How to use NSScrollView in XCode 7+ Storyboards? - xcode

I have never used NSScrollView, but looking at the tutorials, I thought It should be easy to figure out.
However, It turns out to be not intuitive at all. I pulled a ScrollView. It did not have any scrollers, though I have then enabled. No place to set ContentArea or of some sort. And. it has a clipview inside it and that clip view has another view inside. You can only add a view inside that third View.
So I thought of adding an Image view inside and it doesn't work at all. When I run, it doesn't show up. Nothing.
What am I doing wrong?
Here is the DropBox Link to project

You need 2 steps.
Fist you should position you view towards left top corner of clip view. Add 2 constraints as shown on the picture:
Then make sure you picture expands to parent view but set priority to 750 so it would not expand entire window:
Then it will look correct:
Here is your fixed project:
PS: You also forgot to drag your picture to the assets catalog. I did that in the fixed project.


Why isn't storyboard safe area working correctly on iPhone X?

I'm trying to update my app for the new iPhone X. After reading about the safe area feature and the check box "Safe Area Relative Margins" in each UIObject's "Size Inspector" (ruler tab), I didn't think this would be too bad. However, that feature does not seem to be working for me.
Nothing changed for regular iPhones, which is good, however for the X, the top of my app overlaps the top inset of the phone by a third. Is there any known way to fix this* or something I'm missing?
*By fix this, I mean make it so that my objects start below the outcrop, like the second picture.
What is happening:
Desired Behavior (from
I too have wasted hours on this. And while I cannot answer your question of why this is broken in Xcode, I can provide a solution.
But first let me note than in Xcode 11.3.1, I experience the same issue in a new project created from scratch.
Set up your storyboard:
On your storyboard, select "Use Safe Area Layout Guides". This will add a safe area to each of your ViewControllers. It will also require you to target iOS9+. You might be able to skip this step though (see step 4 below).
View your storyboard as iPhone 4s.
Fix each ViewController:
Select all views under the top-level view.
Click Editor | Embed In | View Without Inset. This creates a new view and puts all your views inside.
Make this new view expand to the safe area by adding safe area constraints (by control-dragging your new view onto the top level view).
Leading space to safe area
Top space to safe area
Trailing space to safe area
Bottom space to safe area
If you did not opt into using a safe area storyboard above, you may be able to create four equivalent constraints by using the Top Layout Guide, Bottom Layout Guide, and the left/right sides of the top-level view. This may not work in landscape though. And I did not test this.
Set your new view as transparent.
Give your new view a name like "SafeAreaView".
In iOS 11, margins are inset from the safe area. Thus, your zero top margin becomes a 20 top margin — explaining your screen shot. If that's not what you want, set the view's insetsLayoutMarginsFromSafeArea property to false.
In my case modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen has to be set to the view controller being presented

ScrollView margins

I've been working with Xcode and Swift 3 for a couple of weeks and I keep encountering the same issue. When I have a UIScrollView with elements inside I always get a margin around the entire scroll view of about 20, this is even though all my constraints are set to 0 - so its pinned to all sides. I have copied code from various tutorials and read numerous StackOverflow posts but I just can't seem to sort this issue out.
My page is set out like this:
Scroll View (contraints: Align Centre X, trailing/leading/bottom/top spaces to the superview
Stack View (Child of the scroll, all constraints the same as above)
When I rotate the page it adjusts the size of everything perfectly using the auto layout stuff, but the margin is still there.
I have tried to manually adjust the size of the scroll view but whenever I run the app it makes no difference.
I am absolutely baffled how I can sort this issue.
A screenshot of my scrollview, more can be added if needed.
Double click on a constraint and it will open up the detailed view which shows the first item, relation and second item.
Click on "Superview.Trailing Margin" and untick "Relative to Margin"

Split View Controller showing only one view (Xcode 6)

I'm trying to get the split view controller working properly but apparently there's a bug in there or I'm missing something.
First of all, I've started a blank OSX Obj-C application, and in the Storyboard I've dragged the split view controller. Next, I've linked the segues from the main window controller to the split view and added two labels.
When I build the project, it shows only the second page. Not to mention strange window size in the final build.
I've tried everything.
This occurs in both vertical and horizontal split view.
Any suggestions?
I had the same issue myself today, but it's just the split line wasn't initiated properly.
To see, this, once you run your app, move your mouse toward the edge of the window and drag it, you will now see another view emerging.
To my best knowledge, I do not know how to fix this in IB or in code. Apparently NSSplitViewController does not have a property like UISplitViewControllerAutomaticDimension. Would appreciate if someone can contribute to this.
Edited: Found an answer via another thread. Basically, try to add some constraints to the subviews inside each view and that should prevent the size of a view to be zero. In my toy example, adding margin constraints to my buttons worked out well.

IOS/Xcode: storyboard screen turning black

I am just learning Xcode. I did something that caused a view controller to turn black below the navigation bar when you build app.
It looks white in storyboard.
Also, when I pull a label onto the storyboard, it aligns to the left margin and does not show the drag boxes around it.
I may have inadvertently clicked something but when I compared it in attributes and identity inspectors line by line to another project, nothing seems amiss, i.e. everything is the default value.
Has anyone run across this?
There is not code in associated class that would cause this as it is generic i.e. plain vanilla.
Would appreciate any suggestions. Thx.
With that little information i'd say you removed the root view of the controller?
Either way, you say there is no code, so I'd suggest you simply delete that controller and create another one (bottom right, objects, viewcontroller). Since it's empty you're not gonna lose any data or time :)
Then link it to your class in the Identity Inspector and you're good to go as if it was a new one.

SplitView not resizing NSTableView in subview correctly

I have a 10.6 app that I am building on Lion with Xcode 4.3
There is a horizontal split view in the main view, containing the following:
The top view contains an NSSearchField with an NSTableView below it.
The bottom view contains a WebView.
I have it working, but when I resize the split view the top view behaves oddly.
What I want to happen is for the search field to remain where it is, the tableview to remain where it is, but to expand if the split view is dragged down. If dragged up, I want the webview to overwrite the search field and table view.
You can see what I mean in this clip:
This keeps the things in the right place when I drag up, but doesn't expand the table when I drag down. The view is expanded, but not the table.
So, I changed the autosizing constraint on the table view / scroll view to make it expand when the view is resized. This is what happens:
When the split bar is moved upwards the table view is moved upwards inside the top view until it overwrites the search field. It doesn't move back when the bar is moved back down.
I cannot find a way to make this work by changing the autosizing constraints. This is usually pretty easy stuff, so either I'm missing something obvious or...?
Has anyone seen this behaviour before when creating SL apps on Lion with Xcode 4.3?
FYI, if I replicate this in a new 10.7 project using auto-layout everything works fine.
When you allow an NSSplitView to make one of its subviews very small so that the subviews effectively overlap you get layout issues and this is one of the reasons that Apple introduced auto-layout (watch the WWDC video about auto-layout and I think they demo this problem near the beginning).
If I were you I'd set a minimum size for the top pane so that, for example, it stops resizing when it is 100px high. You can then allow it to collapse so that the user can still show just the WebView.
