Publicly accessible IP for Vagrant on OSX - macos

Trying to learn a bit more about networking via Vagrant and Linux.
My machine is running OSX and I've spun up a Vagrant box (trusty 64) and set up a simple netcat redirect like so:
printf 'HTTP/1.1 302 Moved\r\nLocation:' | nc -l 2345
I'm trying to get netcat to redirect my browser when I hit it (IP:2345) but nothing seems to work. I've tried looking up the IP from Vagrant a bunch of times and I keep finding different addresses and none of them work. Browser simply hangs and netcat never receives the request.
I've very little experience in VMs so I'm guessing that there isn't a publicly accessible IP in this instance? At least not with some config.

Solution is to bridge the network. Add this to the Vagrantfile:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| "public_network"
Documentation on this here:


Vagrant Warning: Connection refused. Retrying

Testing default example
$ vagrant init hashicorp/precise32
$ vagrant up
My box:
Windows 8.1
VirtualBox 5.0.2
Vagrant 1.7.4
Intel i7-4700MQ CPU witch seems to have IntelĀ® Virtualization Technology (VT-x)
I know this is common error but after trying everything I still cannot make it work
While VM shows:
And I can log in successfully:
Firewall / Antivirus turned off.
Hyper-V is not installed
I have tried connecting via putty to 2222
Vagrantfile (I have removed commented out lines)
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| = "hashicorp/precise32"
This is what vagrant ssh does... nothing. And vagrant reload stuck on same issue.
This happens with Vagrant from time to time with the first spin up. After it does that it will timeout and drop you back at the prompt, go vagrant ssh, it will let you in. If it does not go vagrant reload and it will restart the vm. This occurs because the vagrant images have dns turned off so it takes a while to resolve the connection. Again, this sometimes occurs on the first up after you download it and spin it up.
I suspect this could be a misconfigured VBox guest.
I suppose you could try making sure that NAT and port forwarding are enabled in the settings of your VM, and if they aren't, you could enable it manually: in the VirtualBox Graphical Manager, select the machine, click on settings, click on network at the right of the popup, check all the adapters and make sure that the adapter that is "attached to NAT" is enabled. Also, check the port forwarding settings. You can also access the network settings when you are running the VM, from the buttons at the bottom/left (the third button in your second pic, from left to right).
Something that I found out was the case for me after multiple destroys/reebots: check if you have an SSH agent running with a key loaded (like Pageant for PuTTY).
In my case having another SSH key loaded with Pageant (instead of the one configured for Vagrant) was conflicting with the authentication process, which resulted in endless "Connection refused. Retrying" and ultimately in me being unable to use Vagrant.
The solution is to either
Load the appropriate key in Pageant
Close pageant (what I usually do, as it's faster in my case)
Hope this helps someone out there!
here are a few things I would try (and I do understand you might have tried a lot of this and it might not solve your issues but just in case) :
follow the steps from to completely disable Hyper-V (not sure its enough from windows features - and even though you're using a 32-bit box)
not sure if you enabled the gui mode when you logged into the vm from virtual box or you just opened it after, but enable the option and check if nothing is blocking during the startup
config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
vb.gui = true
use another ssh port (even though it does not mention there is a collision) you can try another port :forwarded_port, guest: 22, host: 2522, auto_correct: false, id: "ssh"
see after vagrant up if you can connect with putty.
optionally, you can run vagrant up --debug to get more information about the error, you will see where it loops/error and give the output of that for others on SO to comment
Giving another look, I thought the issue was about connection timeout but it is connection refused the message says
SSH username: vagrant
SSH auth method: password
but you're not passing any password in the Vagrantfile you show. Just add
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| = "hashicorp/precise32"
config.ssh.username = "vagrant"
config.ssh.password = "vagrant"
I would recommend to use ssh-key as it is a bit more simple to use.

Boot2Docker private network setup

How can I do the private networking for the boot2docker docker container ?
For example, If I have a webapp, I can do the following in Vagrantfile "private_network", ip: "" "private_network", ip: "" "private_network", ip: ""
Then I can use my browser to access my webapp at
How can I achieve the same result in docker easily ?
I also looked at How to expose docker container's ip and port to outside docker host without port mapping?
But in my boot2docker1.3, it said the interface eth0:1 does not exist
I looked at
The tutorial does not work for boot2docker in mac.
Any help would be appreciated, thankyou!
I believe the instructions here, linked from this question give what you are looking for. The key is this line:
sudo route -n add
which tells your Mac how to route to the private network inside the VirtualBox VM that the Docker containers are on. (Obviously the specific addresses can change for your specific situation)
This still doesn't give you the ability to assign specific IP addresses to specific containers; as I said an add-on like weave can do that. (note: I work on weave)
You may also like this article which gives a beginner's overview of how Boot2Docker runs and illustrates how you have IP addresses inside the VirtualBox VM, and also an IP address of that box as a whole.

Using Vagrant, access app on host machine from inside Vagrant

I am running a Wordpress app inside a Vagrant box that needs to access a Rails app running on my host machine (using Pow). How do I do that?
I can access the Rails app on my host machine using and would like to access it from inside Vagrant as well, in the best case using the same domain.
All info I could find on that topic is about the other way around, where you want to access an app running inside Vagrant from the host machine.
So it just sounds like you need a host entry on your guest machine pointing back your host machine?
You could do something like the following:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
require 'socket'
local_ip = {|s| s.connect("", 1); s.addr.last}
config.vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo \"#{local_ip}\" >> /etc/hosts"
This should use a socket to get your host machines IP address and then using a shell provisioner it will append that IP address to your hosts file which should allow your VM to use the domain name you want to communicate with your host OS.

