How and where does SNMP get his traffic data? - snmp

since i havent found an answer to that on the net, im trying it here :
I was wondering how SNMP get his traffic data on a router ?
I am actually monitoring a router with 2 different way :
- With snmp which seems to give me the exact number of octets going trought the router,
- With a custom data flow collector ( a bit complicated think about it as netflow or sflow) who give me data only when a flow close (i guess its that right, if im wrong tell me).
So how snmp does that, did they got a poller on the port ? or do they just acess to something in the hardware ?

SNMP is just a protocol, which in particular defines a data model to represent the agent status and configuration; there is no particular technology behinf the curitain. Often routers have an internal infrastructure that collects data and send to manager

The underlying operating system keeps the counters for incoming octets and so on. The SNMP agent on the device usually reads the counters directly and returns the values to you via standard messages.
However, not familiar with the flow approach so cannot answer the other half of your question.


Something like the Zero MQ REP/REQ model but without having to reply?

Currently I have a REP/REQ model up and running in my code.
However, I do not need for either to send replies. So replies are just wasting time.. I don't know if that matters in the real world or not.
Basically it looks like this.
Client PCs - Connect - REQ
these guys all connect to the Server and update the Server with Info they have on a regular basis. They don't care if the Server didn't receive a particular message, nor do they need any info back from the Server.
there are many of these guys but not excessive.. Let's say between 10 and 100.. all hitting the same server.. well probably not, probably it will be in groups.. a group of them hit one server, another group another.. clients would send messages several times a second. But not much more than several. I have not really done any timing, I don't know how really to time on my computer at less than 1-2 ms resolution so I really don't know what to expect or what is feasible in terms of performance and how many REQ clients can be served by 1 server REP.
Server PC - Bind - REP
this guy sits there running in a loop on his own separate thread waiting for REQs to come in. He sends replies to the REQs because he has to, not because he really wants to or needs to.
Alternate Models
from some googling it seems that PUSH PULL was recommended if you just want to sent messages and don't care about replies.
However, I couldn't figure out how to fit that into my architecture because the binds and connects seem to be reversed from what I need to have.. I would like my Bind to be on the Server because the Client "Connect" guys are not always available to be reached..
1) good alternate model
A good alternate model that works and is relatively simple would be great. I'm not sure there really is one but apart from REP/REQ and PUB/SUB I don't really know too much about other models.
2) I'm worrying about nothing?
if message replies to REQ by REP are always going to be really fast and the reception of those replies by by REQ from REP also are really fast, then I guess I'm worrying about nothing. That would be good to know, so feel free to let me know if this is the case.
The Connection question
I don't really understand what connecting sockets does.
On a client REQ should I make a connect at the start of each loop before sending that one single message? Or should I connect before the loop to my socket that I also created before the loop?
I also don't understand what this means in terms of reliability or if I have to make special checks about connected status and reconnect, or if that is done automatically.
To sum up
I have a "global" context.. created at the start, disposed of at the end
This daddy context has 1 or 2 sockets (connected to the same address, including port) - I'm still debugging this dual socket on the same address thing so I'm not sure if that is ok or it just doesn't work that way - clarification would be nice
These context(s) are lazy initialized and outside the loop scope, so we are not recreating sockets on a regular basis
connect calls for the sockets occur currently outside of the loop scope, but I'm not sure if it is not better to have them inside the loop scope.
I think I'm getting mixed up here.. I think the dual sockets are on my PUB/SUB model .. 1 PUB with 2 SUB sockets on each client, but anyhow please let me know if that would be a problem as well.
If you do not need Request-Reply, do not use it.
Request-Reply is generally slow because you need a round trip to the server for every message. This means you get twice the network latency, which is the time a network package needs to travel over the network. That does not matter if network traffic is low but will become a bottleneck when the traffic is high, for example multiple messages per second.
As you already mentioned Push-Pull is a valid alternative for one-way traffic. With Push-Pull you create a Pull socket on the server and bind it to an endpoint (this is similar to the Reply socket). You create a Push socket on the clients and connect it to the server endpoint (this is similar to the Request socket).
If you send multiple messages from the client to the same server, you should connect only once. Setting up a network connection is a costly operation because it requires multiple network round trips, at least for TCP.

