Copy/paste data validation in Google Spreadsheets - validation

I feel a bit silly not being able to figure this out. So this is the data validation I have set up:
Cell Range: Journal!J2
Criteria: List from a range - Journal!W2:X2
Cell Range: Journal!M2
Criteria: List from a range - Journal!Y2:AA2
This is great in my first row. I create another row and I'd like it to update all of the '2' to '3'. The cell range updates correctly, but the criteria does not, and I can't figure out an easy solution other than going in and updating it manually.
I've tried copy/paste as well as paste special -> data validation.
I know something like $Y$2 would fix the row/col but that's the opposite of what I want. I guess I'm wanting to maintain the relative formula vs it being an absolute formula?

Indeed, the "list from a range" type of validation treats the reference to the list as absolute rather than relative. I know two workarounds:
Custom formula
Validation based on the custom formula
=not(isna(match(J2, W2:X2, 0)))
is equivalent to "value must be from the range W2:X2", and it will be copied down correctly, the reference to W2:X2 being relative.
Drawback: you don't get an in-cell dropdown list with custom formula validation.
One can use an Apps Script to manage data validation rules. The following script sets data validation rules in each cell of the range J2:J100, where the value is required to be from W:X of the same row.
function validate() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var range = sheet.getRange("J2:J100");
var valuesColumn = 23; // begins in W
var valuesLength = 2; // has length 2, so W:X
var firstRow = range.getRow();
for (var i = 0; i < range.getHeight(); i++) {
var rule = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation()
.requireValueInRange(sheet.getRange(firstRow + i, valuesColumn, 1, valuesLength), true)
range.offset(i, 0, 1, 1).setDataValidation(rule);


