Go Cart template installation - codeigniter

Hi i am trying to use Go Cart e-commerce which is built in Codeigniter. I successfully installed it in localhost. But when i added categories and products only description is showing in front page but no images. Same with the banner. No added them but no image is showing there. I want to use default template. How can i use default template without any problem? Please let me know if someone have any idea. Thank you in advance. Here is the link for Go Cart : https://demo.gocartdv.com


how to add slideshow in magento front-end

Hello everyone i want to add slideshow on page, i refereed below this url. I follwed all the given steps by Selva, but doesn't worked out for me.
i followed steps upto 2 but didn't understand 3-step. My side first it was taking default website name, then i changed it to "dap". For installing process, wrote url in address bar "localhost/dap/magicslideshow-trial" but it gives all files inside the folder. So using simple logic, took example7.html code for my use but it can't show slideshoe. It just shows images.
Am using magento ver can anyone please help me to add slideshow on page. [how to add slideshow in magento front-end
Please use this extension
and follow there steps on extension page.

How to add simple custom form to magento admin panel

First of all let me clear what i want to do, here is my problem. I have my magento project running on server. Now my client is asking me to add a module like this, please have a look
Also he want that he can manage images and color codes from the Magento Admin panel. I have not much experience in magento extension development.
Please provide me reference if there is any magento extension already exist so that i can use that other wiase how to do it.
If you want a Magento frontend view which is admin manageable (with your own custom database tables) try this piece I wrote: link. Hope it suits you.
You should add a custom module to add that.
Check this link

Configuring joomshopping extension in joomla website

I am new to joomla. I am trying to configure the joomshopping shopping cart extension in my website. I installed it and added products. Now the real problem is i cannot figure out how to view the products page. Do i need to create an url seperately? or where can i find the product page url? Looking for some help immediately.
go to menu->main menu->new mwnu->joomshpoing->procuct->category_id
save and commit!

Magento adding multiple add to cart buttons to catalog page

We are trying to create a website similar to this one (https://www.hotcha.co.uk/c/21/main) in Magento. The main thing we are trying to achieve is the multiple Add to Cart buttons within the catalog list page.
Is this even possible in Magento?
If anybody could shed a little light on this for me it would be most appreciated.
You can do this by adapting the Related Products Manager extension.
More info: http://www.magentocommerce.com/magento-connect/related-proudcts-manager-7301.html

development magento form for frontend

I am developing an extension for magento. I want to add a form in frontend to add "title" and "description". I searched a lot but failed to find good magento module development tutorial
Someone please guide me how to add form and its validation for magento
See below your it is very help full to you.
Custom Module with Custom Database Table
Front-End Editor Extension for Magento Commerce
please see above the URL and let me know if not working.
