Adding unsupported browser features with polyfills - polyfills

I am working on an app and at the moment in the process of deploying. The app is using the feature react-intl from yahoo here . I noticed a refernced to the polyfill
<script src=",Promise,Array.from,Array.prototype.find,Array.prototype.includes,String.prototype.startsWith,String.prototype.includes,Math.sign,Intl.~locale.en,,,"></script>
And i was told its to add the feature to the browsers that do not support them. So far this works on all the devices we tested. I phone, android devices etc. However, this feature fails on ipod devices. Regardless of the ios version, the feature is not recognise on all ipod devices i tested as a result our app is failing. Please why is it that other devices iphones, androids etc supported this feature and only ipod doesn't. Did anyone had similar issue with polyfills on mobile devices ? How do i make ipod devices support this feature like the others? What am i doing wrong with the referenced ? Any help would be appreciated.


How to add additional Apple apps to the Xcode 10 simulator?

I looked but couldn't find an answer to this. I would like for additional Apple apps to appear in the simulator like Weather, Mail, Notes, etc. They're missing when I launch the simulator and I need them to test my app. Any ideas? Thanks.
After a lot of research, it seems that it is not possible to do this. You have to use a physical device to interact with the native apps unavailable in the simulator.

FirefoxOS and Gecko SDK on Windows

I am trying to get my hands dirty of firefox OS apps. I tried to follow instructions on
to get the SDK. I downloaded Gecko 22.0 (Firefox 22.0) zip file for windows.
Could anyone please tell me how to build it on windows system. The details given on the website are not as clear as I expected(I had expected them to be like that on android's site). Or is there a binary available for the SDK?
No SDK needed, it is all HTML5. If people talk about SDKs in that context, its often frameworks or maybe tools that can export to HTML5. But generally, you can use all the languages that work in a browser and use them without any framework or SDK to make an app.
The developer docs on Marketplace have this great intro on app development and testing:
Happy Hacking!
The "SDK" you are looking for is probably the Firefox OS Simulator Addon for the Mozilla Firefox browser. Actually, all you need to test your applications for most hosted ones is a browser of some sort, but the Simulator (also called as R2D2B2G) lets you preview most of the phones' functionality, API-s and install packaged apps.
Besides installing and testing your applications you will also get a feel of Gaia - the user interface of Firefox OS, written, too, in HTML5.
Like many of the answers here, there's no real SDK, as Firefox OS apps are basically HTML5 web pages with a manifest.webapp The firefox OS Simulator mentioned by Flaki is great to test your app.
I recommend watching this short video from Robert Nyman, one of Mozilla's FFos evangelists on getting started with it:
And this is a good tutorial on developing an app:

Mobile App UI Performance - RhoMobile Rhodes vs. PhoneGap

Has anyone made experiences with both Rhodes and PhoneGap?
I tried building the same "Hello World"-App with both Frameworks for Android, and tested them on a Samsung Galaxy S device running Android 2.3.3.
In both cases, i used HTML5 & jQuery Mobile (in the same version) to design the UI.
The app does nothing but offering a link on the "Home"-Page which uses a slide transition to a second page. The Rhodes app needs longer to startup, but has a very smooth animation when transitioning to the second page. The PhoneGap app flickers and jerks.
Did anyone of you experience a similar behavior? And could you resolve the issues in the PhoneGap version? Could the difference lie in different browser engines / WebViews used by Rhodes / PhoneGap?
I can't give you a good answer, as I'm fairly new to Rhodes and Phonegap myself. What I do know is that RhoMobile uses Motorola's own build of WebKit if you have RhoElements enabled or have added motorola_browser as a capability.
If your Rhodes app was using Motorola's Webkit, I suppose it's possible that the custom Webkit build has been optimized for rendering the content generated by Rhodes, with its EMML and all. This is just speculation, of course.
Phonegap, however, relies on the system's browser and what it offers in terms of performance. AFAIK, it's basically a UIWebView object on iOS.
A really neat bonus of using Motorola's Webkit is you'll have only one browser to work against, across all platforms. (At least in theory, I haven't yet tested how consistent the render engine actually is across platforms.)
To sum up, Rhodes/RhoMobile sounds awesome on paper. I'm just hoping it will live up to my expectetions. Your "Hello world" test could be just a fluke with Phonegap, or it could mean that Motorola's Webkit is indeed performing better. Guess I'll find out sooner or later.

Will Android 2.2 apps work on Tablets running on 3.0 and higher version

My basic question is : Will developing android apps with android 2.2 SDK work for android tablets running on Honeycomb (android 3.0) and higher versions ?
Also, will apps developed for phones work on tablets ?
Yes, you can have the same apk work with 2.x and 3.x. Just use something like this in your manifest xml:
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="4"
android:targetSdkVersion="11" />
If you have created a virtual android tablet you can test it on a tablet emulator, just right click your eclipse project, Run as -> Run Configurations, then check android 3.0+ in target tab.
For more info see:
As to the first they should, it's supposed to be forward compatible.
Having said that depending on how you developed you app it's possible that you are making use of features not present on the tablet. I have had apps that work on phones tank when I tried them on the tablet, mostly because I was not checking feature sets properly (mostly in the camera) so you do have to take some care.
Really this is not a tablet issue, more of a supported hardware issue but it becomes pretty apparent on those, many don't have cameras for instance, some don't have GPS etc.
As to the second, yes, but they won't be optimized for the tablet so your users might not like tiny images if you have not provided for higher resolution screens
I think no. Devices with Android 3.0 ang higher have xLargeScreen resolutions. And Android 2.2 doesn't have support for this. Only Android 2.3+

Where is the WebOS Palm Host application found?

I just watched a video about unit testing WebOS applications and they used the "Palm Host" application. Where can this app and documentation on how to use it be found?
palm-host was a small web server that allowed testing Palm webOS applications in a desktop browser, usually Safari, instead of in the device emulator. With the improvements made in the emulator since the early SDK releases, Palm has removed support for this because the internal Webkit version used on the device has drifted a bit from the version Apple has in their Safari build, and they've got external debugger support on the device/emulator now.
I don't think Palm-Host is supported anymore. It used to allow you to run Palm apps in Safari and use that debugger.
Are you sure it wasn't Palm Mojo or maybe they just meant they were using a Palm host?
Have a look at:
Palm Developer or Palm Developer Main Page.
I found it pretty helpful.
