I have created a WCF service (wsHttpDualBinding) and published it over azure as app service. Next I created an azure web job to consume this service. When I call this wcf service (hosted over azure). It gives AddressAccessDeniedException. The exception log is linked here.
exception log
I think, the issue is of elevated rights but the template I am using does not provide .csdef file. And Azure cloud service is not in my subscription.
I have created a simple web api in ASP.NET Core and wanted to publish to Azure Web App.
I'm using free trial subscription and have only one web app resource created in Azure.
The app service plan is using free tier 'D1' SKU and is the only one present in my subscription.
However, while trying to publish the web api by choosing this web app in Visual Studio publish profile, it says 'there are no existing instances available'.
The web app resource does appear here:
Clicking next while the resource is selected, results in the issue:
I have created a .Net Core Web App in the Azure free trial Subscription with free tier plan
Initially it contains only hoststart.html
KUDU Console of Initial App Service
Created a sample .Net Core Web API Application in Visual Studio and tried to Publish to the App Service which I have created in Azure portal
Make sure you have login to the same subscription in Visual Studio where you have created the web app in Portal
Initially it was prompted to re-enter the credentials after changing the Azure Subscription,I have refreshed the Visual Studio , after few seconds Iam able to see the correct Subscription details.
Iam able to see the App Service which I have created in Portal
Able to successfully deploy the WebAPI to the App service in Portal
KUDU Console of App Service after Publishing the WebAPI from Visual Studio
Deployed WebAPI Output
You are in the correct path, after selecting the web app it asks to create the api.Click on the + symbol and add the API Management
Seems like you created a Web API resource and no API Management resources. Those two are independent Azure services. Former is needed to host your API application. The other one provides additional features to your APIs and is completely optional - you can look it up in the official documentation.
The step to select/configure API Management resource was introduced in deployment wizard at some point. It is confusing and probably could be handled differently.
Unless you need API Management resource, just skip the step and you'll have deployment profile ready.
For accessing ADLS gen 2 containers we perform mounting in Azure Databricks with the help of a Service Principal(client Id, Tenet Id, Client secret).
Can we use User assigned managed identity to perform the mounting instead of service principal in Azure Databricks? or to simply put how to use User assigned managed identity to access ADLS containers?
I'm trying to avoid the use of Service principal and trying to use User assigned managed identity but not able to perform mounting and I'm not finding any right documentation for reference to access the ADLS containers.
Can anyone let me know a solution for How to use User Assigned Managed Identity to access ADLS Container?
Please let me know if this is not the right approach to use managed identity.
As per official documentation, only the following services can use managed identities to access other services.
API Management
Application Gateway
Azure App Configuration
Azure App Services
Azure Arc enabled Kubernetes
Azure Arc enabled servers
Azure Automanage
Azure Automation
Azure Batch
Azure Blueprints
Azure Cache for Redis
Azure Container Instance
Azure Container Registry
Azure Cognitive Services
Azure Data Box
Azure Data Explorer
Azure Data Factory
Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1
Azure Data Share
Azure DevTest Labs
Azure Digital Twins
Azure Event Grid
Azure Image Builder
Azure Import/Export
Azure IoT Hub
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Azure Logic Apps
Azure Log Analytics cluster
Azure Machine Learning Services
Azure Managed Disk
Azure Media services
Azure Monitor
Azure Policy
Azure Purview
Azure Resource Mover
Azure Site Recovery
Azure Search
Azure Service Fabric
Azure SignalR Service
Azure Spring Cloud
Azure SQL
Azure SQL Managed Instance
Azure Stack Edge
Azure Static Web Apps
Azure Stream Analytics
Azure Synapse
Azure VM image builder
Azure Virtual Machine
Azure Virtual Machines
Azure Web PubSub Service
Unfortunately, Azure Databricks cannot use managed identity to access other services. But you can raise feature request here
I have created a WCF service, which will be consumed by / called from CRM 2016 Online Case Form (using jscript/ajax call).
Where should I host the WCF service?
You are responsible for deciding where to host the service and configuring/programming for single sign-on (if you need security and want to avoid additional password prompts.)
The most logical place to run this would be in Azure: Deploying WCF Service on Windows Azure
we want to connect the Azure database by using console application. my application sheduled in system it has dynamic IP. so i have problem to connect Sql Azure.
then developed a webservice and hosted in windows azure and consumed the web service from console still we have same issue.
please suggest
If you know the IP range, you can allow the entire range on the database firewall. It's not very elegant but will work.
I am using a service controller in a win forms application to start and stop a service which listens to a message queue and processes the messages. I get an access denied error when the service is started from the win forms application.I am using Vista Home Basic and an account which is of type administrator and I have used Log As - Local System Account. The service can be started and stopped normally using the Service Management Console but I get an error when I try to Start the service programatically.Can someone provide some guidance as to how to fix this issue.
Probably you have elevated when opening the services console, but not for your own app.
Add an "Application Manifest File" (that is the name of the template in Visual Studio) and set the requested execution level to "requireAdministrator" (there are comments in the manifest file that will help).