How to configure the database failover configuration in IBM BPM/WebSphereApplication Server - websphere

We have a Database fail over setup for BPM/WAS . DB2 is our Database.We have configured all the Automatic reroute connections and tuned the connection pool settings. But still, whenever the Database fail over happens, the apps are coming up extremely slow. (If we recyle the JVMs, the apps are coming up quickly. But without restarting the JVMs we would like to achieve the perfect Database failover and recovery scenario.) Please help me to fix this issue.

Related Connection reset at Jmeter

I'm doing a load test on a web application, and with minimum of 14-15 users am getting this connection reset issue and I ensure the following from my end:
Request retries has been set to 1 in files
stale check is set to true
Test data and lan connectivity is good.
number of users are less hence it wont need more RAM for jmeter
Hence could this be concluded as an issue in application design and not an issue from Jmeter?
To avoid long trail of comments, I'll try to summarize it and answer.
This issue looks from application deployment system.
JMeter ---------------> ( Web server <-> App server <-> DB )
Find out in which area bottleneck is present using profilers.
Issue could be in anyone of below layers,
Web Server :
If Web server is bottleneck then try to tune the web server for handling more load. Like more threadpool size, more timeouts, buffers, queues
Application Server :
If app server is bottleneck then tune your application server. Again check configurations, any specific settings for handling more load and if required code improvement should be done.
Database Server :
If DB is bottleneck then check queries, indexes, statistics and optimize them for your needs. config settings also help sometimes.
For all layers check server resource utilization. If it is not much then there is room for perf. improvement else server vertical/horizontal scaling is required.
You are saying problem is because some ids were not generated in DB. so you can start with DB layer for possible bottlenecks.
Hope this helps :)

How to release database connections in Pentaho BI server??

I am using Pentaho-BI server installation in my web application as a third party installation.I am using its saiku analytics and reporting files by embedding their specific links in iframe of my application. Problem is I am not getting how it creates database connections, in terms of numbers?? Because many times it throws error regarding 'No connection is available in pool'. I know there are properties like max available connection, max idle connections , wait and sql validation. But How to release connections?? And if Pentaho handles it in its own way then how?? Because increasing number of max connections available will create load on database server, when many users are using my BI server.
One solution I found is just to restart my BI server, but It's not a valid solution for production environment. Other solution I think is scheduler, but I have no clues about it and not getting proper info on net.
The defaults for max connections are incredibly low. This is standard tomcat connection pooling stuff, I would definitely try increasing the default, see if that helps. you can monitor concurrent connections on the db side - just because you have 100 connections to the db it doesn't necessarily mean they'll be all used at once.
Also; Are you using mysql? You should try the c3po pooling driver it handles timeouts and things better than the standard driver so you shouldnt ever get dead connections sitting in the pool.

mod_jk vs mod_cluster

Can someone please tell me the pro's and con's of mod_jk vs mod_cluster.
We are looking to do very simple load balancing.. We are going to be using sticky sessions and just need something to route new requests to a new server if one server goes down. I feel that mod_jk does this and does a good job so why do I need mod_cluster?
If your JBoss version is 5.x or above, you should use mod_cluster, it will give you a better performance and reliability than mod_jk. Here you've some reasons:
better load balacing between app servers: the load balancing logic is calculated based on information and metrics provided directly by the applications servers (bear in mind they have first hand information about its load), in contrast with mod_jk with which the logic is calculated by the proxy itself. For that, mod_cluster uses an extra connection between the servers and the proxy (a part from the data one), used to send this load information.
better integration with the lifecycle of the applications deployed in the servers: the servers keep the proxy informed about the changes of the application in each respective node (for example if you undeploy the application in one of the nodes, the node will inform the proxy (mod_cluster) immediately, avoiding this way the inconvenient 404 errors.
it doesn't require ajp: you can also use it with http or https.
better management of the servers lifecycle events: when a server shutdowns or it's restarted, it informs the proxy about its state, so that the proxy can reconfigure itself automatically.
You can use sticky sessions as well with mod cluster, though of course, if one of the nodes fails, mod cluster won't help to keep the user sessions (as it would happen as well with other balancers, unless you've the JBoss nodes in cluster). But due to the reasons given above (keeping track of the server lifecycle events, and better load balancing mainly), in case one of the servers goes down, mod cluster will manage it better and more transparently to the user (the proxy will be informed immediately, and so it will never send requests to that node, until it's informed that it's restarted).
Remember that you can use mod_cluster with JBoss AS/EAP 5.x or JBoss Web 2.1.1 or above (in the case of Tomcat I think it's version 6 or above).
To sum up, though your use case of load balancing is simple, mod_cluster offers a better performance and scalability.
You can look for more information in the JBoss site for mod_cluster, and in its documentation page.

Load-balancing Database Connection Pool

What database connection pool could be used to load-balance connections from a Tomcat web container to one of several Oracle database servers without using RAC clustering?
I'm assuming these are read-only databases or you're not concerned connections will get different data. If you want the data to be the same, you can use streams replication which is doesn't require RAC.
The connection load balancing and failover happens in the listener. There's a lot of flexibility in how this works and this should get you started:
The first part shows a simple client based load balance which is essentially picking a connection at random. Farther down it shows how to load balance based on actual server load.
Look into DRCP if using 11g

problem with starting WAS in debug mode

I want to start my WAS server(on windows) in debug mode.But my application is huge and server time outs while starting in debugging mode.I have increased the timeout value to 1000 .What should i do?
If you're running your server by using Rational Application Developer, it is possible that your server is basically waiting on a breakpoint. Sounds silly, but hey, happened to me a few times before.
If it's a regular installation:
If it's a Network Deployment topology, make sure that the deployment manager and the node agent are up and running. Look at their log; they're often overlooked.
If it's a single-server topology, then it's possible that your debug port (7777 by default) is in use. When that happens, the debugger process never quite "connects" to WebSphere.
To sum it up: it starts with the logs...
Try changing connection settings on your server from using RMI to SOAP. If you are behind a firewall and you application is timing out on startup then it may help you. Also do you get any other information when the timeout occurs?
