Not able to Shoot in the direction of the hand - unityscript

I have designed a model in blender and imported in Unity and applied ThirdPersonController, ThirdPersonCharacter, ThirdPersonUserControl on it and got animation y following the guidelines, now i have created a script for shooting the bullets and attached it to the rigged hand/gun. But whenever i click "Fire1" the bullet is getting shooted in other direction..
I want when i move the mouse, the hand should move in the direction of the mouse + body should rotate in the direction of the mouse (if on backside) and when i left click, it should fire a bullet in the direction of the mouse(one at a time).
Video for better understanding -
I tried a script, but its not following the way i want.
#pragma strict var projectile : GameObject;
var fireRate = 0.5;
private var nextFire = 0.0;
var shotDelay = .5;
function Update ()
if (Input.GetButton ("Fire1") && Time.time > nextFire)
nextFire = Time.time + fireRate;
var clone = Instantiate (projectile, transform.position, transform.rotation);
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class MouseMovement : MonoBehaviour
public float speed = 1.5f;
private Vector3 target;
void Start()
target = transform.position;
void Update()
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
target = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
target.x = transform.position.x;
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, target, speed * Time.deltaTime);

To detect the movement of the mouse you should use the Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") or Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y"). If you want the camera to move with the character you can set it as a child of the character. You can check the MouseLook Script for more info.


Scale UI for multiple resolutions/different devices

I have a quite simple unity GUI that has the following scheme :
Where Brekt and so are buttons.
The GUI works just fine on PC and is on screen space : overlay so it is supposed to be adapted automatically to fit every screen.
But on tablet the whole GUI is smaller and reduced in the center of the screen, with huge margins around the elements (can't join a screenshot now)
What is the way to fix that? Is it something in player settings or in project settings?
Automatically scaling the UI requires using combination of anchor,pivot point of RecTransform and the Canvas Scaler component. It is hard to understand it without images or videos. It is very important that you thoroughly understand how to do this and Unity provided full video tutorial for this.You can watch it here.
Also, when using scrollbar, scrollview and other similar UI controls, the ContentSizeFitter component is also used to make sure they fit in that layout.
There is a problem with MovementRange. We must scale this value too.
I did it so:
public int MovementRange = 100;
public AxisOption axesToUse = AxisOption.Both; // The options for the axes that the still will use
public string horizontalAxisName = "Horizontal"; // The name given to the horizontal axis for the cross platform input
public string verticalAxisName = "Vertical"; // The name given to the vertical axis for the cross platform input
private int _MovementRange = 100;
Vector3 m_StartPos;
bool m_UseX; // Toggle for using the x axis
bool m_UseY; // Toggle for using the Y axis
CrossPlatformInputManager.VirtualAxis m_HorizontalVirtualAxis; // Reference to the joystick in the cross platform input
CrossPlatformInputManager.VirtualAxis m_VerticalVirtualAxis; // Reference to the joystick in the cross platform input
void OnEnable()
void Start()
m_StartPos = transform.position;
Canvas c = GetComponentInParent<Canvas>();
_MovementRange = (int)(MovementRange * c.scaleFactor);
Debug.Log("Range:"+ _MovementRange);
void UpdateVirtualAxes(Vector3 value)
var delta = m_StartPos - value;
delta.y = -delta.y;
delta /= _MovementRange;
if (m_UseX)
if (m_UseY)
void CreateVirtualAxes()
// set axes to use
m_UseX = (axesToUse == AxisOption.Both || axesToUse == AxisOption.OnlyHorizontal);
m_UseY = (axesToUse == AxisOption.Both || axesToUse == AxisOption.OnlyVertical);
// create new axes based on axes to use
if (m_UseX)
m_HorizontalVirtualAxis = new CrossPlatformInputManager.VirtualAxis(horizontalAxisName);
if (m_UseY)
m_VerticalVirtualAxis = new CrossPlatformInputManager.VirtualAxis(verticalAxisName);
public void OnDrag(PointerEventData data)
Vector3 newPos =;
if (m_UseX)
int delta = (int)(data.position.x - m_StartPos.x);
delta = Mathf.Clamp(delta, -_MovementRange, _MovementRange);
newPos.x = delta;
if (m_UseY)
int delta = (int)(data.position.y - m_StartPos.y);
delta = Mathf.Clamp(delta, -_MovementRange, _MovementRange);
newPos.y = delta;
transform.position = new Vector3(m_StartPos.x + newPos.x, m_StartPos.y + newPos.y, m_StartPos.z + newPos.z);

