Vulkan cannot find physical devices on linux - windows

I have been wanting to work with Vulkan, the new graphics API and have gotten it up and running with no problems on Windows 7. However I can't get Vulkan to work on linux. When I try running any of the LunarG samples, or even my own code, vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices always says that there are no physical devices. Here is my setup:
OS: Ubuntu 16.04 (LTS) [x64]
GPU: Nvidia Geforce GT 730 2GB GDDR5
Driver: NVIDIA Binary driver - version 364.19 from nvidia-364 (open source)
Vulkan SDK: LunarG v1.0.17.0 [ latest version]
I was wondering if maybe there's a file for my GPU that I need to set an environment variable for, but I really don't know. As I said before, this worked on Windows 7 perfectly, but I can't seem to get this to work this the above configuration. I am able to create an instance with the LunarG standard validation layer and the correct extensions, but vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices doesn't find any physical devices. It doesn't give an error, just says it can't find any physical devices. This has really got me stumped and I would really appreciate the help. Thanks!

Depending on your distribution you may have to install the nvidia-utils package. See this issue on my Vulkan repo for details.
If this isn't the case for you check the directories Karl mentioned and check if there is no other ICD (maybe one from Intel) that may cause troubles. If you're on an optimus system with dual GPU you may need to explicitly activate the NVIDIA GPU.
The 730 should work fine on Linux, at least judging from the Linux hardware reports I got on my database like this one.

You shouldn't have to set an environment variable if the driver installed properly.
One way to check for a proper installation is to look for the JSON file that identifies the driver. For example, an nvidia driver will place a file called nvidia_icd.json in /etc/vulkan/icd.d/. /usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/ is another standard, but less common location.
It may also be the case that your GPU does not support Vulkan. Be sure to check your GPU vendor's web pages to confirm support. You may want to download the driver straight from the vendor's site in order to get one that they say has Vulkan support.
And are you sure that using the "Additional Drivers" page is supposed to give you a Vulkan driver?
You can refer to the loader documentation in the docs section at for more info.


SyCL ComputeCpp: issues with the matrix_multiply SDK example

I just managed to install successfully the SyCL ComputeCpp + OpenCL (from CUDA) and running cmake to generate the samples VS2019 sln, successfully.
I've tried to run the matrix_multiply example ONLY, for now.
It ran successfully using the Intel FPGA emulator as a default device.
Changing the devices to the Device CPU worked well as well.
Choosing the host device, took ages without exiting.
When I tried to change the device to the nVidia, the GeForce GTX 1650 Ti.
I got this expection error from there ComputeCpp:RT0100, etc etc.
Googling a bit, I found I'd probably have to output the PTX instead of the SPIR.
So I regenerated the sln using -DCOMPUTECPP_BITCODE=ptx64
After doing that, the kernel ran successfully on the nVidia GPU.
My first question is: is that needed since nVidia does NOT support spir yet at the time of this writing, but only PTX?
However this broke the other devices, which are now reporting:
[ComputeCpp:RT0107] Failed to create program from binary
This happens now for all devices: Intel GPU, Device CPU, Device FPGA (While were formerly working)
Inspecting the .sycl I found now SYCL_matrix_multiply_cpp_bin_nvptx64[].
My question is: how to support nVidia with ptx and "normal" devices with spir altogether in the same exe? I did a menĂ¹ from which the user can choose to play with, but now it's working only for nVidia.
What am I doing wrong, please?
I would expect to be able to run the same .sycl code for all the devices despite it contains ptx or spir. How to manage for that?
EDIT: I just tried to retarget the bitcode to spirv64, since the computecpp_info told me all my devices are supposed to support it.
However, now no device is anymore working with that setting :-(

Driver working issue

my Battery driver is working on 64 bit , but is not working on 32 bit. Platform is windows.
I am not able to come to any conclusion. What could be the possibilities?
If the driver is available for windows x64, normaly it must be available for x86 also. So you should search for the driver. Most of the drivers can be installed by windows update without installing manually a driver, so start search the update. Also i think you dont need a driver for the battery or is there a special reason for? The laptop battery drivers / softwares often only install a power plan which also can be configured manually if you dont want to use the microsoft standard plans. greats

What is windows CE OS ? How to install it from scrach on blank HDD?

I want to install windows CE on one of my HDD . I tried a lot to find image of this OS, but did not get even single bootable image file over internet.
Does any one know the image link or How to install Windows CE(latest) from scrach?
Below are the few searched links :\
Even after going through these links also, unable to find the answer of my query.
Please help?
Windows CE OS for your device is highly dependent on the processor and the peripherals that your device has.
So, if you are not a platform (OS) developer, you should contact your OEM for the OS images.
If you are OS developer (I mean, you are OEM), then only you can refer above links. They are meant for WinCE platform developers.
Here is a list of BSP (They may also provide you binaries for evaluation) and OEM.

Mirror Drivers not working on Windows 7 64 bit computer

I am trying to develop an application that uses a mirror driver, although I am having an issue getting any mirror driver to work properly on my computer. I always seem to get the same issue no matter which driver I user. I have tried the Mirror Driver in UltraVNC and Also the DemoForge Mirage Driver that is included in TightVNC.
These are the issues I seem to receive- this this the issue from DemoForge Mirage. The error from the other drivers are essentially the same just maybe worded slightly different:
Could not create device driver context!
Unable to map memory for mirror driver!
Considering this is happening with all mirror drivers I am thinking maybe it is an issue with my graphics card or Intel HD graphics.
My display adapters are:
Nvidia GeForce GT525M
Intel HD Graphics 3000
Can anyone tell me what the problem could be and how to fix it? I have thought about just developing on another computer but it doesn't change the fact that I am still having an issue and others will too.

ATI Stream SDK on ubuntu 9.04

I have used ATI Stream SDK on windows XP SP3 and implemented one algorithm on GPU. But Now I am interested in scaling this algorithm on multiple GPUs on mutiple machines I switched to UBUNTU to use MPI ( To send messages ).
I googled this but I got references for installation on SLES and RHEL but I am looking for UBUNTU 9.04.
AMD is switching to OpenCL based API soon. May be it will be worthwhile holding your horses till the OpenCL API stabilizes. Cuda is far ahead of the curve in terms of GPU usability, there is a nice project called MAGMA which is bringing together the LAPACK library for joint CPU-GPU usage.
I know of people who are using the ATI Stream SDK and ACML-GPU on Ubuntu without any special problems -- that is, no problems that they wouldn't have on any other Linux distro.
If you can get the Catalyst drivers installed correctly (which in this case will probably mean compiling your kernel modules) and your X windows configured correctly (especially DRI module, and there are security issues if you want Stream to work with remote access) it should work.
I'm tempted to ask/comment how you plan to share GPUs between multiple MPI processes, but that's probably wandering off-topic.