Using gitlab-vagrant-vm from OSX host

I followed the instructions here and was able to succesfully (I think) install the gitlab vagrant virtual machine on OSX 10.8 using virtualbox.
I can do vagrant up to get the VM running, and everything seems to work fine. After that I can do vagrant ssh without a problem. Also, after sshing into the VM I was able to do bundle exec rake gitlab:test, which completed with results being 1584 examples, 0 failures.
I would like to see the gitlab web interface from my OSX host machine. I thought I could just direct my browser to the IP indicated in the VagrantFile (, but that didn't work.
Any ideas?
Also any other usage tips for this setup would be appriciated (things like where the repositories are stored on my host machine so I can back them up, if anyone set the gitlab-vagrant-vm up for external access from either another computer on the network or a remote source, ect.)
You have to connect a second interface for vagrant. To do this you've to edit the VagrantFile.
For example if you want to conenct to the host wifi add the following line after :bridged, bridge: "en0: Wi-Fi (AirPort)"
You also can bridge to the ethernet interface. Use ifconfig on the host machine to determine the right interface. After that the dyndns-server of the host network will assign an IP to the Vagrant-Box. Then you can access GitLab on that IP.
Did you actually start the server? You can do that with
bundle exec foreman start -p 3000
This will start the server on port 3000, you would then access it from the host with
Hope this helps,

Vagrant Port Forwarding on Mac OS X Lion

I've been struggling trying to connect to a centos 6.4 vm using Vagrant.
I'm using salt as a provisioning agent and I have installed apache,php,mysql packages successfully.
When i ssh into the box apache is running fine. I added an index.html file in /var/www and I get the contents back when I curl localhost:80
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
## Chose your base box = "centos63"
config.vm.box_url = ""
## For masterless, mount your salt file root
config.vm.synced_folder "salt/roots/", "/srv/"
## Use all the defaults:
config.vm.provision :salt do |salt|
salt.verbose = true
salt.run_highstate = true
salt.minion_config = "salt/minion"
end do |config|
config.vm.forward_port 80, 8080
config.vm.share_folder "mypath", "/var/www/leo", "."
I ran sudo lsof -i :8080 on my local machine and gave me no results. I also cleared the iptable config in the guest machine with iptables -F. When I curl the guest machine
curl -v 'localhost:8080'
* About to connect() to localhost port 8080 (#0)
* Trying ::1...
* Connection refused
* Trying
* Connection refused
* Trying fe80::1...
* Connection refused
* couldn't connect to host
* Closing connection #0
curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
Do I need guest additions installed? I looked around on how to install this but I'm not sure if it has to be installed on the host or the guest. Not sure what else to try.
What you are trying to do here isn't possible just using vagrant without running vagrant as root. You can run Vagrant as root i believe but VirtualBox won't agree with that. You can continue to use a port number or if you want or need to use port 80 there is a way.
I had this issue when a client of mine asked me to do a Wordpress Multisite setup. With Wordpress MS you can't have port numbers in the URL b/c some of the URL mapping will not work correctly. I was surprised when I found that out and didn't want to go back to using a program like MAMP.
Anyway here are two ways to achieve this goal (neither are very hard). I'm a Mac user so these are Mac specific Answers, I will see if there is a Windows version and update my answer when I can test it to make sure (see below, there is a way).
Way #1 (Mac IP Firewall Utility):
In your vagrant file
config.vm.forward_port 80, 8080
config.vm.forward_port 443, 8443
Thats pretty normal.
Now open up terminal and you can use the ipfw utility
sudo ipfw add 100 fwd,8080 tcp from any to me 80
sudo ipfw add 101 fwd,8443 tcp from any to me 443
Now that cmd is not permanent so you would have to re-run the cmd if you restarted your machine. You can make it permanent though and I am including a link below that will explain the rest of way #1.
Web Development on Port 80 and 443 in Vagrant
Way #2 (Mac POW and Anvil):
If you don't have Pow yet, get it! It's a really cool app.
Install Pow and Anvil, you can find Anvil there and you can find Pow there.
You can read the docs on how to set those up but don't pay attention to the "static" and "rack" sites part, you need this part.
You will be using Port Proxying through Pow to take the incoming traffic from and forward it to the virtual machine like and then the virtual machine will forward 8080 to 80 and back up the line your content will come.
After you install Anvil/Pow and get them set up run this line:
echo 8080 > ~/.pow/mycoolsite
Then click Anvil in the task bar (you may have to refresh it or close and reopen) and turn the site on, thats it, what?? Really? Pow and Anvil rock!!
So there are two ways I have found, I'm sure that there are some things you can do with your Hosts file and I used to do that a bunch. However, these other ways that are available really make it easy to forget about that pesky hosts file.
Note for Windows Users (and Mac users that don't like the first 2 ways): You can use Vagrant Host Manager, you can find out how to set it up here on github. It is a vagrant plugin and basically will edit your hosts file for you, all you do is your vagrantfile config and you are good to go after that. I just tested it on Windows 7 and it worked there so it should be good, if you have any issues just look through the docs on github or file an issue for the Vagrant Host Manager team to review.
I changed the guest port to 5656 and it worked. When running lsof -i :8080 I didn't see any results so i figured nothing was using that port maybe I was wrong.
