Issue reading file containing Unicode chars using JavaProperties gem - ruby

I have mobile automation code in Ruby with locale property files and code is using with path) which is returning hash and we are reading property value by providing property name.
Recently file was updated with unicode chars, something like "Solde du dernier relev\u00E9". After the update, I'm getting value "Solde du dernier relevé" instead of "Solde du dernier relevé".
I need some help how/where to provide UTF-8 conversion type.
Quick help highly appreciated.
:pathTo_some_JavaProperties => #resourcesPath+"/service_"+locale+""+platform_fileName+".properties",
:pathTo_locale_other_JavaProperties => #resourcesPath+"/MoblClient_XmlService"+locale+".properties"
// more file paths
#someHash =
rescue Errno::ENOENT
filesNotFound << #filePaths.fetch(:pathTo_some_JavaProperties)
// Reading value as #someHash['propName'] which is giving output as "Solde du dernier relevé"

Ok, here's what I am getting:
item1 = Solde du dernier relev\u00E9
Then in Ruby,
> JavaProperties.load('')[:item1]
# => "item1 Solde du dernier relevé"
You should try getting your problematic code as stripped as possible, and then see if you keep getting the error.
BTW, I think you should use JavaProperties.load, not as in your sample.


Angular i18n $localize - template literal with expressions

I am having so much trouble getting this syntax to translate - Angular 13.0.02 .
My two resources are:$localize
As per the Angular docs:
Naming placeholders
If the template literal string contains expressions, then the expressions will be automatically associated with placeholder names for you.
For example:
$localize `Hi ${name}! There are ${items.length} items.`;
will generate a message-source of Hi {$PH}! There are {$PH_1} items.`
And providing meaning, descrip, and ID:
$localize`:meaning|description##id:source message text`;
$localize`:meaning|:source message text`;
$localize`:description:source message text`;
$localize`:##id:source message text`;
This example from works:
const company = "Google";
const created_by = $localize`Created by ${company}`;
in my XLIF translation file:
<trans-unit id="3990133897753911565" datatype="html">
<source>Created by <x id="PH"/></source>
<target>Creado por... <x id="PH"/></target>
Yet when I try to reproduce the same syntax with another i18 term - it DOESN'T WORK. It only pulls the English phrase, not the Spanish one.
const company = "Google";
const createdByCompany = $localize`Created by this person ${company}`;
<trans-unit id="spanishTest123" datatype="html">
<source>Created by this person <x id="PH"/></source>
<target>Creado por esta persona <x id="PH"/></target>
FYI: for the example that does work, if I REMOVE id="3990133897753911565", then it does NOT pull that translation. So clearly this id makes it happen - yet in my 2nd example I cannot get it to work.
*** UPDATE ***
Using the Angular extract tool produces the XLF file in the required xml format (it parses all i18n tags in your html temples, and the $localize calls in your component code). Run in your app's root dir as follows ng extract-i18n --output-path src/locale - then check the messages.xlf file in the locale folder.
So as per the docs, the "pre-pending it with a colon" syntax did work -$localize
const msg = $localize`:Password Reset Modal|Min num of chars##passwordNumChars:Must be at least ${setting.SettingValue}:minLen: characters long.`;
Notice how I updated the trans-unit "id" attrib in the xlf - i.e. my custom ID is "passwordNumChars".
<trans-unit id="passwordNumChars" datatype="html">
<source>Must be at least <x id="minLen" equiv-text="setting.SettingValue"/> characters long.</source>
<target>Debe contener al menos <x id="minLen" equiv-text="setting.SettingValue"/> caracteres.</target>
<note priority="1" from="meaning">password edit modal</note>
One final note: if you have the $localize function setup in your ts code - but you can't figure out the xlf format - you can use ng extract-i18n --output-path src/locale from a cmd line to generate the appropriate xlf file.
Then just copy/paste the section you need into your locale file; also perhaps into whatever translation software you're using as the source of truth (i.e. to store all i18n terms).

How to insert records into a table using Sequel

This is my code to insert a few lines in my simple "series" table:
db = sequel.postgres(config['dbname'],:user=>config['user'],:password=>config['password'],:host=>config['host'],:port=>config['port'],:max_connections=>10)
#db.create_table? 'series' do
primary_key "series_id" , :autoincrement=>true
String "series_name"
seriesDS = db['series']
seriesDS.insert('series_name' => 'test_value')
At seriesDS.insert I get a
Sequel::DatabaseError - PG::SyntaxError: ERREUR: erreur de syntaxe sur ou près de « series »
I didn't manage to get the full SQL query for analysys in STDOUT. It's strange because I added this:
logger = STDOUT
logger.level = Logger::DEBUG
db.loggers << logger
It appears to be generating the wrong SQL, but I have no clue to the error's source.
I'm using:
Ruby 2.2.5
Sequel 4.4.1
Postgresql 9.6
The program is launched using ruby -E utf8.
Sequel uses Ruby symbols to represent SQL identifiers. At the very least, you must use seriesDS = db[:series].
Other cases where you want an SQL identifier you should probably switch from using strings to symbols.

