Why do we need 'private' methods in Ruby - ruby

Can someone give me a concrete example where a 'private' method would accomplish something that can't be done with a 'protected' method? In other words I am want to know why a language designer would put 'private' methods in Ruby.

It really depends on your development team and how your code is going to be used. In Ruby these tags are often suggestions more than hard and fast rules, there's ways to bypass private and protected methods if necessary, but they can serve as a strong hint to someone using your code that calling them is undesirable.
private is something that should be used sparingly as it can make life very difficult for those trying to subclass something. protected is usually sufficient, and helps steer external code to the methods that should be used.
There are occasions where private is necessary, that is you want to prevent subclasses from knowing too much about how the parent class works. This is more common in libraries where you encourage people to subclass but you also want to wall off some of the internal functions that aren't intended to be used by them. This allows you to refactor these methods later at will without breaking someone else's code.
One of the principles of good object-oriented design is controlling how much method exposure you have. Too much exposure means you're committed to making them behave identically now and in the future unless you're prepared to make breaking changes. Too little exposure means your class might be difficult to use, if not useless. Finding that balance is always tricky.
So private and protected exist for reasons, and it's largely the same reasons that C++, Java, PHP, Python and many others have these. It's to assert control over how and where your methods should be used.


What is a good practice for dependency injection in Ruby?

I've been reading Sandi Metz's Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby and many sites online discussing design in Ruby. Something I've had a hard time fully understanding is the proper way to implement dependency injection.
The internet is flooded with blog posts that explain how dependency injection works in what I think is a very partial way.
I understand that this is supposed to be bad:
class ThisClass
def initialize
#another_class = AnotherClass.new
While this is a solution:
class ThisClass
def initialize(another_class)
#another_class = another_class
And that I could send the AnotherClass.new like this:
this_class = ThisClass.new(AnotherClass.new)
That is the approach that Sandi Metz recommends at least. What I don't understand is where should a line like that go? It has to go somewhere and generally in examples of this what's shown is a line like that being placed totally outside of any class, method, or module as if I'm simply entering it all by hand in IRB for testing purposes.
This post (among others) suggests this different approach:
class ThisClass
def another_class
#another_class ||= AnotherClass.new
Jamis Buck would take a similar approach like this:
class AnotherClass
class ThisClass
def another_class_factory(class_name = AnotherClass)
However, these two examples both preserve AnotherClass's name inside ThisClass, which Sandi Metz says is one of the main things we're trying to avoid.
So what is the best practice for doing this? Should I make a 'dependency' module filled with methods that are factories for objects of each class in my application?
Something I've had a hard time fully understanding is the proper way to implement dependency injection.
I think the best definition of a "proper" implementation is one that adheres to the SOLID principles of object oriented design. In this case mostly the Dependency Inversion Principle.
In this regard, this is the only presented solution that does not violate the DIP(1):
class ThisClass
def initialize(another_class)
#another_class = another_class
In all other cases, ThisClass has a hard dependency on AnotherClass, and can not function without it. Furthermore, if we wish to replace AnotherClass with a third, we need to modify ThisClass, which is a violation of the Open Closed Principle.
Of course, in the example above, naming the parameter and instance variable another_class is not ideal, since we do not now (and do not need to know) what object is passed to us, as long as it responds to the expected interface. This is the beauty of polymorphism.
Consider the below example, taken from this ThoughtBot video on DIP:
class Copier
def initialize(reader, writer)
#reader = reader
#writer = writer
def copy
Here you can pass any reader and writer objects that respond to read_until_eof and write respectively. This gives you full freedom to compose your business logic using different pairs of read and write implementations, even at runtime:
Copier.new(KeyboardReader.new, Printer.new)
Copier.new(KeyboardReader.new, NetworkPrinter.new)
Which brings us to your next question.
It has to go somewhere and generally in examples of this what's shown is a line like that being placed totally outside of any class, method, or module [...]
You are correct. While object thinking involves modelling the domain with well isolated, decoupled, and composable objects, you will still need to define how these objects interact, in order to implement any business logic. After all, having composable objects is no good unless we compose them.
The analogy that is often made here is to think of your objects as actors. You are the director, and you still need to create a script(2) for the actors to know how to interact with each other.
That is, you need an entry point into your application. A place where the script starts. This might itself be an object--normally an abstract one. In a command line application, it can be your classic Main class, and in a Rails application it can be your controller.
This might seem strange at first, because the focus of object thinking is on modelling concrete domain objects, and a great deal of all writings on the subject is dedicated to this effort, but just remember the actor-script metaphor, and you'll be on your way.
I strongly recommend you pick up the book Object Thinking. It does a great job explaining the mindset behind object oriented design, without which knowing the language specific implementation details becomes rather futile.
(1): It is worth noting that some proponents consider storing an instance of another class in an instance variable an anti-pattern, but in Ruby, this is fairly idiomatic.
(2): I am not sure if this is the origin of the term script in programming in general, but maybe some historian can shed some light on this.

