How to make pimcre menu open items in _blank window using hardlink - hardlink

I have Pimcore cms which has a menu who consist of many link. Those links is created using hardlink. I want to create such link to some page with link property target="_blank". How can I do this? Can it possible?

You can make a custom property for link target and render this into the template, while you output the menu.


Joomla - Category Blog Alternative Layout Not Being Applied

So I'm a little confused by Joomla's Alternative Layout overrides.
I'm using Joomla 3.3
I have read all Joomla 3.x documentation, and have followed many tutorials without any luck.
So here are my template files:
Promo is the name of the alternative layout which I would like to activate for one of my Category Pages.
So it appears as an alternative layout without a problem.
Then I've gone ahead and made the menu item:
However when I go on the page, it calls the blog.php override only and not the promo.php layout
What am I doing wrong here?
Where is your promo.xml file? You should have one in the same directory where you have your promo.php file. The promo.xml file should be a copy of the blog.xml file located under the public_html/components/com_content/views/category/tmpl folder. You will only need to change the line:
<layout title="promo" option="promo">
And then when you create a menu item, choose its type to be promo.
To expand on #itoctopus, there are two different things, an alternative layout and an alternate menu layout. If you make a direct menu link you must use the latter. For this you need the xml file, and at that point it will show up in your list of menu options. Alternative layouts are applied to items and the do not show up in the menu options. The menu always overrides the item. There are some additional options you can play around with.

How to attach ItemID to joomla footermenu

I am don't know joomla, but familiar with wordpress & PHP & wants to change some links in my clients existing project.
I have a menu which is a link like while calling it from top navigation menu.
developer has taken same link in footer but it redirects to
Now i want ItemID in footer link also.
My Site URL is
In that please Products > Microsoft.
Please give solution
As per your post, Your menu link for now is : .
But, you want to use this like :
You can use aliases of menu links.
You can find aliases here, When you create/edit a menu link from backend of joomla you can see an alias associated with it. You can also find Aliases of menu link from grid screen of you menu type.
For showing Menu in front end you have to create CUSTOM HTML module, You can find how to create Custom HTML module here :
Now, How can you find HTML to write in thst Custom HTML Module? So, for this you can go the page of front-end where that menu is visible. Now prss CTRL+U, you will see the HTML of that page. Here, you have to find the HTML of those menus.
In this HTML, you will find the links like : index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=6
Now, you have to replace these links with index.php/alias_of_your_menu.
Now paste the edited HTML in Custom HTML module and save it by selecting a proper Position.
You can use joomla menu module in the footer.
Joomla also has the option to display second level menu items in a menu module.
To do this:
Set the Start Level to "1" and the End Level to "1".
That's all. Good Luck.

Create a childpage in Joomla without showing it in a menu

I would like to create a page in Joomla without showing it in a menu.
That would be easy when the URL could be from the root, e.g.
I would just make a menu without module to show it and assign a menulink to that hidden menu.
However the url should be
So the page should be linked to another existing page as a childpage but without showing in the menu.
So far this seems not possible?
Am I overlooking a feature in Joomla which would allow me to simply deactivate visibility in the menu without preventing the page from being accessed from the internet?
Or perhaps is it possible to edit or override a core component to force Joomla to allow this behaviour?
Too much thinking in one direction...
The solution to do this is to edit the menu-item > linktype > css give it class "hide" (integrated bootstrap class) to just block visibility in the menu...
It's possible but a litle bit tricky. Try these steps :
Create a new two articles, name it as you wish (for example Article A and Article B )
Create a new menu group (from your administrator page go to : Menus > Menu Manager > Add new menu, name it as 'Hidden Menu'
Create a new Single Article menu item (under the 'Hidden Menu'), choose 'Article A' as as the article source and type 'parentpage' in the Menu Title field
Create a new Single Article menu item (under the 'Hidden Menu'), choose 'Article B' as the article source, choose 'parentpage' menu as the parent item and type 'hiddenpage' in the Menu Title field.
Now both of urls and should be accessible now
As others have mentioned you can find extensions to modify URLs or hide the menu items using CSS, but these can require quite a bit of work especially if this is a one-off or once in a while situation.
However, there is one way to do this with Joomla as-is and will work with any type of menu items, not just articles. These instructions assume you already have a 'hidden' menu setup.
In a hidden menu, create menu items (or move them if they already exist) for parentpage and hiddenpage.
Set parentpage as the 'Parent Item' option in the hiddenpage menu item. Basically, create the page/subpage structure you'd like to see in the URL.
On your visible menu, create a 'Menu item Alias' (under 'System Links') menu item. Set the 'Menu item' option to the parentpage (listed under the hidden menu).
Enjoy. Parentpage is a visible menu item. hiddenpage is available at
No this is not possible with Joomla.
There are several options for you to achieve the same result, I list them in order of ease.
Use joomla redirect component. Simply tell the user to surf to the url he wants, he will then find it in the administrator - components - redirect, where she can insert the non-sef url.
Tell them to use a different prefix: i.e. create a hidden menu where they will add the direct links;
Additionally, in order to remove the id from the url you can:
Install simplecustomrouter extension, it should do the job out of the box but some coding may be required on your part in order for it to work properly; extremely lightweight.
Go for a blasoned SEF extension such as sh440sef, this will add some overhead and may require a lot of work in configuration.
While editing the childmenu just set (under "Linktype") "Display in menu" to "no"... it's simple like that!
Here's a reference to the site
if link is broken just search for "edit menu linktype joomla 3" in future.
I'm glad I can return the many saved searchtime to y'all stackpeople. Go on Community!

joomla how to create a custom link

I have set mod_rewrite in joomla so I can use link like, where home and contact are link aliases.
All of this link are part of menu, but I'm intersted in create link that will be never displayed in any menu, how can do that?
There are a couple ways it can be done. The quick and easy way is to make a hidden menu just for creating links. Simply create a new menu and don't put it in a module. You can add all the menu items you want without having to display them anywhere and you get nice clean URLs.
You can also get the URL of an article that does not have a menu item, but it gets pretty long to use. The URL of an article will be something like - menu item alias/item alias.html
It will use the alias from what ever menu item it is inheriting the itemID from az part of the URL. I generally use the first method to avoid the long URLs.

Copy home template to make changes & test on hidden menu

I want to copy my Homepage (index page) and make the copy appear on the hidden part of my website as so i can make changes and test it before i put the new page up live...
So i basically want to be able to type a URL and see the page on the web, yet I don't want that page to apart of the websites main menu...
Make a new menu from the menu management name it like 'hidden menu' or something else then add new menu item on it .
Don't publish your hidden menu elsewhere in site. Assign your copied template to your new menu item created under hidden menu.
Now you can copy the link of new menu to the url.
Copy (aka duplicate) your content article (= index page, hompage content). You can access it via URI index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=<ID> and replace <ID> with your articles ID.
This is for Joomla 3:
Go into the Template Manager and copy your existing template to make a new one e.g. 'YourTemplateName2'.
Note that a style 'YourTemplateName2 - Default' will automatically be created as well.
Edit the new template.
Preview the new template, either:
In Styles, using the 'eye' icon to the left of the style name, or
In Templates, using the link 'Preview' under the style name, or
Using the URL GET parameter 'template' like this:
If you use the 'Preview' link or the 'eye' icon, you'll get a preview with the extra parameter 'tp=1' - this shows you some extra info, but if you want to preview the site exactly as it'll look to the user then you can just delete this parameter.
When you're happy with your changes, either set the new template to be the default template, or copy the details from your new template to the existing one.
Hope that helps.
