I am using CS-Cart 4.3.6 and have created a new theme based on the responsive theme. My problem is it seems to completely ignore the locations I set in the manifest file:
"title": "Example Theme",
"description": "Theme for Example",
"logo": "media/images/cart.png",
"mail": "media/images/invoice_logo.png",
"favicon": "media/images/favicon.ico",
"parent_theme": "responsive"
I have put my own cart, invoice, and favicon logos within my theme images folder which is clearly set in the abbove manifest, yet it still uses the default cs-cart logos.
How do I make this work?
Could you please make sure that the root directory of this is located in the themes_repository and not in the "design" folder.
Otherwise make sure that you have the correct file extension (manifest.json).
Make sure the mark-up of the manifest.json looks as follows:
"title" : "XXX",
"description" : "XXX",
"logo" : "XXX",
"mail": "XXX",
"developer" : "XXX",
"favicon" : "XXX",
"parent_theme": "responsive"
I am trying to make an extension and need to colorize syntax for custom language. I was able to create extension using yo code and edit .tmLanguage.json file to match wanted syntaxes.
As for example in repository
"comment": {
"patterns": [
"name": "comment.line.semicolon",
"match": ";.*$"
However i have not been able to set custom color. Only way was to edit settings.json file using "editor.tokenColorCustomizations" and providing textMateRules.
For the pattern:
"name": "positioning.FMAX",
"match": "\\bFMAX\\b"
"name": "color.positioning.FMAX",
"scope": "positioning.FMAX",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#ff0000",
"fontStyle": "bold"
But this is not working when i hit F5 to test plugin. Because settings.json is not part of the extension.
I see in scope inspector.
textmate scopes positioning.FMAX
but foreground is
foreground No theme selector
comment.line.semicolon is working and coloring ;comments green
This doesn't work
"name": "positioning.FMAX",
"match": "\\bFMAX\\b",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#ff0000"
I just want simple way to color syntax like in setting.json. I have tried for more than week now. Any help much appreciated.
look at vscode-extension-samples repo:
You can describe your colors in json or tmTheme file and set it in package.json in contributes.themes. When debbugging started make sure that your custom theme selected as current for VSCode
I've created a new Template for a .NET 6 project, and I'm trying to make sure it renames the project and solution file on creation. I have the following in my template.json file:
"$schema": "http://json.schemastore.org/template",
"author": "Jake Ford",
"classifications": [ "FordWareMVC", "FordWareMVC", "C#" ],
"identity": "FordWareTemplates.MVC",
"name": "FordWare MVC Template",
"shortName": "fordwaremvc",
"sourceName": "_fordwaremvc",
"tags": {
"language": "C#",
"type": "project"
and I am running the following command, using -n to set the source name and -o to set the folder directory for the new project:
dotnet new fordwaremvc -n NewProjectName -o NewProjectName
It creates the project, but the template/solution name is not "NewProjectName", it just uses the name of the original template project...
Am I doing something wrong with the sourceName?
Finally found the following:
sourceName: This is the value in your project/solution that will get replaced with the user-provided value in the -o parameter. Make sure this matches the name you chose when creating your template project / solution. The value above matches my project / solution name if you look at the template repo.
From here: https://knowyourtoolset.com/2021/08/creating-useful-net-templates/
The sourceName apparently needs to match the original solution/project name. I edited my template.json to this, and uninstalled/re-installed the template again and the original command worked:
"$schema": "http://json.schemastore.org/template",
"author": "Jake Ford",
"classifications": [ "FordWareMVC", "FordWareMVC", "C#" ],
"identity": "FordWareTemplates.MVC",
"name": "FordWare MVC Template",
"shortName": "fordwaremvc",
"sourceName": "FordWare_Template",
"tags": {
"language": "C#",
"type": "project"
I'm setting up a workflow that takes in a text variable I'd like to use in a later link.
For example, I ask for "Api Name", and then want to send a message that both references the api name as well as constructs a url (e.g. http://swagger.io/docs/"Api Name")
The problem I encounter is the links come up in plaintext if I just try to include that url as plaintext example as above. If I use the editor to try and add a link, the variable is not available.
