SQL to LINQ convert - linq

How can i convert from SQL as below to LINQ.
Select sum(detail.PO_Quantity) From PO_Master master
left join PO_Detail detail on master.ID_PO = detail.ID_PO
where master.PO_Status <> 21 And detail.PO_Item_Amount <> '0.00' And master.ID_PR = 'PR00010275'

Try this.
var result = (from master in PO_Master
join detail in PO_Detail on master.ID_PO equals detail.ID_PO into md
from masterDetail in md.DefaultIfEmpty()
where master.PO_STATUS != 21
&& masterDetail.Item_Amount != "0.00"
&& master.ID_PR == "PR00010275"
select masterDetail.Quantity).Sum();


LINQ with Subquery and left join

I am trying to write LINQ query to generate below SQL query. I know it looks like assignment, but tried few syntax which generated wrong query.
select pm.Profile_Number,PD.Line_Abbrev,PD.Group_Code from Profile_Detail PD
INNER JOIN Profile_Master PM ON pd.profile_id = pm.profile_id
SELECT Field_Abbr,Group_Code FROM vw_Group_Code
where ((US=1 AND Group_US_Obsolete <> 1) OR (CA=1 AND Group_CA_Obsolete <> 1) OR (MX=1 AND Group_MX_Obsolete <> 1))
)gcv ON PD.Line_Abbrev = gcv.Field_Abbr AND PD.Group_Code = gcv.Group_Code
WHERE PD.Profile_Id IN(42) AND gcv.Field_Abbr IS NULL
Tried version :
(from pd in _context.ProfileDetail
join pm in _context.ProfileMaster on pd.ProfileId equals pm.ProfileId
join vla in _context.VwLineAbbrvs on pd.LineAbbrev equals vla.LineAbbrev into gc
from vla in gc.DefaultIfEmpty()
where profileNumber.Contains(pd.ProfileId.ToString()) &&
((vla.IsUS && vla.USObsolete) || (vla.IsCA && !vla.CAObsolete) || (vla.IsMX && !vla.MXObsolete))
select new ObsoleteLineDetail
LineAbbrv = pd.LineAbbrev,
GroupCode = pd.GroupCode,
ProfileNumber = pm.ProfileNumber

SQL to LINQ with JOIN and SubQuery

I have a query that I' struggling to convert to LINQ. I just can't get my head around the required nesting. Here's the query in SQL (just freehand typed):
The Closest I've come to is this:
var query = from vac in _database.Vacancies
join e in _database.VacancyEngagements
on vac.Id equals e.VacancyId into va
from v in va.DefaultIfEmpty()
where vac.MaxRecruiters > (from ve in _database.VacancyEngagements
where ve.VacancyId == v.Id && ve.Status == Enums.VacanyEngagementStatus.ENGAGED
select ve).Count()
...which correctly resolves the subquery from my SQL statement. But I want to further restrict the returned V rows to only those where the current user does not have a related VE row.
I've realised that the SQL in the question was misleading and whilst it led to technically correct answers, they weren't what I was after. That's my fault for not reviewing the SQL properly so I apologise to #Andy B and #Ivan Stoev for the misleading post. Here's the LINQ that solved the problem for me. As stated in the post I needed to show vacancy rows where no linked vacancyEngagement rows existed. The ! operator provides ability to specify this with a subquery.
var query = from vac in _database.Vacancies
where !_database.VacancyEngagements.Any(ve => (ve.VacancyId == vac.Id && ve.UserId == user.Id))
&& vac.MaxRecruiters > (from ve in _database.VacancyEngagements
where ve.VacancyId == vac.Id && ve.Status == Enums.VacanyEngagementStatus.ENGAGED
select ve).Count()
This should work:
var filterOutUser = <userId you want to filter out>;
var query = from vac in _database.Vacancies
join e in _database.VacancyEngagements
on vac.Id equals e.VacancyId
where (e.UserId != filterOutUser) && vac.MaxRecruiters > (from ve in _database.VacancyEngagements
where ve.VacancyId == vac.Id && ve.Status == Enums.VacanyEngagementStatus.ENGAGED
select ve).Count()
select vac;
I removed the join to VacancyEngagements but if you need columns from that table you can add it back in.

