Golang convert raw image []byte to image.Image - image

Suppose I have an 8-bit grayscale image like this:
var pixels []byte = ...
width := 100
height := 100
How do I convert that into something that implements image.Image?

The image package has several implementations of the image.Image interface.
If you can find an implementation which models the pixels just as you have it, you don't need to do anything just use that implementation.
For example the image package has an image.Gray type which implements image.Image and it models the pixels with one byte being an 8-bit grayscale color.
So if you have exactly this, simply create a value of image.Gray and "tell it" to use your pixels:
pixels := make([]byte, 100*100) // slice of your gray pixels, size of 100x100
img := image.NewGray(image.Rect(0, 0, 100, 100))
img.Pix = pixels
Note #1:
Note that I used image.NewGray() which returns you an initialized value of image.Gray, so we only needed to set / change the pixels slice. Since image.Gray is a struct with exported fields, we could also create it by manually initializing all its fields:
img := &image.Gray{Pix: pixels, Stride: 100, Rect: image.Rect(0, 0, 100, 100)}
(Note that I used a pointer because only *image.Gray implements image.Image as methods are defined with pointer receiver. image.NewGray() also returns a pointer.)
Note #2:
In our examples we set the pixels slice to be used by the image. The image is now bound to this slice. If we change anything in it, the pixel returned by Image.At() will also change (they use the same source). If you don't want this, you may copy the pixels to the Gray.Pix slice like this:
img := image.NewGray(image.Rect(0, 0, 100, 100))
copy(img.Pix, pixels)
Try these examples on the Go Playground.


What is the best way to decide if an image has alpha channel?

I need to decide if an image has alpha channel or not, so I write the code like this.
var HaveAlpha = func(Image image.Image) bool {
switch Image.ColorModel() {
case color.YCbCrModel, color.CMYKModel:
return false
case color.RGBAModel:
return !Image.(*image.RGBA).Opaque()
// ...
return false
So I need to list all the ColorModel types and use Opaque() to decide if the image has alpha channel or not (because I cannot use Opaque() method in type image.Image directly). And if an image has alpha channel but all pixels are opaque in the image (all RGBA of pixels in that image are like (*,*,*,255)), this code may return wrong answer.
Is there a right or better way to decide if an image has alpha channel or not in Golang?
You may use type assertion to check if the concrete value stored in the image.Image interface type has an Opaque() bool method, and if so, simply call that and return its result. Note that all concrete image types in the image package do have an Opaque() method, so this will cover most cases.
If the image does not have such an Opaque() method, loop over all pixels of the image and check if any of the pixel has an alpha value other than 0xff, which means it's non-opaque.
Note that Image.At() has a return type of the general color.Color interface type, which only guarantees a single method: Color.RGBA(). This RGBA() method returns the alpha-premultiplied red, green, blue and alpha components, so if a pixel has 0xff alpha value, that equals to 0xffff when "alpha-premultiplied", so that's what we need to compare to.
func Opaque(im image.Image) bool {
// Check if image has Opaque() method:
if oim, ok := im.(interface {
Opaque() bool
}); ok {
return oim.Opaque() // It does, call it and return its result!
// No Opaque() method, we need to loop through all pixels and check manually:
rect := im.Bounds()
for y := rect.Min.Y; y < rect.Max.Y; y++ {
for x := rect.Min.X; x < rect.Max.X; x++ {
if _, _, _, a := im.At(x, y).RGBA(); a != 0xffff {
return false // Found a non-opaque pixel: image is non-opaque
return true // All pixels are opaque, so is the image
The above Opaque() function will return true if the image does not have an alpha channel, or it has but all pixels are opaque. It returns false if and only if the image has alpha channel and there is at least 1 pixel that is not (fully) opaque.
Note: If an image does have an Opaque() method, you can be sure that it takes existing pixels and their alpha values into consideration, so for example image.RGBA.Opaque() also scans the entire image similarly to what we did above; but we had to do it in a general way, and Opaque() implementations of concrete images may be much more efficient (so it is highly recommended to use the "shipped" Opaque() method if it is available). As an example, implementation of image.YCbCr.Opaque() is a simple return true statement because YCbCr images do not have alpha channel.

