HP UFT 12.52 An error has occurred - hp-uft

I am using HP UFT 12.52 with a valid Seat license. It used to work fine earlier but since the past few days, it throws an error dialog with just one sentence "An error has occurred" in it whenever I open UFT or Create/Save a new test. There is no other details.
Has anyone experienced this/ solved this issue? TIA.


If the following error message displays, what can I do to have my app working?

I downloaded the app on my laptop and when I tried to open it an error message displays : "The code execution cannot proceed because VCOMP120.DLL was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem." and I reinstalled it many times:(. What can I do to be able to use this application?
Something must be wrong in your Windows installation, according to this post in Microsoft's community.

Microsoft ClickOnce update fails with Windows 7

I have a Click Once solution and within the last few updates of our software, ClickOnce it fails at the end of the update with the error "device can not be installed". When you go back to run the software, it says it can not be started etc and it has "Value does not fall within the expected range." within the main logs. This seems to be an issue around Windows 7 PCs. This does not seem to be all Windows 7 and we have not seen it on Windows 10. This only seems to happen with our clients and every test in-house, we do not have this issue.
The error we get is below, has anyone else had this issue and found a fix can you please share.

what is this error "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later. (8869003)"

i am unable to publish any apps on my Google Play Developer account is says
An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later. (8869003)
can anyone please help me to get out of this?
Had same issue today.
In my case I had to logout and login.
Then everything worked.
In used incognito window and worked. Clearing cookies, cache might also work
It happens due to conflict between chrome signed in account and google console signed in account, signing out from console and resigning in will solve the conflict. Solaza suggested the same solution
I ran into a similar Android Developer Console Issue today.
I was trying to promote a Closed Testing Track (Beta) to Production.
I always got the following error (with random error codes):
An unexpected error has occurred. Please try again. (Random-Error-Code)
The solution was to create the new release by hand in the Production Track, rather than promoting up the existing Closed Testing Track.
This happened to me as well. It could have been because I changed my account email on the same day. I got it working the next day.
Things to try:
Use a different computer.
You have to select at least one country from the list of countries to test.
Give it 24 hours for Google to refresh your email change, and try again.
If nothing works, contact Google Play Console Customer Support, they have a chat window.
I faced this issue when update my developer profile on google play developer account. There is a featured app selection at the end of the page. I selected an app that is not published yet, caused the problem.
I didn't select that app as featured and it worked.
in my case it's due to the network issues that my laptop by default will use our company's system proxy, I guess it'll go through some internal firewalls before reach the outside world, the latency caused the error, i switched to no proxy mode, then everything working fine

unity 500 internal server error

i have just installed unity to create games, but when i pressed 30-day free trail is says 500 - internal server error. and now when i open it i comes up directly. i tried Unity 4.3.4 and Unity 4.6.1 it gives same result.
also tried manual activation, but the console says https://license.unity3d.com/manual Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)
The server was down.
It should work now.
Hey yeah I got the same problem today I guess there is a bug in unity you can wait for them to fix it or just keep trying it may work out as it did to me just keep doing it and I think that will help if it doesn't just wait for the bug fix

Error on vb6 "Run-Time Error -2147319779 Automation error Object library not Registered"

Hi guys i am having trouble using the FileSystemObject in Windows7 Home Premium'm getting an error message "Run-Time Error -2147319779 Automation error Object library not Registered" I used this code on windows xp sp3 and it worked good, I tried Registrer dll "c: \ windows \ system32 \ scrrun.dll" but is still showing the error, Thank you all!
Set Diretorio = FSO.GetFolder(DiretorioDinamico)'The error occurs here!
I've got the same issue with bad registration of some common components installed on syswow64, among them the mscomctl.ocx. After searching for and not found a solution, I derived one that solved the problem. So, the only way to solve was:
Unregister the mscomctl.ocx (with elevated privilegies)
Disabled the Internet Explorer (version 10 in my case)
Reboot the system
Register the mscomctl.ocx (Always elevated)
Enabled IE10 again
It seems to be IE10 the problem. Since I disabled it, I could finally correctely register the common controls.
I hope (despite my bad english) help someone who is facing the same problem.
