Ti.App.iOS `continueactivity` not working on production build - appcelerator

I have a Titanium app that's handling an incoming Universal Link by capturing the iOS continueactivity event. This is the code I have:
Ti.App.iOS.addEventListener('continueactivity', function(e){
if(e.activityType === "NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb"){
This code works perfectly while the app is being debugged but it seems like the event is not fired on the production build.
any ideas?
UPDATE: I just confirmed that this is also happening on the Ti Example App with SDK 5.3.0.

This is a known issue and was reported here:
It has been fixed for version 5.4.0.


Debugging navtivescript vue

I'm really new to developing an Android app using NativeScript Vue.
I'm struggling to understand what the debugging capabilities are. I have created a sample project using the template https://github.com/nativescript-vue/vue-cli-template) and have read about vue devtools. I'm wanting to put breakpoints in my JavaScript somewhere (in Chrome?) so I can step through my code, I just can't work out if this is possible?
Can anyone help?
Did you try tns debug [ios|android]?
This will by default initiate a debugger with Chrome Dev Tools. You will see a URL in console once app is launched in your Simulator / Device, just have hit that with Chrome.

cordova-plugin-inappbrowser won't open system browser in IOS when using Phonegap Build

I'm trying to get links in a Phonegap app to open the system browser but recently they stopped working when using Phonegap build. They work if I build the app locally and put it on my phone, but now when the app is built using Phonegap build. I'm including it in my config file like this:
I also have the following code in my deviceready listener:
$$(document).on('deviceready', function() {
console.log("Device is ready!");
window.open = cordova.InAppBrowser.open;
And finally, here's an example of what my links look like:
I've whitelisted the urls that I would like to open. The strange thing is that if I leave my app, the browser opens and goes to the url. It appears that I must exit the app to get the link to trigger. Has anyone run into this problem?

Geofencing Xamarin Android not working

We have a problem in implementing Geo-fencing in Xamarin Android. There is no documentation found for Geo-fencing for monodroid. So we have tried it by simply porting the Android code to Xamarin with the new Geo-fencing API that uses 'LocationServices' from the below link.
But this is not working in xamarin. The same native Android code is returning the Geo-fence transition events.
We are using GooglePlayServices version library.
We have also attempted the example given in below link, which is actually a monodroid sample. This implementation is based on the deprecated class 'LocationClient'. For this we have downgraded the 'GooglePlayServices' to version 21.0.0.
But this is also not working. In both implementations the connection callbacks are fired. That is we will get Geo-fence added messages. And the Service is also started. But the transition events such as 'Initial Trigger', 'Transition Enter', 'Transition Exit' not firing. Please advice on this.

Dropzonjs IOS Support

What kind of IOS support does this plugin have. I just tried it the dropzonejs demo on their website on my mobile safari and it doesn't work, however Mobile Chrome worked fine.
Any luck getting this to work on mobile safari as well?
Looks like this is a bug that shipped out with ios8. I suspect it will be fixed in 8.0.1 or whatever.
You can try this workaround.
if (/(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
var dz = $(".dz-hidden-input").detach();

PhoneGap Build - navigator.notification.alert not working in WP7 emulator

I build this simple code with PGB, but it does not working in WP7 emulator - no alert message.
For android emulator its ok.
What's wrong?
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
navigator.notification.alert("Device Ready!");
Source code https://github.com/dprotopopov/pgb-wp7-alert
This seems to be a bug with the latest PhoneGap build for WP7. I have this up and running in Visual Studio and although the navigator object is accessible in the code there is no notification property available. You can test the same yourself by iterating through the properties of the navigator object in your app;
for(var key in navigator){
document.write(key + "<br>");
The list I get is as follows, note that notification is not one of them :(