Golang Iris Web - Serve 1x1 pixel

I'm new to Golang and trying to use a framework called iris.
My problem is how to serve 1x1 gif pixel, not using c.HTML context, but the way the browser title becomes 1x1 image gif. The image will be used for tracking.
Any help will be deeply appreciated.
Attention: I'm not really familiar with iris so the solution maybe not idiomatic.
package main
import (
func main() {
iris.Get("/", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
img := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, 1, 1)) //We create a new image of size 1x1 pixels
img.Set(0, 0, color.RGBA{255, 0, 0, 255}) //set the first and only pixel to some color, in this case red
err := gif.Encode(ctx.Response.BodyWriter(), img, nil) //encode the rgba image to gif, using gif.encode and write it to the response
if err != nil {
panic(err) //if we encounter some problems panic
ctx.SetContentType("image/gif") //set the content type so the browser can identify that our response is actually an gif image
Links for better understanding:

Best way to remove borders / crop image

I am using a Go package (Go binding to ImageMagick's MagickWand C API) to ImageMagick where I'm removing borders from images (cropping). The way I am using the trim function can be found below.
Now the problem is the fuzzy factor. For example, if I set the value to 2000, the image (here is the source) still has some white images like these:
fuzz factor value 2000 --> result
fuzz factor value 10000 --> result
I have created a small html which illustrates the problem best. It contains both images: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15684927/image-trim-problem.html
As you can see the source has some pixels on the bottom right corner which are causing the trouble. If I set the factor to 10000, I'm afraid that I will loose pixels on other pictures. If I set it on 2000, the trimming isn't done right in pictures like these.
So my actual question is: what is the best way to "crop" / "trim" images?
package main
import "gopkg.in/gographics/imagick.v1/imagick"
func main() {
defer imagick.Terminate()
inputFile := "tshirt-original.jpg"
outputFile := "trimmed.jpg"
mw := imagick.NewMagickWand()
// Schedule cleanup
defer mw.Destroy()
// read image
err := mw.ReadImage(inputFile)
if err != nil {
// first trim original image
// fuzz: by default target must match a particular pixel color exactly.
// However, in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount. The fuzz
// member of image defines how much tolerance is acceptable to consider two
// colors as the same. For example, set fuzz to 10 and the color red at
// intensities of 100 and 102 respectively are now interpreted as the same
// color for the purposes of the floodfill.
// Set the compression quality to 95 (high quality = low compression)
err = mw.SetImageCompressionQuality(95)
if err != nil {
// save
err = mw.WriteImage(outputFile)
if err != nil {
Basically, your problem is that you have a high-frequency, high-amplitude artifact at the edge of your image. Or, put differently, a sharp, high peak at the edge, which, if you want to use trim, forces you to use such a high a fuzz-value to overcome this, that the algorithm also considers the 'actual content' as equal to the 'background' (border).
One solution here is to use a multi-step approach, whereby you first smooth out the edge artifacts and then apply trim to the resulting image. By smoothing it out, you get rid of the high peak and smear it out into a nice rolling hill. Rolling hills, in turn, can be easily trimmed with low fuzz values. This then provides you with the desired geometry which you can use to crop the original.
Specifically, let's take the original image:
Now, let's smooth out that ridge on the edge using a blur with a radius of 10 and a sigma of 10 through convert original.jpg -blur 10x10 10x10.jpg, which yields:
Now, you might notice that the artifacts on the edge have now pretty much disappeared.
We can now do a 'virtual' trim and ask ImageMagick what the result of the trim would be through convert 10x10.jpg -fuzz 2000 -format %# info:, which, according to the documentation gives you the "trim bounding box (without actually trimming)": 1326x1560+357+578%
Taking these values (except for the percentage sign) and using them for crop geometry, gives you the convert with crop command convert original.jpg -crop 1326x1560+357+578 cropped.jpg, which gives you:
Now, since you want this as code, using imagick, here's the solution in code. It assumes you have the file stored as './data/original.jpg' and will store it as './data/trimmed.jpg'
package main
import (
func init() {
const originalImageFilename = "data/original.jpg"
func main() {
mw := imagick.NewMagickWand()
err := mw.ReadImage(originalImageFilename)
if err != nil {
// Use a clone to determine what will happen
mw2 := mw.Clone()
mw2.BlurImage(10, 10)
_, _, xOffset, yOffset, err := mw2.GetImagePage()
if err != nil {
trimmedWidth := mw2.GetImageWidth()
trimmedHeight := mw2.GetImageHeight()
mw.CropImage(trimmedWidth, trimmedHeight, xOffset, yOffset)

