Go (golang), file uid on windows - windows

Is it possible to get a file's UID (owner) on Windows? I tried to use FileInfo.Sys(), but it only works on Linux. I'm really stumped on this one and can't figure out how to get the UID.

The first problem is that file systems native to Windows which supports file/directory ownership do not have the concept of "owner UID" simply because Windows users have no UIDs either.
The security of the Windows NT line or kernels is implemented using the so-called "access control lists" (ACLs), and security principals (such as users) are identified using the so-called "security identifiers" (SIDs). A SID is a variable-length multi-field data structure usually passed around as a byte array.
Another complication is that a file on an ACL-enabled Windows file system might have no owner at all (and no ACL attached to it as well); this is rare but possible.
So... If the part of explanation stating "there's no such thing as the entry owner's UID on Windows filesystem" is OK for you, this is all there is to it.
If not, and you actually wanted to ask "how do I get security information for an entry on a Windows filesystem?", the question gets more complicated.
AFAIK the stock standard library shipped with Go does not have the necessary wrappers around the relevant bits of the Win32 API. So to implement this, you'll need to either wrap them yourself (it's not that hard, after all) or try to find a helper package.


List of UAC prompt triggers?

I just ran an old program I had written years ago, several years before Vista was released. Windows (7) gave me the UAC prompt and asked for permission to run it. I was surprised because it is a relatively simple program which does nothing too fancy and certainly nothing that should require elevated privileges. I then checked the directory and sure enough, Windows is overlaying the shield icon on the program.
I did a quick scan of the code and do not see anything that would obviously trigger a UAC prompt. Moreover, the program shares a framework with several other programs I had written, none of which have the UAC requirement. The program in question, as well as the others which don’t trigger the UAC prompt are all stored in the same directory on a (FAT32) flash-drive.
The only really unique thing about this program that differs from the other, nearly-identical programs is that it uses ShellExecute to allow the user to launch the default web-browser to open selected URLs, but I can’t imagine if/why that would actually require elevated permissions.
Now I am trying to find some sort of information about what kind of heuristics Windows uses to determine whether it should use the UAC prompt or not. I know that old installers usually trigger the prompt, but those are usually called setup.exe or install.exe, while this has a pretty innocuous name (udb.exe). I suspect that it is detecting certain function calls or some such (of course, that would mean that Windows Explorer reads and disassembles the of all executable files which seems doubtful).
I assumed that there would exist some information on this, but the research I did only found a few off-site discussions (no mentions in the “similar question” lists above or to the right), which listed a few causes, none of which seem to apply:
A specific request of the program (which is not possible since it was written before UAC existed),
Lack of manifest (which it does have and would not explain why the other programs don’t trigger it)
An internal list of filenames/paths (not applicable here)
Source (again, that doesn’t explain the other programs being okay)
Access to restricted files/registry keys (not applicable here either)
Resource entries (again, the other programs share common resource data)
Other system-related activities (again, not applicable to the program)
I eventually found a few related questions like one that asked what I am, but that ended up with a completely different outcome which is of no help here, or another one which asked a similar, yet opposite question of equally no help. Unfortunatly, the best question I found was about an installer/updater (which of course, does not apply here), and was also no help because the answers were just the same old information I had found on other sites and listed above.
Does anybody know of a list of UAC triggers or some other way to figure out why Windows would think that some programs would needs elevation? Is there a list of restricted API functions or something?
To be clear, I am trying to find out why Windows is flagging one program for UAC, but not another, similar one.
Original Answer (2014 July 04)
A search for UAC heuristics yields this blog entry: Identification of Administrative Applications. On that page:
The O/S makes a decision that the application looks like an installer or updater and will automatically invoke elevation to run the program with administrative permissions/privileges when a user runs it.This decision is based on a heuristic. Here are some of the heuristic detection points, although this list is not exhaustive:
File name detection – looks for the words “setup”, “update”, “install” in the filename
SxS Manifest word detection – looks for well-known values in the assembly name attribute program’s SxS Manifest
String table detection – looks for well known values in the string table within the resource section of an executable
Thus Xearinox is simply not correct that it is completely based on permissions.
One way you may be able to find out why your program is triggering the UAC prompt is to use Process Monitor and check for permission errors.
Update (2020 July 29)
Searching yields an updated documentation page:
How User Account Control Works
There is an Installer detection technology section at the bottom of that page that contains the following information (similar to the list above):
Before a 32-bit process is created, the following attributes are checked to determine whether it is an installer:
The file name includes keywords such as "install," "setup," or "update."
Versioning Resource fields contain the following keywords: Vendor, Company Name, Product Name, File Description, Original Filename, Internal Name, and Export Name.
Keywords in the side-by-side manifest are embedded in the executable file.
Keywords in specific StringTable entries are linked in the executable file.
Key attributes in the resource script data are linked in the executable file.
There are targeted sequences of bytes within the executable file.