Are SNMP request sequential - are there chances they it can arrive in multiples

I am writing an SNMP agent and plan to write agent to process SNMP request one by one. Means that as when a request arrives at port 161 - will not accept any further request until response / timeout completes.
I am no sure of many SNMP clients - but is it that the SNMP request are sync and sequential - is there any way that they can come in bulk at a single time?
I think SNMP queries can easily come in bursts due to multiple independent managers polling your agent and/or a single anxious manager retrying the same command if your agent is not quick enough to respond.
When it comes to writing SNMP agents, the other consideration would be to estimate the maximum possible time for the agent to gather required data to respond. I believe it should not be the OID-average, but the OID-maximum. In other words, should your agent serve 100 OIDs, out of which querying one "slow" OID would lead to the entire (synchronous) agent to block and stop serving others - this situation might undermine the credibility of your agent on the network...
On top of that, if you happen to hit the same slow OID multiple time in a row (e.g. manager retries), the delay might be accumulating, effectively blocking out other queries.
To summarize: I think high-performance SNMP agent should have the following traits:
Support massively concurrent SNMP commands processing
Have non-blocking data source access for gathering managed objects data
Have some form of caching or rate limiting to protect computationally expensive data sources from cocky SNMP managers
On the other hand, if your SNMP agent is serving a small piece of static data on a low-power hardware and you do not expect too many managers ever talking to you, perhaps you could get away with a simplistic synchronous SNMP agent...
BTW, BSD sockets interface would hold a queue of unprocessed UDP packets so your agent would have a chance to catch up.
The premise of your question is flawed, as there is no concept of "coming in bulk at a single time" — no matter in which order the UDP datagrams making up an SNMP packet are received, and no matter how long a duration lies between the receipt of each packet by your network interface, your operating system will present the SNMP packets to you in receipt order, in sequence. You have one listen port, and one read buffer. So this synchronicity is already how network data processing works and you shouldn't worry about it.
I would say though, that if you are waiting for some resource to become available while processing an SNMP request (as suggested by your use of the word "timeout"), you probably ought to get on and start processing your other pending SNMP requests in the meantime, or you risk your whole stack grinding to a halt. It's not fair to make a manager wait some unknown duration for a response to request B just because some other manager made a request A that is experiencing a delay in being serviced. That being said, you probably do want some upper limit on how many requests can be serviced at any one time, to prevent potential DDoSsing — choosing this value can only be done by you, with your knowledge of the use case and the ecosystem.
Get requests are one OID per request, GetBulk request can ask for several OIDs in one request. Also SNMP client can use async mode sending multiple requests with minimal intervals and waiting for replies.
Packets can also arrive out-or-order due to network delays and equal-cost routes. Your can experiment sending requests with snmpget, snmpgetbulk, snmpbulkwalk and use tcpdump to see what is on the wire.
So, in general, your agent has to be ready to accept bursts of requests.
For simplicity, if request rate is low and your agent can reply fast enough, you can use one-by-one processing. Some of requests can fail in this case, but clients can retry request and finally get reply from agent.

How to get data a ZMQ_PUB service?

Can I publisher service receive data from an external source and send them to the subscribers?
In the wuserver.cpp example, the data are generated from the same script.
Can I write a ZMQ_PUBLISHER entity, which receives data from external data source / application ... ?
In this affirmation:
There is one more important thing to know about PUB-SUB sockets: you do not know precisely when a subscriber starts to get messages. Even if you start a subscriber, wait a while, and then start the publisher, the subscriber will always miss the first messages that the publisher sends. This is because as the subscriber connects to the publisher (something that takes a small but non-zero time), the publisher may already be sending messages out.
Does this mean, that a PUB-SUB ZeroMQ pattern is performed to a best effort - UDP style?
Q1: Can I write a ZMQ_PUBLISHER entity, which receives data from external data source/application?
A1: Oh sure, this is why ZeroMQ is so helping us in designing smart distributed-systems. Just imagine the PUB-side process to also have other { .bind() | .connect() }-calls, so as to establish such other links to data-feeder(s), and you are done to operate the wished to have scheme. In distributed-systems this gives you a new freedom to smart integrate heterogeneous systems to talk to each other in a very efficient way.
Q2:Does this mean, that a PUB-SUB ZeroMQ pattern is performed to a best effort - UDP style?
A2: No, it has another meaning. The newly declared subscriber entities at some uncertain moment start to negotiate their respective subscription-topic filtering and such a ( distributed ) process takes some a-priori unknown time. Unless until the new / changed topic-filter policy was established, there is nothing to go into the SUB-side exgress interface to meet a .recv()-call, so no one can indeed tell, when that will get happened, can he?
On a higher level, there is another well known dichotomy of ZeroMQ -- Zero-Warranty Principle -- expect to either get delivered a complete message or none at all, which prevents the framework users from a need to handle any kind of damaged / inconsistent message-payloads. Either OK, or None. That's a great warranty. The more for distributed-systems.