How to convert image.RGBA (image.Image) to image.Paletted?

I'm trying to create an animated GIF from a series of arbitrary non-paletted images. In order to create a paletted image, I need to come up with a palette somehow.
// RGBA, etc. images from somewhere else
var frames []image.Image
outGif := &gif.GIF{}
for _, simage := range frames {
// TODO: Convert image to paletted image
// bounds := simage.Bounds()
// palettedImage := image.NewPaletted(bounds, ...)
// Add new frame to animated GIF
outGif.Image = append(outGif.Image, palettedImage)
outGif.Delay = append(outGif.Delay, 0)
gif.EncodeAll(w, outGif)
Is there an easy way in golang stdlib to accomplish this?
It seems an automatic way of intelligently generating palettes is missing from the golang stdlib (correct me if I'm wrong here). But there seems to be a stub for providing your own Quantizer, which led me to the gogif project. (Which was the apparent source of image.Gif.)
I was able to borrow the MedianCutQuantizer from that project, defined here:
Which results in the following:
var subimages []image.Image // RGBA, etc. images from somewhere else
outGif := &gif.GIF{}
for _, simage := range subimages {
bounds := simage.Bounds()
palettedImage := image.NewPaletted(bounds, nil)
quantizer := gogif.MedianCutQuantizer{NumColor: 64}
quantizer.Quantize(palettedImage, bounds, simage, image.ZP)
// Add new frame to animated GIF
outGif.Image = append(outGif.Image, palettedImage)
outGif.Delay = append(outGif.Delay, 0)
gif.EncodeAll(w, outGif)
Instead of generating your own palette, you can also use on of the predefined (https://golang.org/pkg/image/color/palette/)
palettedImage := image.NewPaletted(bounds, palette.Plan9)
draw.Draw(palettedImage, palettedImage.Rect, simage, bounds.Min, draw.Over)

Convert image.Image to image.NRGBA

When I call png.Decode(imageFile) it returns a type image.Image. But I can't find a documented way to convert this to an image.NRGBA or image.RGBA on which I can call methods like At().
How can I achieve this?
If you don't need to "convert" the image type, and just want to extract the underlying type from the interface, use a "type assertion":
if img, ok := i.(*image.RGBA); ok {
// img is now an *image.RGBA
Or with a type switch:
switch i := i.(type) {
case *image.RGBA:
// i in an *image.RGBA
case *image.NRGBA:
// i in an *image.NRBGA
The solution to the question in the title, how to convert an image to image.NRGBA, can be found in the Go Blog: The trick is to create a new, empty image.NRGBA and then to "draw" the original image into the NRGBA image:
import "image/draw"
src := ...image to be converted...
b := src.Bounds()
m := image.NewNRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, b.Dx(), b.Dy()))
draw.Draw(m, m.Bounds(), src, b.Min, draw.Src)