No such file or directory - ruby

I am trying to read the contents of the file from a local disk as follows :
content ="C:\abc.rb","r")
when I execute the rb file I get an exception as Error: No such file or directory .What am I missing in this?
In a double quoted string, "\a" is a non-printable bel character. Similar to how "\n" is a newline. (I think these originate from C)
You don't have a file with name "C:<BEL>bc.rb" which is why you get the error.
To fix, use single quotes, where these interpolations don't happen:
content ='C:\abc.rb')
content ="C:\/abc.rb","r")
First of all:
Try using:
To see what's in the directory (and therefore what directory it's looking at).
open("C:/abc.rb", "rb") { |io| a = a + }
EDIT: Unless you're concatenating files together, you could write it as:
data ="C:/abc.rb", "rb") { |io| }

I always get an UndefinedConversionError in Ruby 2.0 while scraping with Mechanize

When I try to submit a textarea with Mechanize and Ruby 2.0, I always get an
Encoding::UndefinedConversionError: U+0151 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1
Then I tryied to convert the text with Iconv, I got a similar result:
Iconv.iconv("LATIN1", "UTF-8", text)
I get this error message:
Iconv::IllegalSequence: "őzködik, melyet "...
As the text contains east-european characters. What can I do to avoid this kind of inconveniences or how can I convert properly between different encodings?
I have found an elegant solution:
replacements = [["À", "À"], ["Á", "Á"], ["Â", "Â"], ["Ã", "Ã"], ["Ä", "Ä"], ["Å", "Å"], ["Æ", "Æ"], ["Ç", "Ç"], ["È", "È"], ["É", "É"], ["Ê", "Ê"], ["Ë", "Ë"], ["Ì", "Ì"], ["Í", "Í"], ["Î", "Î"], ["Ï", "Ï"], ["Ð", "Ð"], ["Ñ", "Ñ"], ["Ò", "Ò"], ["Ó", "Ó"], ["Ô", "Ô"], ["Õ", "Õ"], ["Ö", "Ö"], ["Ø", "Ø"], ["Ù", "Ù"], ["Ú", "Ú"], ["Û", "Û"], ["Ü", "Ü"], ["Ý", "Ý"], ["Þ", "Þ"], ["ß", "ß"], ["à", "à"], ["á", "á"], ["â", "â"], ["ã", "ã"], ["ä", "ä"], ["å", "å"], ["æ", "æ"], ["ç", "ç"], ["è", "è"], ["é", "é"], ["ê", "ê"], ["ë", "ë"], ["ì", "ì"], ["í", "í"], ["î", "î"], ["ï", "ï"], ["ð", "ð"], ["ñ", "ñ"], ["ò", "ò"], ["ó", "ó"], ["ô", "ô"], ["õ", "õ"], ["ö", "ö"], ["ø", "ø"], ["ù", "ù"], ["ú", "ú"], ["û", "û"], ["ü", "ü"], ["ý", "ý"], ["þ", "þ"], ["ÿ", "ÿ"]]
def replace(str,replacements)
replacements.each {|replacement| str.gsub!(replacement[0], replacement[1])}
return str

How to use Unix pager programs like `less` from Ruby?

Suppose I have a string called very_long_string whose content I want to send to the standard output. But since the string is very long, I want to use less to display the text on the terminal. When I use
`less #{very_long_string}`
I get File not found error message, and if I use:
`less <<< #{very_long_string}`
I get unexpected redirection error message.
So, how to use less from inside Ruby?
You could open a pipe and feed your string to less via its stdin.
IO.popen("less", "w") { |f| f.puts very_long_string }
(Assuming very_long_string is the variable holding your string.)
A simple hack:
require 'tempfile'
f ='less')
system("less #{f.path}")
Although less can read text files its natural fit is to use it as the last command in a pipe. So a natural fit would be:
shell-command-1 | shell-command-2 | shell-command-3 | less
At your shell prompt:
echo tanto va la gatta al lardo che ci lascia lo zampino|less
..So you can try this in irb:
`echo tanto va la gatta al lardo che ci lascia lo zampino|less`
but I will prefer to use:
your_string = "tanto va la gatta al lardo che ci lascia lo zampino"
`echo "#{your_string}"|less`
If you have time read this SO question.
For a thorough demonstration of using system calls in ruby see this gist:
