Can't access encoded form data from context.Request.Form -

I'm building some custom middleware into my request pipeline which will generate JWT bearer token if the posted form data is valid (hooked into AspNetCore.Identity).
Based on Nate Barbettini's great tutorial here:
I've hit an issue where the HttpContext accessible in new my middleware, throws exceptions trying to access context.Reqeust.Form["myfieldname"]
I'm using postman to post form data using:
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
I can debug my middleware and inspecting the context.Request.Form I see this:
Form = '((Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Internal.DefaultHttpRequest)((Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.DefaultHttpContext)context).Request).Form' threw an exception of type 'System.MissingMethodException'
If I change to Content-Type: multipart/form-data, I see this error:
Form = '((Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Internal.DefaultHttpRequest)((Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.DefaultHttpContext)context).Request).Form' threw an exception of type 'System.IO.InvalidDataException'
Worth pointing out I'm using RC2 version of Core: 1.0.0-rc2-3002702
The Api works fine with all Http verbs, POST, PUT, GET, DELETE, I can post and get data no problem.
Can't see why this would be happening or maybe I'm missing some fundamental configuration? Current config is pretty much standard as out of the box from the VS 2015 templates.
Could this be an RC2 bug?


Handling text/plain request in Laravel (sent via navigator.sendBeacon)

I am trying to get the content / body from a text/plain POST request in a Controller in Laravel 8.
Nothing in the docs or numerous google searches worked.
I have tried:
All of these seem to show that the request is completely empty.
This may not be relevant to the solution, but might help other's who are trying to google this problem: The request I am trying to handle with my controller is being sent by navigator.sendBeacon on the client side. The request body is actually stringified JSON, but sendBeacon does not allow you to send requests with content-type JSON. Devtools show the content-type header for this request as 'text/plain'.
My Answer:
Use $request->getContent() to get the content of a text/plain HTTP request.
And then, if you are in a situation like mine where the text is actually JSON, use json_decode($request->getContent(),true) to get a standard PHP array from the content which you can use in your Controller.
It turned out to be quite simple, but the information was not in the docs, or in any online searches so I thought it would be worthwhile to post to SO anyways...
You can send the data as JSON like this instead
data = new Blob([JSON.stringify(data)], {type : 'application/json'})
navigator.sendBeacon('/your/route/here', data)

Spring PostMapping return 401 without body

I want to make a Post to write some data into the database, but all needed information is stored on the server, so my Post service requires no body:
public #ResponseBody
RestResponse writeFoo() {
If I try to make a post request to this service I receive 401 even if I pass a valid token. If I change my exposed service to a GetMapping all works as expected. It seems that I can't manage a Post request with an empty body.
I've tried adding some fake parameters as
RestResponse writeFoo(#RequestBody(required = false) String fake)
but without success.
Any idea?
The issue you explain is most commonly the cause of bad (or missing?) configuration.
Pay attention that i.e. GET method is allowed by default by your REST API, while you need to specify other method types (i.e. PUT and POST), otherwise it won't work out of the box due to CORS.
The part where GET method works while POST method doesn't is a strong hint towards missing/incorrect CORS configuration. You can fix it quickly by adding some CORS filter and setup your response headers.
The official documentation should give you a good start, if you don't know where to look for: Spring docs - enabling CORS
The issue is successfully resolved, check comments section for more info.
Short story - back-end configuration for CORS/CSRF token was set up correctly in this particular case, the issue occurred due to missing header (CSRF token) on the angular/front-end part of the webapp.

POST request with Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded and

My requirement is very simple.
Call POST request with id and password.
Header has Content-Type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded
and data is also passed as urlencoded like below
Response is coming in xml format.
I tried a lot of examples from everywhere but nothing seems to be working. It gives me back 401 Unauthorized which is an error that target API throws if request is not in proper format.
Exactly what I needed.
Java HTTP POST request with HttpURLConnection section on the page did the work.

Django Rest Framework page doesn't show POST results in certain circumstances

I'm working on an application that uses the Django Rest Framework. For testing purposes, we occasionally use the default Django Rest Framework page for debugging or testing purposes.
Another developer recently discovered, that with one of our endpoints (that only has a POST method on it) immediately redirects without showing the last posted content of the POST call. The redirect results in an HTTP 405 (method not allowed). This behaviour is unlike most of our other endpoints - even those that only have a POST option. when they are posted to, they show the content of the POST call, as well as the text box that allows another POST.
In digging into this, I discovered that this particular endpoint was returning a response in the form of an HttpResponse object, rather than a Response object. It was also specifying the application/json content-type for the HttpResponse object.
In playing around with this, I discovered that if I switch it to use a Response object it doesn't cause the Django Rest Framework page to redirect, and does show the response on the page. However, if I specify the content_type on the Response object, the Django Rest Framework page starts redirecting again, without showing the last posted content.
In any of these situations, it is still possible to see the response by resorting to using the Chrome Developer tools and enabling "Preserve log", so that the network call history isn't cleared with the redirect, however this is less than ideal.
In changing it to use the Response instead of HttpResponse objects, it also broke one of our unit tests, as the unit test wasn't specifying the content-type header of application/json, but was expecting a JSON response. There may be other places that are also calling it without specifying the content-type header, so ideally I would like to be able to specify a content-type on the response, but still have the Django Rest Framework page show the last POSTed content.
My questions are thus:
What causes the default Django Rest Framework page to display the last posted content (as opposed to redirecting)?
Why does specifying a content-type on the Response cause the Django Rest Framework page to not display the last posted content?

Mandrill API error for send request

I have a problem while sending a message via Jersey client on Mandrill API. I use Jersey client as follows:
Below you can see logged headers, method and content of the API request.
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
{"message":{"subject":"Hello World!","text":"Really, Im just saying hi from Mandrill!","to":[{"email":"","name":"Marcel cccc","type":"to"}],"headers":{},"tags":["test"],"from_email":"","auto_text":true,"preserve_recipients":false},"async":false,"key":"EWIBVEIOVBVOIEBWIOVEB"}
In response to this request I keep receiving following message:
I do not know what the issue may be, from some posts I figured out I must use UTF-8 to encode my message and headers. But setting encoding to UTF-8 did not do much good. Otherwise the payload seems fine to me and moreover I found on forums that invalid sender can mean any other kind of issue (not just invalid sender which is sad).
I had exactly same problem with
You probably check already similar question Mandrill “reject_reason”: “invalid-sender”
Try it if it helps. I realize that you also missing header parameter in your request
e.g. User-Agent: Mandrill-myclient/1.0
Please try also add this parameter to your Jersey Client setup as following:
.header("User-Agent", "Mandrill-myclient/1.0")
Does it help?