Any vs Where clause in LINQ

I always thought LINQ to SQL equivalent for an exists query is to use Any(). But i recently wrote a query in LINQ , which basically is trying to find if duplicate records exists in single table.
Anycontext.Contacts.Any(c => ((c.FirstName == contact.FirstName && c.LastName == contact.LastName && c.AddressLine1 == contact.AddressLine1 && c.Zip == contact.Zip)||
(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(contact.Email) && c.Email == contact.Email)))
matching criteria is simple to find contacts with same FirstName, LastName and AddressLine1 or same Email. This query times out in 30 sec(default), there are just 500K rows in this table.
Wherecontext.Contacts.Where(c => ((c.FirstName == contact.FirstName && c.LastName == contact.LastName && c.AddressLine1 == contact.AddressLine1 && c.Zip == contact.Zip)||
(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(contact.Email) && c.Email == contact.Email))).Count()>0
I was forced to use Where clause and then do count greater than 0 to find if any duplicate exists in the set. What i can not understand is, why LINQ to SQL on simple Any clause timing out.
Any explanation will be really great here.
SQL From from LINQ Pad
FROM [Accounts].[Contacts] AS [t0]
WHERE ([t0].[CompanyID] = #p0) AND ((([t0].[FirstName] = #p1) AND ([t0].[LastName] = #p2) AND ([t0].[AddressLine1] = #p3) AND ([t0].[Zip] = #p4)) OR (([t0].[FirstName] = #p5) AND ([t0].[LastName] = #p6) AND (EXISTS(
FROM [Accounts].[PhoneNumbers] AS [t1]
WHERE ([t1].[ContactNumber] = #p7) AND ([t1].[ContactID] = [t0].[ContactID])
) THEN 1
END) AS [value]
SELECT [t0].[ContactID]
FROM [Accounts].[Contacts] AS [t0]
WHERE ([t0].[CompanyID] = #p0)
([t0].[FirstName] = #p1)
AND ([t0].[LastName] = #p2)
AND ([t0].[AddressLine1] = #p3)
AND ([t0].[Zip] = #p4)
OR (
([t0].[FirstName] = #p5)
AND ([t0].[LastName] = #p6)
FROM [Accounts].[PhoneNumbers] AS [t1]
WHERE ([t1].[ContactNumber] = #p7)
AND ([t1].[ContactID] = [t0].[ContactID])
Not completely sure if this is what you want, but you could compare, I'm guessing you wont run the test often, as it would be better to test for existence before you input the data to the DB.
If you want to find the duplicates then
var queryA = from a in db.someTable
select a.value;
foreach(var row in queryA){
Console.Write(queryA.Where(b => b == row).Count() > 1 ? row: "");
If you just want to test if it exist then.
var queryA = from a in db.someTable
select a.value;
var queryB = queryA;
Console.Write(queryB.Count() != queryA.Count() ? "Yes" : "No");

