Insert new lines with missing values in a array - shell

I have a data like below:
2016-07-25:06 5
2016-07-25:07 1
2016-07-25:08 1
2016-07-25:09 2
2016-07-25:10 1
2016-07-25:11 1
2016-07-25:13 9
2016-07-25:14 1
In the above i should display hours from 00 to till 23, like below:
2016-07-25:00 0
2016-07-25:01 0
2016-07-25:02 0
2016-07-25:03 0
2016-07-25:04 0
2016-07-25:05 0
2016-07-25:06 5
2016-07-25:07 1
2016-07-25:08 1
2016-07-25:09 2
2016-07-25:10 1
2016-07-25:11 1
2016-07-25:12 0
2016-07-25:13 9
2016-07-25:14 1
2016-07-25:15 0
2016-07-25:16 0
2016-07-25:17 0
2016-07-25:18 0
2016-07-25:19 0
2016-07-25:20 0
2016-07-25:21 0
2016-07-25:22 0
2016-07-25:23 0
could you please let me know how can i achieve this using awk?
Thank you!!!

Using awk you can do this:
awk -F '[:[:blank:]]+' '{for (;i<$2; i++) printf "%s:%02d\t0\n", $1, i; print; i++; s=$1}
END{for (;i<24; i++) printf "%s:%02d\t0\n", s, i}' file
2016-07-25:00 0
2016-07-25:01 0
2016-07-25:02 0
2016-07-25:03 0
2016-07-25:04 0
2016-07-25:05 0
2016-07-25:06 5
2016-07-25:07 1
2016-07-25:08 1
2016-07-25:09 2
2016-07-25:10 1
2016-07-25:11 1
2016-07-25:12 0
2016-07-25:13 9
2016-07-25:14 1
2016-07-25:15 0
2016-07-25:16 0
2016-07-25:17 0
2016-07-25:18 0
2016-07-25:19 0
2016-07-25:20 0
2016-07-25:21 0
2016-07-25:22 0
2016-07-25:23 0

$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN { FS="[:[:space:]]+" }
function prt() {
if ( NR > 1 ) {
for (i=0; i<=23; i++) {
printf "%s:%02d%s%d\n", $1, i, OFS, val[$1,i]
delete val
$1 != prev { prt() }
{ val[$1,$2+0]=$3; prev=$1 }
END { prt() }
$ awk -f tst.awk file
2016-07-25:00 0
2016-07-25:01 0
2016-07-25:02 0
2016-07-25:03 0
2016-07-25:04 0
2016-07-25:05 0
2016-07-25:06 5
2016-07-25:07 1
2016-07-25:08 1
2016-07-25:09 2
2016-07-25:10 1
2016-07-25:11 1
2016-07-25:12 0
2016-07-25:13 9
2016-07-25:14 1
2016-07-25:15 0
2016-07-25:16 0
2016-07-25:17 0
2016-07-25:18 0
2016-07-25:19 0
2016-07-25:20 0
2016-07-25:21 0
2016-07-25:22 0
2016-07-25:23 0

This uses more tools than just awk, but it might be helpful:
date="2016-07-25" #or a method to get the date you are interested in
#Generate all the zero lines
remaining=`for i in 0{0..9} {10..23}; do echo "$date:$i 0"; done | grep -v "$(cat datafile | awk '{print $1}')"`
#Add the original data and sort the lines
echo -e "$remaining\n$(cat datafile)" | sort -n