Google Sheets - Multiple dependent drop-down lists

I am trying to create a dependent list as described and answered (with a script) here.
I would like to achieve that if selecting a certain value (e.g. "First") from a cell in column 1, then the drop-down options from the next cell in the same row should offer a range of values from the column in a different sheet with the same heading as the value in the first - left - cell (i.e. the first sheet is called "Selector" - in which there are dropdowns, in the second sheet called "KAT" I have the options for these dropdowns). This should then be possible for every row depending on the value of each first cell of the row.
I have tried to use and adapt the suggested script and have reviewed the sample files in the article but I apparently lack some basic understanding of the script to be able to adapt and implement it properly.
Could anybody kindly help me with making this dynamic dropdown work properly?
Just to clarify my final intention: I would like to have this script working first to be able to use it on multiple files. My final goal, though, is to make self-filling dropdown lists and selectors, so that I could simply fill in the data in the "Selector" sheet and would then be able to select these same values later in the cells below (depending on the name (value) of the first cell in the row = first cell of the column holding validation range). I hope to be able to achieve this by using either Pivot table or any other formula in the "KAT" sheet that would aggregate my data from "Selector" sheet and feed them back as drop-down options ...).
Thank you for your help.
See the example sheet here
Code I used (as above):
function onEdit()
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(),
sheet = ss.getActiveSheet(),
name = sheet.getName();
if (name != 'Selector') return;
var range = sheet.getActiveRange(),
col = range.getColumn();
if (col != 1) return;
var val = range.getValue(),
dv = ss.getSheetByName('KAT'),
data = dv.getDataRange().getValues(),
catCol = data[0].indexOf(val),
list = [];
for (var i = 1, len = 100; i < len; i++) // Problem is here, you have too many items in list! Cannot have more 500 items for validation
var listRange = dv.getRange(2,catCol +1,dv.getLastRow() - 1, 1)
var cell = sheet.getRange(range.getRow(), col-1)
var rule = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation()
.requireValueInRange(listRange) // Use requireValueIn Range instead to fix the problem
This question deals with dynamic dropdown lists. A previous question and answer on StackOverflow (Google Sheets - Dependent drop-down lists) were referenced, and code from that answer was being unsuccessfully re-purposed.
The code in the question was not working for one reason: Line 20
var cell = sheet.getRange(range.getRow(), col-1)
In the referenced code, the dropdown list begins in Column F (col=6). The dependant dropdowns ranged to the left so the definition of the dependant column was "col-1". In the questioner's scenario, the dropdown list begins in Column A (col=1) and the dependant dropdowns range from left to right. However, this line of code was not changed to take into account the different layout. Rather than "col-1", it should be "col+1".
Other matters
In addition to this, lines 16 and 17 perform a loop to create an array that might be used for the dependant dropdown. However the loop is redundant because the dropdown is actual defined by creating and assigning a range on the "KAT" sheet.
Cell A2 of KAT includes a formula:
This may appear to be useful because it automatically adds any new dropdown value entered in "Selector" to a list of values in KAT. In reality it is unproductive, because the dependant dropdown build by the code works vertically rather than horizontally. So an additional row added to KAT does not, of itself, contribute to building the dependant dropdown.
The following code works to build the dependant drop down list. I have deliberately left a number of "Logger" entries in the code to assist the questioner in understanding how the code works.
function onEdit() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
var name = sheet.getName();
if (name != 'Selector') return;
var range = sheet.getActiveRange();
var col = range.getColumn();
var dropdownrow = range.getRow(); // added for debugging and informationm
if (col != 1) return;
var val = range.getValue();
Logger.log("the cursor is in 'Selector' in cell = " + range.getA1Notation()); //DEBUG
Logger.log("That's row " + dropdownrow + ", and column " + col + ". The value selected = " + val); // DEBUG
var dv = ss.getSheetByName('KAT');
var data = dv.getDataRange().getValues();
var catCol = data[0].indexOf(val);
var list = [];
var KAT_data = dv.getDataRange();
var KAT_data_len = KAT_data.getLastRow(); // added to give 'for' loop a sensible range
Logger.log("The data range on KAT is " + KAT_data.getA1Notation() + ", and the last row of data = " + KAT_data_len); //DEBUG
Logger.log("KAT data = '" + data + "'"); // DEBUG
Logger.log("Found the dropdown cell value of '" + val + "' in KAT as item #" + catCol); //DEBUG
for (var i = 1, len = KAT_data_len; i < len; i++) { // Irrelevant because the data validation range is obtained by defining a range on KAT
// Problem is here, the unique command in A2 creates a blank row
// Logger.log("i="+i+", data = "+data[i][catCol]); // DEBUG
var listRange = dv.getRange(2, catCol + 1, dv.getLastRow() - 1, 1);
Logger.log("FWIW, this is the list after the loop= " + list); // DEBUG
Logger.log("The contents for the new data validation range (taken from KAT) is " + listRange.getA1Notation()); // DEBUG
Logger.log("The new validation range gets added to col = " + (col + 1)); // DEBUG
//var cell = sheet.getRange(range.getRow(), col-1); // governs the next validation range. Example validation worked right to left, but this sheet works left to right. So must ADD 1, not subtract 1.
var cell = sheet.getRange(range.getRow(), col + 1);
Logger.log("The cell to be assigned the new validation range will be " + cell.getA1Notation()); // DEBUG
var rule = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation().requireValueInRange(listRange).build(); // Build validation rule
cell.setDataValidation(rule); // assign validation range to new cell
Is this code worthwhile?
The code, as written and referenced, is limited to creating only one level of dependant dropdowns. To this extent it has very limited value. A different approach to creating dependant dropdowns is justified.
"How do you do dynamic / dependent drop downs in Google Sheets?" on StackOverflow has been a meeting place for discussing and updating techniques for dynamic dependant dropdowns since 2014. The latest update was in February 2018 by Max Makhrov. Thye code described here may be useful for the questioner.