When dragging an object with rigidbody2D it passes through colliders (walls)

Ok, so I'm making this game where the user can drag a ball around the screen, but it's not supposed to leave the play area. I'm getting the following problem though, when I push it towards the colliders it bounces back, and if I push too hard it simply goes off screen (I need to make it do not go off screen. the user is free to drag it all over the place, but within the screen of course).
any tips on how I could solve this issue?
Here is the code for dragging which I'm using:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class CircleManager : MonoBehaviour {
private bool dragging = false;
private Vector3 screenPoint;
private Vector3 offset;
// Pressionando
void OnMouseDown()
dragging = true;
screenPoint = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(gameObject.transform.position);
offset = gameObject.transform.position - Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y, screenPoint.z));
// Arrastando
void OnMouseDrag()
Vector3 cursorPoint = new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y, screenPoint.z);
Vector3 cursorPosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(cursorPoint) + offset;
//i tried with both below.
//transform.position = cursorPosition;
// Soltando
void OnMouseUp()
dragging = false;
You could try to do something like,
if( transform.position.x > xMaxPos )
transform.position.x = new Vector3( xMaxPos, transform.position.y, transform.position.z );
You could set up for each min and max. Then when you create the xMaxPos variables, create them like:
private float xMaxPos;
That way they will appear in the inspector and you can tweak their values as you please. You could also throw in an offset that's the width of the ball i.e.
transform.position.x = new Vector3( xMaxPos - transform.localscale.x/2, transform.position.y, transform.position.z );
Try using velocity
public class CircleManager : MonoBehaviour {
private bool dragging = false;
private Vector3 screenPoint;
private Vector3 offset;
public float speed = 5.0f;
// Pressionando
void OnMouseDown()
dragging = true;
Vector3 cursorPosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(ToDepth(Input.mousePosition, transform.position.z));
offset = gameObject.transform.position - cursorPosition;
// Arrastando
void OnMouseDrag()
Vector3 cursorPosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(ToDepth(Input.mousePosition, transform.position.z)) + offset;
Vector3 direction = (transform.position - cursorPosition).normalized;
transform.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity = direction * speed * Time.deltaTime;
// Soltando
void OnMouseUp()
dragging = false;
Vector3 ToDepth(Vector3 value, float depth)
return new Vector3(value.x, value.y, depth);
Few things to note:
You don't have to write out gameObject.transform.position i see you did that a few times, as well as calling transform... directly. Its both the same thing, so you don't need the gameObject part.
Also your getting the screenPoint of the transform, then using the z value of that later on, which doesn't really make much sense to me.
Anyways, i don't see why this shouldn't work for you, i haven't tested it though.

Animate/move/translate/tween image in Unity 4.6 from C# code

How can I move/animate/translate/tween an Image from position A to position B using C# code in Unity 4.6?
Assuming Image is a GameObject, so it could be a Button or whatever.
There has to be a one-liner for this, right? I've been googling for a while but all I can see out-of-the-box is stuff done in Update, and I firmly believe doing stuff in Update is not a fast way of scripting things.
maZZZu's method will work, however, if you do NOT want to use the Update function, you can use an IEnumerator/Coroutine like so…
//Target object that we want to move to
public Transform target;
//Time you want it to take before it reaches the object
public float moveDuration = 1.0f;
void Start ()
//Start a coroutine (needed to call a method that returns an IEnumerator
StartCoroutine (Tween (target.position));
//IEnumerator return method that takes in the targets position
IEnumerator Tween (Vector3 targetPosition)
//Obtain the previous position (original position) of the gameobject this script is attached to
Vector3 previousPosition = gameObject.transform.position;
//Create a time variable
float time = 0.0f;
//Add the deltaTime to the time variable
time += Time.deltaTime;
//Lerp the gameobject's position that this script is attached to. Lerp takes in the original position, target position and the time to execute it in
gameObject.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp (previousPosition, targetPosition, time / moveDuration);
yield return 0;
//Do the Lerp function while to time is less than the move duration.
} while (time < moveDuration);
This script will need to be attached to the GameObject that you would like to move. You will then need to create another GameObject in the scene that will be your Target…
The code is commented but if you need clarification on something just post a comment here.
If you want to do the movement yourself you can use something like this:
public Vector3 targetPosition = new Vector3(100, 0, 0);
public float speed = 10.0f;
public float threshold = 0.5f;
void Update () {
Vector3 direction = targetPosition - transform.position;
if(direction.magnitude > threshold){
transform.position = transform.position + direction * speed * Time.deltaTime;
// Without this game object jumps around target and never settles
transform.position = targetPosition;
Or you can download for example DOTween package and just start the tween:
public Vector3 targetPosition = new Vector3(100, 0, 0);
public float tweenTime = 10.0f;
void Start () {
DOTween.Init(false, false, LogBehaviour.Default);
transform.DOMove(targetPosition, tweenTime);

How to transform a gameObject to a desired position and return to starting position?

