getting errors while building GTK project - codeblocks

I am new to GTK+, and I am trying to create my first application in Code-Blocks. Every has been done but when I build my project I am getting these errors (given below in image).


xcode 13 wont compile RN project in App Center but does compile in Xcode - duplicate library issue in Pods

As the title says, I am using App Center to build my RN project. If I tell App Center to use Xcode12, it builds fine. If I tell it to use xcode13, I get an error:
2022-03-28T22:41:02.5049610Z warning: Multiple targets match implicit dependency for linker flag '-lGCDWebServer'. Consider adding an explicit dependency on the intended target to resolve this ambiguity. (in target 'GeoX' from project 'Geo')
2022-03-28T22:41:02.5152340Z note: Target 'GCDWebServer' (in project 'RealmReact')
2022-03-28T22:41:02.5253740Z note: Target 'GCDWebServer' (in project 'Pods')
2022-03-28T22:41:02.5273810Z note: Building targets in dependency order
2022-03-28T22:41:02.5327490Z error: Multiple commands produce '/Users/runner/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Geo-cucvwhqycmrcwsfghjbccufelkjl/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/GeoX/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/libGCDWebServer.a':
2022-03-28T22:41:02.5357580Z 1) Target 'GCDWebServer': Libtool /Users/runner/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Geo-cucvwhqycmrcwsfghjbccufelkjl/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/GeoX/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/libGCDWebServer.a normal
2022-03-28T22:41:02.5462030Z 2) Target 'GCDWebServer': Libtool /Users/runner/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Geo-cucvwhqycmrcwsfghjbccufelkjl/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/GeoX/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/libGCDWebServer.a normal
The weird thing is I can build the app on my local machine using xcode13. It still complains of the multiple targets (the first part), but it does not produce the error about multiple commands producing libGCDWebServer.a
something about the build environments is different, what could it be? I have little control over what goes on inside App Center, but it would be interesting to know what causes App Center to barf but my local xcode to succeed
Ultimately the root cause that I have shared with the RealmJS people is that it is introducing GCDWebServer as a target inside its own RealmReact project and also in the Pods project. Is there anything I can do inside my Pods file to help resolve that? I admit to being a Pod monkey-see-monkey-do level of insight into these things.

failed to emit precompiled header

Good Afternoon
I am trying to implement googles heatmaps into my map based project.
In this particular project, I get the following errors when trying to build.
failed to emit precompiled header '/Users/zachwilcox/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/OddJobs-gbnkfettubuccoheinzfovrqefub/Build/Intermediates.noindex/PrecompiledHeaders/OddJobs-Bridging-Header-swift_3WGH9SNI96Z2-clang_16JN3VASQHE4C.pch' for bridging header '/Users/zachwilcox/Desktop/OddJobs/OddJobs-Bridging-Header.h'
and a follow up that says
'Google-Maps-iOS-Utils/GMUHeatmapTileLayer.h' file not found
I'm not sure why this is happening because I created an entirely new project and did the same implementation and it worked perfectly. But when I run it on my existing project I get these two errors.
I have been researching this problem for a while now and I can't figure out what the problem is. I have the Bridging header set to the .h file.
I have tried most steps that individuals have tried to give with their answers but for some reason, it's not working for my project. Thank you in advance. When reading googles installation guide, it said that all I needed to add was one bridging header file which is the code you see in the image below. When researching it, I have seen that I needed to add a .m file as well however I still get the same error when I do. again, in my dummy project, I don't have the .m file just everything you see below and everything compiles.
There are chances you have 'Find Implicit Dependencies" turned off for the selected Scheme. If you have updated/installed pods and try to build the project, it will more likely fail if this option is unchecked for the selected Scheme.
From Apple's Document:
Parallelize Build – This option allows Xcode to speed up total build time by building targets that do not depend on each other at the same time. This is a time-saver on projects with many smaller dependencies that can easily be run in parallel.
Find Implicit Dependencies – This is a very powerful option that allows Xcode to resolve what targets need to be built for the primary target of the scheme to be built successfully. However, this does come with some sharp edges that you have to be aware of.
Situation: You link a library against your application target and create an implicit dependency to that library’s target.
Scenario 1: “Find Implicit Dependencies” is enabled.
Result: The library will get built prior to building the application target. The application target will then link against the library and build successfully.
Scenario 2: “Find Implicit Dependencies” is disabled.
Result: The library will not get built prior to building the application target. The application target fail to build.
Fix: To ensure that the second scenario does not happen, you must add the necessary targets into the targets list and order them correctly.
If your project includes pod then you've to set the pod configuration for the test project too..
Select Root Project in File inspector -> Project Name -> Info -> Configurations
Set configuration for your test project same like your main project

