chm file.
I downloaded the source, extracted it, and double clicked on Waffle.chm and clicked "Open" but no matter what element in the chm file I click, I get the message:
Navigation to the webpage was canceled.
What you can try:
Retype the address.
What's going on here?
Microsoft Security Updates 896358 & 840315 block display of CHM file contents when opened from a network drive (or a UNC path). This is Windows' attempt to stop attack vectors for viruses/malware from infecting your computer and has blocked out the .chm file that draw data over the "InfoTech" protocol, which this chm file uses.
Microsoft's summary of the problem:
If you are using Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, windows has created a quick fix. Right click the chm file, and you will get the "yourfile.chm Properties" dialog box, at the bottom, a button called "Unblock" appears. Click Unblock and press OK, and try to open the chm file again, it works correctly. This option is not available for earlier versions of Windows before WindowsXP (SP3).
Solve the problem by moving your chm file OFF the network drive. You may be unaware you are using a network drive, double check now: Right click your .chm file, click properties and look at the "location" field. If it starts with two backslashes like this: \\epicserver\blah\, then you are using a networked drive. So to fix it, Copy the chm file, and paste it into a local drive, like C:\ or E:. Then try to reopen the chm file, windows does not freak out.
Last resort, if you can't copy/move the file off the networked drive. If you must open it where it sits, and you are using a lesser version of windows like XP, Vista, ME or other, you will have to manually tell Windows not to freak out over this .chm file. HHReg (HTML Help Registration Utility) Utility Automates this Task. Basically you download the HHReg utility, load your .chm file, press OK, and it will create the necessary registry keys to tell Windows not to block it. For more info:
Windows 8 or 10? --> Upgrade to Windows XP.
"unblocking" the file fixes the problem. Screenshot:
Win 8 x64:
just move it to another folder or rename your folder (in my case: my folder was "c#").
avoid to use symbol on folder name. name it with letter.
In addition to Eric Leschinski's answer, and because this is stackoverflow, a programmatical solution:
Windows uses hidden file forks to mark content as "downloaded". Truncating these unblocks the file. The name of the stream used for CHM's is "Zone.Identifier". One can access streams by appending :streamname when opening the file. (keep backups the first time, in case your RTL messes that up!)
In Delphi it would look like this:
var f : file;
writeln('unblocking ',s);
I'm told that on non forked filesystems (like FAT32) there are hidden files, but I haven't gotten to the bottom of that yet.
P.s. Delphi's DeleteFile() should also recognize forks.
The definitive solution is to allow the InfoTech protocol to work in the intranet zone.
Add the following value to the registry and the problem should be solved:
More info here:
Go to Start
Type regsvr32 hhctrl.ocx
You should get a success message like:
" DllRegisterServer in hhctrl.ocx succeeded "
Now try to open your CHM file again.
other way is to use different third party software. This link shows more third party software to view chm files...
I tried with SumatraPDF and it work fine.
I fixed this programmatically in my software, using C++ Builder.
Before I assign the CHM help file, Application->HelpFile = HelpFileName, I check to see if it contains the "Zone.Identifier" stream, and when it does, I simply remove it.
String ZIStream(HelpFileName + ":Zone.Identifier") ;
if (FileExists(ZIStream))
{ DeleteFile(ZIStream) ; }
There are apparently different levels of authentication. Most articles I read tell you to set the MaxAllowedZone to '1' which means that local machine zone and intranet zone are allowed but '4' allows access for 'all' zones.
For more info, read this article:
This is how my registry looks (I wasn't sure it would work with the wild cards but it seems to work for me):
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
As an additional note, weirdly the "UrlAllowList" key was required to make this work on another PC but not my test one. It's probably not required at all but when I added it, it fixed the problem. The user may have not closed the original file or something like that. So just a consideration. I suggest try the least and test it, then add if needed. Once you confirm, you can deploy if needed. Good Luck!
Edit: P.S. Another method that worked was mapping the path to the network locally by using mklink /d (symbolic linking in Windows 7 or newer) but mapping a network drive letter (Z: for testing) did not work. Just food for thought and I did not have to 'Unblock' any files. Also the accepted 'Solution' did not resolve the issue for me.