Dynamic data validation based on other cell values, and copying/filling validation criteria relatively down each row (Google Sheets)

I am trying to achieve the following situation using Data Validation in Google Sheets. I've provided a truncated version of situation in the image below.
I would like to set up data validation in Column B that automatically checks the options in column C (or multiple columns in the same row) to populate the dropdown menu for that row.
I did notice that Google Sheets has an option for formulas in the data validation screen and I tried writing an array formula in this area but I have not been having any luck getting any sort of output.
If it can't be done through this menu I would appreciate any idea how to achieve this through scripts.
One way to achieve this is to select list from a range in the "Criteria" section of the Data Validation editor. Then, select the cells whose values you want to appear in your dropdown.
The only issue is that when you try to fill this down across the column, Google Sheets will not update the criteria range. Say you do the following:
In cell B2, use data validation based on list from a range and select D2:F2 as the criteria range. Now the dropdown in B2 will have the options John's Mom, John's Dad, John's Grandma
Then, fill down or copy this cell down across the whole column
When you open the dropdown for cell B3, it will still have the options John's Mom, John's Dad, John's Grandma
Unfortunately Google Sheets does not currently have a built-in solution for copying/filling data validation references or formulas relatively, as far as I know. But it looks like somebody already wrote a nice script in this Google Docs forum post. To avoid just a link as an answer, I'm going to copy in the script and instructions here. Credit to AD:AM from Google Docs forum.
How to use their script:
Select a range of cells across which you want to copy a data validation rule, relatively
From the Validation+ custom menu, select the appropriate option (all references relative, columns absolute, or rows absolute)
The validation of the upper-left cell will be copied to the rest of the range
Link to original solution's example Google Sheets with script already included - you can save your own copy and then start using.
Or to recreate from scratch, here is the script.
function onOpen()
{name: "Copy validation (all relative references)", functionName: "copyValidation"},
{name: "Copy validation (relative rows, absolute columns)", functionName: "copyValidationColumnsAbsolute"},
{name: "Copy validation (absolute rows, relative columns)", functionName: "copyValidationRowsAbsolute"}
function copyValidation(rowsAbsolute, columnsAbsolute)
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var r = ss.getActiveRange();
var dv = r.getDataValidations();
var dvt = dv[0][0].getCriteriaType();
if (dvt != SpreadsheetApp.DataValidationCriteria.VALUE_IN_RANGE) return;
var dvv = dv[0][0].getCriteriaValues();
for (var i = 0; i < dv.length; i++)
for (var j = i ? 0 : 1; j < dv[0].length; j++)
dv[i][j] = dv[0][0].copy().withCriteria(dvt, [dvv[0].offset(rowsAbsolute ? 0 : i, columnsAbsolute ? 0 : j), dvv[1]]).build();
function copyValidationRowsAbsolute()
copyValidation(true, false);
function copyValidationColumnsAbsolute()
copyValidation(false, true);

Is it possible to use a conditional validation rule as a custom formula in validation box in Google Spreadsheet?

I would like to set a validation in Column D (please see the published spreadsheet at the link below [1]) in such a way that it only shows the items of either column A (A3:A) or B (B3:B) (but not all the items of both columns together) depending upon the Service which is put in Col. C.
So, if somebody put "Typing Services" in C3, the cell D3 has a validation having all the items of column A (A3:A) only. And similarly, if somebody put "Translation Services" in C3, the cell D3 has a validation having all the items of column B (B3:B) only.
I believe a custom formula in validation box in column D can do it. However, i am unable to produce it.
Thank you for your solution!
[1] [1]
This should do what you want. Add this to your script editor:
function onEdit(event){
var ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
var s=ss.getSheetByName("custom formula in validation")
var sheet = event.source.getActiveSheet().getName();
var lr=event.source.getActiveSheet().getLastRow()
var editedCell = event.range.getSheet().getActiveCell();
var editVal=event.range.getSheet().getActiveCell().getValue()
var editRow=event.range.getSheet().getActiveCell().getRow()
if(sheet=="custom formula in validation" && editedCell.getColumn() ==3){
if(editVal=="Typing Services"){
var validation=s.getRange(3, 1, lr,1)
var cell= s.getRange(editRow,4,1,1)
var rule = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation().requireValueInRange(validation).build();
if(editVal=="Translation Services"){
var validation=s.getRange(3, 2, lr,1)
var cell= s.getRange(editRow,4,1,1)
var rule = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation().requireValueInRange(validation).build();
This is a share of my test spreadsheet:

Is there a way to mass input data validation in google sheets

I'm trying to create a drop down menu with contents based on a another cell in the same row. For example if A1 = 'yes' then the drop down in B2 gives you the options of 'yes' or 'no'. I can do this I have the list data set up and to code works. The problem is I need to do this 155 times in 4 different sheets. Is there a faster way to do this than right clicking and editing the data validation rules for each cell. Here's a link to the test sheet I'm working on :
You can set data validation rules with a script, as documented here. Here's a reference for starting with Apps scripts.
I wrote a function that does approximately what you described. It works with the range B3:B157 of the sheet '9th grade' in the current spreadsheet. For each of them, it sets the validation rule to be: a value in the same row, columns B and C of sheet 'List Data'. The line with
....... = listData.getRange(i+3, 2, 1, 2);
will need to be modified if the source range of validation is to be different. Here, the parameters are: starting row, starting column, number of rows, number of columns. So, 2 columns starting with the second, in row numbered i+3.
function setRules() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var grade = ss.getSheetByName('9th Grade');
var listData = ss.getSheetByName('List Data');
var range = grade.getRange('B3:B157');
var rules = range.getDataValidations();
for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
var sourceRange = listData.getRange(i+3, 2, 1, 2);
rules[i][0] = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation().requireValueInRange(sourceRange).build();
I land in this issue for a diferent reason: "Just mass DataValidation copy (or update) in one column". Thanks, to user3717023 that bring me a light.
I hope that helps someone this simplification.
function setRules() {
//select spreadsheet
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var leads = ss.getSheetByName('Leads');
//Select correct Datavalidation
var rangeNewDataValidation = leads.getRange('M2:M2');
var rule = rangeNewDataValidation.getDataValidations();
//Copy (or Update) Datavalidation in a specific (13 or 'M') column
var newRule = rule[0][0].copy();
for( var i=3; i <= leads.getMaxRows(); i++){
var range = leads.getRange(i, 13);

Find&Replace script in Google Docs SpreadSheets

I have google spreadsheet with direct links to images (jpg and png):
I want to increase rows heights starting from "2nd row" to 100px and render images there.
It's possible to do via Find&Replace:
Find jpg and Replace to jpg", 1)
Find http://img and Replace to =image("http://img)
Select rows and Scale them
and the same for png image-urls.
Watch this screencast
Is it possible to automate it via script? I think - YES! It have to be pretty simple but I googled a lot but haven't found the solution. I can't do it myself as don't know coding. Will anyone help and make this script?
A function to do what you ask is simple, if you have a basic understanding of the language (Javascript), know how to use the development environment, and read the API documentation.
For example, see this script. It's been added to your shared spreadsheet, so you can also view it (and run it) in the script editor there.
* Scan column A, looking for images that have been inserted using
* =image() function. For any row with an image, set the row height
* to 100 pixels.
function resizeImageRows() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); // Get a handle on the sheet
var HEADERS = 1; // Number of header rows at top
var firstRow = HEADERS + 1; // First row with data
var lastRow = sheet.getLastRow(); // Last row with data
var imageRange = sheet.getRange(1, 1, lastRow, 1); // Column A
// Get all formulas from Column A, without Headers
var formulas = imageRange.getFormulas().slice(HEADERS);
// Look for image() formulas, and set the row height.
for (var i = 0; i< formulas.length; i++) {
if (formulas[i][0].indexOf('image') !== -1) {
sheet.setRowHeight(i+firstRow, 100); // Set height to 100 pixels
You can absolutely do this with the find and replace function under the edit menu, just make sure you click "search in formulas" and it will find and replace in the formula.
