How to send and receive data from ASP.NET server to Android -

I want to make a Biometric e-voting system.A voter register and cast vote through android app and all other activities are handled in i want to know how send and receive data from ASP.NET server to Android

Simply put:
Set up RESTful API in ASP.NET server. And in your Android app, consume it with Java (native app) or JavaScript (html app).

Just create an Web API project, create Web API controllers and write methods in it and call it from your Java code in Android.
Here's a sample which could be useful to understand what to do:


Is it possible to integrate braintree with .net desktop application?

Is it possible to integrate braintree payment gateway with .net desktop application rather than Website, And Mobile applications? As per their documentation, they have three Client SDKs (JS, Android, IOS).
For it to be secure you should have an HTTPS web service handling the server-side portion of the Braintree integration. This server does not need to serve any HTML. It does need to handle the server-side API communication with Braintree servers, and send the token to the client when requested, and receive the nonce from the client and use it to create transactions.
The "desktop" client .NET application should use the JS SDK. Theoretically the client could implement HTTPS calls in native .NET with no JS SDK, but it will be far simpler and more robust to use the JS SDK provided by Braintree in your .NET application.

Solution for implementing Facebook-like notification

I'm having a system which contains a Unity scene( social network view), which is connected to a DLL file written in C#, and this file is responsible for connect to WebAPIs hosted by ASP.NET WebAPI, which is the social network service.
I'm trying to implement facebook-like notification service. What is the possible solutions/technique here to implement this feature?
I just read some example likes or SignalR but it seems that those things don't support C# client( the DLL) as well as ASP.Net WebAPI
My app. is something like a Whatsapp chat app. plus e-bay online shopping. It is mainly consist of 1 solution with 3 projects using Visual Studio 2015 Community RC.
project 1 is a JavaScript Cordova project with one and only one index.html file which is hosted in IIS 8.0 and is also capable of hosted as a native app. of an Android phone or iPhone. So the clients can use any pc desktop browser, or mobile browser to use the app. Or can install the app. from app stores of Android or iPhone.
project 2 is a Visual Basic Web Services hosted in IIS which contains all the backend business logic and connect to the ms sql server.
project 3 is a C# Signalr Server Winform, which can notify the clients if there is any new message.
for example, client X send a message to client Y:
index.html of X call VB Webservices to store the message in sql.
index.html of X call Signalr Server.
Signalr Server call Index.html of Y to notify there is a new message.
index.html of Y call VB Webservices to read the message.
You may wonder why I don't simply use signalr to send the message to Y, as the message is complicated, it can be a text or text with images or product information with product images.
As stated the index.html can be hosted inside the phone as native app, I also need to enable Cors in the webservices as well as the signalr.
of course the signalr Server can also call the VB webservices directly if needed.

Integrate from Website

I have to prepare a web Admin for the mobile apps that have iPhone and android versions. I don't know how to send the push notifications to specific users or to all users from my web Admin.
Take a look at the rest API.
Pratically you have to perform a POST (using maybe RestSharp) passing your app id\key and the content of the push.

Integrate omniture in WP7

I am integrating the "Omniture" in WP7 app. As i know WCf service is available for the ominiture api in c#. Is there any seperate WCf service for Wp7. Is it possiible integrate the
omniture in Wp7?. Please mention the any app using the omniture.
I have implemented Omniture integration with a Windows Phone 7 app (sorry can't say which one).
There are libraries from Omniture which handle calling the web service for you. You just need to worry about passing the right information to their criptically named properties and parameters.
Contact Omniture to get the right assemblies.

Designing a web service to be used by the iPhone and a web client

I'm designing a web service that serves up JSON through a REST API. This API is currently being used by an iPhone app to do CRUD operations.
My question is, can I design a web client that uses this REST API using nothing more than ExtJS (or some other RIA framework) and HTML pages? In other words, can I create a static HTML page that uses ExtJS to send AJAX calls to the REST API and receive JSON data from it? Or is this thinking too naive and wrong?
I think this is perfectly acceptable as long as you know that your users browser will be able to handle javascript and AJAX accordingly.
Yes! YES! You can use static html and js files, served by any web server, to build an Ext JS application. Ext JS is very happy to talk REST and JSON to your web service.
Build your Ext JS application outside of ASP.NET MVC. You don't need it.