Subselect with LINQ

I want to do a subselect with LINQ
What I have, but incorrect
var diretores = from item in db.San_PropostaConversa
join sc in db.San_Credenciada
on (item.Credenciada_Id) equals sc.Credenciada_Id
join sp in db.San_Proposta
on (item.Proposta_Id) equals sp.Proposta_Id
join si in db.San_Imovel
on (sp.Imovel_Id) equals si.Imovel_Id
join su in db.San_Usuario
on (item.Usuario_Id) equals su.Usuario_Id
where item.Proposta_Id == proposta
orderby item.DataHora descending
select new
CredenciadaCaptadora_Id = si.Credenciada_Id,
(from item2 in db.San_Usuario
where item2.Cargo_Id == 9
&& item2.Excluido == 0
&& item2.Credenciada_Id == item.Credenciada_Id
select item2.Email)
In my SELECT statement, I want to recover an email column following some conditions that are specified in my WHERE clause.
Invalid anonymous type member declarator. Anonymous type members must
be declared with a member assignment, simple name or member access
You have 2 problems in your linq expression:
You need to assign the result of the subquery to a member of the new anonymous type.
I think you only want to select 1 email with your subquery, so you need to use Single()/SingleOrDefault() or First()/FirstOrDefault().
Try this:
var diretores = from item in db.San_PropostaConversa
join sc in db.San_Credenciada
on item.Credenciada_Id equals sc.Credenciada_Id
join sp in db.San_Proposta
on (item.Proposta_Id) equals sp.Proposta_Id
join si in db.San_Imovel
on sp.Imovel_Id equals si.Imovel_Id
join su in db.San_Usuario
on item.Usuario_Id equals su.Usuario_Id
where item.Proposta_Id == proposta
orderby item.DataHora descending
select new
Apelido = sc.Apelido,
NomeCompleto = su.NomeCompleto,
DescricaoCargo1 = su.DescricaoCargo1,
Comentario = item.Comentario,
DataHora = item.DataHora,
Imovel_Id = sp.Imovel_Id,
CredenciadaCaptadora_Id = si.Credenciada_Id,
Credenciada_Id = item.Credenciada_Id,
Email = (from item2 in db.San_Usuario
where item2.Cargo_Id == 9
&& item2.Excluido == 0
&& item2.Credenciada_Id == item.Credenciada_Id
select item2.Email).FirstOrDefault()
Mostly this error occurring for unavailable assigning variable,
please try this
it will help you
var diretores = from item in db.San_PropostaConversa
join sc in db.San_Credenciada
on (item.Credenciada_Id) equals sc.Credenciada_Id
join sp in db.San_Proposta
on (item.Proposta_Id) equals sp.Proposta_Id
join si in db.San_Imovel
on (sp.Imovel_Id) equals si.Imovel_Id
join su in db.San_Usuario
on (item.Usuario_Id) equals su.Usuario_Id
where item.Proposta_Id == proposta
orderby item.DataHora descending
select new
CredenciadaCaptadora_Id = si.Credenciada_Id,
Credenciada_Id= item.Credenciada_Id,
result= (from item2 in db.San_Usuario
where item2.Cargo_Id == 9
&& item2.Excluido == 0
&& item2.Credenciada_Id == item.Credenciada_Id
select item2.Email)

Sql to linq convention

i have a problem to build my linq query and i need you help , the following code is what i have got so far
, it does has some errors as expected, so, this is my sql query :
*im new to linq and did searched over google.
select CAST(h.changedate as date) as 'RegDate' ,count (cast(h.changedate as date)) as 'Amount' from T_TalmidStatusHistory h
join T_talmid t on h.talmidid = t.talmidid
where t.talmidStatusID=16 and h.[statusid] != 16
and h.id =
select max(id) from T_TalmidStatusHistory
where T_TalmidStatusHistory.talmidid=h.talmidid and T_TalmidStatusHistory.[statusid] != 16
group by CAST(h.changedate as date)
and this is what i have right now in linq:
var res = from r in db.T_TalmidStatusHistories
from m in db.T_TalmidStatusHistories
join t in db.T_Talmids on r.TalmidID equals t.TalmidID
where t.TalmidStatusID == 16 && r.StatusID != 16
&& r.id == from l in db.T_TalmidStatusHistories
where m.TalmidID == r.TalmidID && m.StatusID != 16
select new{db.T_TalmidStatusHistories.OrderByDescending(tp => tp.id).FirstOrDefault().id }
group h by h.changedate as date
select new { h.changedate as date, count (cast(h.changedate as date))};
i'm expecting to get the number of students that sign up on each date,
my error is :
Operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'int' and 'System.Linq.IQueryable'
at line : r.id == from l in db.T_TalmidStatusHistories
The whole part
from l in db.T_TalmidStatusHistories ... count (cast(h.changedate as date))}
is one query which is compared to r.id by the == operator.
Change it to
r.id == (db.T_TalmidStatusHistories
.Where(m.TalmidID == r.TalmidID && m.StatusID != 16)
.OrderByDescending(tp => tp.id).FirstOrDefault().id)
group h by h.changedate as date
select new { h.changedate as date, count (cast(h.changedate as date))};