AS3 referencing Singleton

I have a GameEngine class which is a sprite, and a GameModel which is a Singleton and holds a lot of the data.
I then get the data with
my game engine has a lot of them in it now and i was wondering if it would be more efficient if i had a reference to the GameModel in my GameEngine instead of creating it all the time
private var _data:GameModel = GameModel.getInstance();
I have a pretty strong feeling it will be more efficient but if anyone could let me know for sure and let me know if you can potentially see flaws with this method that would be much appreciated, cheers, rory.
It's definitely a good idea to store the instance in a property, since the lookup will be faster, but also because it lowers the GameEngine's knowledge of the GameModel's implementation details.
For example, imagine you've got a bunch of GameModel.getInstance() calls inside your GameEngine class and you decide to drop the singleton behaviour. You'll be rewriting all those calls, however if you'd cached the instance in a property you'd only need to rewrite one line.
That said, forget about singletons altogether, they're a far greater evil than premature optimization, but if you MUST use one, at least store the instance in a property in your client classes.
You could certainly add it as an instance, but I doubt it would make a noticeable difference. Premature optimization is the root of all evil and that :)
If you are really curious you should try to benchmark it and see if it actually changes anything.
EDIT: Oh yes, as the other answer here mentions - might want to drop singletons altogether. I would recommend looking at swiftsuspenders https://github.com/tschneidereit/SwiftSuspenders/ for dependency injection (or even robotlegs, for a great light-weight MVC solution, including swiftsuspenders).

Alternatives to #VisibleForTesting

I understand that #VisibleForTesting is not desirable because it changes the interface of a class just for testing purposes. Ideally we should test the interface that we actually use. But what would be a good alternative?
You use #VisibleForTesting when, as you said, you want to test a part of code you're not exposing to the end user. If you want to test it then it most likely means it's complicated, or at least not trivial. Two solutions would be:
Split the method where you're calling this into several methods so you feel more comfortable about not having one big method doing a bunch of stuff at once.
See if you can move the behavior to an external object that takes care of it.
I like #2 a lot when stuff starts getting complicated, since I can have an external object that I can test and make sure it works without having to expose it through our interface.
Having said that, some times the behaviors don't warrant the extraction of the method into a new object and you use #VisibleForTesting just to save time. Experience is what tells you when it's worth it to do it (or not).