Moving to local folder is the quickest solution, nothing else worked for me esp because I was not admin on my system (can't edit registery etc), which is a typical case in a work environment.
Create a folder in C:\help drive, lets call it help and copy the files there and open.
Do not copy to mydocuments or anywhere else, those locations are usually on network drive in office setup and will not work.

xcode The document "..." could not be saved

I use xcode 3.2.4 on snow leopard. Today when I tried to save a file on my project I get an error message saying: The document "nameOfFile.m" could not be saved. I tried reinstalling xcode but no luck. The file can be edited with other editors and I see the same behavior on all my projects as well as newly created projects. Any ideas?
Simply by rebooting the computer the issue was fixed.
We were having this problem in a lab environment where user files are mounted via NFS.
The client machines are running OS X 10.6.7 and the file server is running Debian Linux.
After much grief and reading /var/log/syslog on the client machine I discovered it was a subtle file locking / race condition issue with the file system. Evidently, when editing files in a "bundle" (e.g. as in an Xcode project), the OS is using some form of "safe writes" which involves writing transient data atomically to ~/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems/ (which of course is on the NFS mounted system) -- there is a race here that requires proper file locking. We hope we have fixed the problem by changing the nfs_mount options
as described in Mounting NFS volumes in OS X
Not sure why but the temp files ended in a odd state. In "/private/var/folders" I simply removed all the folders and it cleared up the problem
cd /private/var/folders
sudo rm -fR *
Note: never do a "sudo rm" unless you really know what you are doing. It can cause irrecoverable damage
I restarted XCode (by a force-quit, not just closing it) and that fixed it for me.
Make sure you have you mouse focused on the code area and not the file in the file list.
Cleaning the project (Product > Clean), then force quitting Xcode (Command + Option + Escape, select Xcode, click Force Quit) solved the issue for me. I'm not sure if the clean was necessary, but that was what I did. Upon re-opening the project, I let Xcode index the project before doing anything, then did a Build, and all is well.
Force quiting Xcode for me worked. I would recommend the same.
Hey........... even i faced the same problem..... But got the answer......
reveal in folder the project.
select the file that is locked
select 'GEt Info'
deselect ie uncheck the label 'LOCKED' in the Info.
I just ran into the same problem, then I noticed I ran out of disk space. You can disable the warning that pops up when you run low on disk space (perhaps not a wise thing to do). I did that a few days ago and was puzzled for a moment when this message appeared. They could've just said "Disk full" or something instead of "cannot save". Anyway if anyone ever runs into this just free up some disk space.
You might be able to save in an external editor because its not also building your app which might use up the little remaining space. It might also be why it worked after rebooting (if OS X cleaned up some cached stuff on reboot) so it seems plausible.
Either that or your HDD might have just crashed.
In my Case, the File which was saying document could not be saved was basically Shortcut/Allies of the file present at another place.
I don't know why it was not able to save if it was opened by shortcut/allies in xcode but by overwriting(Copy and Paste) the orignal files to that shortcut my problem was solved.
Umair Bhatti
1.Right click on that file
2.Go to Show in Finder .
3.Click on get info .
4.Goto Sharing & Permission
Everyone,username,Fetching & selection ----You can choose appropriate read write option.
I have face this issue many times. I followed below steps to fixed this.
1. Select file->Show in Finder
2. Copy those file and past different destination.
3. Remove those file from xCode (to selecting show in finder)
4. Then again add those files from other destination to actual location
5. Clean code and run the code.
Another possible reason is that the file you are trying to modify is an alias (i.e. a soft link).
You will have to modify the source file directly in this case.
Thanks #Wayne Cochran,
When I use Xcode to save it, I rebooted the machine several times, and all failed.
So I changed to Visual Studio Code to edit and save. Then it's OK.
Just change the file editor
This can happen when you are working with a network hard drive (or are on a cloud) and not connected to the network (connection lost)
