How to generate and view dashboard generated reports in jmeter? - jmeter

In windows, using the command "jmeter -n -t [test JMX file] -l [test log file] -e -o " to generate the dashboard result doesn't execute and shows the error.

You have at least 2 problems:
first ensure that you have a Java 7 or 8 installed and that this command works:
java -version
second, change your current directory to be in the jmeter_home\bin folder (C:\Users\Freeware Sys\Documents\apache-jmeter-3.0\bin) ad run command from there

Please follow below steps to generate report dashboard instead of using jmeter.log file.
Add Simple Data Writer from Listeners.
Provide your path, where you want to generate like it could be in csv file or xls file etc.
Note: Remember one thing you should not create a file whether it could be csv,xls etc file because Simple Data writer automatically creates the Test results file as provided location.Then simple run your test plan and try to generate report dashboard with command prompt with generated Test Result file. You can read more configurations here.
Here it has given complete step by step details for generating Report Dashboard in Jmeter.


Generate HTML Report from JTL file in JMETER

I am unable to generate report from created jtl file, it says, "An Error Occurred : Null!" when generating from jmeter HTML report generator, Is there any other way to generate or any fix for this issue/error.
Can I generate report from other mean of performance testing tools?
enter image description here
If I run the same file through non GUI then it doesn't work. I created jtl or CSV file through non GUI mode but nothing save in file with following commands.
jmeter -Jthreads=500 -n -t Anand.jmx -l result500.jtl
jmeter -n -t Anand.jmx -l Users-500.jtl
jmeter -n -t Anand.jmx -l Users-1500.jtl -e -o C:\Users\opc\Downloads\apache-jmeter-5.1.1\apache-jmeter-5.1.1\bin\reports\1500
I have encountered that jtl/csv file doesn't save anything that might be the issue it says null in my first question. but why not saving in jtl/csv file.
Please help me into this.
enter image description here
Check whether jmeter.log file has any suspicious or clarifying entries
Try generating the dashboard from the command line like:
jmeter -g /path/to/.jtl/results/file -o /path/to/the/folder/where/dashboard/will/be/generated
I recall that there were problems with generating the dashboard when people used latest Java versions like Java 17, you can try running JMeter using an earlier version, i.e. Java 8 which is the minimum Java version required to run JMeter 5.4

How to use Taurus to run a jmeter script which has a properties file dependency and generate the log file

I want to try out the Taurus framework to run my existing jmeter scripts. I usually run my scripts from the CLI like this:
jmeter -n -p .\ -t .\HTTPS-REST\Done\load-scenario.jmx -l .\HTTPS-REST\TestResults\load-scenario-log.jtl
With the above command, I am loading a properties file which is necessary to populate some constant values in the jmeter script and I am logging all requests in a .jtl file as the test runs.
How can I achieve the same result with Taurus ?
With regards to .properties file there are several ways to handle it:
In your home directory there is a Taurus' special folder where it keeps downloaded tools called .bzt so you can rename your file to ~/.bzt/jmeter-taurus/x.x.x./bin/ file and it will be picked up on next execution
If you switch to YAML test plan definition to run existing .jmx script you will be able to convert .properties to YAML format like:
property1: value1
property2: value2
and then specify it via included-configs section
Individual properties or location of the included-configs or both can be set/overriden via -o command-line argument like:
bzt -o -o test.jmx
Results file is available in the artifacts directory, it is called kpi.jtl
More information:
Taurus - Command Line Tool
Navigating your First Steps Using Taurus
The following link Adding-JMeter-Properties shows how add properties while executing the script using Taurus.
The JTL file will be available for download after the execution is done.

Generate summary from robot framework log file

we are using Jenkins for installation which is there from many years in our product.
But now I want to enhance it, we have some basic tests run for each component, each has its own robot log file placed in a folder.
I want a create a batch file using windows cmd to parse all log files in that folder, and get me the test cases which are failed.
Any idea how it can be done?
I think, you requirement is rebot option of Robot Framework.
Consider, you have two test suites which are executed separately.
Each test suite create three log files in Robot framework.
First thing, you need to create the unique name for these all logs.
This can be done using :
-r for renaming report.html
-l for renaming log.html
-o for renaming output.xml
pybot -d "F:\robot framework\WebDemo\Logs" -o "invalid_login.xml" -l "invalid_login.html" -r "invalid_login_report.html" invalid_login.robot
In this way, after executing, you will have two set of reports.
Since you want to merge the reports and create the combined report, we will first create only XML log for each test suite.
pybot -d "F:\robot framework\WebDemo\Logs" -o "invalid_login.xml" -l None -r None invalid_login.robot
Above example will create only XML log file in given directory mentioned with -d option.
Once you execute above both test suites, it will create two XML log files.
Now, you can merge the both XML and create combined report using below command.
F:\robot framework\WebDemo>rebot Logs\*.xml
Log: F:\robot framework\WebDemo\log.html
Report: F:\robot framework\WebDemo\report.html
F:\robot framework\WebDemo>invalid_login
rebot will take all XML files in Logs directory and create combined Log and Report file.
Check this link for more info !!!
Once you combined the all reports, you can filter the Failed test cases easily in report.html

How to clean up the resulted csv file and html file in nonGUI mode using Jmeter command

I have created a testsuite in JMETER and running through nonGUI mode and capturing the results in csv file and using same csv file data and generating a dashboard report.
Since i wanted to do continuous integration, need to clean up the result files each time and regenerate fresh result data files.
You can execute JMeter with -f option which delete existing results files:
-f, --forceDeleteResultFile
force delete existing results files before start the test
See full options list.

How can I generate Test result (CSV)file and JTL file in jmeter?

After test run, How can I generate Test result (CSV)file and JTL file in jmeter. Because, this jtl file using to generate Dashboard report in jmeter3.0.
So, kindly give me solution.
JMeter test result .jtl files should be generated during each test run given you provide results file location via -l command line argument
.jtl files format defaults to CSV
You can generate dashboard after test execution as follows:
jmeter -n -t /path/to/test.jmx -l /path/to/results/jtl -e -o /path/to/html/report/folder
Full list of JMeter command-line options
Dear Abby BlazeMeter, How Do I Run JMeter in Non-GUI Mode?
Jmeter 4.0 solution : (I believe it could be executed on older version but I did not tried)
open command prompt and go to Jmeter -> bin folder
//for example : C:\apache-jmeter-4.0\bin
Issue this command (remember it's a one single command) -
jmeter -n -t C:\apache-jmeter-4.0\res\nonGUI.jmx -l C:\apache-jmeter-4.0\res\log\logResult.log -j C:\apache-jmeter-4.0\res\log\logFile.log -e -o C:\apache-jmeter-4.0\res\report
Above command will give you
(a) Actual log
// C:\apache-jmeter-4.0\res\log\logFile.log
(b) Result with pass/fail status
(c) HTML report
You could resolve it easier by setting the property in file as below.
you can use
you have other components on the page like