Splitting a large file containing multiple molecules

I have a file that contains 10,000 molecules. Each molecule is ending with keyword $$$$. I want to split the main files into 10,000 separate files so that each file will have only 1 molecule. Each molecule have different number of lines. I have tried sed on test_file.txt as:
sed '/$$$$/q' test_file.txt > out.txt
$ cat test_file.txt
$ cat out.txt
I can loop it through whole main file to create 10,000 separate files but how to delete the last molecule that was just moved to new file from main file. Or please suggest if there is a better method for it, which I believe there is. Thanks.
$ cat short_library.sdf
31 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0999 V2000
8.4660 6.2927 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8.4660 4.8927 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1.2124 2.0951 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2.4249 2.7951 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 2 2 0 0 0 0
2 3 1 0 0 0 0
30 31 1 0 0 0 0
31 26 1 0 0 0 0
> <Mol_ID> (1)
> <Formula> (1)
> <URL> (1)
16 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0999 V2000
2.4249 1.4000 0.0000 S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3.6415 2.1024 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4.8540 1.4024 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5.4904 1.7512 0.0000 Na 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 2 1 0 0 0 0
2 3 1 0 0 0 0
1 14 2 0 0 0 0
> <Mol_ID> (2)
> <Formula> (2)
> <URL> (2)
Here's a simple solution with standard awk:
LANG=C awk '
{ mol = (mol == "" ? $0 : mol "\n" $0) }
/^\$\$\$\$\r?$/ {
outFile = "molecule" ++fn ".sdf"
print mol > outFile
mol = ""
' input.sdf
If you have csplit from GNU coreutils:
csplit -s -z -n5 -fmolecule test_file.txt '/^$$$$$/+1' '{*}'
This will do the whole job directly in bash:
while read -r line; do
if [[ $end -eq 1 ]]; then
filenum=$((filenum + 1))
exec 3>"molecule${filenum}.sdf"
echo "$line" 1>&3
if [[ "$line" = '$$$$' ]]; then
exec 3>&-
Input is read from stdin, though that would be easy enough to change. Something like this:
./ < test_file.txt
From subsequent commentary, it seems that the input file being processed has Windows line endings, whereas the processing environment's native line ending format is UNIX-style. In that case, if the line-termination style is to be preserved then we need to modify how the delimiters are recognized. For example, this variation on the above will recognize any line that starts with $$$$ as a molecule delimiter:
while read -r line; do
if [[ $end -eq 1 ]]; then
filenum=$((filenum + 1))
exec 3>"molecule${filenum}.sdf"
echo "$line" 1>&3
case $line in
'$$$$'*) end=1; exec 3>&-;;
The same statement that sets the current output file name also closes the previous one. close(_)^_ here is same as close(_)^0, which ensures the filename always increments for the next one, even if the close() action resulted in an error.
— if the output file naming scheme allows for leading-edge zeros, then change that bit to close(_)^(_<_), which ALWAYS results in a 1, for any possible string or number, including all forms of zero, the empty string, inf-inities, and nans.
mawk2 'BEGIN { getline __<(_ = "/dev/null")
ORS = RS = "[$][$][$][$][\r]?"(FS = RS)
__*= gsub("[^$\n]+", __, ORS)
} NF {
print > (_ ="mol" (__+=close(_)^_) ".txt") }' test_file.txt
The first part about getline from /dev/null neither sets $0 | NF nor modifies NR | FNR, but it's existence ensures the first time close(_) is called it wouldn't error out.
gcat -n mol12345.txt
1 Shivani
2 jyoti
3 Shivani
4 $$$$
it was reasonably speedy - from 5.60 MB synthetic test file created 187,710 files in 11.652 secs.

Replace values of one column based on other column conditions in shell

I have a tab separated text file below. I want to match values in column 2 and replace the values in column 5. The condition is if there are X or Y in column 2, I want column 5 to have 1 just like in the result below.
1:935662:C:CA 1 0 935662 0
1:941119:A:G 2 0 941119 0
1:942934:G:C 3 0 942934 0
1:942951:C:T X 0 942951 0
1:943937:C:T X 0 943937 0
1:944858:A:G Y 0 944858 0
1:945010:C:A X 0 945010 0
1:946247:G:A 1 0 946247 0
1:935662:C:CA 1 0 935662 0
1:941119:A:G 2 0 941119 0
1:942934:G:C 3 0 942934 0
1:942951:C:T X 0 942951 1
1:943937:C:T X 0 943937 1
1:944858:A:G Y 0 944858 1
1:945010:C:A X 0 945010 1
1:946247:G:A 1 0 946247 0
I tried awk -F'\t' '{ $5 = ($2 == X ? 1 : $2) } 1' OFS='\t' file.txt but I am not sure how to match both X and Y in one step.
With awk:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"} $2=="X" || $2=="Y"{$5="1"}1' file
1:935662:C:CA 1 0 935662 0
1:941119:A:G 2 0 941119 0
1:942934:G:C 3 0 942934 0
1:942951:C:T X 0 942951 1
1:943937:C:T X 0 943937 1
1:944858:A:G Y 0 944858 1
1:945010:C:A X 0 945010 1
1:946247:G:A 1 0 946247 0
See: 8 Powerful Awk Built-in Variables – FS, OFS, RS, ORS, NR, NF, FILENAME, FNR
Assuming you want $5 to be zero (as opposed to remaining unchanged) if the condition is false:
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"} {$5=($2 ~ /^[XY]$/)} 1' file
1:935662:C:CA 1 0 935662 0
1:941119:A:G 2 0 941119 0
1:942934:G:C 3 0 942934 0
1:942951:C:T X 0 942951 1
1:943937:C:T X 0 943937 1
1:944858:A:G Y 0 944858 1
1:945010:C:A X 0 945010 1
1:946247:G:A 1 0 946247 0

