How to purge an Advanced Queue in Oracle - oracle

The documentation is clear about how to purge an Oracle AQ:
However, what happens to the storage, especially the high water marks of the queue table, the indexes and of the LOB segments? Is it necessary to shrink the table, too?
In production, the queues are nearly always empty (as they should), but in our test system, they fill up to millions of rows for various reasons, so they need to be emptied sometimes.
Is it neccessary to look at the underlying tables and indexes or is this taken care of automatically?
Many thanks!

DBMS_AQADM.PURGE_QUEUE_TABLE it is equivalent for truncate table. Also look at this error message when you try truncate queue table
ORA-24005: Inappropriate utilities used to perform DDL on AQ table %s.%s
*Cause: An attempt was made to use the SQL command DROP TABLE or TRUNCATE
TABLE or ALTER TABLE on queue metadata or tables.
ALTER TABLE redefinition based on only ALTER_TABLE_PROPERTIES and
ALTER_TABLE_PARTITIONING clauses are allowed.
Tom Kyte has already written info about often truncating table


Truncate a table with multiple list partitions in oracle without having to mention the partition name

I have a table with multiple list partitions. I basically want to truncate all the partitions at once without having to mention the partition name. I did try using the plain truncate table tabl_name and it seems to work. I am quite new to partitions in oracle and am not too sure if this is the right way of doing it.
I also know from reading that i can delete multiple partitions using the alter table truncate partition command.
Yes, truncating the table truncates all partitions.
If table is partitioned, then all partitions or subpartitions, as well as the LOB data and LOB index segments for each partition or subpartition, are truncated.
Note some of the documented side-effects also, such as UNUSABLE indexes being made USABLE.

How to shrink secure file LOBs in Oracle

I noticed today that SQL command that is used to shrink LOBs in oracle does not work in 12c.
This returns oracle error
ORA-10635: Invalid segment or tablespace type
In the oracle documentation it is mentioned that the SHRINK option is not supported for SecureFiles LOBs.
I want to know how blob compresses in secure files. Does oracle handles that internally?
Note: this is, unlike how it can be read, a move lob operation. It is a move TABLE operation, and while at it, moving a lob too.
This is why it invalidates indexes, - because it moves the whole table not just the lob. And of course it can take a very long time and it will consume 2x space during the operation, because oracle makes a copy of the data and only after it's complete it frees the old segments.
If you want to shrink LOBs using SecureFiles, use this statement:
Be careful using it - this command invalidates all indexes on SAMPLE_TABLE, so you should rebuild them after you're finished with LOBs:

Oracle 11g Deleting large amount of data without generating archive logs

I need to delete a large amount of data from my database on a regular basis. The process generates huge volume of archive logs. We had a database crash at one point because there was no storage space available on archive destination. How can I avoid generation of logs while I delete data?
The data to be deleted is already marked as inactive in the database. Application code ignores inactive data. I do not need the ability to rollback the operation.
I cannot partition the data in such a way that inactive data falls in one partition that can be dropped. I have to delete the data with delete statements.
I can ask DBAs to set certain configuration at table level/schema level/tablespace level/server level if needed.
I am using Oracle 11g.
What proportion of the data on the table would be deleted, what volume? Are there any referential integrity constraints to manage or is this table childless?
Depending on the answers , you might consider:
[keep condition]"
Then drop the original table
Then rename keep_table to original table
Rebuild the indexes (again with unrecoverable to prevent redo),constraints etc.
The problem with this approach is it's a multi-step DDL, process, which you will have a job to make fault tolerant and reversible.
A safer option might be to use data-pump to:
Data-pump expdp to extract the "Keep" data
TRUNCATE the table
Data-pump impdp import of data from step 1, with direct-path
At this point I suggest you read the Oracle manual on Data Pump, particularly the section on Direct Path Loads to be sure this will work for you.
MY preferred option would be partitioning.
Of course, the best way would be TenG solution (CTAS, drop and rename table) but it seems it's impossible for you.
Your only problem is the amount of archive logs and database crash problem. In this case, maybe you could partition your delete statement (for example per 10.000 rows).
Something like:
e number;
i number
select count(*) from myTable where [delete condition];
f :=trunc(e/10000)+1;
for i in 1.. f
delete from myTable where [delete condition] and rownum<=10000;
dbms_lock.sleep(600); -- purge old archive if it's possible
end loop;
After this operation, you should reorganize your table which is surely fragmented.
Alter the table to set NOLOGGING, delete the rows, then turn logging back on.

Compress Oracle table

I need to compress a table. I used alter table tablename compress to compress the table. After doing this the table size remained the same.
How should I be compressing the table?
To compress the old blocks of the table use:
alter table table_name move compress;
This will reinsert the records in another blocks, compressed, and discard old blocks, so you'll gain space. And invalidates the indexex, so you will need to rebuild them.
Compress does not affect already stored rows. Please, check the official documentation:
" You specify table compression with the COMPRESS clause of
the CREATE TABLE statement. You can enable compression for an existing
table by using this clause in an ALTER TABLEstatement. In this case,
the only data that is compressed is the data inserted or updated after
compression is enabled..."
ALTER TABLE t MOVE COMPRESS is a valid answer. But if you use different non default options, especially with big data volume, do regression tests before using ALTER TABLE ... MOVE.
There were historically more problems (performance degradations and bugs) with it. If you have access, look Oracle bug database to see if there are known problems for features and version you use.)
You are on safer side if you: create new table insert data from original (old) table drop old table rename new table to old table name

How is the TRUNCATE command in Oracle able to retrieve the structure of a table after dropping it?

The SQL command TRUNCATE in Oracle is faster than than DELETE FROM table; in that the TRUNATE comand first drops the specified table in it's entirely and then creates a new table with same structure (clarification may require in case I may be wrong). Since TRUNCATE is a part of DDL it implicitly issues COMMIT before being executed and after the completion of execution. If such is a case then, the table that is dropped by the TRUNCATE command is lost permanently with it's entire structure in the data dictionary. In such a scenario, how is the TRUNCATE command able to drop first the table and recreate the same with the same structure?
(Note that I work for Sybase in SQL Anywhere engineering and my answer comes from my knowledge of how truncate is implemented there, but I imagine it's similar in Oracle as well.)
I don't believe the table is actually dropped and re-created; the contents are simply thrown away. This is much faster than delete from <table> because no triggers need to be executed, and rather than deleting a row at a time (both from the table and the indexes), the server can simply throw away all pages that contain rows for that table and any indexes.
I thought a truncate (amoungst other things) simply reset the High Water Mark.
however in
It is clear that the data segment changes after a truncate.