I'm new to UnityScript and I have the following code that does a forward movement of a gameObject on "Z" axis, but needs some refinement. Let me explain.
The script runs when a GUI.Button is clicked. The gameObject starts moving...till infinity.
I have tried to make it move till a desired pos, (e.g. an empty gameObject pos) but didn't work at all.
How should I refine this code snippet to move the gameObject to a desired position on a first GUI.Button click and return to starting position on back click?
Furthermore, is it possible to have this movement made step by step on same GUI.Button clicks?
Here is the code snippet:
#pragma strict
// member variables (declared outside any function)
var startPos: Vector3;
var endPos : Vector3;
var cachedTransform : Transform;
private static var isforward = false;
// save pos before moving:
startPos = transform.position;
// make the gameObject transform, then restore the initial position when needed:
transform.position = startPos;
function Awake() {
startPos = transform.localPosition;
function Start() {
cachedTransform = transform;
startPos = cachedTransform.position;
function FixedUpdate() {
var translation : float;
if (cachedTransform.position.x == endPos)
cachedTransform.position = startPos;
translation = Time.deltaTime * 2;
cachedTransform.Translate(0, 0, translation);
cachedTransform.Translate(Vector3.forward * translation);
static function doforward ()
isforward = !isforward;
Thank you all in advance for your answers.
You can easily move a game object if you attach a script to it, then (in JavaScript)
#pragma strict
var startPosition;
// Record the starting position when the scene loads
function Start () {
startPosition = gameObject.transform.position;
// Call this to move you object to wherever
function moveObject () {
var newPos = new Vector3 (10,20,0); //(where ever you need it to go)
gameObject.transform.position = newPos;
// Call this to move the object to starting position, using variable we made at start
function moveToStart () {
gameObject.transform.position = startPosition;
Then you just call those functions when you need to move the object around.
You might want to look into the Vector3.Lerp method. This takes two vectors (points) and a float as parameters, then gives you back a point that's a fraction of the way between them. So for example, Lerp(from, to, 0.3f) will give you a point 30% of the way between the two points. Then once you have this, all you need to do is set your object's transform.

Farseer/XNA Assertion Failed, Vector2 position for body modified by camera matrix

I created a camera with a matrix and used it to move the view point in 2D. Basically I started from this template:
I also had in one of my class, a simple code to spawn boxs with the mouse:
public void CreateBodies()
mouse = Mouse.GetState();
if (mouse.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
Bodies += 1;
if (Bodies >= MaxBodies)
Bodies = 0;
rectBody[Bodies] = BodyFactory.CreateRectangle(world, ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(rectangle.Width), ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(rectangle.Height), 1);
rectBody[Bodies].Position = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(mouse.X, mouse.Y);
rectBody[Bodies].BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
This Worked perfectly fine but when I moved the ''camera'' the mouse didn't change in the right location, Si I did this little modification in game1.cs and in my method to have the world coord. of my mouse:
mouse = Mouse.GetState();
Matrix inverse = Matrix.Invert(camera.transform);
Vector2 mousePos = Vector2.Transform(new Vector2(mouse.X, mouse.Y), inverse);
public void CreateBodies(Vector2 mousePosition)
mouse = Mouse.GetState();
MousePosition = mousePosition;
if (mouse.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
Bodies += 1;
if (Bodies >= MaxBodies)
Bodies = 0;
rectBody[Bodies] = BodyFactory.CreateRectangle(world, ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(rectangle.Width), ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(rectangle.Height), 1);
rectBody[Bodies].BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
rectBody[Bodies].Position = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(MousePosition);
Now this is supposed to give me the world coords. of my mouse, but I have a problem, when I run the program and click somewhere on the screen to create a box I get this error:
What's going on? :/
This is at the line 439 of body.cs:
Debug.Assert(!float.IsNaN(value.X) && !float.IsNaN(value.Y));