Unable to convert classes into dex format Unity

Using the google play games services and Admob plugin I cannot seem to get my back to build into an APK and I am receiving the following error message. Any help would be appreciated as I have removed some duplicate files but I am still failing to find why I cannot build my app.
I am using Unity Unity 5.6.1f1 (64-bit).
game services: Ads:
CommandInvokationFailure: Unable to convert classes into dex format.
C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_121\bin\java.exe -Xmx2048M"C:/Users/Jack/AppData/Local/Android/sdk\tools" -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 -jar "C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer/Tools\sdktools.jar" -
Uncaught translation error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: already added: Lcom/google/android/gms/internal/zzbyb;
Uncaught translation error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: already added: Lcom/google/android/gms/internal/zzbyc;
2 errors; aborting
Some Background
When Unity builds your project for Android, it invokes several tools from the Android SDK. As part of that process, it converts all of your native (Java) code for Android into a file format called DEX (Dalvik executable).
All of your Android plugins get built up into a single package using that tool. The problems start when a few plugins have the same compiled Java code (classes) in them. This will cause the DEX tool to fail with an error like the one you're seeing:
Uncaught translation error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
already added: Lcom/google/android/gms/internal/zzbyb;
Uncaught translation error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: already added: Lcom/google/android/gms/internal/zzbyc;
This means that classes with those names were already included in another library, and so they cannot be added again.
Possible Causes
As explained above, this error occurs when you have duplicate plugins in your project; this can happen in different scenarios, here are some examples:
The same plugin is included more than once, under different folders of the project.
The same plugin is included more than once with different versions.
A plugin contains other dependencies "embedded" inside it, but these dependencies are already included in the project in some form.
How To Fix
You should look up duplicate Android plugins in your project and eliminate them (keep only 1 copy). From the error message you posted, the issue here is related to Google play services libraries. You should look into that (libraries named play-services-xxxx.aar).
Paid Help (Shameless Plug)
I provide a professional service for fixing this exact kind of issue. In case you (or anyone else) are not able to resolve such an issue themselves, feel free to contact me and get it solved.
I was facing the same problem after add admob in my project, here are 2 possible solutions:
Go to the file >> build settings and change the option internal to gradle
Open libs folders separately of both Facebook SDK and Google Play services and delete the matching files
It would be something like (support v4)
Google ads 11.2 has errors. It reuses certain jar classes .
On its own, it isnot an issue
Once you add in another google class, ie firebase, your done for.
There is a fix though. Google put out firebase 4.2 and ads 11.4

Cannot run tests after adding a Swift file

I have a project that is several years old, and I now want create a new feature in Swift. However, I cannot get the unit tests to run after I have inserted the first swift file. The tests compile, and the simulator is started. But before the tests start to run, I get this error:
Simulator session started with process 58478
Debugger attached to process 58478
IDEBundleInjection.c: Error 3587 loading bundle '/Users/jrv/Library/Caches/AppCode32/DerivedData/MobileBank-542f20a4/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Test.xctest': The bundle “Test.xctest” couldn’t be loaded because it is damaged or missing necessary resources.
DevToolsBundleInjection environment:
XCInjectDiagnostics: (null)
XCInjectBundleInto: /Users/jrv/Library/Caches/AppCode32/DerivedData/MobileBank-542f20a4/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
XCInjectBundle: /Users/jrv/Library/Caches/AppCode32/DerivedData/MobileBank-542f20a4/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Test.xctest
TestBundleLocation: (null)
TMPDIR: /Users/jrv/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/8016383A-A404-4D35-BDCB-0ED5317AD44A/data/Containers/Data/Application/CA2E7792-CA10-4109-B95E-7B0CA9D18147/tmp
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH: /Users/jrv/Library/Caches/AppCode32/DerivedData/MobileBank-542f20a4/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator
DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH: /Users/jrv/Library/Caches/AppCode32/DerivedData/MobileBank-542f20a4/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator
Even the simplest swift file gives the same error:
import Foundation
class MyTests: XCTestCase {
Searching Stack Overflow have given several suggestions. I have tried to remove code signing, I have ensured I am using XCTest, I have changed my framework search paths, I have Symbols hidden by Default = NO, and I have ensured that my bridging headers are correctly configured.
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated...
I tried creating a new test target for my Swift files, and this target worked. Then I compared the configuration, parameter by parameter, between my old test target and the new one. I finally identified one parameter that caused the tests to run when I set it on my test target:
Full setting:
LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = "$(inherited) #executable_path/Frameworks #loader_path/Frameworks"
To be honest, I don't know what this means, but it works.

Getting errors in NuiApi.h when compiling project with kinect sdk

For the purposes of testing ,I have tried building a win32 console project (empty project) so as to compile make sure that the kinect sdk would work.
On building i got hundreds of errors in NuiApi.h
All I have done was to include NuiApi.h in my source code i did nothing else.
here is the project
Try to building it and you will see all the errors pop up. I would be really grateful if anyone can tell me where im going wrong.
Figured out what the problem was - All I needed to do was Add #include and more importantly uncheck the precompiled libraries option when creating the project.