Count and percentage

Using the columns 4 and 2, will create a report like the output file showed below. My code works fine but I believe it can be done more shorted :).
I have a doubt in the part of the split.
CNTLM = split ("20,30,40,60", LMT
It works but will be better to have exactly the values "10,20,30,40" as values in column 4.
here is the code I use to get the output desired.
printf " Code 10 20 30 40 Total\n" > header
dd=`cat header | wc -L`
awk -F"," '
BEGIN {CNTLM = split ("20,30,40,60", LMT)
cmdsort = "sort -nr"
DASHES = sprintf ("%0*d", '$dd', _)
gsub (/0/, "-", DASHES)
{for (IX=1; IX<=CNTLM; IX++) if ($4 <= LMT[IX]) break
print DASHES
for (l in LNC)
{printf "%5d", l | cmdsort
for (IX=1; IX<=CNTLM; IX++) {printf "%9d", CNT[l,IX]+0 | cmdsort
printf " = %6d" RS, LNC[l] | cmdsort
close (cmdsort)
print DASHES
printf "Total"
for (IX=1; IX<=CNTLM; IX++) printf "%9d", COLTOT[IX]+0
printf " = %6d" RS, TOT
print DASHES
printf "PCT "
for (IX=1; IX<=CNTLM; IX++) printf "%9.1f", COLTOT[IX]/TOT*100
printf RS
print DASHES
' file
Output file I got
Code 10 20 30 40 Total
2917 2 0 0 0 = 2
2916 0 0 0 5 = 5
2915 2 0 3 0 = 5
2914 2 2 1 0 = 5
2912 0 2 0 0 = 2
2911 0 2 0 0 = 2
2910 3 0 0 0 = 3
Total 9 6 4 5 = 24
PCT 37.5 25.0 16.7 20.8
Appreciate if code can be improved.
without the header and cosmetics...
$ awk -F, '{a[$2,$4]++; k1[$2]; k2[$4]}
END{for(r in k1)
{printf "%5s", r;
for(c in k2) {k1[r]+=a[r,c]; k2[c]+=a[r,c]; printf "%10d", OFS a[r,c]+0}
printf " =%7d\n", k1[r]};
printf "%5s", "Total";
for(c in k2) {sum+=k2[c]; printf "%10d", k2[c]}
printf " =%7d", sum}' file | sort -nr
2917 2 0 0 0 = 2
2916 0 0 0 5 = 5
2915 2 0 3 0 = 5
2914 2 2 1 0 = 5
2912 0 2 0 0 = 2
2911 0 2 0 0 = 2
2910 3 0 0 0 = 3
Total 9 6 4 5 = 24