How to communicate with external system

I'm trying to write a logic (js script) to communicate with external system. As far as understand, logic will be executed on all endorsing peer.
In this case, how can I avoid duplicate operation to external system ? For example, how to increment a value in external database ? If I write a logic to increment the value in js, I think the value will be incremented by all endorsing peer.
I'll appreciate any comment.
Firstly, currently the only way you can interact with external systems is using the experimental post API. This allows your Transaction Processor function to HTTP POST data to an external system and then to process the response.
Documentation here:
You are correct in stating that if you have 4 peers, then the chain code container for each peer will run your logic, so you'd expect to see 4 calls to your HTTP service. This is required because each peer node is independent and Fabric must achieve consensus across the peers.
The external functions should therefore (ideally) be side-effect free "pure" functions (idempotent), meaning that for a given set of input parameters you always get the same set of output results.
Clearly a function that returns an incrementing integer doesn't fit this description! You probably need to rethink how you are structuring your problem to make it compatible with a decentralised blockchain-based approach.

Is there a way to reverse the bind on zmq pub/sub?

I have server code on one box that needs to listen in on status coming from another box with about 10 chips with linux embedded in them. The 10 chips have their own ip addresses and each will send basically health status to the server which could (possibly) do something with it.
I would like the server just to passively listen and not have to send a response. So, this looks like a job for zmq's pub/sub. Where, each of the 10 chips have their own publication and the server would subscribe to each.
However, the server would need to know the well known address that each chip bound their publication to. But, in the field, these chips can be swapped or replace with a different ip address.
Instead, it's safer to have the chips know the server code's ip adddress.
What I would like a pub/sub where the receiver is the well known address. Or, a request/response pattern where the clients (the chips) send a messages to the server (the requests), but neither the server nor the chips need to send/receive a response.
Now, currently, there are two servers on the separate box. So, if possible I'd like a solution for one server and multiple servers.
Is this possible in zmq? And what pattern would that be?
Yes, you can do this exactly the way you'd expect to do so. Just bind on your subscriber, then connect to that subscriber with your publishers. ZMQ doesn't designate which end should be the "server", or more reliable end, and which should be the "client", or more transient end, specifically for this reason, and this is an excellent reason to switch up the normal paradigm.
Edit to address the new clarification--
It should work fine with multiple servers. In general it would work like the following (the order of operations in this case is just to ensure no messages get lost, which is possible if the PUB socket starts sending messages before the SUB is ready):
Spin up server 1. Create SUB socket and bind on address:port.
Spin up server 2. Create SUB socket and bind on address:port.
Spin up a chip. That chip will create a PUB socket and connect on [server 1] address:port and connect on [server 2] address:port.
Repeat step (3) for the other nine chips.
Dual .SUB model
Oh yes, each .PUB-lishing entity may have numerous .SUB-s listening,
so having two <serverNode>-s meets the .PUB/.SUB-primitive Formal Communication Pattern ( one speaks - many listen )
As given above, each of your <serverNode> binds
.bind( aFixServer{A|B}_ipAddress_portNumber )
so as allow each .PUB-lishing <chipNode> to
.connect( anAprioriKnownServer{A|B}_bindingNode_ipAddress_portNumber )
And both <serverNode{A|B}> than .SUB-s to receive any messages from them.
Multi-Server model
As seen above, the {A|B} grammar is freely extensible to {A|B|C|D|...} so the principal messaging model will stand for any reasonable multi-server extension