How to determine if a registry key is redirected by WOW64?

Is it possible to determine whether or not a given registry key is redirected?
My problem is that I want to enumerate registry keys in both the 32-bit and 64-bit registry views in a generic manner from a 32-bit application. I could simply open each key twice, first with KEY_WOW64_64KEY and then with KEY_WOW64_32KEY. However, if the key is not redirected this gives you exactly the same key and you end up enumerating the exact same content twice; this is what I am trying to avoid.
I did find some documentation on it, but it looks like the only way is to examine the hive and do a bunch of string comparisons on the key. Another possibility I thought of is to try to open Wow6432Node on each subkey; if it exists then the key must be redirected. I.e. if I am trying to open HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows I would try to open the following keys:
HKCU\Wow6432Node, HKCU\Software\Wow6432Node, HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Wow6432Node, and HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Wow6432Node. Unfortunately, the documentation seems to imply that a child of a redirected key is not necessarily redirected so that route also has issues.
So, what are my options here?
Your goal is not clear. Why do you need to enumerate registry keys in both the 32-bit and 64-bit registry views in a generic manner from a 32-bit application? What do you want to do with 64-bit values in your application? What would you do if there is some different values for x64 and x86 key? It feels like strange or rather wrong idea.
Keys are redirected for important reason: to not break behavior of x86 applications. For example: CLSID is used by COM to find proper implementation for a given interface. Among other, "proper" means that it might be run by caller code i.e. should be of the same platform. That's why there should be different sets of entries for x64 and x86. Reasons for other redirected keys are similar. Generally speaking, those redirected keys has to be different for x86 and x64 applications.
As Raymond Chen wrote, "On 64-bit Windows, 32-bit programs run in an emulation layer, and if you don't like that, then don't use the emulator" and I totally agree with his advice. So my best advice if you need something like this, is to do it from x64 application. But first reconsider whether you really need it.
EDIT: There is samDesired parameter of RegOpenKeyEx that you might find useful. Also take a look at "Accessing an Alternate Registry View" MSDN article.
You're in for a fair amount of pain, it depends on the operating system version. The full list is available here.

Where should global Application Settings be stored on Windows 7?

I'm working hard on making my product work seamlessly on Windows 7. The problem is that there is a small set of global (not user-specific) application settings that all users should be able to change.
On previous versions I used HKLM\Software\__Company__\__Product__ for that purpose. This allowed Power Users and Administrators to modify the Registry Key and everything worked correctly. Now that Windows Vista and Windows 7 have this UAC feature, by default, even an Administrator cannot access the Key for writing without elevation.
A stupid solution would, of course, mean adding requireAdministrator option into the application manifest. But this is really unprofessional since the product itself is extremely far from administration-related tasks. So I need to stay with asInvoker.
Another solution could mean programmatic elevation during moments when write access to the Registry Key is required. Let alone the fact that I don't know how to implement that, it's pretty awkward also. It interferes with normal user experience so much that I would hardly consider it an option.
What I know should be relatively easy to accomplish is adding write access to the specified Registry Key during installation. I created a separate question for that. This also very similar to accessing a shared file for storing the settings.
My feeling is that there must be a way to accomplish what I need, in a way that is secure, straightforward and compatible with all OS'es. Any ideas?
Do you have to have it in the registry? If not, put it into a simple file, writable by everyone. Writing to HKLM requires additional privileges for a very good reason.
I'm new to here (otherwise i would've left a comment) and i'm not a windows guru, but...
imho the premise is wrong:
there's a reason if a non-elevated user cannot modify registry keys or directories read by all users (like Users\Public by default)
i think that allowing any users to modify a small set of global application settings may be disruptive for the experience of the other users that didn't expect their settings to be modified
on the other hand i don't know your use cases...
could you please specify why all users should be able to modify these settings?
and if indeed all users have to be able to do it... why can't you make these settings user-specific?

What choices do I have on MS Windows platforms for the equivalent of SUID from Unix-based platforms?