My next thought was to try and edit the workflow json to supply some markdown in there, but it looks like the richtext is constructed from a series of elements.
A link looks like this:
"type": "link",
"url": "https://swagger.io/collections/",
"text": "(Link)"
And a token looks like this:
"type": "workflowtoken",
"id": "<some uuid>==user",
"property": "",
"data_type": "user",
"style": null
If I merely make the link plaintext and try to append the variable after the prefix I get something like this:
"type": "text",
"text": "https://swagger.io/thing/",
"style": {
"unlink": true
"type": "workflowtoken",
"id": "<uuid>==text",
"property": "",
"data_type": "text",
"style": null
So maybe if we knew all the values "type" could be that would help?
Not sure where to go from here. Anyone have any suggestions?
Here is an answer from Slack Support Service:
We don't yet support Workflow variables outputted in links, I'm
This is feedback we hear quite a bit so hopefully it's the something
the team will consider implementing in the future.
I have wrote simple search extension. It works fine on Windows but does not work very well on Mac. Extension sets newTab page, home page and default search provider. But on Mac search provider is not changed (I mean when I type in url field, omnibox), it is still google.
Here is the manifest:
"name" : "Example",
"short_name" : "example",
"manifest_version" : 2,
"version" : "",
"description" : "Example Extension Description",
"chrome_settings_overrides" : {
"homepage" : "http://example.com/",
"search_provider" : {
"name": "Example Search Name",
"is_default" : true,
"encoding" : "UTF-8",
"favicon_url": "http://example.com/favicon.png",
"keyword" : "keyword.example.com",
"search_url" : "http://example.com/?q={searchTerms}&gid=SDD316",
"suggest_url" : "http://example.com/suggest.php?q={searchTerms}&gid=SDD316"
"startup_pages" : ["http://example.com"]
"chrome_url_overrides" : {
"newtab" : "html/newTab.html"
"icons" : {
"128" : "icon128.png",
"16" : "icon16.png",
"48" : "icon48.png"
"browser_action": {
"default_icon": "w.png",
"default_title": "Example Search",
"default_popup": "html/popup.html"
"background" : {
"scripts" : ["js/jquery-3.0.0.min.js", "js/background.js"]
"permissions" : ["storage", "http://*/*", "https://*/*", "unlimitedStorage", "chrome://favicon/*", "webRequest", "webRequestBlocking" ,"cookies", "*://*.test.com/*"],
"content_scripts": [
"js": [
"matches": [
"all_frames": false,
"run_at": "document_end"
Wouldn't chrome_settings_overrides.search_provider change search in omnibox?
Settings Overrides is currently available in Windows and Mac, Mac in Chrome 56 and later. No Linux as of yet.
Chrome might be the only browser currently allowing Settings Overrides at some level.
Trivia: However general settings overriding (customization (for the user itself own client)) requires more serious security tuning and pruning by core Chromium.
General about browsers: Currently browsers are on fast dev cycle - Mozilla/Firefox coming along with Chrome, Opera, Vivaldi and Safari has really spiced up browser dev.
Settings Overrides soon then? I'm afraid that's a no. There's so many things happening atm.
Quoting the docs:
The API is available only on Windows.
I am doing a project in Modx. I created a image slider using Migx. The client wants a image crop tool so I installed Image+. In the Form Tabs: section of the migx variable, I gave
{"caption":"Image", "fields":[
and for Grid Columns: I have given
{"header": "Image", "width": "50", "sortable": "false", "dataIndex": "image","renderer": "this.renderImagelus"}
In the grid column the selected images are not appearing (rest is working). I guess "renderer": "this.renderImagelus" is wrong, but I don't know what its value should be.
Can someone figure out a solution for this.
The current Image+ version from the MODX Repository could work with MIGX.
Use this in the Form Tabs section "inputTVtype":"imageplus" and this in Grid Columns section "renderer": "ImagePlus.MIGX_Renderer
If you want to use an own media source for the Image+ TV you have to add something like this in Form Tabs section just after the inputTVtype line
"sourceFrom": "migx",
"sources": [{
"context": "web",
"sourceid": "2"