Update Azure cloud service package and configuration - visual-studio

I have a azure cloud service which package and configuration I want to update/re-deploy. I don't find any option in Azure Portal to update the cloud service. Azure classic portal give the option to update the package but I don't have access to that :(
There is no more help of azure documentation except this
link to deploy cloud service
Is there any way if we can update the package through Azure Portal or VS.
Actually I have no code I have deploy winnovative html to pdf provided package to cloud service.

If you're referring to web/worker role cloud services, you must rebuild your service package and re-upload it. The only parts you may update outside of the configuration package:
the configuration file (.cscfg)
External content stored outside of the package file (such as content you retrieve from blobs)

Cloud Service >> Slot >> "UPDATE"
See here:
Update cloud service deployment


Azure Spring Apps Enterprise Tier Configuration Service - App cannot see configuration values

I am working on Azure Spring Apps Enterprise Tier Configuration Service and following the instructions here:
I can create a "Application Configuration Service" and also setup a pattern to read YML file configuration. I can also do an "App binding" to the configuration.
However, the "App" itself is failing because it cannot read these configuration values at start up. How can I debug this or resolve this?

How to connect to the AWS services using IAM roles ARN in a Spring Boot application

I am using AWS SQS, SNS, and S3 services. So for that i have created the roles and queues in aws. Now I have roles ARNs and Queues ARNs. How can I connect to these services through my spring boot app?
I have gone through this link, but i didn't get how to use the cerdentials from AWSCredentialsProvider. Please help me in this.
Thanks in advance!
"I didn't get how to use the cerdentials from AWSCredentialsProvider."
I am going to answer this question using the recommended SDK - which is AWS SDK for Java V2. You may find V1 in old online content - but using V1 is not best practice.
There are different ways of handling creds when writing a Java App that uses AWS SDK for Java V2 - including a Spring BOOT app.
You can use an Environment variable provider:
Region region = Region.US_EAST_1;
RdsDataClient dataClient = RdsDataClient.builder()
You can use the shared credentials and config files. This reads your creds from a Credential file located under .aws.
Region region = Region.US_EAST_1;
RdsDataClient dataClient = RdsDataClient.builder()
You can use a StaticCredentialsProvider where you put your creds in the code.
AwsBasicCredentials credentials = AwsBasicCredentials.create("<KEY>", "<Secret Key>");
StaticCredentialsProvider staticCredentials = StaticCredentialsProvider.create(credentials);
Region region = Region.US_EAST_1;
DynamoDbClient ddb = DynamoDbClient.builder()
All of these credential ways are explained in the AWS Java V2 Developer Guide -- which I strongly recommend that any developer programming with the AWS SDK for Java V2 SDK read.
Finally, you will find code examples of writing a Spring BOOT example with the AWS SDK for Java v2 in the AWS Github code repo. For example.
Creating your first AWS Java web application
This creates an example Spring Boot web app that submits data to an Amazon DynamoDB table.
So the idea is that Assuming Roles is not application part, it's the infra service where your application is executing on.
For e.g.: If you have Spring Boot application running on EC2 (or Fargate, or Lambda, or Elastic Beanstalk or anywhere in AWS) that EC2 should have assumed the role. The "role" then should have rights to access SQS (or any service). Now when your application will try to use SQS running on EC2 with right role, everything will be fine.
If you're testing the code on your machine then it will not work as your machine has not assumed the role.

How to stop spring cloud AWS secrets manager trying to load profile based secrets

I'm using spring cloud AWS secrets manager support to load in configuration defined by terraform which creates the application secret defaults.
Once adding a policy statement to the services accessing the secret I run into spring not starting as it's attempting to read all kinds of secrets for profiles that do not exist in secrets manager.
How can I restrict the spring cloud secrets manager support to only read secrets I have explicitly granted access without needing to create empty secrets for every profile?
This is not possible yet unfortunately. We have pull request that enables skipping loading profiles that will likely be merged in 2.3 and we are re-thinking Secrets Manager integration for 3.0.

Deploy my spring boot application into google cloud computer engine

I got a query to ask you all. I am looking for guides that help me deploy my spring boot application on google cloud computer engine, I type in my instance IP address when I test my spring boot application I unable to access it in REST API.
May I know do you have any guides or steps for me to follow to deploy successfully in google cloud computing engine. Why do I need to deploy in computer engine is because I deployed my angular at it and I deploy it both it seems that my angular project being replaced by my spring boot application.
Codelabs GCP / Spring series has deployment tutorials:
GCP has some "Getting Started" tutorials you can use here:
where the specific one for deploying a java app to GCE is here:
But the basic steps are as follows:
Write your Spring app
Build your Spring app
Run / test your jar locally
Push your jar to a location in Storage
Create a startup script for your GCE instance
Create a new GCE VM which uses your startup script using Console, Deployment API, or gcloud tool
After that, you need to ensure you have the proper network rules in place to be able to access your API publicly. If you do not wish to learn how to use GCE, I would suggest you look into using App Engine instead because then you do not need to learn how to deploy and instead can concentrate on your api. Here is a guide to do that

Deploy web role in Windows Azure project to web site

I've created a Windows Azure project in Visual Studio 2012 that contains both a web role (an MVC 4 project) and a worker role. I've also created a cloud service and a web site in the Windows Azure management portal. When I deploy the project it deploys both to the cloud service and creates an instance for both the web and worker roles.
I was wondering if it were possible that when I select to deploy the project that it deploys the web role to the website and the worker role to the cloud service?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
In order to accomplish what you're trying to do, first you would need to remove the WebRole project from your Cloud Services Project. To do that, click on cloud service project, then expand Roles node and remove the WebRole project from there. Now when you deploy this cloud project, only worker role will get deployed. Since the web role is now no longer a part of your cloud services project, you will have to deploy it separately. In order to do that, you just right click on the web project and then publish that project.
Another thing you would need to keep in mind is that your web role is now a standard web application thus it won't be able to read from service configuration file or do any thing (like diagnostcs etc.) which you would normally do when a web role is part of a cloud service. All settings in your service configuration file should go under appSettings section in web.config file.