Should I only be testing public interfaces in BDD? (in general, and specifically in Ruby)

I'm reading through the (still beta) rspec book by the prag progs as I'm interested in behavioral testing on objects. From what I've gleaned so far (caveat: after only reading for 30 min), the basic idea is that I want ensure my object behaves as expected 'externally' i.e. in its output and in relation to other objects.
Is it true then that I should just be black box testing my object to ensure the proper output/interaction with other objects?
This may be completely wrong, but given all of the focus on how my object behaves in the system, it seems this is ideology one would take. If that's so, how do we focus on the implementation of an object? How do I test that my private method is doing what I want it to do for all different types of input?
I suppose this question is maybe valid for all types of testing?? I'm still fairly new to TDD and BDD.
If you want to understand BDD better, try thinking about it without using the word "test".
Instead of writing a test, you're going to write an example of how you can use your class (and you can't use it except through public methods). You're going to show why your class is valuable to other classes. You're defining the scope of your class's responsibilities, while showing (through mocks) what responsibilities are delegated elsewhere.
At the same time, you can question whether the responsibilities are appropriate, and tune the methods on your class to be as intuitively usable as possible. You're looking for code which is easy to understand and use, rather than code which is easy to write.
If you can think in terms of examples and providing value through behaviour, you'll create code that's easy to use, with examples and descriptions that other people can follow. You'll make your code safe and easy to change. If you think about testing, you'll pin it down so that nobody can break it. You'll make it hard to change.
If it's complex enough that there are internal methods you really want to test separately, break them out into another class then show why that class is valuable and what it does for the class that uses it.
Hope this helps!
I think there are two issues here.
One is that from the BDD perspective, you are typically testing at a higher level than from the TDD perspective. So your BDD tests will assert a bigger piece of functionality than your TDD tests and should always be "black box" tests.
The second is that if you feel the need to test private methods, even at the unit test level, that could be a code smell that your code is violating the Single Responsibilty Principle
and should be refactored so that the methods you care about can be tested as public methods of a different class. Michael Feathers gave an interesting talk about this recently called "The Deep Synergy Between Testability and Good Design."
Yes, focus on the exposed functionality of the class. Private methods are just part of a public function you will test. This point is a bit controversial, but in my opinion it should be enough to test the public functionality of a class (everything else also violates the OOP principle).

Too many public methods forced by test-driven development

A very specific question from a novice to TDD:
I separate my tests and my application into different packages. Thus, most of my application methods have to be public for tests to access them. As I progress, it becomes obvious that some methods could become private, but if I make that change, the tests that access them won't work. Am I missing a step, or doing something wrong, or is this just one downfall of TDD?
This is not a downfall of TDD, but rather an approach to testing that believes you need to test every property and every method. In fact you should not care about private methods when testing because they should only exist to facilitate some public portion of the API.
Never change something from private to public for testing purposes!
You should be trying to verify only publicly visible behavior. The rest are implementation details and you specifically want to avoid testing those. TDD is meant to give you a set of tests that will allow you to easily change the implementation details without breaking the tests (changing behavior).
Let’s say I have a type: MyClass and I want to test the DoStuff method. All I care about is that the DoStuff method does something meaningful and returns the expected results. It may call a hundred private methods to get to that point, but I don't care as the consumer of that method.
You don't specify what language you are using, but certainly in most of them you can put the tests in a way that have more privileged access to the class. In Java, for example, the test can be in the same package, with the actual class file being in a different directory so it is separate from production code.
However, when you are doing real TDD, the tests are driving the class design, so if you have a method that exists just to test some subset of functionality, you are probably (not always) doing something wrong, and you should look at techniques like dependency injection and mocking to better guide your design.
This is where the old saying, "TDD is about design," frequently comes up. A class with too many public methods probably has too many responsibilities - and the fact that you are test-driving it only exposes that; it doesn't cause the problem.
When you find yourself in this situation, the best solution is frequently to find some subset of the public methods that can be extracted into a new class ("sprout class"), then give your original class an instance variable of the sprouted class. The public methods deserve to be public in the new class, but they are now - with respect to the API of the original class - private. And you now have better adherence to SRP, looser coupling, and higher cohesion - better design.
All because TDD exposed features of your class that would otherwise have slid in under the radar. TDD is about design.
At least in Java, it's good practice to have two source trees, one for the code and one for the tests. So you can put your code and your tests in the same package, while they're still in different directories:
Then you can make your methods package private.