To understand what I'm asking, it's important to distinguish from among the several uses of SUID in Unix.
I have a project that uses an executable in the user's PATH which is owned by the project and which has the SUID bit set. In this way, when it runs, it runs in the context of the file's owner, not the calling user. This way, it has access to things that the user does not, and thereby these things are protected from the user by normal file system protections. This works reasonably well. Plans are to move the project to a client-server architecture but that's going to take some time. In the mean time, how can I replicate this type of behavior on Windows systems?
Note that the project's executables do not call the SETUID library call though, frankly, that would be a great feature to add, in my opinion, given what the project does. The project does not need system root privileges. It's first security concern is that it needs to protect its own files from the user (which is simply any user other than the file owner) and it would be very nice if it had the ability to switch to "user context" to access the file system as if it were the calling user. (In this way, it could more easily determine what is OK for the project to touch and what is not.)
The project is written in a combination of C and Java - a C program with SUID set calls the Java code...
I am keen to know all such mechanisms, and am especially focused on those which are:
Suitable for C and Java, and;
Easy to implement for non-Windows programmers, and;
Require minimal coding unique to Windows.
If some solutions are superior, please share your thoughts on whatever you are aware of in this regard.
LogonUser: Requires a password in plain text. How can that be an answer?
RunAs: Requires password be entered at PROMPT! ...As with LogonUser only worse; I don't see how this is an answer.
Cygwin has an excellent discussion on how they do this without requiring the user password here: Using Windows security in Cygwin
Basically they install a custom LSA authentication package that provides security tokens without requiring a password. As a fallback, when the authentication package is not installed, they use the undocumented NtCreateToken API.
An application wanting to impersonate could make a cygwin setuid call before calling java.
I don't think there's an equivilent of SETUID in Windows, but you can launch a process as another user. If you are using C, there are really only two major Windows Specific functions you'll need to look into:
The docs for those functions are pretty good, so it shouldn't be that huge of a challenge. Basicly, you'll use LogonUser to impersonate the user, then CreateProcessAsUser to launch the JVM as that user.
You could also look at the RUNAS command, but I'm not sure if that would meet your needs or not.

Is it possible to list named events in Windows?

I would like to create events for certain resources that are used across various processes and access these events by name. The problem seems to be that the names of the events must be known to all applications referring to them.
Is there maybe a way to get a list of names events in the system?
I am aware that I might use some standard names, but it seems rather inflexible with regard to future extensibility (all application would require a recompile).
I'm afraid, I can't even consider ZwOpenDirectoryObject, because it is described as needing Windows XP or higher, so it is out of question. Thanks for the suggestion though.
I am a little unsure about shared memory, because I haven't tried it so far. Might do some reading in that area I guess. Configuration files and registry are a slight problem, because they do tend to fail with Vista due to access problems. I am a bit afraid, that shared memory will have the same problem.
The idea with ProcessExplorer sounds promising. Does anyone know an API that could be used for listing events for a process? And, does it work without administrative rights?
Thank you for the clarification.
There is not really a master process. It is more of a driver dll that is used from different processes and the events would be used to "lock" resources used by these processes.
I am thinking about setting up a central service that has sufficient access rights even under Vista. It will certainly complicate things, but it might be the only thing left facing the problems with security.
No, there is not any facility to enumerate named events. You could enumerate all objects in the respective object manager directory using ZwOpenDirectoryObject and then filter for events. But this routine is undocumented and therefore should not be used without good reason.
Why not use a separate mechanism to share the event names? You could list them in a configuration file, a registry key or maybe even in shared memory.
Do not mix up the user mode ZwOpenDirectoryObject with the kernel mode ZwOpenDirectoryObject -- the kernel mode API (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms800966.aspx) indeed seems to available as of XP only, but the user mode version should be available at least since NT 4. Anyway, I would not recommend using ZwOpenDirectoryObject.
Why should configuration files and registry keys fail on Vista? Of course, you have to get the security settings right -- but you would have to do that for your named events as well -- so there should not be a big difference here. Maybe you should tell us some more details about the nature of your processes -- do they all run within the same logon session or do they run as different users even? And is there some master process or who creates the events in the first place?
Frankly, I tend to find the Process Explorer idea to be not a very good one. Despite the fact that you probably will not be able to accomplish that without using undocumented APIs and/or a device driver, I do not think that a process should be spelunking around in the handle table of another process just to find out the names of some kernel objects. And, of course, the same security issues apply again.
ProcessExplorer is able to enumerate all the named events held by some specific process. You could go over the entire process list and do something similar although I have now clue as to what API is used to get the list...