Add Columns Values with Shell

I've an input file which looks as below.
pmx . pmnosysrelspeechneighbr -m 1 -r
INFO: The ROP files contain suspected faulty counter values.
They have been discarded but can be kept with pmr/pmx option "k" (pmrk/pmxk) or highlighted with pmx option "s" (pmxs)
Date: 2017-11-04
Object Counter 14:45 15:00 15:15 15:30
UtranCell=UE1069XA0 pmNoSysRelSpeechNeighbr 0 1 0 0
UtranCell=UE1069XA1 pmNoSysRelSpeechNeighbr 0 0 0 0
UtranCell=UE1069XA2 pmNoSysRelSpeechNeighbr 0 0 0 0
UtranCell=UE1069XA3 pmNoSysRelSpeechNeighbr 0 0 2 0
UtranCell=UE1069XB0 pmNoSysRelSpeechNeighbr 0 0 0 0
UtranCell=UE1069XB1 pmNoSysRelSpeechNeighbr 0 0 0 3
UtranCell=UE1069XB2 pmNoSysRelSpeechNeighbr 0 0 0 0
UtranCell=UE1069XB3 pmNoSysRelSpeechNeighbr 0 0 0 0
UtranCell=UE1069XC0 pmNoSysRelSpeechNeighbr 0 0 0 0
UtranCell=UE1069XC1 pmNoSysRelSpeechNeighbr 0 0 0 4
UtranCell=UE1069XC2 pmNoSysRelSpeechNeighbr 0 0 0 0
UtranCell=UE1069XC3 pmNoSysRelSpeechNeighbr 0 0 1 0
UtranCell=UE1164XA0 pmNoSysRelSpeechNeighbr 0 3 0 0
UtranCell=UE1164XA1 pmNoSysRelSpeechNeighbr 0 0 0 0
UtranCell=UE1164XA2 pmNoSysRelSpeechNeighbr 1 0 0 0
Now I want the output as below which is basically sum of the time column (from $3 to $6) values.
Counter 14:45 15:00 15:15 15:30
pmNoSysRelSpeechNeighbr 1 4 3 7
I've been trying with below command. But it's just giving sum of one column values:
pmx . pmnosysrelspeechneighbr -m 1 -r | grep - i ^Object| awk '{sum += $4} END {print $1 , sum}'
Try this out, you will get both header and trailer as sum of individual columns.
if($1=="Object") print $2 OFS $3 OFS $4 OFS $5 OFS $6;
else if($1 ~ /^UtranCell/) {
w+=$3; x+=$4; y+=$5; z+=$6;
print trail OFS w OFS x OFS y OFS z;
You need to sum each of the columns separately:
awk -v g=pmNoSysRelSpeechNeighbr '$0 ~ g { for(i=3;i<=6;i++) sum[i]+=$i }
END { printf g; for(i=3;i<=6;i++) printf OFS sum[i] }' file
but only for lines (records) containing the group (counter) of interest ($0~"pmNoSysRelSpeechNeighbr").
Note you (almost) never need to pipe grep's output to awk, because awk already supports extended regular expressions filtering with /regex/ { action }, or var ~ /regex/ { action }. One exception would be the need for PCRE (grep -P).
As an alternative to awk for simple "command-line statistical operations" on textual files, you could also use GNU datamash.
For example, to sum columns 3 to 6, but group by column 2:
grep 'UtranCell' file | datamash -W -g2 sum 3-6

Find header value for first occurance of "1" instance in column

I have a matrix example:
1 3 5 8 10 12
50 1 1 1 1 1 1
100 0 0 1 1 1 1
150 0 0 1 1 1 1
200 0 0 0 1 1 1
250 0 0 0 0 1 1
300 0 0 0 0 1 1
350 0 0 0 0 0 1
For each row name (50, 100, 150, 200, etc.) I want to know what is the "header" value when the instance "1" first occurs. Based on the example the answer is:
50 1
100 5
150 5
200 8
250 10
300 10
350 12
I am not sure how to play with IFs and WHENs to get my answer from this format. R, Excel, bash, awk, all welcome as solutions.
You can do this using awk as following :
$ awk 'FNR==1{for(i=1; i<=NF; i++){a[i]=$i}; next} {for(i=2; i<=NF; i++){if($i=="1"){print $1, a[i-1]; break}}} ' file
50 1
100 5
150 5
200 8
250 10
300 10
350 12
Explanation :
For header i.e FNR==1 we are populating all values in the array a;
For all next lines we are checking which field equates to 1, if found print the col1 value i.e $1 and the corresponding value in the array a and break the loop.
Awk solution:
awk 'NR==1{ for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) h[i]=$i; next }
for(i=2;i<=NF;i++) { if($i==1) { n=h[i-1]; break } }
print $1,(n)?n:"None"; n=""
}' file
